"Serving The Chain-O-Lakes Region Since 1878" a res. Volume 86 -- No. 30 -- 3 Sections McHENRY, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1960 10c Per Copj e*s«*aisie< We Understand this week, which includes the long holiday weekend, has appropriately be® labeled National Indigestion Week -- and so it will probably be for those who allow their appetites to run wild on Thanksgiving Day. Today's homemaker is a far cry from those of the Pilgrim days,' who boiled and toiled for <days to prepare for the first' Thanksgiving in 1621. Ut was almost 200 years after ^ov. William Bradford decreed a day of thanksgiving that qanning was invented'. A candy 'maker published the report ofr this invention in 1810, after Collecting the prize of 12,000 francs the French government had offered for a method } of preserving food for its tn Today, the Pilgrim lady's day feast on the table in a matter of hours. She can simply open a can of mincemeat, pumpkin or cranberry sauce, ;or any of the other foods that bring the yearly retail value of canned foods to about $4.5 billion. Or she can roabt a frozen turkey and open a package of frozen corn, part ofj^the f$2 billjon worth of frozen food produced annually. But the inventive minds of men are not content. Even now, as mi-lady enjoys the vacation from drudgery provided by 1961) conveniences, science Is progressing toward new accomplishments. In Thanksgiving dinners yet to come, they tell us the housewife may serve a freeze-dried turkey, oraF that has been quick frozen and the moisture removed. Irradiation as a method ol preserving food is also in the Experimental stage, and if successful, tomorrow's turkey dinner may be chock full of gamma rays. All of this might be important to the homemaker, but the story has the same sad eiwnir for the turkey -- the chopping block. Friends will be happy to hear that 1960 M.C.H.S. graduate, Mike Meeker, has been elected president of the eighteen-member freshmen pledge class in Phi Alpha fraternity at Illinois college, Jacksonville, 111. K. A. P. McHenry Churches Plan Specitil Thanksgiving Rites This Week The churches of various denominations in McHenry® have made plans for special rites on Thanksgiving Day. St. Mary's Catholic At St. Mary's Catholic church, Masses will be sung at 6:45 and 8 o'clock in the morning. ^ The parish has been conducting a Thanksgiving clothing drive for the less fortunate, which will end on Nov. 28. St. Patrick's Church St. Patrick's Catholic church will have a special Mass of thanksgiving at 9 o'clock on Thursday. This will be in addition to the regular Masses at 7 and 8 o'clock. St. Patrick's, too, has been sponsoring a clothing drive. The mission for men of the parish will continue throughout the week, including services Thanksgiving Day. Combined Service The Community Methodist and Faith Presbyterian congregaftttis wfn how a fcombfwefl Thanksgiving rite on Thursday at 9 o'clock in the morning at t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church. Rev. Jack Mclntyre of Faith church will preach the sermon on "Thanksgiving and Sacrifice". The combined choirs of the two churches, under the direction of Glen Weltyr will sing for the morning rite. • Zion Lutheran Z i o n Evangelical Lutheran church, located on Rt. 120 west, will observe Thanksgiving Day with a ' service of thanks on Thursday at 9 a.m. The pastor, Rev. Carl Lobitz, will speak on "God Will Supply Every Need of Yours". The children's choir, directed by Mrs. Maria Guettler, will sing, "Good To Me". An invitation is extended to all to join in this service of thanks. St. Paul's Episcopal There will be a Holy Communion service at 9:15 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal church on the holiday. Announcement has been made that canned goods for St. Leonard's home in Chicago will be accepted at this service. Alliance Bible The Alliance Bible church, located at 408 John street, will observe a special service at thanksgiving on Wedn e s d a y evening. Nov. 23, beginning at 8 o'clock. (Continued on Page 8) !IMi:iii;i[ii|[i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiMiiiiw PUN REPORT NOUGHTS ! Streets and Parking The plan report for McHenry includes a number of recommendations both for improvement of traffic conditions tl£>ughout th£ city and for increasing the usefulness and the amount of parking space in the central business districts following a review of existing conditions. Planners ieel that the location and adequacy of a city's main routeil of travel exert a profound influence on the pattern and extent of its growth. R^ommendations in McHenry wWe dictated to a great extent by the present network of Streets and the resulting patterns of ; development in the community. Recommendations are based upon extensive studies of present traffic and parking conditions ill the city, estimates of probable future patterns of II land use, traffic flow and parking demand. Manual counts of traffic volumes and turning movements were made at all major intersections in the central business district during the peak period on a Saturday in August, 1959. In addition, average daily traffic volumes for all major and secondary streets in the McHenry area were furnished by the Illinois Division of Highways. Stanton & Rockwell found that only one street provides reasonably continuous route of travel across the full width of the city. This is Illinois Rt. 120 which passes through the central business district in an east-west direction. On the whole, they found that continuity of movement REV. BAUMHOFER NAMED PASTOR OF ST. MARY'S Former Assistant Here Remains As Head Of Marian The Rev. Eugene C. Baumhofer, superintendent of Marian Central Catholic high school, Woodstock, has been appointed pastor of Saint Mary's church, McHenry, by the Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, Bishop of the Diocese of Rockford. Father Baumhofer's appointment became effective on Nov. 22. His place of residence will change from Woodstock to McHenry, but he will continue as superintendent of the high school. Father Baumhofer served as assistant at St. Mary's church, Mchenry from 1944 until 1952. He (was appointed chaplain of the Poor Clares Monastery, Rockford. in 1962, and in 1954 he was mined pastor of Saint Mary's church, Pecatonica. He became superintendent of Marian Central"1 ICatholic high school, Woodstock, in 1958. Father Baumhofer was born in Saint Paul. Minn., on Feb. 6, 1910, the son of John Nicholas Baumhofer and Christine Bayer Baumhofer. After high school studies in Minneapolis and college work at La Salle Normal in Glencoe, Mo., he studied philosophy at De Paul university, Chicago. His theological studies were made at Mount Saint Mary's seminary. Emmitsburg, Maryland. He was ordained by the late Bishop Boylan in Rockford on Sept. 23, 1944." and did postgraduate study af? the University of Minnesota. Rev. John M. Dording, pastor of St. Patrick's church in Hartland, well known in this community, has been assigned pastor of St. Catherine church, Genoa. FIRST HOLIDAY MUSICAL PROGRAM PLANNED DEC. 3-4 (Continued on Page 8) One of the initial holiday musical programs of the season in McHenry will be given the first weekend in December, Saturday arid Sunday, the third and fourth, presented by the McHenry Choral club. "Christmas Windows" will be the major theme of the I960 program. Festive windows will show a huge lighted tree from without, and then take the listener inside a holiday toy shop. BULLETIN The sheriff's office at Elkhorn, Wis., Monday afteftioon„ told the Plaindealer they were holding Donald Seley of McHenry on charges of armed assault. The 23-year-old man was arrested at 2:26 a.m. Monday by authorities after shooting a service station attendant at Lake Geneva with a .22 revolver. Wisconsin authorities said Seley admitted the shooting and they also implicated him in another shooting in Illinois, near Cary. Seley has made his home in McHenry for several months and has been rooming at 407 Waukegan road, at the home of Mrs. Martha Feltz. When apprehended, Seley was driving a car that belonged to Mrs. Feltz's daughter, Mrs. Pearl Patzke. Elkhorn authorities said his case would come before Judge Morrissey in that city, but the date had not yet been set.. "••Seley, an orderly "at lift McHenry hospital, had recently been employed, parttime, as a salesman. AREA FARMERS TO STUDY CHEMICAL WEED CONTROL Farmers in the McHenry area are invited to attend a meeting on chemical weed control at McHenry high school in the vocational agriculture room on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 8 p.m. R a l p h B u r n e t t , M c H e n r y county farm adviser, will review this rapidly growing practice. All farmers in the area are invited to come in to discuss this topic and share their ideas. NOTICE The McHenry Savings & Loan association will be open all day Wednesday, but will close on the holiday, Nov. 24. City sales tax collected in municipalities in the county in September grossed $31,265.64, according to the state department of revenue. Charge Youths With Larceny Two 'teen-agers, one from Wonder Lake and the other from Lakeland Park, were arrested last Thursday on a Charge of larceny from Blake Motors in McHenry. The two, who were reported to be on probation out of the county court for offenses committed while juveniles, were held in the county jail under $3,500 bond. Value of the items taken was estimated at about $125. Articles included three tires and wheels, three mirrors and two tail lights taken from parked cars in the parking lot of the local garage. The case is due to come up sometime this week in county court. URGE EARLY MAKJHG FOR HOLIDAY SEASON All Time Record May Be Set, Says City Postmaster Faced with the possibility that the 1960 Christmas season will set an all time holiday mailing record, Postmaster J. W. Hettermann announced this week that he is starting his annual "Mail Early for Christmas" campaign immediately. The postmaster offers these helpful mailing tips to insure delivery of your Christmas cards and gifts on time. First, check your Christmas card list very carefully, make sure each address is complete with full name, street and number, city, zone and state. Second, for your Christmas gift packages, stock up now on heavy wrapping paper, sturdy corrugated cartons, strong cord and paper adhesive tape. Third, remember that yoti can include youi Christmas card or letter inside your gift package by adding the appropriate first class postage to the package itself. Continued on Page 8 Wise Shoppers Will Shop In McHenry This Holiday Season As homemakers throughout the McHenry community prepare for a bountiful feast on Thanksgiving Day, the thoughts of all are centered on the blessings of the holiday. The next day, however, all practical-minded individuals will feel it a duty to turn these thoughts to the biggest holiday of all -- Christmas -- and the many pleasant duties t^at accompany its celebration. Before the selection of a tree and the culinary treats that are synonymous with the observance of Dec. 25, the important and time consuming task of selecting gifts for family and friends must necessarily become uppermost in the minds of everyone in the few remaining weeks. McHenry stores, in an effort to encourage shopping early, have already taken on the festive appearance of the holiday. Not only are decorations in keeping with the season, but also the hundreds of gift items, so varied as to fit the needs of the most discriminating shopper. The temptation to shop "where the grass is greener" has probably not escaped one of us at some time or another, but most of us have returned weary, wishing we had taken advantage of the outstanding shopping opportunities within walking distance of our own homes. Just the memory of such an experience should be enough for the wise buyer. This year, why not spare yourself the added expense and disappointment that so often accompany a shopping trip out of town? McHenry businessmen promise you will be happy with the gift items you find in their stores. And won't you experience a good feeling in the knowledge that you are supporting your home town and the men and women who are responsible for making it a city of which you are Droud? JAYCEES MAY ADOPT CIVIL DEFENSE PROGRAM At the general meeting of the McHenry Junior Chamber of Commerce, held last Tuesday evening, it was decided to check into the possibility of adopting a civil defense program for the area. This program would include the probable construction of shelters as protection against radioactive fall-out, and the publication of evacuation routes for the population. Other business discussed by the Jay ceo included an awards night banquet, honoring a promin?nt citizen of McHenry and tl'.p employers of the Jaycee n.em'iers. A distinguished guest speaker is planned to highlight this affair. Further progress on the community (development project concerns printed survey booklets to be printed soon, which will be distributed within the community. The booklets will contain questions, the answers to which, when compiled, will leHd the Jaycees "In tfi'ef'r future projects for the benefit of the community. ADMITS THEFTS A local youth was admitted to a hospital for psychiatric observation this past week after he admitted to the sheriff's office his part in three recent burglaries. He admitted taking gasoline from McHenry Sand & Gravel and Northern Tool, and also a tire and wheel from McHenry Auto Body Co. Only twenty-seven more shopping days remain until Christmas Day. ANNUAL KIWAMIS FOOTBALL DONER THURSDAY. DEC. 1. WILL FEATURE PRESENTATION OF HONOR TROPHY " Select County Xmas Seal Kids A boy and a girl of McHenry county will be selected to be the Christmas Seal Kids. The McHenry County Tuberculosis association is sponsoring the contest along with the 8 et 40 Salon of McHenry county. Any boy or girl between the ages of 6 and 9 and who is a resident of the county is eligible. According to Mrs. Claribel H. Naylor, R.N., of the Tuberculosis association, a recent picture of, the child, giving his age and address, should be sent to the McHenry County Tuberculosis association office by Dec. 10. The address is Court House Annex, Woodstock. - A five dollar prize given by the 8 et 40 will be awarded, to each vtinHelr. * Last year's Christmas Seal Kids were Joan Reeb, Woodstock, and Earl Nightingale of Fox River Grove. BANK OPEN WEDNESDAY Because of Thanks giving falling on this Thursday, the McHenry State Bank will be closed, but will remain open on Wednesday. NAMED IN EIGHT CHARGES Leon C. Webber, 28, who was apprehended at Fritzsche's Estates last Wednesday morning, has been charged with eight crimes involving youngsters. Of the many activities occurring each fall in McHenry, one of the highlights is the Kiwanis football banquet, this year planned for Thursday evening, Dec. 1, in the high school cafeteria. This thirteenth annual dinner will be served at 7:30 o'clock, followed by an interesting program designed to honor varsity M.C.H.S. football players, coaches, managers and cheerleaders. General chairmen are Guy White and Dr. Leslie Krieger, Jr. Guest speaker will be Coach SEVERAL MOTORISTS INJURED LAST WEEKEND IN ACCIDENTS OCCURRING IN McHENRY AREA Several accidents resulted in injuries to motorists, as well as property damage, last weekend. Two drivers and two passengers were hurt in a collision Saturday night about 7:20 on Terra Cotta hill. Dolly Bosik of Rt. 2, Lake Geneva. Wis., driving south was reported by state police to have turned to the right to avoid a car passing on the hill. In so doing, she went into the north-bound lane and struck another auto driven by David P. Meuler of River Forest. Both drivers suffered severe facial cuts and the former also sustained cuts about the legs. A oassenger in the Meuler car. Marjorie Meuler, sustained facial cuts and bruised legs, while the passenger in the Bosik car. John Anifer, of Chicago, suffered more serious injuries. Michael Sanmey of Sioux avenue, McHenry, lost control of his car as he drove on the McHenry-Crystal Lake blacktop about 3:15 Saturday afternoon. The auto crossed to the left side of the road and struck a pole. Sanmey suffered back injuries. Cars Collide About the same time, two cars collided on the Crystal L a k e - M c H e n r y c u t - o f f , o n e mile south of the city. State police said Kenneth Johnson of Rt. 4, McHenry, made a left turn In front of another auto driven by Roman Conroyd, also of Rt. 4. Johnson was charged with making an improper left turn. Two drivers were injured as the result of an accident which occurred Friday evening on Rt. 59A and Wilson road, in Lake county. LeRoy C. Hayner of Pistakee Highlands suffered a concussion, neck and back injuries in the crash. The other driver, Bernard J. Hamil, Center street, McHenry, sustained an injured knee, bruises and abrasions. The latter said Hayner apparently missed the Wilson road turn-off and left the highway. He was backing onto the highway when the collision took place. State police Investigated. 6 Two drivers escaped unhurt but passengers in their cars sustained bruises and abrasions as the result of an accident which occurred last week in Elgin. The cars were driven by Walter Martin of Island Lake and Gertrude Watkins of Elgin. Martin's car, travelling west, was struck by the south-bound Watkins auto. Passengers in the latter car were Mrs. Earl Tillery and Mrs. Charles Karsten, both of Elgin. Mrs. Martin was riding »n the other car with her husband. One driver suffered minor injuries and there was damage to her car as the result of an accident which occurred this past week at the intersection of John'and Green streets. Dorothy Carll of Lakeland Park was driving east on John street and stopped at the intersection when her car was struck by an auto driven by Gordon Rehberg of Hunterville Park, who was behind her. ARA PARSEGHIAN v. Ara Parseghian of Northwest-' ern university's football teancu which in the short space ol four years has developed into a contending force in the Big Ten conference. Parseghian was only 32 years of age when he took over the Northwestern football helm hi 1956, inheriting a team that had been a tail-ender for a number of years. In his first season he transformed the Wildcats into an aggressiyp team that compiled a 4-4*$ record. j- Plan Program Jess Seeman of Wond$£ Lake will act as toastmastet for the banquet, and Rejf. George Martin of the Community Methodist church will gi\» the invocation. A boys' ensemble from the school will heard in several selections, j Tickets for the dinner m^y be secured from any member of the two sponsoring groups, the McHenry Kiwanis or tfe McHenry Township Kiwanfi clubs, whose presidents are E<£ ward Guettler and LeonaQI Freund, respectively. * A feature of the evening wljl be presentation of the beautin ful trophy given to the player voted by his teammates as most valuable during the pai# season. 3* Honored along with the tea will be Varsity Head Coacl Paul Mandli and Assistants Bill Hutchinson and Don Sea* ton; also Sophomore Coaches Chuck Cuda and Don Hargifc and Freshmen Coaches Cliff Fulton and Bob Hendricks. Team Members Members of the team includjg Gary Adams, Pat Buckie, Aijr thony Espey, Gary Freuni Dick Huemann, Tim MarshaQ, Bob Miller, Ed. Samen, Harxji Stinespring, Jim Templemaifc Tom Antonson, Bob Beckei£ baugh, Alan Cerny, Jim Dowr« hin, Ron Freund, Wayne FucH$ Gene Glosson, Wayne Konecnjfc Charles Mars, Charles Miller, Victor Nowicld. Art Thornto^, Roy Swanson. Bill McGee, Tom Ballowe. Tom Cusack. Ga,i$ (Continued on page 8) <ss n .553 m