^uwCjff. Homnihw 88/ 1869 THEMcREHRTPLAIHDEALER CLASSIFIED Heb Wanted WANTED MEN and Women for temporary work' during pelting season at North Woods Ifftr Farm, Cary, Illinois. 11-17-22-12-1-60 REGISTERED NURSE -- 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. -- 2 or 3 days per week. Will offer unusually good salary to one interested in geriatric nursing. Apply in person only. Valley-Hi Nursing Home, RR 1, Woodstock. 11-17-22-60 ^Situation Wanted ALTERATIONS and sewing: experienced; reasonable; quick service. In McCullom Lake, West Shore Beach. Mrs. Mary Spencer, EV 5-3966. 9-1-60-tf WILL DO Ironing- Can pick up and deliver. Cooney Heights. pr 5-5151. *11-3-10-17-24-60 WHJL , DO welding and mechanical work in my home. Reasonable FE 8-5406. *11-22-60 WORKING mothers-Will take care of 1 or 2 children in my home. TransDortation must be furnished. EV. 5-1601 - McCullom Lake 11-22-60 ^ Wanted To Buy 300 JUNK CARS, trucks and tractors. Dealers in all other types of scrap. Call Courtesy Salvage, EV. 5-1260 or EV. 5- 4774. 11-10-17-24 - 12-1-60 TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 3§P 8-4287. 9-1-60-tf Wanted To Rent WANT TO rent a garage or equal in size. Electricity and cement floor required. Located in Johnsburg, Volo, or Mc- Henry. OLiver 8-4289. *11-22-60 RANTED TO rent. 2 bdrm. house or apt. Near McHenry, EV. 5-4910 11-22-60 To Be Given Away TO BE GIVEN away. Lovable four month old puppy. Black and white. Call EV. 5-0237 i 5 p.m. j *11-22-60 3JI3gKD^HI>fiIESi o0 ld. Paper broke. HYatt 7-3223. •11-22-60 Lo*t and Found 1961 McHENRY High School class ring. Girls Init. F. N. EV. 5-5197. *11-22-60 Notice BIDS The' County of McHenry wishes to secure Bids on Public Official Faithful Performance Bonds. Pick up detail specifications at the County Clerk's Office. December 3rd final day to call for specifications. Vernon Kays, ^ County Clerk • ™ Woodstock, 111. Personal FOR Beauty Care Call EV 5-9792 / SILHOUETTE BEAUTY SALON 202 N. Riverside Drive Mary - Lavone - By Appt. 9-29-60-tf Farmers Trading Post GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for M SALES & SERVICE PPH. EVERGREEN 54)420 501 Crystal Lake Road 1-tf START A CASH REACTION WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD FACTS ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH CENTEH ANSWERED Following are the most often asked questions concerning the Mental Health Center for McHenry County. The answers were given by Stanley Blumberg, director of the clinic. Q. What is the Mental Health Center for McHenry bounty? A. We are a non-profit organization, providing out-patient mental health services to those individuals who suffer from an emotional disturbance and who cannot afford to get psychiatric help elsewhere. Q. How can people get help from the Mental Health Center? A. Patient may be referred by the family physicia^, minister, school, relatives, court, friends, or may make a voluntary application; for care on' their own. Q. Is there any charge? A. Yes, we charge a nominal fee in accordance with the person's income and ability to pay. We use the standard fee schedule as our guide which is in use by Mental Centers like ours throughout the country and approved by the National Association for Mental Health. Q. Who supports you? A. We get our financial support from patient fees, contributions from public serviceminded individuals and groups in the community and from state reimbursement for our expenses. As our program expands, we will have ^ to depend almost entirely upon income from patient fees and from contributions. Q. Are you connected with any other organization in the country? A. No, we are a separate organization. Our policy and program are under the supervision of our own Board of Directors, consisting of private individuals in the county, who are contributing their time without charge. Q. Do you provide free services ? A. Yes, to those unable to pay and in need of care. We provide free services to the unemployed until they again start working, state patients on c o n d i t i o n a l d i s c h a r g e f r o m State Hospitals, individuals on pensions, or small incomes, who cannot afford our modest nominal fee. Q. How long does the treatment take? A. The length of treatment varies with the degree of 111- Pige Sm* ness, the willingness on the part of the patient to be helped, and their capacity to make the maximum use of our services, as well as our own capacity to be of assistance to the patient. Q. What type of services do you provide? A. The services which we provide include individual psycho- therapy, playroom therapy for children,; and medication as prescribed by our psychiatrist. Q. How does the patient get well? A. To a considerable extent this depends upon the individual case, including the length of illness, the willingness of the individual to participate in our treatment program, and to apply some of the ideas we talk about. Sometimes, people improve when they have i an opportunity to talk things over, with a trained, sympathetic listener, and when they see there is a connection between the ideas they have bo!d, the feelings which they then develop, anjl the behavior that follows. To a considerable extent, however, getting well depends on the individual's desire to change and ability to handle environmental, pressures. Q. What is your full title and where are you located? A. The full title of our organization is the Mental Health Center for McHenry County, Inc., and we are located at 105 East Waukegan Road, McHenry, Illinois. Q. «What are your office hours? A. Patient's appointme n t s are made in accordance with the patient's needs and also depending upon our daily schedule, which is Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and evening appointments are made to accommodate those individuals requiring same. Q. How can donations be made to your clinic? A. Donations may be made directly to "Mental Health Center for McHenry County, 105 East Waukegan Road, McHenry, HI. 'O-O 1-il - wj.- I CHARGED IN SUIT Constable Sigurd Jacobson and Kenneth Espey are named in a suit filed by Kathe Mauritz in circuit court, asking judgement of $10,000. She charges that they wilfully and wantonly physically assaulted and handcuffed her, and that due to the incident she was deprived of her liberty. SCOUT NEWS Troop 162 This troop held its first court of honor of the season on Thursday, Nov. 17, at the old Landmark school. This event will long be remembered by all participants -- Scouts as well as their parents -- who enjoyed it very much. Following presentation of the colore by the cotor guards and the lighting ceremony under leadership of their senior patrol leader. John Beato, the committee chairman, George McGowan, took the floor for a brief address and introduced Scoutmaster Maynard DeVos, who in turn presented the members of the committee and the troop leaders as follows: George McGowan, committee chairman: Walter Durrenberg, chairman board . of review; Dennis Martell, Sr., treasurer a n d c o m m i t t e e m a n ; J a m e s Kirk, Fred Durrenberg and Chuck Messel, Sr., assistant scoutmasters; Dennis Martell, Jr., junior assistant ' scoutmaster; John Beato, senior patrol leader. Scoutmaster DeVos presented tenderfoot badges to the following: Forrest Viita, Bill Bates, Chuck Renwick, Greg Ules. Bill Voeltz, Wayne Kidd, Dennis Moore, Bill Kidd and Dave Smith. Denny McGowan received his first class badge and Chuck Messel and Allen Raiford their second class. Merit badges were awarded to James DeVos and John Beato, given out by former n e i g h b o r h o o d c o m m i s s i o n e r , Hugh Kirk, who was visiting his former troop. The scoutmaster presented the newly appointed officials: Chuck Messel, scribe; Jack R o g g e n b u c k , q u a r t e r m a s t e r ; and Dale Davis, librarian; also the patrol leaders. Eagle, Jim DeVos, leader; Ron Vycital, assistant; Wolverine: Dennis McGowan, leader; Rick Moore assistant; Golden Arrow, James Gerth, leader; Vin Weyland, assistant. After a concluding address by the scoutmaster. Mr. DeVos. during which he extended his thanks and that of the committees to the parents of the Scouts for their presence, the court of honor adjourned. Think twice before speaking -- and you'll often say something else. KNOW YOUR N A VY DAVID S. INGALLS DAVE INGALLS HAD AN IMPOSING STRING OF FIRSTS DURING WOULD WAR I. HE WAS ONE OF THE FIRST TO SIGN UP WHEN STUDENTS OF YALE, FIRED BY EXPLOITS Of THE FAMED LAFAYETTE ESCADRtUE, RECRUITED THEIR OWN FIGHTING AIR SQUADRON TO BE TRAINED AND READY FOR COMBAT DUTY. HE WAS FIRST TO SHOOT DOWN FIVE ENEMY PLANES. AND SO, WAS FIRST NAVAL AVIATOR TO BECOME AN ACE. BY WORLD WAR II, INGALLS HAD RISEN TO THE RANK OF CAPTAIN AND LATER ADDED TO HIS LAURELS BY BEING NAMED ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY FOR AIR. ' ••• • '••"NV'" W ^ ^ we eive mantis Let us be thankful.. • for the freedom to worship in the church of our choice • • • for happy faces around the family's Thanksgiving table, and for the plenty that graces it ... for good health, good friends, good neighbors... and for all that we enjoy in this land of ours. Li(alt NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of McHenry, Illinois will receive sealed proposals at the City Hall unti. 8:00 o'clock P.M., C. S. T. December 5, 1960 for vari ous improvements to the water works system as follows: Division D - Furnishing and installing well turbine, high service turbine and auxiliary engine drive. Division E - Water treat ment equipment and building including associated electrical, mechanical, plumbing and site work. Division F - Construction of water mains to connect the proposed water works anc^tfi^ new elevated water tower^Division B) with the existing system. The contract documents including plans and specifications may be obtained from W. A. Rakow and Associates, Civil and Municipal Engineers, 202 E. Chicago Street, -Elgin, Illinois upon payment of $10.00 for each set desired which amount is nonrefundable. No documents will be released for bidding after 10:00 A.M., December 3, 1960. AH proposals must be accompanied by a bank cashier's check, certified check, or bank draft in an amount of not less than ten (10) percent of the amount of the bid. A bond will nbt be accepted as a proposal guarantee. No bids will be withdrawn without the consent of the City for a period of 60 days after opening of bids. The contractors and subcontractors shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by the City of McHenry, Department of Labor or as determined by the Court on appeal, to all laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under the contract. A contract bond to guarantee faithful performance of the contract including the above prevailing wage clause in the amount' of 100 percent of Hie contract will be required. The City of McHenry reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities: City of McHenry Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk (Publish Nov. 17-22 1960) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of FRED G. WITT, Deceased, File No. 60 P 238. Notice is hereby given to all oersons that December 5, 1960, is the claim date in the estate of FRED G. WITT. Deceased, pending in the County Cour£ of McHenry County, Illinois^ in Probate, and that claims may be filed against the saicf estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. » ALEXANDER J. ROSS Executor ALEXANDER J. ROSS, Attorney 188 West Randolph Street Chicago 1, Illinois (Pub. Nov. 10 - 17 - 22, 1960) It takes a genuine optimist to expect to raise a family and the standard of living, both at the same time. LOOKING FOR A HOME? Come to Fonca & Logan sts. & see our model home in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, 111. Open every Sunday, 1-6 p.m. -- Weekdays by appointment Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Lee Cooneyl Contractor Phone EVergreen 5-4345 We Do Concrete Work, Remodelling and Additions annannannE anncj nn •• • HEES - EU3 -BSDSE 0IICT HE] •••• Q EnmGEDEEH CD • EE E2EE ECDECJ d nnm una e senna nun • •• • rsrmsnnnc cnssnm c mmm •ranm am OBDP a no gib qbqes GEoocEnnas Toys Gifts For Everyone -- Young or Old *1 the ti$. Use Our Lay-Away Plan You'll find what you want ai VYCITALS HARDWARE 132 S. Green St. McHenry, HL i i I n 1 b -- -- -- -- Your Advertisement . in the McHenry Plaindealer reaches approximately 93% OF THE McHENRY TRADE AREA with over 5,065 PAID Subscribers I genoa err*. wis. SPRINGGROVE PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS SUNNYSIDE RICHMOND C ) WONDER LAKE JOHNSBURGMcCULLOM LAKE McHENRY LAKELAND PARK RRA COTTA ISLAND LAKE LlLYMOOfQ^ Ayoift LAKEMOOR Spend Your Advertising Dollar Wisely in a Paid and Proven Media «