Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1960, p. 19

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Tktrs&ay, l&ay 1%. I960 THE MclfENftt PLktmmXUER Page Nineteen McCullom Lake SUMMER RESIDENT SUCCUMBS AFTER HEART SEIZURE Eve Levesque Daniel Fiore of 105 East- Drive and Chicago was f&ihd 'dead in his home early .Saturday morning. He had apparently suffered «a heart attack some time during the night and was probably trying to reach his medication when ,6e succumbed. Details appear elsewhere in the Plaindealer. Tht Fiores have owned their property here at the lake for maw years. They had come out*11 Thursday, planning to £spend a nice weekend in thfcir lovely home. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Emiiy Fiore who had the misfortune to come upon her husband's body. She culled her next »lnor neighbor. Gunnar Nelson, viho in turn summoned the authorities, including cur own chief of police. Larry- Murray. ices for the deceased were held in Chicago yesterday. Wednesday. Two More Families in Mourning This has been a tragic week for deaths in th? community. Deepest sympathy to Edward Stacknick of Orchard Drive on the: recent" loss of his sister, MrG^Anna (Dolly, as she was affeTOonately called) Corrigan. * Mrs. Corrigan, who had been fri ill health folr many years, died Monday, May 9 in a Chii cago hospital. Services were held in Chicago at 10 a.m. on Thursday in Queen of Angels • church with interment at All Saint's cemetery. The Stacknicks were among 11 the. •rliest to settle in McCullom Lake for they purchased their property before the roads were in--about 1928 or '29. Mrs. Corrigan was a frequent visitor whenever her health permitted. Spe is survived by her husband Edward, five children-- Harold P.i Edward M., Marianne Nichol, Delores Dyra and Carole Ann who is the only onejAtill living at home, and six grandchildren. Her family also included brother, Edward, and sisters. Mrs. Lillian Strand and Mrs. Lorraine Weigel. Deepest sympathy also to Ronal Godina of West Lane who is the bereaved brother of Dennis, w^io passed away while stationed in Camp Le- Jcunc, N. C. on Mother's Day and to the grief stricken parents^ Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Godina of Lily Lake. The lad whose nickname was "Butch" was only 20 years old. He had served two and a half years in the Marine Corps and recently signed up for an additional nine months. Butch had called his mother on Monday preceding May 8. Ho had a three day pass and he, iVd two other buddies from the base, were renting a seaside cottage. They went in swimming, and afterwards Butch complained of feeling tired and wished to rest. He died a short time later while his churns were with him. The body was accompanied from North Carolina by his two friends and he was buried witiWull military honors, including the rifle squad and a bugler from Great Lakes. Services were held on Saturday morning from St. Patrick's, with interment in the church cemetery. There are no words to lessen the shock of the loss of these three people but the condolences of the entire commu- Xot«s From the Village Board In the absence of Jake Levj csque, village president, . Don ! Parenti was appointed acting • chairman on Monday, May 9. i Mr. Levesque was on his regui lar two week tour of duty with the Navy. Trustee Bob Zahn reported on road ^patching .to be done as soon as the weather permitted. Some of this work was done last Saturday. The meeting was recessed tor 1 Monday of this week and a further report will -be made in next week's column. We Bid Fond Farewell It is with a great deal of : sorrow that we report the moving of one of our most revered families, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin IJeid of Maple Hill drive and their six youngsters are taking up residence on 304 < Maple avenue in . McHenry sometime ntxt week. They , aren't changing their street address by;.much, anyvyay. Ed. and Eleanor haVe been very active both in the community and in town. Mr, Reid is past commander of the American Legion .post and currently is managing the . drill team called the Viscounts. Mrs. t Reid is also very active in the Legion auxiliary and was' recently elected president of the 1 Mother's cjub of St. Patrick's school. She takes over those 1 duties in September. We can he most appreciative of fhe valuable service rendered by Mr. Reid for arranging our | Memorial Day services with 1 Mrs. Schultz which he will do I again this year. j Their previous small quart- I ers and their large family I made the move necessary and after almost ten years, we real- ! ly hate to see them leave. Here's wishing all of you the i very best in your new sur- | roundings, arid please come i back for visits!! watch this column for further detail^. OK? Goodies for the table were prepared and served by Harriet Efcurghart, Louise Berquist and A-bby Berry. Mighty tasty, too. The next meeting, social of course, will be held Thursday. May 26, at 8 p.m. The turnout is getting bigger every meeting. Let's keep it up--we have a "going concern"! edjjdfrthday gift for our little Welcome To ! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Meyer j of McHenry who <• have purj chased the former Reid resij dence and will be moving in ; with their four wee ones in the 1 very near future. Rumor has it { that two of the children are j twins, which should provide playmates for the Qberhuber ! twins who live just up the | street a small distance. Here's | hoping the neighbors who live ! in that area will call on the j young couple and make them I feel welcome! • _____ I Bluo Booties!!! ! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kuger I of 619 East Lane are the par- I £nts*75f a strapping boy Baby who made his appearance at Memorial Hospital for McHenry, County on Thursday. May 12 at 6:05 pjn. He tipped the scales at 8 lbs., 2% ozs. and measured 20%," from tip to toe. The li'l fellow will be called Daniel Robert. He has a built in playmate in the form of "big sister" Dawn who was 2 in January. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital of 207 Spring Road. Congratulations to all. Mama and son came home on Monday. • an )A< d. We Need A Quorum!! Every member, new and old, •of the Cullom-Knoll association is URGENTLY requested to attend the meeting tonight, Thursday, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. There are many matters that require immediate attention and a-quorum is requlfcd before action can be taken. Your co-operation is most earnestly solicited! You won'l be drafted for a work detail unless that is your desire. Of course, there are plenty of jobs open for those with the talent. Hnv about you? Final arrangements MUST be made for the Memorial Day service scheduled for Monday, MaySfee you tonight? Ladies of the Lake I Met in the beachhouse on ; Thursday. May 12, and the j "big word" was the forthcoming bake and rummage sale to be held on Saturday, May 28, • also in the beachhouse. Donors ! of merchandise may bring the j stuff on Friday afternoon and I evening. There will be women present to receive and sort : same. Bakery goods should be ! brought to the beachhouse ; early Saturday morning and ! here's hoping there is plenty of i it!! Getting rid of it is no prob- ! lem because there is a ready ! market for home-made "tastypastry"! Mrs. Bobbie Carroll reported on the proposed new drapes 1 for the beachhouse. She and ! Evie Harrison compose this committee. After hearing the ! details about bamboo, ready- I made, or purchasing material i for drapes, the gals voted un- I animously in favor of the na- : tural bamboo, and these will be installed at the earliest posi sible date. Sliould make the ! "ol' meet in' house" look most ( attractive. Plans are also under way for I the women to sponsor a paper drive in the ne&r future. Proj ceeds from this will go to the I Cullom-Knoll building fund. All residents are asked to save ' old newspapers and you can A CHAT WITH OS Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out fnr yourself. Brain Sarvtce All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling k BOTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, OL EVergreea 6-0S11 BeautiTnl Brides--Blonde and. Brunette Two of our loviest young ladies will, grace church aisles in the fall when.they march down to the strains of ""Here Comes the Bride". First to take the "plunge" is Miss Judi Hocin. daughter of Sally and Tony Hocin of Maple Hill drive. Waiting for her at the altar will be David Young of Rt. 120, . McHenry. Their nuptials are scheduled for^ept. 3. 10 a.m. a,t St. Mary's church. Judi received her ring on Christmas Day. Breath takingly lovely will be Miss Diane Tabor, daughter of Betty and Nick Tabor of Lakewood Subdivision, as she holds her father's arm on Saturday, Oct. 8 in an afternoon ceremony -- 4 p.m; -- at Nativity Lutheran church (the new one!), Wonder Lake. The Rev. Burton Schroeder will officiate. Waiting most impatiently at the altar will be her handsome groom, A1 Horn, Jr.. of Wonder Lake. His parents I are the senior Horns. All four young people are graduates of McHenry high school. May we extend our very best wishes to the two young couples. Naval Cruise Completed This reporter's favorite "fly boy"--namely. Jake Levesque. returned to home; family, and WORK! on last Sunday, after completing a most successful tour of duty with his squadron at Glenview, VR-724. Naval Reserve. These "weekend warriors" devote two weeks a year for an extensive training program with an eye to preparedness for the country. The proposed trip to Port Lyautey, French Morrocco. was doomed some time ago, but the military maneuvers were carried out from the home base. Points visited included Maine, Norfolk. Va.. San Juan, Panama, and others. A special maneuver required after a complete radio failure was put in operation by Jake. This consists of flying a triangle. This is picked up on the nearest radar screen and an alert is sounded. Jake's emergency happened in the vicinity of McGuire Air Force Base and 1Se\tfark air station. Newark picked up the unusual flight pattern and vectored a Delta cargo liner which was in the vicinity, to the distressed aircraft. Newark, in turn, gave instructions to the civilian aircraft,-- Jake followed him down--and was placed in position to make a normal landing! According to the word from the other pilots, this is a most unusual occurrence. Big thrill for Chryssie and myself was having "dinner with daddy" at the base on Saturday night. 'Twas a belat- Sad Departure. Jean and Hugh McDonald bid a teary goodbye to favorite "son", Ed Caron, "asT Ke completed his miost enjoyable furlough. Jean drove Ed to Chicago on Thursday where he boarded a train for the east coast. Destination was McGuire Air Force base in New Jersey. Saturday afternoon, he and a full complement. .were ] loaded rboard an overseas airi craft and . were scheduled to | land at Weisbaden, Germany, i on Sunday. This time it will be j two years before Ed once again i sees the shores of McCulom j Lake. He certainly is a lad to .be proud of. and does justice | to his uniform of Air Force I blue!! "Swellegant Surprise" To their complete and utter delight, Mr. and Mrs. George Slater of Orchard drive were honored recently with a surprise party for. their thirtyninth vvedding anniversary. The soiree was arranged by their, children, namely son. Georse and his wife, Edith, of Elmhurst. Lawrence and Kitty of Chicago, daughter and hubby, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berber* of the city, and Bill who lives with his parents. Festivities were held at a private home in Glen fellyn. Among the thirty guests assembled included Mrs. Slater's brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. F. MoJback, of Chicago. The party was complete with a corsage for Laura, a huge "wedding cake" and gifts for both, and a "smorgasbord" which was enjoyed and consumed by all!! Hollda> Schedule News for this column should be phoned in by Sunday, May 22. for Thursday's paper and by Friday, May 27, for the next week. Memorial Day falling on Monday is responsible for the chr.nge of schedule. Your cooperation is solicited. Many thanks! Congrats To Mrs. Elmer Kanak who is celebrating her natal day, tod a y . T h u r s d a y , May 19 . . . . Jean Hocin will be 14, Donny Nelson will be 10. and Saliy Ingersol will turn>>5, tomorrow, May 20. . . . Lil and "big" Mark Ringelstetter chalk up fourteen years in "double harness" on Sunday. May 22. . ... Thefesa Cunningham was born ota May 22 and Jake Levesque on May 23. The two of them are giving a party to celebrate on Saturday, May 21, at McDonald's. . . . May 23 is "Sonny" Hocin's birthday also. ... It will be vtwenty-eight years wed for Nancy and Tony Doolin of West Lane. . Best wishes to all celebrating special events this week. Whew-w-w-w. This one took some lime to prepare. Hope to have more of the same next week- with your help. Bye for now. Much of the soil of Cuba is 40 to 50 feet deep, and very fertile. --•-----, ---- --r SURPRISE VALUE DAYS RECONDITIONED . . . GUARANTEED '59-DODGE V8 4 door Sedan $1895 '58-PLYMOUTk Cusft. Station Wagon $1675 '58-DODCrE V8 Royal 2 dr. Lancer .... $1675 '58 - BUICK Spec. 2 dr. Hard Top $1595 '58-FORD V8 Club Sedan $1175 '57-DOE&C V8 Royal 4 dr. Lancer .... $1195 '57 - DODGE Sierra Station Wagon .... $1325 '57-PLYMOUTH V8 4 dr. Sedan $J95 '57- DODGE V8 4 dr. Sedan $1135 '57 - RENAULT Dauphine Sedan $ 775 '57-CHEVROLET V8 Club Sedan .... $1045 '56-PLYMOUTH V8 4 dr. Sedan $ 725 '56 - PACKARD Clipper 4 dr. Sedan,1,. $ 495 '56 - STUDEBAKER Pres. 4 dr. Sedan $ 575 '55 • BUICK Spec. 2 dr. Hard Top $ 595 '54 - CHEVROLET gel Air Club Sedan $ 425 '54 - DODGE V8.4 dr. Sedan $ 395 COMPLETE SELECTION OF OTHERS A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, INC. McHenry Phone EV 5-3100 Open Moo.. Wed., Fri. 'Ml * -- Sat. 'tu « Sunnyside Estates SCHEDULE FINAL SCHOOL MEETING OF THE SEASON Lots Anderson Next Monday, May 23 at 8 the St. John's Home and School association will hold its final meeting of the '39-'6<) school season. The children of the school will provide the entertainment for the evening and the first grade mothers will act as hostesses. For a better understanding of your children's school life why not became <m active member of the Home and School association. New Arrival f>n April 26 Jeffrey Paul Radlke put in his first appearance'in this bis world at St. Therese's Hospital, -Waukejcsn.' •weighing '8 -lbs,,-8 ozs..He is the fourth child but the first, son for Rich and Ann Raritke of Grand view ' drive. His big- sisters include Terri. 5. Laurie,. 4.- and Robin. 2. who are very p'eased that they now have a baby brother. For hi& godrparents Rich and Ann chose Ann's sister. Alice, and brother. Jeriy Eggebrecht. Ricli had to act , as proxy for bis brother-in-law who is in the Air Force. Ourcongratulations to the proud parents and all the happy little Radtke girls. First Communion Party For her big day on May S. Mary Jane Lakowske played hqstess to a houseful of friends and relatives. Tt was a full day ^spent playing games with plenty of youngsters and everyone enjoyed the delicious buffet lunch served. They came from far and near to share in Mary Jane's happiness. She was extremely pleased to have grandmot In r Lakow ske and : her Uncle Larry of Chicago. ! her Aunt Jean and three cousins of Franklin Park. Aunt = i Grace and Uncle Art Jenkins n. Glenview and Aunt Ramopa and cousin Danny of McHenry. Also from Chicago were her grand-aunt Julie and granduncle Joe and their family, ' Joyce and Ralph Eneberg and three children. Friends of the family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Domin aad two children had only to come from McHenry. With all this company Mary Jane had ' ample opportunity to show her ability as the well trained party giver of the future. <«irl Scouts The third annual Mother and Dausrhter Tea sponsored by the Girl Scout and Brownie troops of the Jphnsburg avqa was held •last week at the Community o'Ub.* Each"" of the three troops presented its oVn variety, of enteri..nunent which was a de- Kght to all the mothers.. How" .pieasani it is to see what wonders the leaders, co-leaders, and their committee-women have done.with the girls, Three sets oi' mothers and daughters •"of Sunnyside Estates • who thoroushly enjoyed'the evening wer1 l n tv. i.Mia and Karen Rail, .loan and Judy \V.a!czynski and Lois and Mary Anderson, f Reminder Don't forget the dance sponsored by Pistakee Terrace at the Community club this Satin day. We are all invited to join them in their evening of tun. Birthdays The birthday wishes are all , confined to just two days this week and for children with two exceptions. On May 24 the following young people will eelebiale, Mark Davis, 1. Kathy Farley. ,\ Donna Noah. 7. and Jerry Zeiecr who at 17 is rapidly approaching young manhood. The following day the birthday greetings are extended to Ronnie Fuqua. 1, Mary fC&nter. 3, Herman Mooha and Joanne Roy, 8. Happy birthday ! SCRAMBLE BENEFITS. MENTAL T HEALTH CENTER Anniversaries Congratulations are in order on May 21 to Hugh "and Dot tie Hoyle iiPd Ori May 24 to Dale and Pal Kur.17. Happy anniversaiy and a special wish forma n> more. CONSERVATION RESERVE LIMITS ACREAGE OF CROPS E\eiy. fanner who has cropland under a Conservation Reserve contract this year must be sure to comply with any acreage allotments on the farm and also "to observe bis-permittid acreage of Sod Bank base cops. 1 vM't Bridges, chairman, of tlie ;Count> -Agricultural Stabilization, and Conservation • committee, said, this week. i '.en •>rally ' s p e a k i n Mr. Bridges . said, the permitted • acreage' o:i a Soil KatMj, farm, is tlve amount^ of; land on which s;rains and row" crops niay he produced. It consists of.the historical acreage of such crops loss.the amount of land placed in ihe conservation reserve. A raimer who exceeds this permitted acreaue or any acreage allotment »»a the farm may lose bis annual rental payment and aN > l>e subject to a civil penalty. When all eligible cropland on n farm is in the Soil Bank, the .permitted acreage is zero, the AFC official said. The home gaiden area on such a farm may be used to produce crops lor home use. Ineligible land on such (aims may be used for forestry production or pasture. The toad swallows its skin, after shedding it. On Mav 22. a benefitjs being a r r a n g e d f o r t h e M e n t a i ; Health Center of McHenry , County, by the Fox Valley Mo- . iorcvle Riders' club of McHenry county. The proceeds of this benefit will be donated to the Mental Health Center by the. Riders' club as their contribution to the center's fund raisr ing campaign for I960, which will soon be getting under way. - The Riders' club is an organi ization well known to the community and could be mobi^ IL$od rapidly for civil defense; rescue and salvage operations; ' • c n m m u n i c n t i o n b r e a k - d own and other area emergencies. 1 Officials v.f the Riders' club ahr nounced their decision to donate to the Centfr since they j feel that it would be given toward a public service that will he of benefit to all th.e residents of the county. , . The TlidetV club is planning • to hold a scrambles motorcyle race at Raven's Farm and ticket? mav be purchased by contacting am member or Dennis Hansen ( KY. .V30461. public relation officer of the? club. For tun her information, interested individuals may contact. ,'the Mental Health Center of Mel lent y County or Mr. Hansen. BUILDING LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! If You Intend To Build Or Buy in 1960 See Us Now! Wc Will Build On Your Lot INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL - REM00ELIN6 ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDER'S. Inc. Richmond, III. Plione Richmond 4381 Hard Water? CAIi FE M2Q6 WE HAVE 40 YEARS t EXPERIENCE WITH McHENRY COUNTY WATER! s o f t WATER Home Owned Softeners Service Softeners Fully Automatic Softeners For Sale Or Rent! - Call for an unbiased recoil-' mendation on which type pt softener will fit your need . . Free Demonstration . •. Free Water Test . . . FREE TRIAL . , . „ . NO OBLIGATION Woodstock FE 8-421 * s > 4 * ^ • ' I' > 0 - s' ,, ys mm Itll Itae engine is Chad's bmous Ibriftmasto[.a Chevy hums through Chicago traffic to the tune of 21 miles to the gallon! Working for Bumper and Anto of Anous. Inc., ten 1960 Chevrolet.pickup* battle Chicago traffic day after dap. Each truck averages about 2,000 miles a month tn this wearing stop-andstart delivery service, hit. Harry Hatter, General Manager of S ir H Truck Leasing, who leases the trucks to the bumper firm, reports: "We provide full maintenance on the trucks--gas, oil and everything else--so it pays m to know just where we stand on costs. And am records show that the '60 Chevies are giving us as much as 21 mites per gallon . . . with an acerag/r <4 better than 17 utiles per gallon. Mister, these are our kind of trucksT Truck owners have good things fc) say about all Chevy engines. And when they're not talking about Chevrolet performance and economy, they're telling you how great that new Torsion- Spring Ride is. How it soaks up road shock and vibration. Protects fragile loads. Lets you run at faster, safe speeds to get mare work done in a day. Driwe a torsion-spring Chevy soon. Weil seat our case oa that one ntJe. WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! CHEVROLET 8TURDI BlUTRUCKS Save--right now--during the Spring Fever Setting Spree at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM ST. McHENR Y, ILL. EVERGREEN 5-0277 i

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