Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1960, p. 16

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en THEMcHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 8# 19Cjft McCullom Lake &CI5I0H0N MASS PROPOSAL DUE SH"1.12 Eve Levesque On Monday. Sept. If?, at the regularly scheduled meeting, the zoning board will announce their decision regarding the proposal set forth by Herman Mass. The public hearing was held and the petition read at the special meeting held on Monday, Aug. 29, in the beachhouse. J. R. Levesque. village president, was the' presiding officer. Briefly. Mr. Mass requests permission to vacate a portion of Park View, 140' at extreme east end,. 60' wide. In return, she proposes to do the following work: l--to build a new road approximately 150 feet West of existing Gate 1 to Park View and repair Park View to Gate 2. He also will repair Lake Shore Drive. 2 --To erect stone pillars at either side of • Lake Shore Drive. All road Vork will be according to Motor Fuel Tax specifications. After the petition was clarified, testimony was heard from the assembly, pro and con. The board was instructed by the chairmen to weigh the evidence and arrive at a decision rSftvliieh will be of benefit to the greatest number of people In the village of McCullom Lake. finis Will Resume The first meeting of the Ladies of the Lake will be in session tonight, Sept. 8, at 8 p.m. Jn the beachhouse. "Wielding -4he gaval" will be Louise Hammer- stein in the role of president. All newcomers to our country hamlet are cordially invited to attend, including all those who moved into the village this summer! The big discussion will concern the-papAr drive which is sch^dulfd'for early fall. Hope we c^i^ome up with instrue- "•Htfans f&r all the faithful readersV^ Vho • haye- been saving newsprint!! The committee for --the annual feather party will probably be formed also. Save a couple hours tonight, ladies, to attend this most important session. Scary But Informative! This reporter had the thriTl of enjoying one of the sessions o£ the Education for American Security School which was held at Glenview Naval station ail of last week. First on the evening program was a film entitled "Operation Abolition and • how the Communist party hopes -to abolish the House Committee for Un-American Activities". Named directly in the documentary film, were top-rah king Commies actively engaged in sedition in San Francisco. The film was made during the hearings in that city in May of I960. And believe me! it CAN happen here! Next on th^ agenda was Dr. G. N!emeyer of Indiana, a man who has dedicated his life toward fighting Communism. He outlined) the set-up of the Communist party ami how they attempted to conquer WITHOUT open warfai-e. There are far more insidious means. At times, we Americans are too complacent? Having had just a taste of what was offered during the course, it will be most interest* ing to digest the that husband Jake compiled as he availed himself of all of tbe information. Are you interested? ' Beat To Judi Hocin and Dave Youn^ as thtylpEgiulate a new family as of thair .marriage on Saturday. We know that Judl was as pretty as a Dresden doll with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and 18-inch waist as she came down the aisle on her father's arm. The youngsters left Saturday night on a trip through Wisconsin aijd northern Michigan. U^on their return, they will set up housekeeping at 306 Court street in McHenry. Details of the wedding appear on the society page of the Pleandealer. 'Teens Last Dance Will he held on Saturday, Sept. 10, on the basketball court. Our young population has had a good time this summer and now it f$ time tQ delve into the textbooks and prepare themselves for thf next stage of the game. AJU young people in their 'teens are cordially Invited to attend the grand finale. We sincerely hope the kids will continue to hold their regularly scheduled meetings and mayhap come up with a hayrack party or an Ice skating shindig this Winter. -- Bride Honored Miss Diane Tabor, daughter of Betty and Nick J. Tabor of Lakewood subdivision, yvas delightfully surprised with a shrwer in hw. honor last weekend in Chicago. Hostesses were Mrs. Henry Sqhulthesz and Mrs. Ma«,t Tabor, Jr., of that city. There were about twentyfive bearing gifts of exquisite proportion to enhance the new home. Locally, they included "about to be in-laws" Mr. and Mrs. AlHorn.Sr., and the Tabor family en masse. The buffet style meal was decorated with two ornate centerpieces, -jltye jjienu included such delicacies as chicken salad, fascinating jello molds, crab meat salnds, hot rolls, and a "lovely to look at" white chiffon cake baked in the form of. a double ring, With bridal trimming. Door is Open and Welcome Mat Spread" At the home of Mr. and,Mrs. Theodor Olsen. 606 Fountain Lane. Directly after their wedding, they were called to our home to be properly toasted. On hand was the bride's daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tichy, of West Allis, Wis. L^t's face it, it is a little unusual, getting used to stepsisters at this stage of the game! Should let you know that Marge Tichy and this reporter were raised together. /On Friday, (this writing) .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Temple, oldest daughter of the bride, and their four lovely daughters came out to wish the newly married couple the very best! Busy in the kitchen with .the dishes was Mr. Olsen's eldest daughter, Theresa Schultz, ;wielding a mighty mean dish towel. Happily, the entire family of Andersens and Olsens wish (Papa) Theodor and Sally-- the very best! On Saturday, the whole family on both sides will be gathering at their home for an old fashioned family conclave. And what could he better? More About Grandpa rents! Marie and Tony Hagel, who are "real gone" on kids, were thrilled when son and daughter- in-law's children were able to spend a week with them. The siblings are Carole and r e d - h e a d e d C a t h y . C a r o l e passed her "sweet sixteen and?" with a shindig from grandma Hagel, including a yummy cake for the occasion. Mrs. Gertrude Loeschel added to the special event with a bouquet of prize dahlias from her lovely garden for a centerpiece. Top priority on the gift list was a gorgeous red sweater from Auntie Wanda Dyko. They were just barely over the norizon, when more "under 20" company arrived in the form of Toni and Bobby for a few davs. They are the children, of Mr. and Mrs. Hagel's daughter and husband. Sfommy and Daughter, aQd Purely Divine Miss Sandy Senter was ecstatic over her first vacation jaunt which included a threeday stay in New York City, Buy Lumber and SAVE 25% SPRING GROVE™ •i Mt tt, Weittt of CJHKY CO. taking in the sights. On the way home, Wanda and wae one spent some time in the Catskill Mountains, which, according to Sandy,...Was "real living"! Honeymoon haven--Niagara Falls-- was next pn the agenda and the homeward journey took them through Canada and down'through Detroit, Mich. This is Sandy's ol' home town--where she first saw the light of day! Rolling home to their lovely place was an anti-climax, and both mother and daughter, Wanda and Sandy, thoroughly enjoyed eveiy minute! "Family Doin's" Brad Konjmer was feted at a party in his honor on Sunday, Aug. 27, when he turned 6. On hand for the passing out of the "goodies" were Michael and Frankie Lorch, Mary and Mike Granath, Scott Lundy, Randy Grepling (Eleanor and^ Bill Creutz's nephew) and sister, Vickie. Arriving home in time for the festivities were big sister," Linda, who. had been having a real f*ood time in southern Illinois, guest of aunts-and uncles on botlfsides of the family. Sheer heaven in the baby s i t t i n g d e p a r t m e n t at t h e Kommer menage was the visit of Grandma Iona Kommer. who "lightened the load" for Betty and Warren Kommer for t.wo weeks. Pert and pretty Linda observed her ninth birthday anniversary on Monday, Sept. 5. Johnsburg HETTERMANN'S SOFTBALL TEAM WINS FIRST PLACE by Betty Hettermann Bonnie Meyers 'no later than Oct. 10. - tr. .iJ**! News is short this week folks because of the early holiday deadline. Remember to phone in your news tidbits by noon every Monday. Living It Up for Labor Day! Mattie and Joe Crick "tore" down to Kentucky for a visit before actual labor begins on Tuesday. Purpose of their journey was to commune with Joe's two brothers and one sister. Daughter, Nell, and husband, Orval, and son, Rusty Abney, departed for Harrisburg, 111., to see his relatives. They, too, were home when the alarm sounded on Tuesday morning! Happy Events To May and Butch Kennenberg on the happy occasion of their twenty-second wedding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 4. The family was due to gather. Wee Billy Cunningham be turning 2 tomorrow, Friday, ,Sept. 9. - , Everett Ingersol can't wait to join the exalted gathering"of "39ers". Not much time, to wait! He'll be 37 on Sunday, Sept. 11. There's good news in our town once again. Hettermann's softball team won first place in a game played last week at the V.F.W. diamond. These fellows played some fast and furious games this past season and as a result came out on top. The team is now involved in the playoffs which we all hope they can come out the winners, also. We wish them lots of luck as they go into the final round this week. Fire Call The firemen of station 2 were' called out last Tuesday evening 1o extinguish a grass fire, Congratulations to the team from station 2 who won third place in the water fight^1 which took place in McHenry recent ly. ' . Final Reminder This is the last time a reminder will be printed for all you C.O.F. members.who wish to enter the handicap golf tournament on Sept. 18. Entries must be returned to Mike Schaefer by Sept. 10. Around the Town Mrs. Catherine Schaefer was most happy to have her two granddaughters from Milwaukee visit her for a week recently. She returned home with, them for a short stay. Djck Hi ller and Lloyd Freund have been in Kansas for the past two weeks playing ball. Doris Freund accompanied the boys on the trip. Will Krift and Mrs. Leonard Lois of Burlington and Mrs. John Fettqrhagen and son of Janesville visited Mrs. Helen Hettermann here last Monday evening. Be Sure to Register Be sun? your right to vote will be exercised this November. It you have not registered in this vicinity please contact SERVICE NEWS WESTERN PACIFIC -- Navy Lt. Cdr. Norman J. Neiss, husband of the former Miss Marguerite Dugdale of 13 Whipple street, Pawtuc k e t, R. I., is serving aboard the anti-submarine warfare air- ' craft carrier USS Hornet op- , erating with the Seventh Fleet in the Far East. The Hornet is expected to visit several ports in Japan, as well as Hong Kong and the Republic of the Philippines. „ STUDY BOND ISSUE Feasibility of a one and a half,to two million'dollar bond issue for construction of new Illinois camping and recreaj tional facilities to be retired j from revenue in the Conservaj tion department's division of parks will be studied under an , engineering agreement signed j by Gov. Stratton last0 week. I The last general assembly i gave authority for the bond isrsue. State parks in which coni struction to be financed by the | bonds is proposed, include Lincoln Trail, Giant City, White P i n e s , M i s s i s s i p p i P a l i s a d e s , Kankakee Rivei\ New Salem, Chain O'Lakes, Illinoisv Beach, Starved Rock, Lake Argyle, Red Hills; Lake .Murphysboro and Fox Ridge. Common folks agreed with judges of the Illinois State Fair's professional' art exh^t ,for the first time in history this year. Philip B. White was top prize winner with his oil, "Girl in Blue" in the popular poll as well as the judges' 1 wisdom. Bruce T. Hintze, training deviceman airman, USN, son of Mr. and Airs. W. B. Hintze of Route 3, McHenry, graduated recently from the training devices' man school at the naval technical training center, Memphis, Tenn, Peter Wj. $tisten & Son % OXYGEN EQUIPPED SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 BUILDING LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! If You Intend To Build Or Buy in I960 See Us Now! We Will Build On Your Lot MDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDERS. Int Richmond, 111. Pttone Richmond 4381 Where Too Get A Sqeore DmI Everything For The toidtr | GET OUR MONTHLY PBKS Wflff 3M THE SQUAB m m J PHONE: BiCHlCOMD This Is The Mace You've SAVE BY SEPT. 10th EARN FROM THE 1st Money placed in a savings account on or before the 10th earns dividends as of the first of tfhe month. Act No,w!! Open or add to your account today. Current Dividend Rate Marengo Federal AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone tfQrdsw 8-7299 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 Total Assets Over $12,000,000.00 CUT FARM COSTS Get the horsepower^ you paid for with Tireetone Champion Ground Grips i More drawbar pull with deeper soil penetration • Longer tire life with more tread rubber . . . f More savings with new low prices . . . We Specialize in Tractor Tire Repairing Truck, Tractor and Passenger Car Tires Complete Selection -- All Sixes Now's The Time To Trade Tires 6.70x15 Black Nylon Tube-Type 7.50x14 White Nylon Tubeless *13" $18M All Sizes Comparably Low Priced Plus Tax -- No Trade-In Necessary FIRESTONE DRY CHARGED BATTERY We Allow from $2.00 to $6.00 on Your Old Battery DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES! McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 6-0294 Mi-Ilenry, III. gracious At an entrance, in patios, around a d'cive •. anywhere ... GASLIGHT adds a casual elegance to daily living--accents the distinctive qualities of your home. Or, it can be the perfect touch for your place of business. Plan a visit to any of our stores and arrange for the installation of GASLIGHT suitable to your needs. Choose from these styles and others ... models available in black and white finishes, for post or wall mounting. Only ^5 down... easy monthly payments Visit our nearby store today -- or, phone! EVirgrten 5-2081 n

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