M:l ^•i lK> Section One -- Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER °3Jt Thursday# February 4, 1965 Married sMm$ B$M f;sv ^ * <i - • &/'*% .. m3 Rev. and Mrs. Carl Lobitz Between. 150 and 175 members of Zion Lutheran church honored their pastor and his wife, : Rev. and Mrs. Carl Lobitz, last Thursday evening on The occasion of their fortieth wooding anniversary. The surprise celebration was held in the; church hall, planned by their son and daughter-in-law, Norman and Dorothy Lobitz. Members of the various organizations in the church wer^ riepresented and served a delicious lunch. The congratulatory address of the evening was given by Rev. . A. Lorenz of Bartlett, who attended with his daughter, Ruth.. The program also included a .poem by Adelaide Patzke ana a solo, "Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee'", by Mrs. Olive Dial, accompanied by Mrs. Maria Guettler. Visiting clergy included Rev. and Mrs. C. Seegers of Harvard, Rev. and Mrs. H. Heineman of Barrington, Rev. and Mrs., H. Krueger of Lake Zurich, Rev. M. Lopas of Round Lake and Rev. K. Haskell of Lake Villa. Rev. and Mrs. Lobitz were presented with lovely gifts, including a purse. The couple exchanged nuptial vows on Jan. 28, 1925, in St. Louis, Mo., her home city, at a time when he was pastor in Yates Center, Kans. They moved to McHenry Oct. 7, 1949, and during his pastorate here the church has noted much progress, most important being the erection of the new church dedicated*Aug. 10, 1958. Both Rev. and Mrs. Lobitz have endeared themselves to members of the congregation and to many other friends acquired during their Jong residence heir. They have one sonr Norrr!an, and two grandchildren, Douglas and Karen. - -- Sharon Knox Wed Saturday Miss Sharon Sue Knox, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seppala of 7414 Algonquin Road, Wonder Lake, was married last Saturday, Jan.. 30, to Mr. Larry Eugene Hosiek, of Memory Lane, Wonder Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Hosick of Enfield. IU. • Rev. Thomas Johnson officiated at the 8 o'clock evening nuptial rite performed in Nativity Lutheran church. Miss Knox chose a white, wool street- length dress with which' she wpre a shoulder length veil. J She was attended by her cousin, Charlotte Hastings of Brookfield, who was attired in a black sequin dress. Kenneth Hastings of Brookfield served as best man. Mrs. Seppala selected for her niece's wedding a silk print dress. A reception for the family and bridal party1 followed the wedding at the Seppala home, with twenty-five in attenedance. The wedding cake was made and decorated by the matron of honor. Miss Knox attended McHenry high school and the groom received his education in Enfield high school. He is employed at the American Steel Treating Co., at Terra Cotta and she is an employee of Rae Motors, McHenry. The young couple will make their home in Woodstock. YOUNG McHENK COUPLE! MARRI LAST SATURljjAY , The Community Methodist, church was the scene of a l ively winter wedding last Saturday, Jan 30, when Mis.-* Sarah J. Lightbolder of 2302 Manor, McHenry, exchanged iniptial vows with Mr. Dick Andersen. Rev. Ernest Carder cufieiated „at the 2:30 o'clock wedding.* Miss Lightholder is the daughter of Joseph Lightholder of 922 N. Central Park. Chicago, and Mr. Andersen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Anderson of Tvl06 W. West Shore Beach, McHenry. Special nuptial music included "The Lord's Prayer", "Because" and "Oh Promise Me". The church was decorated for the„ occasion with fourteen candles and white" carnations. Iscorted down the aisle by her father, the pretty bride wore a silk linen; Grecian design. floor length gown, styled with .sculptured neckline, fitted IV'dice, bracelc. length sleeve's i;frd the floating back p.-1 no! adorned . w?tli • a bow. Her silk illusion, two-tiered (bouffant veil fell from a velvet Kaf petal crown highlighted with pearl trim. Sandra J. Ri^ier of 2302 Manor, McHenry. acted as matron of honor, wearing an emerald green taffeta, floor length gown and matching shell crown trimmed with pearls, from which foil a shoit, bouffant veil. She had green accessories. Little Michelle J. Rigler. niece of the bride, was the urcttj flower girl. She wore a pink nylon dress and matchin;: accessories. Roy French of 2916 N. Ringwood Road, McHonrv, served as best man and Ed. Radnor of 2302 Manor? McHenry^ was usher. Mi's. Andersen chose a turquoise print, wool crepe dress '."ith matching hat and black purse and shoes. Following the ceremony, a reception „for fourteen friends and relatives was held at Snug Harbor. The bridegroom is a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school and the bride graduated from Felte Tenante business college. The newlyweds will reside in Crystal Lake. SI SAN JACKSON Couple Selects Wedding. Date & Miss Susan Kae Jackson has selected April 18 as the date for her wedding to Douglas V. Anderson of Decatur. Their engagement. is announced this week by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jackson, of 5018 N. Memory Trail, McHenry. McHENRY GIRL NAMED PLEDGE CLASS CHAIRMAN Trudy Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freund, 3017 West Crescent, MeHenry, was recently elected scholarship chairman of the pledge class of Beta Iota chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta social sorority at Eastern Illinois university. Miss Freund is a freshman physics major at Eastern Illinois. She is a member of the Physics club and the Newman club. She is a 1964 graduate of McHenry high school. NATIVE OF CITY OBSERVES 92ND BIRTHDAY FEB. 1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to -thank everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and many kind deeds during my recent. illness. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Mayme Miller 2-4-65 For those yon Love to Remember NOKCROSS Valentines VALENTINE'S DAT FEBRUARY 14th BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois ! ' PHONE 385-4500 -Friends in McHenry will be interested to learn that Mrs. Delia Callahan of 11410 S. Longwood Drive, Chicago, was honored by her family last Saturday in Chicago Wesley Memorial hospital on the observance of her ninety-second birthday anniversary, which fell on Feb. 1. In addition to the family party, she was honored at another party on Sunday by the hospital staff. .Mrs. Callahan, a native of McHenry, received birthday congratulations from President Lyndon Johnson, Congressman William Murphy and Mayor Richard J. Daley. The celebrant went to Chicago to make her home in 1898 as the bride of James Callahan. Her husband, who died in 1939, was chief dispatcher for the Indiana Belt Line railroad. According to Mrs. Callahan's daughter, Mrs. Mildred Joyce, her mother has remained veryactive,, cooking, baking and sewing for her fifteen greatgrandchildren. Besides Mrs. Joyce, other living children are a daughter, Mr% Eugene Zoia, of Woodstock and a son, Francis, of Chicago. MYF MKETIN<i On Sunday, Feb. 7, the Methodist Youth Fellowship in McHenry will hold an interdenominational meeting. MARKI.UiR LIC ENSES Roy E. Decker, Chicago, and Frances L. Nicholas, McHenry. Norman Danko and Lillian Banks, McHenry/ Gary Taryin, McHenry, and Caroline Sue Hamm, Astoria, 111. ATTEND CHl'KCIf SUNDAY Wedding Candida by Cherished Moments Studio CANDID and INFORMAL PORTRAITS Btejck & White and Color Modestly Priced Phone McHenry 385-7659 McHenry Hospital During the past week patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Elsie Skoog, Donald Turnbull and John Hurley, Chicago; Suzanne Perkins, Spring Grove; Jacqueline Falese, Dundee; Antoinette Shilvock and Frank Weber, Crystal Lake; Joseph Janosek, Island Lake; Doreen Jay, Fox Lake; June Keller, Jean Swiatkowski and Buelah De- Coster, Wonder Lake; William Schnoor, Inglesidp; Donald Nieman and Carol Burmingham, Cary; Roger Creswell, Richmond; John Neary, Pell Lake, Wis.; Merle Dean, Catherine Hosto. William Ensor and William King, Wauconda m Joan Michael and Leonard Allen. Barrington; Peter Labyk. Woodstock; Leonard Heckmann and Karen Cochran, Lake Villa. Genevieve Hartnctt, Waukegan. Also Richard Betz, Richard Lenzie, Dennis Ansell, John Ferguson, Nicholas Partipilo, John Markwart, Anna Garcia, Ellen Podgorski. Mary Ellon Lutz, John Meister, Leslie Newman. . Glenda Wieck, Sue Grizely, Phil Mangold. Kathcrine Althoff, Pamela Milsche, Christopher Harncr, Clemen.-. Wcssel, Lorraine Haven. Sarah ADUIEN NE SCHELL Pistakee llills Girl To Marry Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schell of Pistakee Hills, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Adrienne Ellen, to Dale Lee Boelens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boelens of Pistakee Highlands. Both young people are graduates of McHenry high school No date has been set for the wedding. Tell Wedding Plans Tor Judith Freund Mrs. Mary M. Keerberg of McHenry announces the approaching marriage of her daughter, Judith Helena Freund, to Mr. Reynaldo Fernandez, son of Mrs. George Ileyna of Waukegan. The wedding will be solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic church, Saturday, Feb. 27, at 11:30 a.m. Big Hollow PTA To Feature Panel The Big- Hollow PTA meeting will be held Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 8 p.m. at the school. The program will consist of a student panel from Grant high school in Fox Lake. A Founders Day celebration will honor past presidents. • Fourth grade room mothers will act as hostesses. DISTRICT LEGION AUXILIARY WILL MEET FEB. 6 • The Eleventh District American Legion Auxiliary mid-winter board meeting and convention will be held at the Elmhurst Amerifcan Legion post home, Butterfield and Spring Road, "Feb. 6-. The board meeting will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. with all district officers and chairmen urged to attend. There will be a recess for lunch. Registration for the convention will begin at 12:30 p.m. District Director Mrs. Russell Bieritz. from Geneva , will call the convention to order at 1:30 p.m. The Eleventh district of The American Legion Auxiliary includes four Counties -- Du- Page, Kane, McHenry and Will. CANDY STRIPERS 4 ELECT OFFICER SCHEDULE PARTY . . VAt the last meeting of the £andy Stripers the following officers were elected: President, Pat (Peanuts) Morrison; vice-president, Pat Voight; and secretary, Bonnie Exline. Awards were given to the following girls: 250-hour Crescent emblem, Bonnie Exline of McHenry; 100-hour stars, Peg Gramza of Fox Lake, Patty Rich of Crystal Lake, Cheryl Patterson of McHenry, Lora Hachmeister of McHenry and Kathy Steinsdorfer of McHenry: 22-hour emblems, Nancy Mortenson of Crystal Laks; Debbie Kempfer, Lora Hachmeister, Carol Freund, Diane Swelman, Shirley Tomlinson, Kari Ann Ehl.en, Pat NeWkirk, Sue Conway, Shirley Doherty, Donna Rupert, Cheryl Patterson, Kathy Barth, Diane Hannemann ahd Kathy Steinsdorfer of McHenry; Pat Dorgan of Wauconda, Melody Skalla and Sue Ann Jones of Wonder Lake; Peg Gramza, Becky Koch, Debbie Jensen, Emily Johnson and Diane Brandt of Fox Lake. On Saturday, Feb. 6, the Candy Stripers will hold a skating ahd tobogganing party at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Seversen, 811 N. Cold Spring, in Bull Valley. Transportation and refreshments will be provided by members of the woman's auxiliary to McHenry hospital. ,'V'f " iii '• • -.;.4 •. - Entertain These "three young ladies, all pupils at Edgebrook school, McHenry, entertained by candlelight for the Wauconda Sportsmen's club annual banquet when the sleet storm caused power failure. Left to right, they arc Karen Davidson, Nona Amoyr and Iris Seese. LYD1A KOTIW Lydia Kotiw Plans For Summer Wedding Mrs. Emliy Kotiw of 212 N. River Road, McHenry, announces the engagement of her daughter. Lydia, to James Mar- Harper. Laura Smith and John ! shal1, son (lf Mr- a,ul Mrs- Lp" Masley, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Stephanie Rupp, Gerald Elbersen and George Hartmann. -tfr., Wondei Lake; Karen Kennebeck. Christine Thelen, Veronica Bauer and Elsie Goss, McHenry. Roy Marshal! of 2111 W. Fairview Avenue, McHenry. The young people plan a July 17 wedding in St. Mary's Catholic church. Both are 1%3 graduates of Mcllemy high school. t Attend tho church of your choice Sunday. McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walraven of Crystal Lake are parents of a son, Jan. 25. A son was born Jan. 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fredricksen of Wonder Lake announce the birth of a son Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Podgorski welcomes a son Jan. 26. A Wauconda couple, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reckwardt, are parents of a daughter Jan. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bennett announce the birth of a daughter Jan. 27. A son was born Jan. 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Povidas. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cosman became parents of a son Jan. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schufft of Ringwood are parents of a son Jan. 30. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merwin of 4219 W. Crest wood announce the birth of their second daughter on Feb. 1. The baby has been named Tracy Lynn and has a sister. Dawn Marie, 3 years old. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donold T. Merwin of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Delta Allen of Darien, Wis., are the maternal ones. The paternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer, Sr., of Greenwood. Memorial Hospital Woodstock On Jan. 30 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Patanaude of Spring Grove. Twin sons were born Jan. 27 to. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Gee, Jr., of Wonder Lake. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bau- ^flewA , In spite of ice, snow and sub-zero temperature, 50 "Jobies" and parents met at the Masonic Temple for Past Queens' and Friends' Night on Thursday, Jan. 28. Girls came all the Way from Palatine, demonstrating the true meaning of friendship. Kathy Kengott, Sandi Fairchild, Barbara Lorch, Susan P'rawl, and Janet Murray, past honored queens of Bethel 98, McHenry, held offices. Kathy Kengott, as junior past honored queen, was queen for the night. Nancy Anderson, honorary member of the Bethel in Anaheim, Calif., was librarian, and gave an original talk on "Patriotism" which held the audience spell bound for over five minutes. Her report will long be remembered as one of the highlights of the evening. Tom Russell, associate guardian, presented Kathy Kengott with her Bible and past honored queen's jewel. Virginia Lagios and Mrs. Ange Huizinga were guests of honor as a "thank you" for making the beautiful new robes. Following the meeting, everyone went downstairs, where there was a "Winter Fantasy." Each girl received a beautiful nylon "fluff." The committee members were Ruth Lightner, Nancy Winters and Laurie Murray. Honored Queen Libby Stinespring announced four girls to be initiated at the next meeting, Feb. 11: Mary Lynn Johnson, Donna Weichmann, Sharon Davidson, and Barbara Whetherhult. Following initiation, there is planned a "Heart Day's Night" party. Each girl is to bring a decorated box lunch for two. The Builders will be guests for an evening of Valentine fun -- food, games and dancing. Harrison PTA Holds Fun Nite er are proudly announcing the arrival of their eighteenth grandchild. The newest member of their family is Catherine Ann, the first child of Attorney and Mrs. Joseph N. Bauer of Oskosh* Wis., born on Wednesday, Jan. 27. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS St. Valentine's DANCE McHenry Moose Lodge No. 691 Saturday Feb. 9:00 p.m."-- 'til Bob Freund's Orchestra HORS D'OEUVRES throughout evening v. Admission $4.00 per couple mm w&W. & m iil Dear fiends, our °rf? "ked aMut ®eIectiorr?I t y h"eans t th»t the whatever p I i c l - casket, at the p. « ' l n c i u d e s a l l Wltt> the fun~ Servit«s connected mM Provis other welcome Respectf ESE The Wauconda Sportsmen's club, which includes members in the area southeast of McHenry, held its annual banquet amidst candlelight and flashlights at" Uncle Andy's Cow Palace in Palatine following the recent sleet storm. Although power failure caused some inconvenience, the "show went on". Past officers were honored and awarded specially designed "high monkey monk" trophies for their services in 1964. They were Gene Petz, president; James Paddock, vicepresident; Robert Quinn, treasurer; and Carl Kindcl, secretary; also Board Members Robert Golding and Tom Reil- ]y. James Paddock was elected recentiy as the new '65 president. Nona Amour, 9, and Karen Davidson, 9, of Island Lake and Iris Seese, 10, of Burton's i Bridge, introduced as the "Three Squirts", entertained the group with two tap dance numbers, accompanied by Monty Parker. The young ladies are all students at Edgebrook school in McHenry. Fred Amour of Island Lake acted as master of ccremonies, assisted by his wife, Madeline. _ : • ST. PAUL'S TO SERVE SPAGHETTI SUPPER MARCH 2 > Harrison PTA will present "Fractured Fashions," a spoof on modern styles, at its annual Fun . Nite for the community. Everyone is invited to pack the Harrison gym Tuesday night, Feb. 9, starting at 8 p.m. Gloria Coughlin, producer and couturier of the zanny style show, has brought together a collection of originals to be modeled by teachers and dignitaries of the community. All were designed by stylists who described as having "missed their calling and are now ditch diggers, swamp buggy operators, and in one case a stylist who now thrives royally on ADC funds." Lee Pickrum is in charge of music to be rendered on the fractured, off-pitch school piano by Jim Bixby, supported by a select men's chorus described as enough to panic anyone. Doris Peek is in charge of props, and the PTA executive committee is desperately propping up Doris. Present Models Models for the extravaganza -- this in itself worth the price of free admission -- are faculty, Merl Thomas, Marvin Wenck, Joseph Liggett, Gladys Gustavson, Lorraine Wenck, Emma Stork, Gertrude Brickley, Elaine Dziedzic and Aerial Eaton; other men, Preacher William Nielson and Peanut Frank Higgins; Dames, Gloria Freund, Maxine Bixby, Harriet Van Kanegan, Amy Street, Janet Gianola, Joanne Higgins, Jean Decker, Pat Dusthimer, Jean Palko, Marcella Parker, Ardel Bell, Marilyn Topp, Gertrude Nielson and Lee Pickrum. The "Ray Childs Rejects" men's chorus is composed of Ed Coughlin, Bill Cristy, George Freund, Jack Van Kanegan, George Street, Tom Peek, Gerry Palko, Bill Nielson and Frank Higgins. They'll be joined in an original parody by the Firemen's Wives, Connie Schleicher, Eloise McCafferty, Millie O'Brien and Amy Street. Leaving no stone of profes- chairman, will announce a rccisionalism unturned, the staging! ord high membership foi; the St. Paul's Episcopal church is making plans for its annual spaghetti dinner which will be held March 2 in the Legion home. Serving will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. This year's dinner is under the chairmanship of Mrs. Arthur Lunniss, with Mrs. Dasin Smith in charge of ticket sales and Edward Robel, waiters and' helpers. Special < ntertainment is promised in the way of a vocalist and pianist. Proceeds will be used for the building fund of the church. SHOP IN McHENRY and special runway for the models is being built by Jay Cristy. President Maxine Bixby said a short business meeting will precede the monkey business. Vice-President Nancy Fallaw will present a tribute to PTA Founder's Day by honoring past PTA presidents. Amy Street, membership 'commit lee co- Harrison chapter. The local unit already has won the 10 per cent and 30 per cent increased membership citation, and the 100 per cent tcacher citation from the Illinois State" PTA. Mrs. Street reports that a letter and telephone campaign has resulted in a membership roll of 214, a 79 per cent increase over last year. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS McHENRY STATE BANK "Always Serving You -- All Ways" Since 1906 Phone 385-1040 Member'Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Coloration