Six PhkMEBHLBR Plaindealer Want Ads The McHenrv Plaindealer Jlassified Advertising Rates Phone £V 5-0170 rst Insertion -- 6c per word - $1.20 minimum No ads counted less than • 20 word*. ^epeat Insertions -- - 5c per wora - 51.00 minimum 25c Service Charge on all blind ads % ? Display Classified first ^Insertion -- l $1.25 per Col. Inch ; 2 Inch Minimum {lepeat Insertions -- ; $1.10 per Col. Inch Classified display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head M one 18 pt. signature or its Iquivalerit 1 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. Copy Deadline -- Wed. 10 a.m. Automotive s Replacement Parts ? For All Cars c Accessories and Seat Covers ! COMMUNITY j AUTO SUPPLY jf Route 120 i blk. East of the river bridge |>pen Weekdays: 8a.m. to 6 p.m. ~ Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5 9-1-60-tf GET CASH for your car at Bob's Auto Mart. Crystal Lake blacktop and Route 120. Phone fev 5-4116. 9-1-60-tf $959 G.M .C. 4-Wheel drive, 1- |on pick;up truck. Like new. 9000 actual miles. Best offer. Althoff's Gas Service, Inc. 700 $. Front St., McHenry. EV. 5- |200 11-22-60 BEST OFFER 1958 Opel se- Jan, excellent condition, low fcileage. EV. 5-3560 *11-22-60 Boats and Motors ii : The 1961 Johnson's • Are Here! £D WENDT BOAT CO. BOATS osing uut a Inboards and Outboards •' Flberglas - Lapstrake and • Aluminum Get Our Big Deal and i Save ! ! ! t "LARGEST DISPLAY i FOR MILES" ! Before You Buy | Give Us A Try vRSchmond, 111. Ph. 3231 | Daily 9-6 -- Sim. 10-6 :On Highway 12, 3 blocks north of Intersection 12 & 173 9-29-60-tf business Service Business Service PAINTING, intenor and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard taping-- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road. McCullom Lake, Phone EV. 5-4540. 9-1-60-tf Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Pre-Cast Septic Tanks Walter M. Garrelts P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2101 9-1-60-tf Local and Long Distance Moving Crating Storage - Packing FREE ESTIMATES McMAHON MOVERS CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Dial 459-3975 9-1-60-tf Expert SEWING MACHINE , REPAIR SERVICE Domestic & Commercial Machines ' * Fast * Reliable Home Repair or Bring it in and save money CALL CHET'S Upholstery Shop EV 5-3458 401 Hickory Drive McCullom Lake, McHenry 11-10 thru 12-1-60 SCHALL'S Furnace Repairing. Oil, Coal, Gas, All Makes. Also service oil burners. Call Schall, EV. 5-3122. Route 3, Box 156, Griswod Lake Rid. 11-10-60-tf RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Electric Sewer Rodding Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johrisburg 9-1-60-tf ED'S RENTAL RENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools . ^ Carpenters' Tools Plumbers' Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5-3232 9-1-60-tf Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools. Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Fox Street 9-1-60-tf Business Service TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Your phone answered 24 hrs. a day BUfeihess phohes, private phones For Information Please Phone EVergreen 5-5431 li-22-12-1-8-15-60 For Sale OttDER YOUR fresh dressed, oven ready turkey from itussel Rudolph, 4% miles East of Richmond dn 173. Phone Richmond 3162. 11-10-17-22-60 MAPLE TWIN bed with box spring and innerSpring mattress. Excellent condition. $28. Wonder Lake 6131 11-22-60 tor Sale ELECTRIC MEAT scale. Best offer EV. 5-4906 11-22-60 TOY MANCHESTER terriers; very tiny; AKC registered}'-7 weeks olid. Tel. EVergreen 5- 3906 11-22-60 For Sale AUTHdftiZED Electrolux (R) sales and Service representative E. ftoewer, Shalxmair Subdivision. Phone EVergreen 5-1798. 9-1-60-tf HAND MADE 2 ft. Christmas trees of net. $4.50. Choice of colors. We will call on you with a sample with no obligation. EV. 5-4033 or EV 5-0071. 11-17-22-12-1-60 LABRADOR Retriever puppies A. K. C. registered. Champion stock. EV. 5-H58. 11-lf-eo ttf NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing difficult mortgages on homes, farms and commercial buildings. Write Box 42. Fox River Grove, 111. 9-1-60-tf McHenry Disposed Service" M UNSON ARINE | THE SUPERMART : OF BOATING See the 1961 Johnson's, Thompsons, Owens j TroJans, Crownlines, • Dorsetts, Gators 2 Heated Showrooms : Open 7 days a week ; Year around 9 a.m.-8 p.m. On Route 12 • 1 Block S. of 120 EV. 5-2720 11-17-60-tf Business Service .ANYONE interested in a Business answering service call [EV. 5-0258. 11-17-22-12-8-60 SPECIAL SALE. Sewing mai c h i n e t u n e - u p now o n l y :$2.95. For limited time. All :makes expertly done. Wonder iLake 2912. 11-17-22-60 j-AUCTION. Every Wed. 7:30 Sunday 1:00 p.m. Ms mile [west of Junction 45 on 120, ; Furniture, tools, misc. Con : sdgnments taken daily. Any- ; thing of value sold at auction "Paul K. Break, auctioneer. BA \3-5386. 10-13-60-tf •. TONY'S Madime iShop service •Lawn mower sharpening & re • pair and saw filing. EV. 5 14962 -- One block east of •Bridge on Rt. 120. 9-1-60-tf ; HOURLY RATES for jack ; hammer service. Call us for ithe hard work. Arnold N. May •Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph 1 Richmond 4381. 9-1-60-tf j FLOOR SANDING and finish ing. Free estimates. Old or j new floors. Years of exper- 5 ience. Distance no object ; Hartwig Fioor Sanding, Bar [rington. DUnkirk 1-2638. ', 9-1-60-tf Phone EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 9-1-60-tf I PUMP CESSPOOLS Aiid SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: EV 5-1480 or EV 5-2711 Station Box 38 9-1-60-tf FREE BEAUTY: TIPS & STREAKS with paid Shampoo & Styling 1961 License Plate Service WORTS SINCLAIR Rts. 120 & 31 McHenry -- EV 5-9856 10-13-60 -- 1-13-61 COLONIAL HOMES $19,000 to $40,000 Built On Your Lot or Ours See Our Model on Route 120 1 mile East of Route 47 in Woodstock Jansen Constr. Co. FE 8-5005 10-6-60-tf SjjfclSr 1 mile south of McHenry Just east of Rt. 31 on Idyll-Dell Road Excellent home for elderly pensioned and retired people. Pleasant, comfortable and clean rooms available. For information write Station Box 125, McHenry, 111., or call -- EVERGREEN 5-0419 9-1-60-tf HESTER OIL CO., Elm St. Service, 202 W. Elm St. Open 24 Hours a day. Greasing -- washing -- overnite wax jobs. Flats fixed. We appreciate your business. Jim Thompson, prop. 9-1-60-tf BING'S PLUMBING & HEATING. Bob Frisby, Jr. Quality fixtures - radiant heating - gas & electric water heaters - water systems - water softeners. Repairs - Free estimates. EV 5-3144. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. RAMwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equitymen t. Also, septic systems and back hoe work. Also Air Compressor for rent • PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John Street McHenry, 111. 9-1-60-ti Garages Hie Finest Remodeling By Experts At Room Additions The Least Cost Cement Work For Quality No Money Down 5 Yrs. To Pay Free Estimates D & M Builders Phone EV 5-5279 10-6-60 thru 11-24-60 ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound.EV 5-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 9-1-60-tf For Sale liM* DOLLS REPAIRED Doll Clothing and Wigs McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 1 Block East of Old Bridge1 Pistakee Road Ph. EV 5-2725 10-27-60 tf LOOKING FOR AN UNUSUAL GIFT? Hundreds of Handmade Items Reasonably Priced On Display At THE VALU-MART HOBBY OUTLET Charles St. 1 Block Ekst of Fox River Bridge 1st Bldg. North of Rt. 120 9-1-60-tf BLACK COUCH ahd chair Very good condition. $50. EV 5-1912. 11-22-60 BEFORE YOU BUY any TV, see the new 1961 Muntz 23" consolette, $149.95. Payments $3.15 per week. For a free home demonstration call Belshaw TV, Wonder, Lake. Phone W.L. 6661. 9-12-6G-tf Penny Candies! Over 85 bid fashioned varieties in apothecary jars Christmas Candies A|Sight to Delight! mgren's Gift Shop Richmond's Beautiful Gift Center West & George St. Richmond, 111. Open Everyday & Evenings 9-1-60-tf WALLPAPER ' SALE Your choice room, lots $3;95 & $4:95. Also closeouts on 1960 patterns in stock - Now % price. Bohn's Ace Hardware Woodstock 11-17-24-60 G A R A G E S 14x20-ft. with overhead door, concrete filoor and shingle roof. Choice of siding ft 2 windows. We Build All Winter No Money Dotirih. 5 Yrs. to jiay $695.00 WALSH Home Improvement, Waukegan Call McHenry EV 5-1878 9-15-60-t? New and Used Furniture Open Everyday ROYAL OAKS SALES Hwy. 14 & 176. Crystal Lake, HI. Dial 459-4278 11-17-60 tf BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES .50 Every Friday Till Dec. 23 CfclDR'S SPRING liorse for Sale - To be given away - 4 month old riiixed puppy. EV. 5-10&8. *11-22-60 ELECTRIC STOVE. Good Condition. $25. Boy's rink skates and case. $6. Call after 5 p.m. EV. 5-2117. 11-22-60 WOMAN'S OR Child's Italian Pardee accordian and case. Graphonola hi-fi, Maple finish, perfect condition. Both like new. Call Wonder Lake 7142. 11-22-60 UPHOLSTERED large sofa ahd lounge chair, 6 year crib with mattress, like new, large trunk, full"" size Bates bedspread, 2 pr. 90" matching drapes. EV. 5-2006 11-22-60 FOR SALE Sears Roebuck & Co. Free Estimates Building Materials Gutters -• Plastic Tile Aluminum Comb. Windows and Doors -- Insulation Floor Tile - Garage Doors Railings - Jalousie Windows Roofing and Siding Materials or Applied Easy Payment Plan Call EV 5-1878 Or Write Frank Gans Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 9-1-60-tf McHENRY SCHOOL OF BE&UTY CULTURE Work done exclusively by Students 11-22-12-1-60 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE teTAKEE ROAD AND CHARLES ST. McHENRY, ELONOIB -- CLOSED TUESDAYS -- PHONE EV 5-9850 (NfeAB BOWLING ALJLEY) work done exclusively by students BEGINNfeRS ShampoO ft Styling Mon. & Wed. 75c Unirs., Fri. ft Sat 95c Haircuts -- 80c Permanents $3.95 $4.95 (out ft style included) ADVANCED iBtyfling $1.00 & $1.50 Haltctitting 91.00 Permanents $6.50 $7.50 §10.00 (Out ft fftyle included) High Bleaching -- Tinting -- StreftlCB -- Tipping $1.50 to $6 j0 25c SLENDERIZING TABLES s Vibratory Spot Reducing Belt Coin Operated 9-22-60-tf McHenry Window & Awning Co. ART BOGER ALUMINUM & FlBSSGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS & STATIONARY WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS NAUTILUS No-Duct Range Hoods ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS • JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS -- DOORS • MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS PHONE EV 5-1180 tfO CARRYING CHARGE 307 E. Waukegan Road -- CONVENIENT Tit RMS McHenry, 111. )-tf PRE-CHRISTMAS DISPLAY CLEARANCE 1--12 Cu. Ft. Coldspot upright freeier stores 420 pounds Was $234.95 • • Now $199.00 1--12.9 Cu. Ft. Coldspot refrigerator. Was $179.95 ..Now $149.00 1--13.8 Cu. Ft. ColdSpOt refri- freezer 147 lb. Freezer --frost free Was $429.95 .. Now $355.00 2--17 Cu. Ft. Coldspot chest freezer 598 lb capacity Was $249.95 .. Now $199.00 -Lady Kenmore Elec. dryer 10 cycle Was $249.95 .. Now $175.00 -Model 70 Kenmore Gas dryer 10 pound -- 7 cycle Was $219.95 .... $188.00 -Model 70 Kenmore Elec. dryer 10 pound -- 7 cycle Was $174.95 .. Now $148.00 -Model 70 Kenmore Auto Washer with Sud Saver-- 10 pound. Was $244.95 • • Now $198.00 3--Model 80 Kenmore Elec. Dryers 10 pound -- push buttons Was $194.95 .. Now $168.00 1--Model 80 Kenmore Auto Washer with Sudsaver -- 12 cycle 10 lb. Was $274.95 .. Now $238.00 1--Model 80 Kenmore Auto Washer without Sudsaver-- 12 cycle -- 10 lb. Was $259.95 .. Now $228.00 1--iviodel 80 Kenmore Auto Washer without Sudsaver-- slightly damaged--12 cycle -- 10 lb. Was $259.95 .. Now $208.00' All Merchandise fully guaranteed anld on display. SEARS ROEBUCK CO. 116 E. Calhoun St., Woodstock, 111. Phone FE 8-1070 11-22-60 HOLIDAY HINTS Colorful Turkey Platters, Festive Invitations, Napkins, Tablecloths, Placemats, Favors and Candles. Realistic Artificial Flowers and Fruits. A complete Line of Gifts. See our fine Individual, Boxed and Album Christmas Cards. THE HOLMGRENS Richmond's Beautiful Gift Center Open Every Day and Evening West & George Sts. Richmond, 111. 11-22-12-1-60 For Rent APARTMENT for Rent. 2% rm. Refrigerator ahd stove. All utilities furnished. Buck'i Town Club, 201 Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. EV 5-3573. *11-22-60 ROOM WITH space in carport for car. South of bridge at Johnsftmrg, at Rock 'N' Rail Ranch. Telephone EV. 5-1251. 11-17-22-60 3 BEDROOM YEAR 'round jffouse. Gas heat, gar&ge, on McCullom Lake, SpOjnia Subd. Call Guettler. EV 5-1789. 11-22--12-1-8-15-60 For Rettt * 'Y FOR RENT 4 - room Modern apt. 2nd floor, Heat, stove, refrigerator, garage, and water furnished, $75 per month. Catholic if possible. Call EV. 5-4139 after 6 p.m. 11-17-22-60 HOMES FbR ftENT -- In Holiday Hills -- Large 3 bedrooifa ranch. Rent with option to biljr. Immediate occupia»^r. Phone Hickory 7-8111. 9-l-6b-tf 287 ACRE FARM. One mile east of MdHeriry oii Route 120. Kennebeck Farm. For. information see Peter A. Freund, Fox St., McHenry. 9-15-60-tf FACTORY ft COMMERCIAL building. Will build industrial and commercial buildings ion our site for qualified tehetiita to lease. See or cAll Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond 4381. 9-1-60-tf OFFICE SPACE available at 206 WeSt Elm. Call EV 5-5687 10-20-60 It ty n- 4-Room Furnished Apartment) CoUple. Heated. Wonder Lake 5654. 10-20-60 tf WITH OPTION to buy. 4 bedroom home. EV. 5-2423. 11-3-60-tf 1 BEDRM. Cottage oh Fox River near Johnsburg bridge. Gas heat, $60. per month. EV 5-0603 or write B. Engstrom, 8921 Lamon Ave., Skokie, 111 11-10-60-tf FOR RENT. Wonder Lake, 216 S. Drive. Modern year 'round home. One bedroom, full basement, garage, automatic heat. Tel. Mrs. Church, TA. 9-3100 days or SP 7-2735 evenings. 11-10-60-tf TWO 3 room apts. One furnished and heated. One Unfurnished. Centrally located. EV. 5-0181. 11-17-60 tf CLEAN attractive room with adjacent bath for employed gentleman. References Tel. EV. 5-6132 11-22-60 tf 3 ROOM apartment - 516 Main Street - Phone EV. 5-0068. $50 per month. *11-22-60 IN FLORIDA 4 room furished house, new and clean, ildeal for couple. 1 mile to ocean. $150.00 monthly Dec. 15th to May 15th. Dishes and linens are furnished, apply by letter, G. H. Smith 207 S.W. 4th Ave. Hallandale, Florida. 15 miles from Miami. 11-22--12-1-8-60 jleil Esiati McCULLOM LAKE } >room house, attached garage; blk top driveway, hardwood floors, birch kitchen cabinets, newly decorated. Phohe Evenings EV. 5-4807 after 8 p.m. or we^ ends. 11-22-60* ACREAGE $t>R sale. Located ih the Bull Valley area. 2 miles frdm McHeniy. Several wooded hillside building sites. EV. 5- 0996. 11-22-60 FOR . SALE. 80x125 lots at McOillbm Lake; $1,500 or best offer. Tel. Spring 7^689 or write Mrs. Monty, 1912 ^ N. Laramie Ave. Chscagq. 11-22* FOR SALE by ' owner. Save $5,000 on this lovely home in nicest part of town. 4 years old. 3 bedrooms, TV room, gar-1 age, dining room, 1^> baths, plastered walls, knotty pine in living room, dining room and TV room. Fully insulated, parquet floors, excellent construction. City sewer and water. Over 1600 sq. ft. of liviA area. Appraised at $24,500. Wul sell for $19,500. Phone EV. 5- 2773. 11-17-22-60 FOR SALE. Immediate occupancy. 1 yr. old. 3-bdrm Home. Full basement. Price $13,000. Low down payment. Phone EV 5-2838 for appointment. 11-9-10-17-24-60 LOTS 1 & 2, block 11, Unit X McHenry Scores. Take ovff contract unpaid balance $4200. Moving California. HeXier, JUno 4-6928, St. Charles. *11-3 thru 12-15-60 2 BEDROOM house on large fended in lot. Natural gas heat available. New siding and InK Full basement. G.I. "dHgage. Must sell due to transfer out of state. Wonc Lake 6874 after 6 p.rit. dfcjr Saturday and Sunday. 10-20-60 tf FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS-BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Real Estate MCCULLOM LAKE - 4 room house, attached garage, Blk. top driveway, Hardwood floors, birch kitchen cabinets, newly decorated. Will sell very reasonable. Phone evenings, EV 5-4807 after 8 p.m. and/or weekends. 10-20-60-tf McHENRY AREA LISTINGS LEIBACH REALTY EV. 5-118? KNOX REAL ESTATE 40b Richmond Road McHenry, 111. iPhone: EVergreen 5-Q421 9-1-60-tf McHENRY oral iiAKE-AREA"® Year 'Roujid Homes. Seasonal Hon'ie^ (arins vacant. Home "fas. tnoQRle properties. TAGOB FRITi," REALTORS kt. 5, McHenry, IU Ph. EVergreen 5-0037 9-1-60-tf FOR SALE by owner: Beautiful 80x134 ft. lot on high ground in Edgebrook Heights. Call EV. 5-1804 between 6:00 and 6:00 p.m. 9-1-60-tf RIVER FRONT Lot at McHenry Shores. Excellent location; water, gas and electric. Perms to suit, by owner. EV 5-1327. 9-8-60-tf 10-27-60 tf WORKERS are watching f€- better jobs in the Classified columns. Dial EV. 5-0170 to Start your "Help Wanted" ad. *** FOR THE BEST IN REAL ESTATE WATCtt FOft THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. GALLAGHER * AND ASSOCIATES JINNY GALLAGHER EVergreen 5-1629 ANN ZAHN EVergreen 5-3080 EDWARD E. CARLSON EVergreen 5-0818 11-10-60-tf £ BDRM. Home with full basement. Good Condition, only $6,600. 3 BDRM. Frame ranch Ig. living room. Gas heat. Water softener, 1% car garage. $14,500. f 3 BDRM. River front home. Close in. Lg. living room with fireplace, basement. $19,800. 4 BDRM. split level. Fireplace. Full basement. Lake rights. $20,700 or best offer. FOR HOMES up to $75,000.00, call Mr. Heinen, EV. 5-2527. BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 11-22-60 McHENRY AND VICINITY i •• HOLIDAY HILLS - a custom built 3 he'd room home, full basement, garage, oak floors, built in oven, refrigerator, electric range, deep freeze. Price $18,500.00. JAK-ANA HEIGrtTS -- 3 bedroom home, fully plastered walls, ceramic tile bath, oak floors, birch cabinet kitchen, full basement, attached garage, gaS hgkt, Ldt 100x170. I*Hbe $21,000.00 Terms. McHENRY SHORES -- large 2 bednvwn home, living-dining, built-in oven, oak floors, 1% garage. 2 nicely landscaped lots. Price $18,000. C MILLERS SUBb. north of Johnsbir™. Owner must sell 3 bedroom home, garage, full basement. Lot 72x185. Water rights. Price $11,500.00 Make Offer. JACOB FRITZ Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. REALTORS Phohe EV 5-0037 11-17-60 tf k