Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1960, p. 8

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Page Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, August 25, I960 PROGRESS OF C OF G TOLD AT KICK-OFF DRIVE (Continued from Page 1) these projects successful. He also spoke of the cooperation between the C. of C. and the city, emphasizing the great help the Chamber of Commerce has been, to the city fathers. Vice-President Frank Low talked to)the assembled group concerning the importance or the kick-off meeting and the drive itself. He explained how the time was to be conducted and named captains for the various areas of the community. Donald Johnson, speaking on behalf of Chairman Royal Bernier of the industrial committee, read Mr. Bernier's report on the progress of that group to date. He said brochures would be available later containing valuable information to the Community. Mr. Johnson also answered questions of William Marticke concerning the rate of progress. explaining in detail the plan to be followed. .Mr. Marticke expressed the feeling that a simple but definite program was needed to make for an orderly adjustment to the rapid growth of the community. Past President Donald Doherty explained the postal addressing system now nearing completion. It will go into effect next spring. He also spoke of the program for Christmas tree lighting which the organization sponsors along with the city This year the lighting will be expanded to cover more of Front street. Bill Pries reported for the swimming pool committee on progress to dajte. He said that group had met with the Mid- States Development Co., which offered five acres of land west of the S'can-An company on Crystal Lake road. He enthusiastically mentioned between $8,000 and .c 10.000 in pledges and cash. . dding that bonds will be sold lor the remainder of money needed lo start the project. JOHNSBURG PUBLIC SCHOOL WILL OPEN DOORS ON SEPT. 6 How Can I ? By Anne Ashley Johnsburg public school will open with a morning session Q HOW can I repair veneer from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, \vhich has become loosened on Sept. 6. Parents are requested! tho, edge of a piee>? of furnito accompany their kindergar-' ture? ten children, as they will remain for only a short period. Bus routes will be the same as at the end of last year. The students are to ride the paint, prevent it from running? A. Try adding some , corn- Starch to your enamel. Q. How can 1 remove onion odor ami flavor irom cooking utensils? • A. By rubbing them with celery leaves.* DEDICATION RITE FOLLOWS SUNDAY PARADE (Continued from Page 1) same color and number as they did then. Physical examinations are required of all kindergarten and fifth grade students. These must be on file in the school by |5ept. 12 or the student will not be permitted to continue in school. Grades 1 through 3. one fourth grade class and Mrs Tomlinson's kindergarten children will be housed in the new building addition. The names of students assigned to a room are posted in the vicinity of the door. There will be older students to help the younger ones find their room. Book fees of $6 for student? grades 1 through 8 and $3 for kindergarten are to be paid to the student's teacher the first day of school. School insurance similar to that offered through the school last year may be secured for 52 an individual. All boys participating in varsity or junior varsity athletics are required to carry this insurance. The price of the school lunch will be thirty-five cents. This includes the milk. Tickets may he purchased daily or in groups of ten, twenty, etc.. from the secretary. The student must have a ticket in order to eat a school lunch and no credit is extended. will be held at the building on Bridge View Drive at 2 p.m. Earl R. Walsh will act as master of ceremonies and the invocation will be given by the Rescue Squad chaplain, Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch of St. A. First remove the FINISH Remind Farmers Of frpm the area and steam tho Child-Labor Law veneer with an iron and a; wet cloth to make the veneeri . - .. pliable. Scrape out the old,, m"}0,s 'armerf. •»""« work;! John's church. ?lue from under the veneer for harvesK i . with a scrap of sandpaper, and j work new glue in with a spat- 1 ^.^.I ed by Arnold J. Rauen, native ula or wire. Cover the surface j tl • ' ' "• ' 0f the community and a justice ith newenaper and pile book, «npl°y™mt ol <*Mdren °' COmm . , aPT'ieulture during schorl Main Address The address will be deliveron it until the glue has set Then sand the area lightly with fine sandpaper, wipe on varnish-and-otl. rub with rottonstone. and wTax. O. How can I renovate the white tape on my Venetian bl'iids. which has become soiled and dingy looking? " A. You can improve the ap- ,neranee 100 per cent by applvagriculture schoc! hours. "The Federal law provides children with a priceless commodity-- time to go to school," says Rarl F. Halverson. regional director of the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour and Public Contracts divisions, the agency which enforces the Act. The child-labor provision^ of the peace of McHenry township for twenty-one years. Although busy in his capacity as an officer of a Chicago bank he has given of his time1 as a member of the national advisory council, U-S. Treasury Savings Bonds, as well as to clubs and other groups. Also on the program will be T. Beckman. safety instructor for Illinois Bell suns: some white shoe polish to | prote<rt- local youngsters and burban plant. He was the them. An old toothbrush j children of migratory workers 1 squad s first instructor of first makes a fine applicator. \ j alike, Halvorson pointed out. Q. How can I keep my gold-; There is only one exception to fish from constantly leaping out of their bowl? A. A hairnet, affixed around the top of the bowl, will keep your fish in bounds. Q. How can I remove lipstick stain from materials? A. Place a white towel or the rule prohibiting children ,ir,ripr 16 from working in agriculture during school hours of the school district where the Child lives while working, he added. The exception is for the farmer's child working on ! his parents' fnrm. He also COURT BRIEFS Board Briefs Several cases were heard in J.P. court last Saturday. Elaine Mark of Ingleside was fined $18 on a charge of speeding. According to the electric timer, she was travelling 43 miles per hour in a 25-mile zone. Raymond L. Massey of Waukegan received a $25 fine for making an improper left turn and having no driver's license. cloth under the material where! ,ha,< ch"fl7n m!": 'av" the stain is. then rub into the "ork ™, P"™5 stain a paste made of soap- ard, af'f an<1™ 'lakes and a IHtle water.; Yeken<is and J"hf days whcn Sponso the cloth with a little; ,s no dear water and, if the material is washaible. launder it in the usual manner. Q. What can I do about HOLIDAY NEWS DEADLINES Because of the Labor Day holiday facing on Monday. ioors that stick and are hard, 5 wjj] be necessary for to open and close? jajj p]ajndealer correspondents A. Put some wax on a cloth, t0 have their columns in our and rub this on the door edge1 office early nexf week. Deadnnd facing where the door islijnes will be moved ahead to causing the trouble. This j Thursday and Friday as on should alleviate the stickiness, j other holiday weeks. Q, How can I soften the I leather in a pair of cheap j shoes? ENTERS CONTESTS , The Viscounts placed third | aid and his encouragement and help were an initial inspiration to the men. In acknowledgment at the McHenry hospital's staff of doctors, who have been available twenty-four hours a day to the squad calls, Dr. Lee Gladstone has been invited to the platform. Present Colors The colors will be presented by the American Legion rifle squad, and were donated by the American Legion Post, No. 491. The McHenry Red Devils of the V.F.W. post will play a selection of favorite tunes. An open house will follow immediately after the dedication. This will afford everyone an opportunity to inspect the building and equipment. Rescue Squad members will be on hand to demonstrate and explain the equipment and answer any questions on Squad Numerous Car Crashes In Area Continued from Page 1 Coffee and cake will be serv- A. Try placing two scrubbed j °ut fivo competing K™"ps | od until 5 p m .! Saturday in state competition _ At the Tuesday evening neeting of High School Board. "0. 136. former Supt. C. H. 1 Hiker was employed on a part- •ime basis to give special tutor- I found by the electric timer to A $15 fine was charged Roy >ng in mathematics during the 1 ext school year. Mr. Duker. who was superintendent in the local school system for many ^ ears and also taught mathe- 7intics for some time, has been instructing in a college in the South since his retirement. The board approved a bid in the amount of $3,000 to clean out two lots behind the school for a parking area. Miss Diane Kane was employed to teach English, replacing Mrs. Jacqueline Dean, who resigned. The meeting was adjourned 1o Aug. 30 for the budget hearing. ootatoes in each shoe and let , Mng them stand overnight. score of 68.8. In the J? „ ; , .. ! Sunday parade on Michigan ; Q. How can I make a better; avpnue in Chicago, the color; uid quicker job-of waxing my; guard p)aw| tonth out of e!ev. vood and asphalt-tile floors. , competing units with a A. Pour your wax into a j score of 85.05. ;ma!l jar, with several holes j ; >unched in its lid. You can I The storied. Bibled and trahus make an en«r:or and more' ditional version of sheep on W. Broderson when he wa<j infirm iob snr'nkling the wax pnsture may soon go the way on the floor. Then smooth out of other modern livestock evenly with your mop or ap-, feeding -- to drylot. Minnesota ilicntor, and the job is done, j research shows that sheep in O. How can I make my win-j drylot and on more grain reach lows and mirrors snnrkle? 1 market weight two to three A. Try using rubbing alcohol J months earlier and have fewon them. First rub with a well; er parasite problems. saturated cloth, then polish off! \v:th some paper toweling. i It is still easier to swallow Q. How can I. when apply- sharp, angry words, than it is Clayton L. Holmes of Pistakee Highlands underwent surgery for a fractured nose in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, the result of an injury suffered last Friday night in an accident in the city of Elgin. "Holmes was driving on Chicago street, enroute home front Elmhurst. Country club, when his car veered to the right and hit thee rear of a truck owned by/ Asplundh Tree Experts Co., parked by John Hill in front of his home. Holmes sustained facial lacerations and an injury to his left arm in addition to the broken nose. Nickoli Sloboda of Chicago was taken to McHenry hospital suffering severe lacerations the hand, possible concussion and internal injuries after he lost control of his motorcycle on Rt 12 Tuesday afternoon. Sloboda was reported travelling north on Rt. 12, one mile south of Rt. 120, near Volo, when the vehicle went out of control and struck a mail box before crashing down an embankment. Sloboda was thrown about 30 feet into a field. A three-car crash on Johnsburg road, c north of Rt. 120, last Saturday night resulted in injuries to Bert Baldocchi of Rt. 2, McHenry. He was taken tc McHenry hospital suffering from a cut lip and other injuries His car was reported to have struck the rear of another auto, pushing it into a third vehicle. Two young people were injured about 11:45 a.m. on Friday when the driver, Melvin Major of Chicago, lost control of his car on the old McHenry dam road. It i& reported to have rolled over several times. A passenger in the car, Robert Boyle, suffered abrasions of the forehead and was treated by a local physician. The sheriff's office investigated. Legal NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the, Village of Met Cullom Lake will hold a public hearing on the proposed vacating of the East 140 feet of Park View Road and the acceptance of the dedication of a new street approximately 150 feet west of present Lake Shore Drive and proceeding South Westerly from Greenwood Road to the present Park View Road, on August 29, 1960, at 8:00 P.M., in the Beach House in the Village of Mc- Cullom Lake, at which time and place all interested persons may attend and will be heard. Dated at McCullon* Lake, Illinois, this 22nd day of August, 1960. BOARiD OF TRUSTEES OF VILLAGE OF McCULLOM LAKE. By Emma Pyritz Clerk * (Pub. Aug. 25, 1960) GRAND OPENING OF AUTO SALES CENTER AUG. 25-27 (Continued from Page 1) "Lack of Vitamins will cause hair to turn gray", says a m«vsnaT>er item. Right. So will lack oT youth. more room was needed for display, as well as service, with the addition of the francAe of the Chrysler and Valiant cars. The new property will provide facilities for a large used car lot, 9,000 square feet of new car showroom and adequiate customer parking space, plus room for future expansion. Present facilities will be us$d primarily for service. By establishing the new sales cen®\ more room will be available at the. Pearl street address to serve customers' repair needs. ED'S RENTAL Chain Saws to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 be driving 37 miles per hour fn a 25-mile zone. Fast acceleration and travelling 40 in a 25-mile zone were the charges against Terry Wetzel of McHenry, who paid a $15 fine. supplies Square Plastic Covered Allen E. Noonan, 40. of McHenry was fined $100 when he appeared before a Wood- Stock justice of the peace i Thursday and was charged j w i t h r e c k l e s s d r i v i n g . H i s ; appearance followed an accident the previous week on Rt. 120, east of McHenry. ing enamel paint over enamel: to eat them, later. LUNCH KITS $119 Without Thermos GO BACK TO SCHOOL WITH... Jormflt^ f/ Light Response Noted To Bus Questionnaire The Chamber of Commerce committee conducting a survey to determine the feasibility of establishing bus transportation from surrounding subdivisions into McHenry said this week that response has been light to date. For the second week, a coupon appears in the Plaindealer, containing a questionnaire which committee members ask residents of the various communities to fill out and return. All details appear on the coupon. The committee hopes to start the bus service in time for the holiday shopping season if response is adequate to undertake the program. McHenry Schools To Register Aug. 29-31 (Continued from paee D or N; 1:30. E. P or R; 2:30. F or Q. Tuesday 8:30. S; 9:30. C. or T; 10:30. H or U.; 12:30, I. J or W; 1:30, K or V; 2:30, X. Y or Z. The sale of books will occur on the two days mentioned above lor registration. JU, or 2)ai^ is a showing of fall. Call us today for your fall permanent appointment. } The Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. Green St. Ph. EV 5-0010 Children's Red Barn LUNCH KITS With Thermos Reg. $2.98 Special Other Lunch Kits Plastic & Metal With $998 Thermos fc LITTLE SISTER BRAS Formfit Bobbies Beginner Bra No. 437. The perfect "first" bra because it hat adjustable# soft-knit cups that expand with developing figures. Adjustable self straps, elastic back release. White# sizes 28AA to 34A. *1.50 FORMFIT FIBER FACTSt All cotton, exclusive O# rayort ornamentation with nykw (Helanco) cup*. BOATS COLLIDE James Krug, 15, is reported to have suffered a cut on the head and abrasions on the arm | as the result of a boat accident j on the river, near McHenry. last Sunday. Krug was riding in a boat driven by Frank Krug, Sr., of Chicago when it collided with another craft driven by Robert Schultz of Lyons. DANCING LESSONS NANCY'S SCHOOL of DANCE Instructor: Mrs. Nancy Gardiner Trained This Summer in California by t A1 Gilbert of Hollywood § Evelyn Le More of Pasadena • Walton Blggerstaff of San Francisco ^ • The Bill Williams Ballroom Studio (Largest in the city of Los Angeles) Lessons In: • Ballet • Toe Tap • Modern Jazz Baton 9 Character 9 Ballroom Registration: Aug. 26 & 27 -- irom 1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 2 & 3 «-- from 1 to 4 p.m. St. Mary's Hall, McHenry, 111. Ages 4 Years and I"p "A Dancing Child Is A Happy Child" POOL OWNERS BEWARE! At This Time Of Year Harmful Bacteria an l Algae Qrowth lit Your Pool Is At Its Peak -- Don't Take A Chance On Sickness -- SEE US FOR * Algicides * Bactericides * Disinfectants TO KEEP YOUR POOL CLEAN. SAFE & GERM" FREE BRIEF CASES C«rip-Type or Long Handles Canvas, Plastic or Leather $|69 to $395 CRAYONS In Boxes of 8 to 64 1 5 " s l ° ° Colored Pencils 24 Brilliant Colors 2 . 2 5 * BOLCER'S 103 S. Green St. DRUG STORE EV 5-4SOO Date Line NOTE BOOKS; Plastic Covered 2 or 8 Ring Style 98' ea. v, - -V BIG SISTER BRAS For te more developed youn^r figure, Formfit Bra No. 566. Circle-stitched cups are reinforced with "nylo-braid" to give lasting uplift and support. Large center elastic release for comfort. White# sizes- 32A to 38C. *z.oo ronWT FIBER FACT* Afl eoAmt Saddle-Type BICYCLE BASKETS Handlebar-Type BICYCLE BASKETS $36 9pr. |$195* $2" Combination I Westclox PADLOCKS I Wrist Watches 65° & $135 $7«5 to$i3w VYCITAL'S Hardware 132 S. Green St. McHenry, HI. Phone EV 5-0098 FREE BOOKLET. •• "cPketty cM QJo« A OUI DC TO A BETTfft FKMIRK Stop in our deportment and pid( up your free copy of "Pretty At You Please". It's loaded with information on how to took slimmer, trimmer, prettier. Yours for the asking. "For Your Styles of Today" 306 W. Elm St. EV 5-2713 " McHenry, 111. Open Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays 9:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. -- Closed Wednesdays

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