Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1960, p. 6

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4) Page, Six THE McHEURV PLAINDEALER 'laindealer Wani Ads The McHearv Plain dealer Jlaistfied Advertising Bates ' Phone EV 5-0170 rst Insertion -- 6c per wont - $1.20 minimuir No ads counted less than 20 word*. epeat Insertions -- 5c per word - 91.00 minimum 25c Service Charge on all blind ads ' Display Classified first Insertion -- $1.25 per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum • • ' llepeat Insertions -- $1.10 Der Col. Inch Classified display must include a jninimum of one 18 pt. head ami one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 4 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. Copy Deadline -- Wed. 10 a.m. Automotive TOP QUALITY USED CARS m EVERY PRICE RANGE IN $1,200.00 BRACKET 58 Dodge 8 4 Dr. Sedan 58 Dodge 8 Station Wagon 58 Ford 8 2 Dr. Hard Top IN $1,100.00 BRACKET 57 Chrysler 4 Dr. Sedan 58 Chevrolet 8 Club Sedan' 58 Dodge 8 Club Sedan IN $1,000.00 BRACKET 5^Lark 2 Dr. Sedan 5^Ford 8 Club Sedan IN $700.00 BRACKET 57 Plymouth 8 4 Dr. Sedan 57 Plymouth 6 Club Sedan 56 Buick Tudor Sedan IN $500.00 BRACKET 57 Renault Daup. Sedan 55 Dodge Station Wagon 55 DeSoto 4 Dr. Sedan 55 Pontiac 2 Dr. Hard Top wide Selection of Others . BLAKE SALES ? 1 CENTER Rtfi 120 E. McHenry EV. 5-3102 '"^n Evenings Til 9-Sun. a.m. I 12-15-60 --| eplacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY 'AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 blk. East of the river bridge open Weekdays: * a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf Automotive * FORD DUMP truck F600. Ford Truck F600, Stake body and cattle rack. EV. 5-2711 *12-15-60 Boats and Motors 1954 JOHNSON 25 h.p. motor with gas tank. Call any evening after 6:30 p.m. EV. 5- 1662. *12-15-60 Ilie 1961 Johnson's Are Here! ED WENDT BOAT CO. \and Closing Out all i960 Inboards and Outboards Flberglas - Lapstralqe and Aluminum Get Our Big Deal Save! ! ! "LARGEST DISPLAY FOR MILES" Before You Buy Give Us A Try fwChmond, 111. Ph. 3281 Daily 9-6 -- Sun. 10-6 On Highway 12, 3 blocks north of Intersection 12 & 173 9-29-60-tf M UNSON ARINE CASH for your car at >'s Auto Mart. Crystal Lake blsfcktop and Route 120. Phone EV 5-4116. 9-1-60-tf Make It A Marine Christmas SPECIAL Skiis and Tow Rope $11.95 Now on Display 1961 Johnsons- Thompsons - Dorsetts - Trojans - Owens - Crownlines-Gators. Open 7 Days A Week Year Around 9 a.m.-8 p.m. On Rt. 12 1 Block So. of Rt. 120 EV. 5-2720 12-1-8-15-22-60 HUZ.a . Business Service BOARDING stables for horses and ponies. Fresh eggs for sale. 2x/z miles from McHenry on Rt. 31, near Johnsburg. EV. 5-4686. 12-15-60 tf Thursday, December 15, 1960? Business Service Business Service RUSSELL R^OTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Electric Sewer Rodding Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 9-1-60-tf ED'S RENTAL ' BENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbers' Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines ^ Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5-3232 9-1-60-tf Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Pre-Cast Septic Tanks Walter M. Garrelts P.O. 6ox 331 -- McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2101 9-1-60-tf SCHALL'S FURNACE repairing and cleaning. Also prompt skilled oil burner service EV. 5-3122. 12-1-60 tf TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Your phone answered 24 hrs. a day Business phones, private phonfes For Information Please Phone EVergreen 5-5431 11-22-12-1-8-15-60 AUCTION. Every Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sunday 1:00 pm. % mile west of Junction 45 on 120. Furniture, tools, misc. Consignments taken daily. Anything of value sold at auction. Paul K. Break, auctioneer. BA 3-5386. 10-13-60-tf TONY'S Machine 6hop service. Lawn mower sharpening & repair and saw filing. EV. 5- 4962 - One block east of Bridge on Rt. 120. 9-1-60-tf HOURLY RATES for jack hammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc.. Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 9-1-60-tf NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing difficult mortgages on homes, farms and commercial buildings. Write Box 42. Fox River Grove, III. 9-1-60-tf I PUMP CESSPOOLS \nd SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: \ * EV 5-1480 ° EV 5-2711 e »» Stattbn Bo* 38 " •* 9-1-60-tf CARPENTER work. Repairs, remodeling, and new kitchens. George Haack. Phone EV. 5- 2457 *12-8-15-60 NO MONEY down. 1957 Chrysler Winsor, 4-door. 1957 Dodge Coronet, 4-door. 1955 Olds, Hard-top, Super 88. 1954 Ford Convertible. 1953 Chrysler, 4- door. McHenry Personal Loan Corp. 105 Richmond Rd. EV. 5-fpl2. 12-15-60 1356 OLDSMOBILE. hardtop, good condition. Radio, heater, 2 tone blue, power brakes. $750. Phone EV. 5-2797. *12-15-60 PRIVATE OWNER 1956 Nash Rambler, Cross Country, 4 dr., Station Wagon, 6 cyl., Auto. Trans., Radio, Heater. Original t/Ups $675. $200 down finance jaTance. EV. 5-2252 *12-15-60 Let's Get Acquainted Save Time and Worry Let us do your laundry. Washed, dried, folded One Day Service Register for free wash and dry (.four machine loads limit) ELM STREET LAUNDER-IT 307 Elm EV. 5-0308 Hours 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Sat. 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday New Proprietors: Ed and Ruth Mars 12-8-15-22-29-60 SPECIAL SALE OF SELECT USED CARS 0 1959 Rambler 6 4-door sedan $1295 19:59 Studebaker V-8 Station Wagon $1395 1858 Rambler 6 4-door Station Wagon $1375 1957 Ford V-8 4-door Station Wagon $ 995 1957 Mercury 2-doqr Sedan ... $ 895 1^6 Plymouth V-8 Sedan $ 545 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM SEE US FIRST FOR THE BEST DEAL IN A GUARANTEED USED CAR HOLMES RAMBLER SALES 120. E. Calhoun St. Phone FE. 8-1080 Woodstock, Illinois . 12-15-60 SHAN-GRA-LA HOME 1 mile south of McHenry Just east ot Rt. 31 on Idyll-Dell Road Excellent home for elderly pensioned and retired people Pleasant, comfortable and clean rooms available. For information write Station Box 125, McHenry, 111., or call -- EVERGREEN 5-0419 9-1^60-tf HESTER OIL, CO., Elm St Service, 202 W. Elm St. Open 24 hours a day. Greasing -- washing -- overnite wax jobs. Flats fixed. We appreciate your business. Jim Thompson, prop. 9-1-60-tf BING'S PLUMBING & HEATING. Bob Frisby, Jr. Quality fixtures - radiant heating - gas & electric water heaters water systems - water soften ers. Repairs - Free estimates. EV 5-3144. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickeit Electric. 480 Center St.. Grayslake Til. Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound.EV 5-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 9-1-60-tf PAINTING, Interior and ex terior. Paper hanging, wall board taping-- Free estimates Nick Huff & Son, 401 Green .vood road. McCulIom Lake. Phone EV 5-4540. 9-1-60-tf COLONIAL HOMES $19,000 to $40,000 Built On Your Lot or Ours See Our Model on Route 120 1 mile East of Route 47 in Woodstock Jansen Constr. Co. FE 8-5005 10-6-60-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment Also, septic systems and back hoe work. Also Air Compressor for rent PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON 40J3 John Street McHenry, HI. 9-1-60-ti Local and Long Distance Moving Crating Storage - Packing FREE ESTIMATES McMAHON MOVERS CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Dial 459-3975 9-1-60-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Comply Letter->Sery&£ McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 210 S. Green St. McHenry, Illinois Phone EVergreen 5-5064 12-8-60 tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 9-1-60-tf Business Service APPLIANCE Service & Repair - All work guaranteed. Kenmore, Whirlpool, Norge, Frigidaire, ABC & Kelvinator washers and dryers. Also electric outlets. Prompt Courtious service. J. & D. Appliance, Dale L. Anderson, Phone 459-3237. 12-8-1-12 FLOOR SANDING and finishing. Free estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance ho object. Hartwig Floor Sanding, Barringtoa DUnkirk 1-2638. 9-1-60-tf DRESS MAKING. Alterations and men's shirts. Children's clothes. EV. 5-3922 12-8-15-60 For Sale AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) siales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimfir Subdivision. Phone EVergreen 5-1798. 9-1-60-tf BEFORE YOU BUY any TV, see the new 1961 Muntz 23" oonsolette, $149.95. Payments $3.15 per week. For a free home demonstration call Belshaw TV, Wonder Lake. Phone W.L. 6661. 9-12-60-tf SEWING Machines, Late model Singer used in this locality. Also 1960 Swing Needle Design- O-Matic. Makes beautiful designs. Half Paid. Like New and guaranteed. Small payments on either machine. Write Credit Manager, 1206 N.E. Adams, Peoria, Illinois *12-1-8-15-60 LABRADOR Retriever pup pies A. K. C. registered. Champion stock. $35 EV. 5-1158. 12-8-60 tf REGISTERED Collies. Safcle and white. Males and females. Reserved for Christmas. Also stud service. EV. 5-4197 *12-8-15-60 CHRISTMAS CANDJES Old Fashioned Hard Christmas candies (and Canes) - in bulk or gaily packed in candy jars. The many "Penny Candied Continue to delight all ages. i THE HOLMGRENS BeatitHW Gift Center West & George Sts. Richmond, 111. Open everyday and evenings 1961 License Plate Service WORTS SINCLAIR Rts. 120 & 31 McHenry -- EV 5-9856 10-13-60 -- 1-13-61 DOLLS - REPAIRED Doll Clothing and Wigs McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 1 Block East of Old Bridge Pistakee Road Ph. EV 5-2725 10-27-60 tf LOOKING FOR AN UNUSUAL GIFT? Hundreds of Handmade Items Reasonably Priced On Display At THE VALU-MART HOBBY OUTLET Charles St. 1 BI09V East of Pax River Bridge 1st Bldg. North of Rt. 120 9-1-60-tf Far Sale PETS FOR Sale. A. K. C.' Poodles, minatures, toys. Black, white, silver. $50 and up Woodstock, FE. 8-0447 evenings and weekends. 12-8-15-60 FREE FREE Free Christmas gilt to every shopper. January Rug and Carpet Clearance Sale in December guy no\y and save. We must reduce our inventory of roll goods, remnant#, used ru^s, rupners, and throw rugs in stock*. Discounts up to 50%. Open " every ~ <jay~ Irom £ a on. to 9 p.m. through Dec. 23. Tidy Mqgikist . Rug Cleaners Junction Routes 14 and 120 Woodstock, 111. Phone FE 8-1000 12-8-15-60 PLASTIC winter screens for porch, ready to instal). flea sonable. EV. 5-3289 12-15-$) 9 x 12 GREEN rug, like new. $65. 21" Blond combination T.V., Hi-Fi, radio, with glass top $125. EV. 5-4554. 12-15-60 tf 16 MILLIMETER sound projector. $100 Two reducing tables, Value $1,000 each, will sell for $250 each. Tenor sax, like new. $150. EV. 5-9850. 12-15-22-60 ORDER YOUR fresh dressed, -O^en ready turkey from Russell Rudolph 4% miles East of Richmond on 173. Phone Richmond 3162 12-15-22-60 SHOTGUN, Mossberg, 16 ga., bolt action. Perfect condition. 5 seasons old, excellent beginner's gun. With case, choke and pad. $25. EV. 5-9856. Worts Sinclair 12-15-22-60 WHITE BUNK beds and springs. Can be used as twin beds. $15. White bedroom set, double bed, spring, 2 chests, large mirror, 2 night stands. $75. Wonder Lake 6813. 12-15-60 214 PIECE electric train set. Good condition. Call after 4:00 p.m. EV. 5-4145. *12-15-60 BEAUTIFUL cocker pups. EV. 5-3268. *12-15-60 KITCHEN- TABLE, and lour sectional sofa $15.00 EV. 5- 5170. *12-15-60 Sale MAHOGANY dining table and buffet. EV. 5-6319? 12-15-60 TOY MANCHESTER terrier AKC registered. Very small. 1 pound female. 2% mos. Will hold for Chris*mas. Phone EV. 5-3906 12-15-60 MAPLE DINING set $25. Play pen $8. Diaper washer $10. Stroller $4. Dressers, $6 and $i2. Almost new recliner chair, $40. Thomas organ $450, terms. Many other items to choose from. We buy, si), or tratv anything of value. Thi» Trading Post, 2 blocks Erst of the bridge on Rt. 120, EV. 5-0430. O ^ 12-15-60 STAUFPgR Posture rest. Cost $2S&. Practically new. Cash $175. Call EV. 5-2224. 12-15-60 FOR SALE. Go-Kart, small trailer, and size 11 Men's ice skates. Call EV. 5-0950. 12-15-60 CHILD'S 3 piece nylon lined snow suit. Never worn. Cost $24, sell for $12. EV. 5-3692 12-15-60 FIREPLACE WOOD. '50 black Chevrolet, good condition. EV. 5-6015. 12-15-60 MODERN DINING room set. Table, 5 chairs, and buffet. $40. EV. 5-2042. 12-15-60 "BUG" GO KART, Clinton ton engine and numerous extras. New red paint job, not even a year old. A buy at $125 EV. 5-2426. *12-15-60 SEASONED split fireplace wood. Call McHenry EV. 5- 0527 after 5 p.m. *12-15-60 ACRILAN COUCH and overstuffed chair in excellent condition, for sale $85 or trade for piano. Desk for sale, $25. Bex 5, Woodlawn Park. EV. 5-0236. Call Thurs. and Fri. evenings, or Saturday afternoon. 12-15-60 LADIES rink skates, size 6, like new. $7. Case $2. Judy Hans, EV. 5-3927. 12-15-60 FIREPLACE logs. $17 % cord. Delivered within 15 miles. Call Jim Hans, EV. 5» 3927 or Ricky Johnson, EV. 5-1166. 12-15-60 UNIVERSAL Gas range, apt. size. Good condition. Set of n^w .Traction Masters to fit EV. 5-1610. 12-15-60 For Rent 1 WITH OPTION to buy. 4 bed- | room home. EV. 5-2423. 1 114-60-1n : 1 1 BEDRM. Cottage on Fojt" | River near Johnsburg fcridge:^* i Gas heat, $60. per month. EVt<* ' 5-0603 or write B. EngstroHk;; 892Q. Lamon Ave., Skokie, 11-10-60-t CLEAN attractive room witjfc.-j adjacent bath for employed person. Tel. EV. 5-6132 12-8-60 ft" £ : -- 3 ROOM heated apt. Reason,-^ able. Suitable for older couple * or single person. No children^ or pets. Phone EV. 5-2667. 12-15-60 t£ CLEAN, attractive, well furnished room; Close to bath; hot water heat; space for car in garage. EV. 5-1251. 12-15-22-29«0 FOR RENT with option to buy. 3 bdrm. home, 1% bath. Also 3 bdrm. home with attached garage. EV. 5-0162. 12-15-22-60 3 BDRM. home at Highland Shores. EV. 5-4686. 12-15-60 NICE 5-room flat for rpnt iL--- McHenry. Gas heat, 2 bdrm. $70 per month. EV. 5-2114. 12-8-69 t fef RANCH, 3-bdrm, oil heat, fir$jLtU_ place and attached garage." $100 per month. 3-Bdrm house. $80. 3-Bdrm. duplex. $75.. Furnished apartments, includes utilities, $15 a week and up. EV. 5-1079. 12-15-60 FOR RENT Available now. Five room, 3 bedroom hDU&&-« with full basement and ga^-i age. Located in Eastwood Manor. Phone 459-5469. Shown by appointment only. 12-15-66 FIVE ROOM, upper southern exposure apartment. $49.50. Muzzy Bldg., Ringwood. Call J6'r3ah 1 &7708, or see Air. Tinun, Ringwood. 12-15-® TT, 3 ROOM furnished apt anjCA^ bath. Electricity and heat fui<* nished. McCulIom Lake. EV. 5-3457. 12-154,j TO RENT 'til June lqt, pa. sibly later. Nevy home, on Channel, close to river. 3 bdrm.,1 bath, large recreation room. Garage, gas heat. $100 per month. EV. 5-1304. 12-15-60 SWEATER MADE by Ella Busse for sale. Size 18, light coral, bulky knit. Will sell for highest offer, worth about $35. EV. 5-1123. 12-15-60 NEARLY NEW gray walnut bedroom set. Breakfast set. G.E. refrigerator and freezer c o m b i n a t i o n . D a n i s h s o f a , lamps, carpeting, heat lamp. Leaving vicinity. Richmond 2186, evenings. 12-15-60 BUSINESS SERVICES FERRIS SALAD & BUFFET Potato Salads - German and Mayonnaise Style Macaroni Salad - Bean Salad - Cole Slaw WHOLESALE Industries, Clubs and Delicatessans For Christmas and New Years Dean Ferris Phone HYatt 7-3177 McHenry, 111. *12-8-15-22-29-60 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE PISTAKEE ROAD AND CHARLES ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS -- CLOSED TUESDAYS -- PHONE EV 5-9850 (NEAR BOWLING ALLEY) work done exclusively by students FOR A family who loves music. Complete Component parts. Hi-Fi Svstem. Original cost over $?)0. Offered at $125. Come ever, Ink and lisr. v.. K.Vergreen o-'. ? ' 2. *12-lo-60 JOHNSON'S Figure skates, Ladies, size 8. Good condition. $6.50. EV. 5-1266. 12-15-60 $IALL CHAIN saw, with extra bladei in excellent condition. Tel. EVergreen 5-6518. 12-15-60 Ideal For Xmas BEAGLE PUPPIES • AKC Registered • Good Bloodline • 4 Mos. Old puoni; EV. 5-1505 12-15-60 BEGINNERS Shampoo & Styling Mon. & Wed. • Ttiurs., Fri. & Sat. Haircuts -- 80c ADVANCED Styling 75c $1.00 & $1.50 95c Haircutting $1.00 Permanents $650 $750 $10.00 (e|it ft style in<jlud$d) Permanents $3J96 $4.96 (cut & style included) High Bleacbkig -- Tinting -- Streaks -- Tipping $1.50 to $6.50 ase SLENDERIZING TABLES Vibratory Gfeiat Reducing Belt Coin Operated 9-22430-tf I fit !•! BICYCLES New Ranger Bicycles with life time" guarantee. Also like new completely reconditioned bicycles. New tricycles, wagons, and scat cars. Sales, service, parts, and accessories. D and H BICYCLES 110 N. Meatfowlajie Pistakee Highlands, McHenry HYatt 7-3320 A deposit will hold any item until Christmas Open All Day Sundays 12-1-8-15-22-60 BEAUTIFUL Silver Fox Jacket. Reasonable. EV. 5-6414. 12-15-60 SMALL UPRIGHT piano with bench. $100. EV. 5-0460. 12-15-60 STARTER accordion with case. $35. EV. 5-4554. 12-15-60 For Rent 2ft and, Mfi Stove, refrigerator" and' all utilities furnished. Town Club", 201 Riverside Dr. EV. 5-5573. 12-154Q 1 BEDROOM apartment, all utilities furnished. EV. 5-0906. 12-15-60 3 BEDROOM YEAR 'round house. Gas heat, garage, oft McCulIom Lake, Spojnia Subd. Call Guettler. EV 5-1789. 11-22--12-1-8-15-60 HOMES FOR RENT -- In Holiday Hills -- Large 3 bedroom ranch. Rent with option to buy. Immediate occupancy. Phone Hickory 7-8111. 9-1-60-tf FACTORY & COMMERCIAL building. Will build industrial and commercial buildings on our site for qualified tenants to lease. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond 4381. 9-1-60-tf OFFICE SPACE available at 205 West Elm. Call EV 5-5667 10-20-60 W 4 ROOM house with shower. Furnished. $65 per month. EV. 5-4554. 12-15-60 FOR RENT Second floor fiveroom apartment, heat furnished. Location 541 Main Street. Phone McHenry EV. 5-1119, Elmer W. Jensen, 518 Waukegan Road. *12-15-60 2 Bedroom Apt. 601 Third St. at John St. 2 blocks west of High School, Large Living Room, Dinette- Kitphen with Cabinet Sink, Auto .Defrost Refrig. 30" Gas Range, Tile Bath, 4 Closets, Attif Storage, Individual Auto, (jas Iteat, TMaster T.V. Antenna, Reas. Rent plus Concess. THE KENT CORP. 115 N. Riverside EV. 5-3800 *12-15-60 FOR SALE LOTS 1 & 3, block 11, Uhit 1, Mclfenry shore?. Take <o^er contract unpaid balance Moving California. Ife tier* JUno 4-6928. St. Charles. *11-3 thru 12-15-60 with foii^hik. Booth tat" rent, re^nable, Silhouette Beauty Salon. Call Alice EV. 5-9850 12-8-15-22H50 Retail Route SALESMAN Sales experience helpful Health and welfare plan plus pension plan .Paid Vacation. - r * * ' Apply in person Ludwig Milk Qo. Rt. 31 McHenry, 111. 12-15-60 CLEANING WO^IAN wapted for 1-2 days a week, in" McHenry. Furnisji own transportation. References desir&j. EV. 5-1643 12-15-60 Real Estate 2" "EffrrtMr ft6Wer fdr' sale/'^6 money dpwn. Call after 5 pjn. EV. 5-6126. *12-1-8-15^0 2 BEDROOM house on large fenced in lot. Natural gas heat available. New siding and paint. Full basement. G.I. Mortgage. Must sell due to transfer out of state. Wonder Lake 6874 after 6 p.m. All day Saturday and Sunday."" 10-20-60 tf CHRISTMAS TREES ROYAL OAKS SALES Hwys. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, III Open Everyday and Evenings New and Used Furniture Antiques DIAL 459-4278 FOR SALE-HOMES-FARMS CHOICE LOTS-BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, UL Phone: EVergreen 5-0421 9-1-60-tf RIVER FRONT Lot at McHenry Shores. ExceUeift location; water, gas and etefftric. Terms to suit, by owner. EV

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