Section Two ^ Page Twft THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July I, 1965 JOHNSBURG NEWS BETTY HETTERMANN 88S-129W RESCUE SQUAD INVITES PUBLIC TO OPEN HOUSE tf you have never seen the ipside of our Johnsburg Rescue Squad building, well, next .Sunday,, July 4, is the time. Squad members will be in the .building from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30'p.m. to show you all the ""ins and out" of their equipment, ambulances and the structure itself. This will prove most enlightening for all, so please do not miss this opportunity to see what they use during tl\oir numerous emergency calls. Since® the -beginning of our Own Johnsburg Rescue Squad, they have answered some 2.490 •calls to those in need ot first aid attention. Stop and think just what that number of call.s entails. Many nights sleep were missed when the members answered some of these calis. None of the follows are looking for any medals of distinction, just a little cooperation from time to time. Please keep in mind that the Johnsburg Rescue Squad members receive no payment of any kind for their work. It is all voluntary. Seven calls were iurned in this past week which sent the squad hurrying out to meet the emergencies. On June 21, at 11:20 p.m. the call took them to a residence on John Street in McHenry where a sixteen year old girl suffered a possible seizure. She was taken in the squad ambulance to the McHenry hospital. At 5 p.m. on the 22nd a woman fell from a bicycle on Oeffling Drive and suffered abrasions ever a large area of the body. She was takep to the hospital for further treatment. On the 24th the squad members answered a call in Pistakee Highlands at 8:30 p.m. when a resident suffered a fatal heart attack while out fishing in -a boat. Out from the Pistakee Yacht Club the squad members aided the McHenry fire department and the sheriff's ypairo\ in dragging operat ions when a seventeen year old/boy drowned on the 26th. Tfte squad answered the call/at 11:20 a.m. and continued? in the search until 4:30 jn the afternoon. The body was recovered by the Sheriff's patrol about 10:30 Sunday morning. Three times on the 27th, the squad members were . summoned out of the homes and places of business. At 1:30 p.m. a resident of Dutch Creek Woodlands was using a tractor in his yard when it tipped and pinned him under. His wife and another woman were able somehow to lift the vehicle from him. The squad took him into the hospital where ho was treated for a possible broken shoulder and abrasions of the chest. While the members were on this call another call came in. A visitor from Lombard fell from a boat and had to be taken into the McHenry hospital. The third call for the day came at 7:48 p.m. , A woman from McHenry Shores suffered a possible asthma attack and needed oxygen. She was also taken into the McHenry hospital by the. squad ambulance. With the 4th of July weekend very close at hand the Johnsburg Rescue Squad is sending out a plea to all and all to have a safe holiday. Parents are especially urged to keep the youngsters away from the fireworks. They also extend a word of caution to boaters to be certain your passengers wear life preservers at all times and the swimmers should wait an hour after eating before returning to the water. Please keep these hints in mind so we can all remain healthy and happy throughout the entire year. "The Little Old Bakery. Is" The women of St. John's parisly aie asked .to band together next Sunday and bake or .prepare the "recipes of theijchoosing for the bake sale which will be held in the school "ha'1. Th:>; endeavor is sponsoic.! by the 1 Messed Virgin Sodality. All types ol home-baked articles such as bread, cake, pie, cookies, potato salad, baked beans, etc., will be on sale at this time. The sodality members will be in the school hall after all the Masses next Sunday to take care of your needs. Why not make it a la/.v Fourth by purchasing all your holiday weekend, needs at the bake sale. See you there, I hope. New Occupants Mrs. Mamie King is now residing at 2212 W. Johnsburg Road after moving from her long time home on Fairview Avenue. We are so glad she stayed right in our town and we all join in wishing her lots of happiness in her new surroundings. The l)on Pent/ family bought and moved into the home which Mamie vacated. They had been residing on Middle Avenue for several years. Best wishes to them also for a very happy future. Among our newest residents, but certainly not strangers, is the Glenn Moehling family. They have bought and are now residing in their new home on Spring Grove Road. We hope they find everything just as they hoped and will enjoy nothing but health and happiness in the years ahead. Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. McHenry Cab Phone 385-0723 • 4 H.P. 4-cycle engine with recoil starter e.Dial-A-Matic Crank-type height adjustment from 1"to3" • Blade operation independent of engine--can go without mowing • Single pedal clutch engagement; piress down , to go, release to stop MOTB-MOWER 4102 Crysial Lake Rd. McHenry. 111., Ph. 385-0420 G. P. FREUND Hospital Patient Mrs. Marie Frett has been confined to the McHenry hospital this past week. We send her our get-well wishes and hope her troublesome problems will soon be taken care of. Attend Bus Journey Almost forty members of the juvenile court of St. Agatha No. 777, accompanied by several mothers, made a bus trip to Chicago last Wednesday. Never did these women travel in such comfort. The bus was completely air conditioned and had reclining seats. The group left at 8 that morning and returned close to 8 that eveninu Several places of historical nature as well as a radio station and the zoo were on the agenda for the days outing.. On the return trip a popular -drive-in was invaded for the supper of Servicemen Visit Families Bill Corristock returned to Camp Stewart last week after spending about two weeks wilh his family and renewing friendships with lots of his buddies. Spending a two week furlough with his family and many of his friends is Harry Hettermann. He is stationed with the at my in Albuquerque. New Mexico. Last Saturday Harry was in Madison to participate in the wedding party of one of. his friends of lon^ standing. Participates At Lecture Dorothy, Richard and Mary Himpc'.mann were among those from this vicinity who motored to Flgin to bear Dr. S. M. Draskovilch speak on the to- |-i< , "Can Ameiica Win". The threesome-were completely taken in on this most enlightening talk.- 7*hey ih.nighf more people' should .have been on hand to hear som° of the things that can happen under the communist rule. these weary travelers. All in all this was a most enjoyable day for everyone in attendance. Special thanks from the girls to Catherine Dehn, Pam Hiller, Virginia Pitzen, Lou LaBay, Lu Ann Smith and Rita Schaefer for taking time fioin their household schedule io assist in the outing. St. Agatha Court No. 777 Initiates New Members At the June meeting of this (ourt, a class of new members were initiated into the order. Chief Ranger Marie Oeffling presided at the rite. Initiated were: Klaine Schmitt. Ann Miller, Mary Kay Freund, Mary Himplemann. Mary Jo Weingart, Joyce -Pitzen, Wanda Bruce, Yvonne Tonyan, Marilyn Freund, Kathy Thelen and Louise SompeK Pancake Eaters Wanted Save your appetites for the pancake breakfast the Lady Foresters will be sponsoring in the community club hall on <Suly 11. They will be serving from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. Why not treat the whole family on this date and take them out for breakfast after church. Everyone is welcome. Happy Anniversary- Is- sent to Jake and Lucilie Michels who observed their twenty-second year of "togetherness' last week. They celebrated by having dinner at a local restaurant. They were joined by their daughter and husband. Ken and Klaine Townsend, and Kathy Smith. Many, many more years of happiness is ext> them. Enjoys Visitors The Ed. Hettermann family were happy to have as their guests last Monday, Dot's brother, Bill Herdrich, his wife, Joan, and their six children. The Herdrichs reside in New Mexico. Extend Sympathies Our heartfelt sympathies are sent this week to Mrs. William Meyer and her faroily upqij the recent death of her father, Fred Wegner. Community Club Meets On Monday The next scheduled meeting for the Johnsburg Community Club members will be on Monday evening, July 5. All members are encouraged to be present at this time. Visits In Minnesota Pam Hiller and daughter. Stephanie, recently spent some time with her mother in St. Paul. Needless to say Ihe visit ' was a most enjoyable one. The two girls are now. in process of taking off for New York where they will spend the rest of the summer witfc Chuck. We wish them happy vacation time. Family Clan Gets Togettief The families of Lee and. JDqn Hettermann were here • swer last weekend to get together with the rest of their family. The entire group had so, much to say. it was hard getting started on any one subject. As I bring this column to>*a close, I. wish to remind every one of the early deadline, for next week. If you have -an item, you wish to next week's 'column, please call me,prior to noon on Friday, July 2. I will appreciate your cooperation very much. So long'until next time. .Have a safe holiday weekend. We're Clock Watchers TO MAKE SHOPPING SPEEDIER FOR YOU! We've been doing a lot of clocking lately to prove something. We ticked off the time it takes to i*oke an average number of food purchases. At A&P and elsewhere. Guess who came out ahead? A&P customers. How come? Because everybody and everything at your A&P works to really speed up shopping for you (especially on the checkout line)! It's another part of our Welcome Neighbor Service that goes over real big. Zip through your A&P today. It's a breathless experience! Folger's Coffee ReDriP or 2 can M65 f r Thomas I Webb A |b. <4 CQ Coffee 15( off 2 tan I Fleischmann's Margarine pkg. 43 /-I • I of light 9V<-oz LhlCken the oea Tuna can Scot Tissue emi-Boneless Super Right Fully Cooked WHOLE or HALF it No Water Added I ^ Excess Fat Removed | Super-Right Quality Trim 10 TO 12 LB. SIZES A&P's Super-Right 7-Inch Cut CANNED HAMS Packer C Label ^ 5-lb. Size AKS 3" CANNED PICNIC Fully Cooked Hams Shank Portion lb. 49' Fresh Chicken Legs Boneless Delmonico Steaks ib sl89 Medium Size Shri Fresh Bratwurst New Idea in *7A( Outside Cooking ||, [jf Shrimp Cocktail si Right ft. ROTISSERIE A&P'S Super-Right Rump or Top Round Boneless, Rolled and Tied t A f t P s OPEN PIT BARBECUE SAUCE BOND'S PICKLES Dills, Plain, Kosher or Polish For The Bathroom CHARCOAL BRIQUETS Plantation Brand LB. BAG $ 32-01. $4 00 JarS I Reg. |3 /1.17 PAPER PLATES B0ND'S-9" SIZE PKG. OF 100 69 RMEION Red-Ripe -- Whole So juicy--it's a dessert you can almost drink! The pick o' the patch at a low, low price! (Alio available in quarter* and halves) YOUR CHOICE--Limeade, Low Calorie Lemonade, Black Cherry, Lemon Grape, Orange Lemon, Pineapple Grapefruit, Pineapple Orange, Pineapple Raspberry, Fruit Punch 6-OZ. CAN FRUIT CANS Ringo Brand Orange, Grope and Fruit Punch (Each 25c) MONEY BACK AiP andrJANE PARKER BAKERY PRODUCTS 'f YouVe noUW^arWUd with voor purchase. We're io proud of our baked "Ufa 'hit SLICED FRANKFURTER or Enriched Rolls-made only with vegetable shortening!-Reg. 2/58c THE GREAT ATLANTIC 8, PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC S«»petMarkets 4 : AMERICA'S PtPINDABlt lOOP MIRCHANT v These Prices Effective Thru July 3, 1965 Borden's POPSICLES: ^.e 2-c cn AlP's 8 O'Clock Coffe< 3 T S Orange • Banana Cherry Lemon Free Sand Pdil & Sfc.el-A&P'j Potato Salad 12 Ma FOR (2 pkgi. of 6) listard or ayonnaise 49" 2,59' Fresh Sweet Corn 5/39c Southern Grown Fresh Peaches . 2 lbs. 29c Calif. Thompson Seedless Grapes 39c lb. Calif. Santa Rosa Red Plums 29c lb. Fresh Fla. Limes 39c doz. Calif. Fresh Lemons 6/39c Calif. Fresh Apricots 39c lb. Calif. "Sun Grand" Nectarines 29c lb. Firm Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. ?°~ Fresh Tube Tomatoes 25c Fancy Slicing Cucumbers 10c Jumbo Cantaloupe 3/$ 1.00 STORE HOURS: Daily -- 9:00-8:00 Thurs. & Fri. -- 9:00-9:00 Sundays -- 9:00-2:00