Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1965, p. 2

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Section One mm -c~* .i£L: icM ill' :\M THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, February V11, 8®?i& County Council fleets ?s' i A Mrs. Sue Wirfs, county secretary; Mrs. Charles Boyd, department president; and Mrs. Ruth Mrachek, ^ounty auxiliary president; are shown at last Friday evening's council meeting held in Crystal Lake. The McHenry county council of the American Legion Auxiliary met at Crystal Lake Legion Post hall last Friday evening. The Crystal Lake American Legion Auxiliary acted as hostess group fbr the evening, Ruthj Mrachek, McHenry coujity president, was honored to have as her guest for the evening, Mrs. Charles Boyd of Beardstown, 111., who is now the department president. Mrs. Boyd spoke on several subjects, chief among them the auxiliary motto: "Service, Not Sell." The auxiliary purpose is performing services to help the veterans, not selling things to them, such a's Mrs. Boyd's project for this year to provide motorized wheel chairs- for the veteran patients at Hines hospital. To date this year they have received "two" motorized wheel chairs. The following day, Ruth Mrachek, who is sergeant-at-arms for the 11th district, and Dorothy Diedrich who is foreign relations chairman for the district, attended the 11th district winter convention at Elmhurst. Both of these ladies are members and past presidents of McHenry Unit 491. CHORAL GROUP RECORDS CLUB'S TOP MEMBERSHIP McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Mary Ellen Za- Wistowski and Sonia Miller, Spring Grove; Vincent Muzzalupo, Julie Tudor and Ann Nagel, Wauconda; Lois Wagner, Qrayslake; Mary Fisher, Richard Schlake, Marjorie Zancha, Donna Salerno, William Von Zet and Myrtle Chrisholm, Crystal Lake; Dawne Johnson and Joseph Vachy, Ingleside; Paula Wulf, Woodstock; Herbert Drain and Rudolph Becker, Barrington; Samuel Beaman, Ringwood; Roseanne Spears, Wonder Lake; Julia Covert, Algonquin; John Dion, Fox Lake; William Slater, Long Lake; Sophie Thomas, Round Lake; William Wiegman, Palos Heights. Also, Adella Dunn, Elsie Cheatham, Russel Weyland, David Noah, Veronica Fitzgerald, Ricky Audino, Dean Pries, Mildred Holly, Phil Mangold, John Stevens, Anna Havranek, Lena Smith, Wayne Taylor, Isabelle Kellner, Roxanne Fruik, Lois Weeks. Leo Orlowski, William Johnson, Judith Felmeten and Edward Wilt, McHenry.. Memorial Hospital Woodstock During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Erna Meinke, Ethel Schueman, Virginia Ketchum, Irene Savalick, Dennis Bennett, James Bell, Heidi Aissen, Master Lawrence Preister and Robert Hager, Wonder Lake; Jesse Bright, Kenneth Schopp, Victoria Nowicki, Linda Vlahos, John Vlahos, Louise McEnery, Mildred Pintozzi, Lillian Newmann and Thomas Blake, McHenry; and Anthony Koppie, Spring Grove. Harvard Hospital Theodore Krocker and Julius Lass of McHenry were patients during the past week at Harvard hospital. With the deadline for mem bership early this month, the McHenry Choral Club notes its highest figure in history with seventy-one members. The club will travel, in song, to the various international pa: vilions at the New York World's Fair for their May 1 and 2 program this year. Settings are being arranged appropriate to the various parts of the world they will visit, both through folk songs, classical favorites, and popular Broadway plays which have their backgrounds in other countries. With postponement of the high school band concert originally planned for Monday, Feb. 15, the club will have practice on a special schedule. PAR CHAPTER WILL MEET WITH HISTORICAL GROUP The Kishwaukee Trail chapter, of the Daughters of the American Revolution of the county met recently in the home of Mrs. R. O. Andrew in Woodstock. The meeting at 11 a.m. was followed by a luncheon, with Mrs. A. B. McConnell acting as co-hostess. Mrs. Mabel Johnson of McHenry ai^d Mrs. Janet Tornow of Woodstock were special guests. Regent Anita McDonald will represent the chapter at the Continental Congress in Washington, D. C„ in April. Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. John McConnell were appointed 'delegates to Peoria in March. A letter of thanks for Christmas gifts was read from the chapter's adopted school , girl, Gail Ramey, of the DAR Tamassee school in South Carolina. The next regular meeting will be Feb. 22 in the city hall in Woodstock in conjunction with the Historical society. Members are urged to' bring a guest. Hostesses will be Mrs. A. B. McConnell and Mrs. Fred Drummond, Jr. George Washington Card Party Planned A George Washington care party and bake sale to be sponsored by McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star will be held Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 1 o'clock at Acacia hall, 1309 N. Court Street. GARDEN CLUB HOLDS POSTPONED MEETING FEB. 25 W. F. Dohertys Wed 45 Years Mr. and Mrs. William F. Doherty were honored guests at a large gathering of relatives and friends last Sunday in observance of their fortyfifth wedding anniversary. The affair was planned and very successfully carried out by their daughter' and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Babcock. It Was hel(j| at, their new home in Wftlkup Woods, Crystal Lake. Williapri I)oherty of McHenry find Miss Tillie Robinson of Chicago were married in St. Catherine of Sienna church in Oak Park Feb. 4, 1920, and have made McHenry their home ever since. Helping them celebrate Sunday were their five sons, James, Robert, Richard, Phillip and Bernard, and their wives, all of McHenry; their two daughters, Rosemary Babcock of Crystal Lake and Dorothy Weingart of Arlington Heights, and their husbands; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. William T. Doherty; and twenty-two grandchildren. A son, William T., passed away 8 years ago. Other guests present to enjoy the buffet luncheon and social afternoon were Mrs. Mabel Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Angelse, Nellie Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahoney and Mrs. Herman Schaefer. The honored couple was presented with many lovely gifts. CANCEL CARD PARTY The card party planned by the McHenry Women's club for the benefit of the library has been cancelled. STUDENT TEACHER • Among 342 Illinois State university students now engaged in student teaching in elementary and high schools throughout Illinois is Karen Bush of 2117 W. Church Street, Johnsburg, who is teaching English in East Leyden high school, Franklin Park. McHenry Hospital A daughter was born Feb. 2 to, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Frost of Ingleside. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Erickson of Wauconda are parents of a son born Feb. 3. A Grayslake couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Oplt, became parents of a son Feb. 3. A son was bora Feb. 4 to Mr and Mrs. Elroy Flicek. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Podogorski of Crystal Lake became parents of a son born Feb. 5. A Woodstock couple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesson, are parents of a son born Feb. 5. Mr. and Mrs. John Spears of Wonder Lake welcomed a daughter Feb. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caron announce the birth of a daughter Feb. 6. A son was born Feb. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benton of Spring Grove. Harvard Hospital On Feb. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delelio became parents of a son. Other Births Brian is the name chosen for the fifth son and seventh child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Charleston, S. C., born on Feb. 2. Their other children are Maureen, Mike, Shawn, Coleen, Kevin and Thomas. Mrs. Murphy is the former Joan Weber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. John Henderson of Garden Grove, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark of Holiday Hills announce the birth of a daughter Jan. 30 at St. Therese hospital, Waukej^an. Former residents of the McHenry area. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cina, are parents of a son bom in Sherman hospital. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt/^ ppiV^iation for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards, pray6?s-and for the many acts of kindness shown us during our recent bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services of Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer and Rev. Fr. Matthew Rudden. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remejnbered. The Family of Joseph Regner 2-11-65 BARBARA KOPSELL Couple Plan June 5 Wedding ' Mr. and Mrs. George E. Kopsell of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara,, to Terrence Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Murray of MeCullom Lake. Miss Kopsell was graduated from McHenry high school and is presently employed in Woodstock. Her fiance attended MCHS also and is now a senior at Bradley university. The young couple plan a June 5 wedding. Announce Marriage ' Of Miss Lombard! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lom* bardi announce the marriage of their daughter, Karyn Lee, to Mr. Charles Probst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent GoodWyn of Deerfield. The ceremony was performed at St. Peter's Lutheran church in Arlington, 111., Saturday, Feb. 6. t A reception was held at the Old Orchard Country Club in Prospect Heights. The young couple will make their home in Northbroqk. Bride-to-be Is Honored At Shower Miss Carol Jean Freund was guest of honor at a miscellaneous surprise shower held recently at the Legion home, with about thirty guests present. Games provided the diversion, after- which a buffet luncheon was served. Miss Freund received1 many lovely gifts. Hostesses for the shower were Marge" Jung, Josephine Smitfr, Louise Blesser, Jane and June Freund. Miss Freund will become the bride of James Smith Feb. 13 at St. Patrick's Catholic church MARY DI MAGGIO May 22 Set For Couple's Wedding Mrs. Antoinette Di Maggio announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary, to Anthony Hocin, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hocin, Sr., of MeCullom Lake. Both young people are graduates of McHenry Community ,high school. Mdy 22 is the date set for their wedding. The McHenry Garden club cancelled its Jan. 28 ^neeting lue to the cold weather1 arid icy road conditions. The February meeting will be held on the twenty-fifth at the home of Mrs. Harold Padgitt, 1208 W. Bay Road, with Mrs. Lillian Cox speaking on "The Growing of Begonias" and "History of Flowers". Mrs. John Neuharth, a long time member of the club suffered a heart attack Friday, Jan. 22, and1 is currently confined to McHenry Hospital. At this writing she is still in critical condition with private nursing but is showing definite signs of infprovement. As announced last month, the pjub is (expanding ajid anyone interested in gardening, floral arrangements, conservation, "The Plant, Fruit and Flower Guild" or other phases of the Garden Club, please call Mrs. Charles Wagner, 385-4680, or Mrs. Fred Dodge, 385-7745, for more details. JOAN MARIE MEYER Spring Grove Girl Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer of 7302 Meyer Road, Spring Grove announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Marie, to Don Buchert, son of Lyman Buchert of 10210 Covell Street, Richmond. Miss Meyer and her fiance are both 1961 graduates of Richmond Burton high school. She is employed at the State Bank of Richmond, and he is serving with the Navy. No immediate wedding plans have been made. Show Film At WSCS Meeting The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Community Methodist Church will hold their next regular meeting on Thursday, Feb. 18. The prayer service will be held at 11:45 and the luncheon will be served at noon. The program promises to be a most interesting one, with the showing of the film, "Jose Martinez", and presentation by Mrs. Lisle Bassett, of the book "Death of a Myth". Mrs. Maudia Beaudry will be in charge of the devotions. EVENING OF RECOLLECTION The Rev. Damian Kobus, O. S. M., assistant at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Chicago, will discuss the meaning of Lent before Lake County Lay Apostolate groups during an Evening of Recollection at 8:15 p.m. Feb. 21 in Immaculate Conception School, Waukegan. NOTED LAYMAN GUEST SPEAKER FOR DEANERY James Wiebler, noted Catholic layman, will be the keynote speaker at the first open meeting of the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women in St. Mary's school auditorium in McHenry on Thursday evening, Feb. 18 at 8 o'clock. Mr. Wiebler is a member of the Liturgical Commission of Rockford Diocese and a professor at Loyola University. Newly elected officers of the deanery will take over their duties at the hoard meeting pret^eatna the open meeting. The officers are Mrs. Leroy Welter of McHenry, president; Mrs. Dolores Wines of Wonder Lake, firsi vice-president; Miss Adelaide Muto of Woodstock, second vice-president; Mrs. Mary Boetsch of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Rose Kamart of Cary, treasurer and Mrs. Eleanor Pawlikowski of McHenry, director- at-large. Mrs. Welter will preside at the open meeting. Honored guest will be Mrs. Shirlye May of Aurora, 1964 Women of the Year. The Christian Mothers Sodality of St. Mary's will act as hostesses. Township GOP Women's Club Opens '65 Series Of Meetings Senator John Graham. (R; Barrington), will open the 19r>3 series of meetings of. the McHenry Township Republican Women's club on Thursday, Feb. 18. The 12 p.m. luncheon meeting will be held at the V.F.W., McHenry. Senator Graham is now beginning his fourth term in the Illinois Senate, representing the third Senatorial district. He has served on the following Senate committees: Education, Industrial Affairs, Municipalitities and Elections (of which he was the chairman.) He will be remembered for his valiant fight on behalf of election reform' (following the 1960 vqte fraud charges); he also was a candidate for the office of Lieutenant-Governor the April, 1964, primary. Senator Graham has chosen as his subject, local government, the title being "Operation Alert". He will report on the very real danger local governments face, in view of a concerted effort to eliminate local governing bodies and centralize authority. This topic should prove very timely and valuable in view of the coming township and city elections. Mrs. Robert Orgler^ first vice-president and chairman of the luncheon, has announced chairmen of the various committees: Decorations, Mrs. Walter Ulick; invitations and reservations, Mrs. Connie Johnson; membership, Mrs. Fred Bond; phone,, Mrs. Roland Herrmann; hostess, Mrs. Jake Levesque. Mrs. Fred Bond, second vicepresident and membership chairman, urges all the ladies to renew their membership and if possible, to include their dues RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schaefer have moved from Richmond Road to their new home on Scott Avenue in Country Acres. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Firemen of Company 1 McHenry for their efficient service and careful work in extinguishing the fire at McHenry Music Center, The Organ Store. A special thanks to all the firemen who came back to help after the fire. Business going on as usual. Bruce and Mitzi Klontz 2-11-65 SENATOR JOHN GRAHAM with luncheon reservations. Reservations will be accepted by Mrs. Connie Johnson and Mrs. Robert Orgler until Monday, Feb. 15. Should anyone desire more information or require transportation, please contact Mrs. Johnson or Mrs. Orgler. For tho*e you Love to Remember NOKROSS Valentines VALENTINE'S DAY FEBRUARY 14tTi BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-4500 NJeo)0<yt? In places where you can park as long as you want, there's little reason to park. Wedding Candida by Cherished Moments Studio CANDID and INFORMAL PORTRAITS yiipplr A White and Color | . Modestly Priced i /1 Phone ; ' • ' / v " McHenry ,.v 385-7659 F, Captivate her wonderful selections $ * something Hours: Daily 9-5:30 1910 N. Green Friday 9-# PAY FOR IT OUT OF ...FINANCE IT HERE WITH A LOW-COST BANK LOAN! Our convenfent/y-arranged payments and clearly slated terms (no unexpected extras) make our /ow-cosf bank auto loans the best foryoul Prompt service and inclusion of the initial car insurance premium, if you wish, are also to your advantagel Discuss an auto loan with us todayl McHENRY STATE BANK "Always Serving You -- All Ways" Since 1906 PHONE 385-1040 % Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance,Corporation

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