y. November 10, I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pag* Elma HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS FIRM'S NEW OFFICER The election of A. Clifford ^ornton to the newly created corporate position of vice president - personnel of The Yale & Towne Manufacturing company was announced this past week by Gordon Patterson, president. » Mr. Thornton will be responsible for coordinating and administering personnel and industrial relations p o 1 i c i e at) throughout the company, Mr. j%tterson said. Yale & Towne has approximately 12,500 employees and operates fourteen plants in eight states and in Canada, England, and Germany. Mr. Thornton will, make his headquarters at the company's executive offices in New York City. Before his election at Yale & Towne, he served as director ©^personnel and industrial relftons of the International Minerals & Chemical Corporation, Skokie, which he joined in 1942. N a t i o n a l r e c o g n i t i o n h a s been given Mr. Thornton for his achievements in personnel and industrial relations fields. He and his wife and three children presently reside at Route 1, McHenry. They plan t«| make their home in the metropolitan New York area. Open For Business Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones have taken over ownership of the Candy Box at 120 S. Green street from Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curulewski. Elvina Latimer, an eightyear resident of McHenry, next l^nday, Nov. 14, opens a beauty salon (formerly Gen's beauty shoppe) on Rt. 120, two blocks east of the river. The proprietor formerly operated shops in Evanston and has had many years of experience in the business. Announce Grand Opening -The Crystal Bowl, Inc., at wr corner of Rtes. 31 and 176, will feature grand opening on Saturday, Nov. 12. The celebration, to which the public is invited, includes the appearance of the king and queen of Chicagoland bowling, a* well as a mixed doubles exhibit at ion of bowling by sixteen stars, plus free dancing. Construction of the twenty ]fpes W3&. csmletgd, £££&*&, including a 500-car parking lot. COURT BRIEFS A number of cases came up in J. P. court this past week. On Wednesday night, Gus Jakowitsch of Crystal Lake paid a $15 fine for driving with ft faulty muffler. On a disorderly charge, Darreli Reed of Island Lake paid a $10 fine for disorderly conduct in refusal to show his driver's license following accident. an Roger Rainke of Wonder Lake was fined $35 for having no driver's license and driving 40 in a 25-mile speed zone. Raymond Luck of Wheeling paid'a $10 fine for driving too fast for conditions. Peter Lapino of Woodstock was found guilty of disturbing the peace by driving with faulty mufflers. He Was fined $15. Appearing in court Saturday, Gene Jones of Lakemoor paid a $38 fine for disturbing the peace with noisy mufflers and driving 50 in a 30-mile zone. John Shirra of Wonder Lake was charged $12 for travelling 34-miles-per-hdur In a 25-mile zone. Richard Cosfe of Crystal Lake appeared in court and paid $32 for driving 48 in a 25-mile zOne and for disturbing the peace with noisy mufflers. Michael Hanley of McHenry was found guilty of driving with noisy mufflers and paid a $48 fine for driving 45 in a 25-mile zone. William Michaelis of Crystal Lake was fined $10 for having defective mufflers. O. Malenious of Rt 1, McHenry, paid a $22 firie for driving 46 in a 25-mile zone. Timothy Lively of Ringwood was brought to court on charges of disturbing the peace with noisy mufflers. He paid a $10 fine. Donald MpGowari of McHenry paid $18 when he was found to be driving in the city with no state license card. Roger Gebhart of Wonder Lake paid $25 of an original $100 fine for reckless driving and driving too fast for conditions. Seventy-five dollars of the fine was suspended by^a stock. « JOSEPH FRETT 8 SON. WC. Builders ESTABLISHED 1MB Residential and Commercial i • First in Quality • Fairest In Prices • Fastest In Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- V* Mile East of Fox River Brldg* BAUM AUCTION Due to the death of my husiband, the following personal property will foe offered for sale at piiblic auction on the farm located 12 miles West of Waukegan, 111., 2 miles East of Graysfike, % mile South of Route 120, 1 mile West of Route 45 on Harris Road, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th Commencing at 12:80 o'clock 28 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE - 21 MILCH OOWS - 8 recently fresh, 4 close springers, balance milking and bred back; 6 HEIFERS - 3 2-yr. olds bred to freshen in May & June, 2 Yearling?, 11% year old; 1 PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BULL 18 mos. old. PRODUCE • 1,185 bales 1st cut. alf. brome & tim. hay; 635 B*les mixed 2nd cut. hay; 325 bales straw; 700 bushel oats; 25 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo; 900 bu. corn in crib; 20 acres standing corn; 4 bags 12-12-fertilizer. CORN *CRIB - 1,000 bu. corn crib. DAIRY EQUIPMENT - DeLaval 8-can milk cooler with Bide doors; 3 Surge milkers with Surge pump and line; 29 milk cans; elec. water heater; wash tanks; elec. milk stirrer; 3 strainers and pails. 2 TRACTORS, PICKER, COMBINE & FARM MACHINEHY - McC-D Model M Tractor; McC-D Model H tractor with front end loader; JD No. 52 2/14 plow; MicC-D 3/14 plow on rubber; MH clipper combine; McC-D 1-P corn (Acker; McC-D No. 25 TOictor mower; NI12-A tractor spreader; JD spreader; McC-D tractor disc; McC-D quack digger; 2-row trac. cult.; MeC mower; Owatonna hay & grain elev.; McC-D side rake; 4-sec. steel drag and a complete line of faim machinery and tools. MRS. CATHERINE BAUM, Owner Stade ft Stade, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk , Union Grove. Wis. Phone TRinity 8-2421 PATIENT INCREASE MAKES HOSPITAL FUNDS IMPERATIVE The number of patients admitted to McHenry hospital during 1960 will surpass last year's volume by more than 50 per cent and almost double the 1958 figure, according to projections of admissions during the first nine months of 1960. This would mean that more than 2,300 admissions will have been entered in the records of the small twenty-five bed hospital when the year-end rolls around. Last year there were 1,500 admissions; in 1958, 1,225 patients were recorded. " T h e s e a l a r m i n g f i g u r e s make it even more imperative that we collect additional funds to complete our new hospital building as fast as possible", hospital officials report. They also expressed pleasure at the speedy progress being made on the first of four stages of .construction which is now underway. The first stage covers more than 14,000 square feet, including the basement and the rOOf-top ventilating unit. When the first stage is completed, most of the hospital's present facilities will be transferred to the new building. However, the other units cannot be moved until the second and third stages are done. The fourth stage -- a second floor -- will raise the capacity to ninety beds for the entire building. In spite of the urgent need for beds in this growing area it will be impossible to begin the second and third stages due to lack of funds. "In fact", the officials state, "we are making every effort to raise moitey to complete payment for the first stage. Alt h o u g h money a v a i l a b l e through the building fund and a construction loan was sufficient to cover the first phase of the building, according to original estimates, the "actual price will exceed that amount. More funds are being sought to fill, the gap." Many generous members of the community are paying regularly on pledges they made during the past three years and new pledges are being made. As another means of offsetting the higher cost of the project, the building fund staff is planning another money raising effort in selected segments of the community not yet approached. In addition, many organizations have lent , their financial support through sponsorship of fund raising'projects. Other groups are also planning, activities which will be held on an annual basis. ANNOUNCE FOUR RECENT WINNERS IN PHOTO CONTEST ACT ON LICENSES Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of Robert M. Burns of Wonder Lake and the suspension of the license of Hugh Doggett of Cary-for three violations. The city of Stockholm, for centuries, was known as Staden Mellan Broaijia, or, The Town Between the Bridges. It was built largely on islands, originally. The meeting of the McHenry Camera club this month had many interesting topics. To begin with, our one and only Gerard Justen took both first and second prize in the black and white photo contest. Mike Brown, president, took third prize. . The color slide contest was a great success this month, with Mike Brown taking first and Dick Rousher taking both secand and third prizes. A special outdoor prize was awarded to Fred Durrenberg. It was a beautiful rod and reel|| Our next meeting, held the first Tuesday of every month at Kotalik's Camera Center, will be on contact printing and enlarging, with George Kotalik and Fred Durrenberg speaking. Judi Hansen,- Secretary . AWARD CONTRACT FOR NEW WONDER LAKE POST OFFICE Congressman Hoffman has been advised by Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfield that a contract has been signed for the construction and lease to the Post Office department of a new post office building at Wonder Lake. The successful bidder is Victor Nielsen, Ingleside. Construction will begin soon with completion set for April 1, 1961. The lease will run for ten years, with four five year renewal options included in the contract. This completely modern post office will be located on the north side of Hancock Drive between Wonder Lake Drive and East End Drive. It will provide 2,804 square feet of interior floor space, a 190 square foot loading platform at the rear, and 5,000 square feet of hard surfaced area for parking and truck maneuvering. Specifications also call for air conditioning, modern lighting and equipment, and a low, open patron-service counter. Gir) Scouts Senior Scouts On Thursday, Oct. 27, the Senior Scout Troop 555 of McHenry held its first meeting with the new leaders, Miss Shirley Ross and Miss Helen Paasch. The following were elected: Prggident, Susan Gregory; vicepresident, Susan Nardi; secretary, Susan Prawl; and treasurer, Marcy Christensen. Plans were made for a cookout in the near future and also for Christmas caroling. Susan Prawl, Secretary Crime doesn't pay, but neither does anything else these days, so you crooks might as well stay in' the work you like best. -- George Gobel. 3 FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN e COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES e DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS e LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON e 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES e TRUE SERBIAN STYLE FLAVORS Root© 120 • Jut East of Route 12 - Volu, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-6260 RADIO SALES & SERVICE Courteous Service at all times by Walter Hojnacki and Allan McKim /JfjSi /SO Years Experience Repair All Makes TV -- Radio -- Phono -- HI-FI R.C.A. - G.E. - Admiral - Dumoni Zenith - Phileo - Motorola - Munis Sylvania - Magnavox - Silverione 90-Day Warranty on all parte that we Install Antenna Installations and Repairs Public Address Systems Rentals FREE Tube Testing Service F-M Radio - TV - Hi-Fi 128 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0979 Daily: 8-7; Fri. ft Moau, ®-»; Son., 9-1 JLiberal Trade-In Allowance on your old TV Low Monthly Payment Plan JOIN NOW McHENRY STATE BANK fU. Ctd L 1961 E E L S E N E N E N T L The above photo shows A1 Vales, Doris Berkley and Ardelle Conway mailing the McHenry State Bank's Christmas Club Checks totaling in excess of $150,000.00. James Hetterman, McHenry Postmaster, accepts the savings of more than 1000 club members for delivery in plenty of time for early Christmas shopping. SAVE JOIN NOW RECEIVE 50c per week . . . . $25.00 $50.00 $ 2.00 per week . ... . ... . . $100.00 $150.00 . . . . $250.00 $10.00 per week. . . . . . . . . $500.00 $20.00 per week . . . . $1000.00 McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 -- Resources of $18,000,000.00 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PHONE EV 5-1040 #