Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1965, p. 19

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>Y, -F (^ c lursday. April 29, 1965 *_A :' -" ^ •> ** *t ' „ i ^^t} <" * :*':$ 1 * * ft ,C* l : McHENHY PLAINDEALER SUNNYSIDE ESTATES UlAN OLSEN 385-5740 AWARD SPECIAL PRIZES DURING EASTER EGG HUNT The weather was a bit warmer-- just a bit--however threatening, the hunting grounds a bit larger, the eggs in good supply, and the crowd as enthusiastic as ever. The whistle blew and they were off: first the smaller children and later the older ones. Eggs, eggs, everywhere and an especially marked dozen of them that rated a prize apiece--except that that dozen increased to thirteen somewhere along the way, leaving that last claimor prize-less. (Who ever heard of fogging an Easter egg?) But no one went home with an empty bag. After the hunt Velma Stephen!* awarded the prizes to the Winners of the drawing contest, Which were selected from the thirty-six entries. . Winners were: in the four and under age group: Darryl May and Christine Casey; five-eight years:. Guy Garn and Debbie Fuqua; nine-ten years: Casey Anderson and Stan Walczynski; and eleven and over: Sherwood Palmer and Peggy Stoffel. Congratulations to all the winners and to all who enjoyed taking part in the Easter activities. Easter Doings In spite of the dreary forecast by the weatherman, Easter Sunday proved to be a jewel of a day, save a slight chill. .The John Fiedler family were the guests of Grace and Jim Krzyzak at their motel in the Dells for a marvelous visit from Friday til Monday. Since there are no customers to care for yet at the motel, the two families were able to enjoy every minute of the time together, which included teaching Johnny and Eleanor to shoot a rifle and a short nose pistol, playing lots of cards, chatting, and of course conducting an egg hunt for the children. During one of their drives around the Dells area, the Fiedlers stopped to watch the fishermen at the dam. Moments after they left, they heard the rescue squad sirens: one of the fishermen (whom they had been watching) fell into the fiver. He was a twenty-one year old Milwaukee man whose wife was due to have a baby any day. But that was the only fad moment of the trip, with the highlight being the Krzyzaks' Easter gift to the Fiedlers for all their favors: a Manchester puppy weighing a gratnd total of two pounds, which they brought home in an Easter basket! The Roy Schroeders, celebrated Easter a week early at their daughter Jeannie's home in Qien Ellyn. The Louis DeFranciscos had Easter dinner at a favorite local. restaurant. Due to nephew Efob's accident the previous week, the Walczynskis' plans ... New "BREAKTHRU" to HIGHER CORN YIELDS Greater yield power! • DeKalb XL --Breakthru varieties represent a greater concentration of desirable qualities, achieved by the use of a smaller number of select parent lines. DeKalb XL varieties are bred for better disease and insect resistance, stalk strength, and a breakthru to higher yields. Planted by More Farmers Than Any Other Brand "DEKALB" ii o Kegitlered Brand Name. "XL" Numbers are Variety Dengnationi. CLINTON MARTIN 1 2505 North Martin Road 885-0527 5, Mi-IIenry, 111. Confirmation Continued Among Erik Mikkelsen's guests were His sponsor, Herb t)uimette, Millie Kropf, the Joe , Josts, the Walczynski family, the Rasmussens and the Sie- Verts. Because he was on retreat, Grandpa Holtfodt was unable to attend,, as were Erik's godparents. Plenty of ping-pong followed dinner, for -a verv lively evening. Grandma Ahearn, Aunt Mary, the Joe. Jost family, and the Liury Rohrers of Eastwood Manor were Delores Bierchen's guests after the Confirmation ceremony. Cards filled the later evening) hours. were changed from Joliet to Mount Prospect, where Stan's family and Joan's father all gathered for the day that was as lovely as possible under the circumstances of Bob's condition and Billy's illness, with everyone staggering their visits to the hospital throughout the day. Fevers Spring has sprung; The yard's a shambles; This reporter's caught a cold that rambles. Spring cleaning's half done; playing tennis's more fun. Throat so sore: Talking's a chore, resting^ a bore, how many tmore -- Fevers can we get??? Happy Anniversary On May Day to Charlotte and Dale Mgule who are celebrating their eleventh year this trip. May the next eleven be just as happy. Wishing <Veli Wishes . . . t o V e l m a S t e p h e n s w h o in her haste to answer the telephone last Tuesday, fell down the ladder she was on, suffering such abrasions, bruises, and internal pain that it was feared she had broken her leg. X-rays show no bredk, thank goodness, but Velma is in for a good forced rest: she must stay off her feet for several days. Claire Hoettels, who is staying with Velma each day, makes this possible. The Palmers and Norma Gunn saw to it that Velma was quickly and well attended to when she realized -(three hours after her fall) that her injuries were serious: she wasn't aible to walk. But right now - Velma is as chipper as ever, leg propped up and all. . . . t o J i m S t e p h e n s w h o l e f t today for Houston, Texas, where he anticipates he'll undergo surgery and then spend another month vacationing there at his brother's home. Good luck, Jim. . . . t o S h e i ^ w o o d P a l m e r w h o had his thumb deeply gashed on Holy .Saturday, morning when some faulty developing solution disoived the bottle he was shaking it in, and nearly cost him his thumb. But Sherwood attended the egg hunt-- stitches, bandage, and all. ... to Chris Walczynski whose cold caused him a very messy Easter. Phlegm can be fierce. . . . t o L a u r a H o l t f o d t w h o i s feeling about the same physically, but lighter in spirit after receiving visits over the holidays not only from her daughters and their families, but also from her two sisters and brother- in-law from Chicago. . . . t o S t a n W a l c z y n s k i ' s n e phew, Bob Zmudski, who was out bike riding just three days after his fifteenth birthday and was hit head-on by a passing car attempting to pass another car, on Palm Sunday afternoon. He is now off the critical list but mending time for two broken , legs and a broken shoulder will be long indeed. Although he is still in traction, he's now wise-cracking " again, so the family feels he's on his jvay to recovery. Happy Birthday Tomorrow to Stan Smolinski and to Pattie Voight who will be sweet seventeen. On May 4 to Lois Anderson. On the 5th tt> Jack Davis and to eight year old Debbie Fuqua. Many happy returns of the day to each of you. How To Succeed In What You're Trying Hard Not To Do: Ask your wife to the matinee at the drive-in movie -- like Howard Hoettels frequently does!! PUBLIC INVITED TO TOASTMASTER CLUB MEETING The Woodstock Toastmasters Club will host the Crystal Lake Toastmasters Club this Thursday evening at the Farm Bureau auditorium on McConnell Road, according to W.H. Tammeus, president. Gordon Sergant, Spring Grove, a professional speaker and a teacher of speach for many years, will be present to give a special evaluation of the speakers Thursday. Anyone interested in becoming a better speaker, being better able to conduct a meeting as chairman or one who wishes to become a better leader of people, whether it is on the job, as a politician, at lodge, in church work or any type of community affairs where communication is an asset, is invited to attend this meeting. If he likes it he will be invited to join the club after attending two consecutive meetings; Meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month at the Farm Bureau auditorium. SHOP IN McHENRY PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS ROSEMARY LUTZ HYatt 7-8814 ANNA COHRS HONORED AT WOMAN'S CLUB The Pistakee Highlands Woman's Club met on Wednesday, April 21. At the opening of this meeting a tribute was paid to Mrs. Frances Brott, who recently passed away and was a long time member of the Woman's Club. Committee reports were read by the following: Rosemary LUtz on the activities of the clUb in the past year; Anna Cohrs reported for Blanche Hdefliger on what was done for the Indians; Teena O'Malley reported on the Mental Health progress; Pat Siciliano gave the sunshine report; Bev Lewandowski reported on Civil Defense and Marge Moreth gave the treasurer's report. The new officers for the coming"9year will be Mamie O'- Neil. president, Betty Zenner, vice-president, Pearl Pederson, secretary and LaVerne Sarver, treasurer. The girls will take office at the May meeting and will be installed at the April banquet. The club voted to donate to the Johnsburg Rescue Squad, the Mount Hope Hill Top baseball diamond and to buy the club some well needed kitchen ware. » One of the loveliest and sweetest members of the club was chosen as the Grandmother of the Year, for 1965-66. Anna Cohrs is her name and I don't think a better choice could have been made. Mrs. Cohrs received a beautiful orchid corsage and also a plaque. Congratulations Anna and may your reign be one of joy and happiness. The hostesses for the evening were Betty Zenner, Elsie Rosenquist and Emma Mares. Mount Hope Church News At the 11 o'clock service. on April 18 the following members were received into the church: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bruser, Miss RUth Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Janquart, Ronald Kolb, Miss Carol Kuntz, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Leuth and Mrs. Sally Taylor. James Sweet celebrated his seventieth birthday on April 18 and invited the entire membership for a coffee hour after the 11 o'clock service. A demonstration will be held on May 6, at the church, at 8 p.m. /All proceeds will go to the building fund. The Woman's Society of Christian Service is having a rummage sale on May 22, hours will be posted later. If there are any persons who have any articles that they would like to dotiaie to this rummage sale, contact VI Krisi > ' i§:: I: Cookout combo... New Gas grill and yardlight Real open-flame flavor and friendly gat glow teamed up for great cookoutsl Sssssssssay, can't you just hear that rmaf sizzling now I And what a joy to cook if on a new gas grill --with a new gas yardlight to keep the party glowing on into the night. Both now salepriced ! You get real open-flame flavor v^ith a new gas grill. U roasts perfectly --broils beautifully--gives you three-position burner control of gas-fired ceramic coals. No starter fluid to buy. No messy charcoal. No clean-up problems either because a new gas grill practically cleons itself. You con getthe grill separately if you want. But you'll soon see the light. Get this great cookout combo todoy. On sale at Northern Illinois Gas Company. (Sale ends May 14, 1965.) Phone: 385-2081 pin! at HYatt 7-3574 or Hazel Morley at HYatt 7-3320. Mr. and Mrs. William Bischoff were the greeters at the 9:30 service for Easter Sunday and the candle lighter was Gail Bischoff. At the 11 o'clock service the greeters were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Leuth and candle lighter was Susan Leuth. The sermon, for both services, was "Something Great Happened", this was delivered by Rev. Doenecke. It's Dance Time Again On May 29 (Memorial Day weekend) the adult activity conjniittee is planning a dance, this will be in honor of all past officers of the Association. Tickets are now on sale and the committee will be contacting you very soon for your reservations. If you are having company. don't let that stop you fron(i coming--just bring them along -the more the merrier, and you'll be sure to have a wonderful time. Remember the date! May 29 at 9:30 at the Community Center. Gas makes the big difference -- costs leu too. Brownies Need New Leader The present Brownie leader, JoAnn Weingart, will not be able to continue as leader so a new leader is needed. Any one interested please call JoAnn at HYatt 7-3540. If the Brownie troop is to continue, in the Highlands, a leader will have to be found almost immediately. The experience you receive from being a leader of a scout troop is very rewarding, so come on Moms let's not let the girls down--they need a leader. Birthdays Best wishes to Bobby Hurckes who will be 14 on April 30 and to Bob Van Zevern who will have a birthday on May 4. A very happy birthday to the both of you and may your day be a very special one. and may you have many more years of wedded bliss. Anniversaries Congratulations to Dorothy and Richie Orlowski who will embark on 15 years of wedded bliss on May 4. Also on that day another couple will be celebrating their anniversary. Congratulations to Joe and Sylvia Murray. Belated wishes to Earl and Pauline Eilers who celebrated their day on April 23. Best wishes to all of you News Of Friends And Neighbors JoAnn and Johnnie Weingart were pleasantly surprised by a visit; on Wednesday, April 21, from long time friends, Pat and Bob Muskovin, and children. The Muskovins were out driving and stopped to show the Weingarts their new 1965 car. Donna and Jerry Clifton and their five children spent Easter Sunday in Madison, Wis. They enjoyed the day with Jerry's family. The eighth grade graduating class from St. John's school made a trip, on Monday, April 19, to Chicago. They went on an all day bus trip to various places of interest. The children were accompanied by the sisters. Those from this area who made the trip were: Tim Lewandowski, Larry Lutz, Paul Farwell. Jeff Zenner, John and Bill Emmerich, Mary Mcln- Tryne, Gordon Murray and Terry Hovseth, Arlene and George Fiok and children, Vic and Linda, spent their Easter in Chicago at the home of Arlene's parents. Get-well wishes to Harriet Wilson who is still confined at St. Theresa's hospital in Waukegan. Hope by the time that this comes out Harriet is well oh the way to recovery. Tommy Mason ended his Easter vacation with a broken arm. Lois and Tom were spending Easter with Tom's cousin, Martha, in Freeport. Tommy was riding a skate board--consequence-- one broken arm. Jan Janquart, Lois Leuth, Mamie O'Neil and Marge Sargent attended the 11th district Federation of Woman's Club meeting. The affair was held at the Elmhurst College in Elmhurst. LAKEMOOR^ SHIRLEY 8CHCEKR t> • Elect Officers For Village Those elected to office at the village election Tuesday, April 20, were John Bonder village president, Pacita (Pat) Morrison village clerk. Trustees elected were Donald Whynot, Francis (Frank) Coughlin and John Krai. Congratulations go to you all. Ladies League Held their nickel social Wednesday, April 21. Bunco was played. Winners were Helen Para, Marie Hyatt and Rose Zelenka. Booby prize went to Lu Gravenstuk. Their next business meeting will be held the first Wednesday of May-. Village Clean-Up The village of Lakemoor will have their clean-up Thursday, rMay 20. The stuff will be picked up early in the morning. So have your stuff you want picked up setting outside ho later than Wednesday evening. May 19. They will not pick up large holders or large logs. Please remember they will not pick up, it will be picked up in the a.m. Birthday Greetings go to Josephine Schuerr. Josephine will celebrate her big day Monday, May 10. Many happy returns, Josephine. Guest Of Eunice Tobey over the Easter weekend was Cliff Young. Cliff is stationed at Great Lakes. Be modern with FAUCET WITH A FUTURE Saves Work ...Time...Water ALTHOFF'S INC. Plumbing & Heating See Our New Showroom be back in the afternoon to 1907 N. Front Ph. 885-5700 CLASSES FOR PARENTS Dates for the next "Preparation for Parenthood" class at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County has been announced by Mrs. Caroline Stratton, R.N. This free instruction program for mothers and fathers-to-be will be held Monday, May 3, and Monday, May 10. Each session will begin at 8 p.m. Written consent of the family physician is required as a routine requirement, Bert Hanson, administrator, said. The course is sponsored by Memorial Hospital as a community service. • 'i' 1 Make life dividend pie grow Size of your life insurance dividend slice is important. But even more im- ' P°rtant ^ how fast that slice will grow if you leave it with the company. At Country Life, policy dividends left to accumulate earn a full 4% interest. Generous dividends earning attractive interest--good reasons for building a Country Life insurance program. When can 1 tell you more about it? Lee B. Kortemeier Your Country Companies Agmat f\£f>8£SfNTlNG: COUNTRY UfC • COUNTRY MUTUAL COUNTRY CASUALTY • tNSuRANCl COMPAflltS Plymouth Sport Fury 2-door hardtop-just one of 22 new Furys...the biggest, plushest Plymouths ever. 22 of the reasons why the big swing this year is to Plymouth *Based on February, 1965, vs. February, 1964, sales figures in the Chicago area. TEST-DRIVE A PLYMOUTH AT YOUR PLYMOUTH DEALER'S FURY/BELVEDERE / VALIANT/BARRACUDA lop Quality AUTHORiaO PIVMOUTM DFAi CM ACHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION FURY MOTORS, Inc. 2508 W. Route 120 McHenty< Illinois *1 :j 3?

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