Section One -- Page Six I. I.---------- >1 »i II I .1 m i l m . i f ' I I THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July I. 1965 RATES First Insertion --• 7c per word -- $1.40 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. Repoat Insertions -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum 25c Service Charge on All Blind Ads. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. I ^^5A CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES . . Display Classified First Insertion -- $1.30 Per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 Per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt Signature. COPY DEADLINE -- Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. OFFICE HOURS -- Daily except Saturday -- 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. AtiUmative Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-65-TF AUTO RADIO REPAIRING ADAMS REPAIR SHOP 3102 N. Chapel Hill Road 385-0434 6-17-65-TF NEW 1965 GMC pickup, $1,- 795. Includes F.X. box, heater and federal excise tax. Mc- Henry Implement. Phone 385- 2620. 6-3-65-TF 1965 VOLKSWAGEN -- radio, 6 months old. Very clean. Call 653-3826 or 385-6545. 6-3-65-TF 1958 BLACK Thunderbird Convertible. Radio, heater, power steering and brakes, whitewall tir>s. Must sacrifice. 385-1398. 6-3-65-TF 1964 STING RAY coupe, 4 speed, 365 h.p. Still under warranty. Many extras. Left for service. Take over payments plus $300. Call after 5 p.m. 385-1309. 7-1-65 BEAUTIFUL GREEN 1959 4- dr. Plymouth, 6 cyl. Like new. $495 Call 815-385-0312. 7-1-65 1953 BUICK, 2 dr., stick. Mechanically perfect. $195; 1959 Chevy conv., immaculate, auto., power steering and brakes, $950. 1214 N. Park, 385-7647. 7-1-65 1956 AUSTIN-HEALEY Roadster. Black, wire wheels, 4 speed trans., new tires. Good condition. Call after 6 p.m. 385-6152. 7-1-65 AUTOS FOR sale -- 1963 Corvair Mon/a coupe, $1,375; 1964 TR-4 convertible with wire wheels, $2075; 1961 Chrysler Newport, 4 dr., $975. 385- 0950. 7-1-65 1960 FORD convertible body only, needs some work. $250. Call 385-3232. 7-1-65 1955 CHEVY 2 door. Olds engine, hydramatic, radio. Call 385-3619. 7-1-65 1962 PONTI AC Convertible, clean, $1,600 or best offer. 1- 459-6067. 7-1-65 3960 DODOE Station Wagon, automatic, power brakes and steering, other extras. Sacrifice. $750. Call 3K5-0830. 7-1-65 T R I T O N Marine Service • Johnson Motors • Skiff Craft Boats • Trail car Boat Trailers COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES for Boats -- Motors -- Storage Gas & Oil -- RSSt Rooms 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 385-1076 2-4-65-TF 14' SHELL LAKE run-about with 40 h.p. Evinrude motor and trailer. Used very little. $850. Call 385-1275. 7-1-65 18 FT. RUNABOUT with 75 h.p. Evinrude self starting motor. Fully equipped with all accessories. Very low price. 385-4643 after 5:00 p.m. 7-1-65 17 FT. THOMPSON. Completely equipped, 75 h.p. Johnson motor. $1;095. Call 385-1440. 7-1-65 FOR SALE: 10fr boats & motors. New-used. All types from canoes, row boats to cruisers, Famous brands at. bargain prices. Inboards, outboards, jet turbocrafts, Johnson boats and motors. Fishing boats $99 up. Trailers $99. Ski boats $539. Pontoon boats $479. Piers, Boat Lifts, etc. Ed Wendt Marine Center, Richmond, Illinois, 3 blocks N. of stop lij^ht on Highway 12, Daily 9-8, Saturday 9-6, Sunday 10-6. 5-13-65-TF 19 FOOT Chris Craft Convertible Inboard. All accessories and trailer included. Very good condition. Bargain! Phcnt 385- 0546. 6-3-65-TF FOR SALE or will trade 21 ft. Topper Cabin Cruiser," fully equipped, excellent condition for IS ft. fiber glass runabout in excellent condition. Phone 385-1543. 7-1-65 WETTELAND -- Painting & Decorating. Interior • P.xverior. Paper Hanging. 1802 N Riverside Dr.. M?H?nrv. Phone 385- 7759. 6-3-65-TF COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE • Radio Dispatched • Pumping Repairing Installing • Field Lines Cleaned • Black Dirt • Sand • Gravel RUSSELL RHOTON 385-6445 Reridence -- 213 N. Kent Rd. 2-4-65-TF McHenry Glass & Mirror Company Glass for Any Purpose • CUSTOM MADE STORMS • AUTO GLASS • COMBINATION WINDOWS Prompt Service Rt. 120, % Blk. West of Bridge PHONE 385-4949 2-4-65-TF LET US . . . Take Care Of All • BUILDING • REMODELING • CONCRETE NEEDS McHENRY CONSTRUCTION Co. 385-5675 After 5 p.m. 7*T thru 29-65 RELIABLE TELEPHONE answering service everyday from 7-7, Sundays 7-11 a.m. Located '2'j blocks from telephone office. Call 385-0125. 6-17-24-7-1-65 ORGAN & Piano lessons: In your home or at Tones Music Studio. Call - Mrs. Olsson at 385-1432 or 3-X5-4646. 6-17-65-TF fCtcttoCiix Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, 111. 385-6027 2-4-65-TF WHARTON'S BLACK TOP PAVING Serving Your Area Quality Work At Reasonable Prices • New Drives • Re-surfacing # Seal Coating • Patchwork Free Estimate --- Top Service Call Anytime 312 BA 3-5634 Grayslake, Illinois 6-3-65-TF ART'S UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, Illinois Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 2-4-65-TF MUNTZ TV NOW PERFECT COLOR As Low As $16.51 per mo. Color - Black & White - Stereo TV SALES 4403 E. Wonder Lake Road 385-5652 or 653-6071 6-17-65-TF UPHOLSTERING dinette sets and all types of furniture. Free estimates. 385-3560. 2-4-65-TF CLEANING • CARPETS • RUGS • FURNITURE -- Call 385-2050 -- Krestbrook Carpet 1330 N. Riverside Dr. 4-22-65-TF • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE Estimates Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (Ms mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 6-3-65-TF UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE CUT, STYLE, PERMANENT & SET Complete $5.00 & up SPECIAL WED. & FRI. -- $3.95 Work done exclusively by students under supervision of skilled instructors. No appointment necessary. -- OPEN -- - Monday, Wednesday & Friday -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FREE Shampoo and Set Awarded Each Week Closed Tuesdays 3031 W. Lincoln Road 385-2290 McHenry. 111. 6-24-65-TF TREES AND bushes trimmed and removed. Call 385-3560. 6-3-65-TF ELECTRIC MO TORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickerl Electric. 480 Center S1.. Gryyslakc-, 111. Ph. BAldwi.n 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF NEW 30 GAL. HOT WATER HEATERS Installed $89.95 10 Year Warranty 385-7508 6-10 thru 7-1-65 Montgomery Ward & Co. -- FREE ESTIMATES -- • Awnings # Alum. Windows & Doors • Gutters, • Plumbing • Roofing • Siding • Heating Applied or Materials CALL FRANK GANS Wards Representative 1502 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. 385-1878 -- 385-0885 Easy Payment Plan 6-3-65-TF McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave, 5-6-65-TF EXCEPTION AL BUYS--Used aluminum combination doors Reconditioned, all sizes. Used picture windows. Chuck's Glass and Mirror, 4304 W. South St., 385-3560. 3-25-65-TF CHOICE TOP BLACK SOIL U - CALL - WE - HAUL V'i Ton Delivered $5.00 815-675-2064 6-3-65-TF Moving Must Sell Drop leal' dining talile, light wood, 84(1.00; dinnerware. complete service for 12, $15.00; twin size holly wood bed, $25.00; chest ol drawers. S2O.O0; vanity with bench & mirror. $10; L'U inch 2 speed portable Ian, Sid; 120 bass accordion. $50. Other furniture <£• miscellaneous household items. ERIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 10 cu. ft. $40. 1214 N. Park, Call 385-7647. 7-1-65 AIR CONDITIONER, 24" wide, very good condition, $100. Call anytime. 385-2749. 7-1-65 YARD SALE Miscellaneous Items Anliques Radio-Record Player Comb., mahogany cabinet Dishes - Small Radio - Linens -- Cooking Utensils Cabinet Maker's Bench Small Tools -- Etc. 2302 N. Orchard Beach 7-1-65 5 FT. WHITE and gold baby grand piano. 385-4832. 7-1-65 G.E. ELECTRIC bottle warmer, 1 year old, $5; electric sterilizer, $3; maple crib & mattress, $10; plastic bath tub. $1; jumper, $5; feeder & rocker, $4; car bed & mattress, $6; misc. clothes, blankets etc. 385-6057. 7-1-65 385-0307 7-1-65 LARSON 18 FT. open cabin cruiser with 30 h.p. Johnson outboard motor, electric start and extras. Reasonable. Phone 385-4014. 7-1-65 F E N C E Specialists in Fence Building of All Types # Chain Link (5 colors) #Rustic 6 Louver •Stockade • Basket Weave • Rail Fence & Custom Residential -- Industrial -- Farm Fencing -- f inancing Available -- FREE Estimates 385-1469 -- Call after 5 p.m. McHenry Fence Co. 1007 N. River Road McHenry. Illinois 6-3-65-TF LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only 9Kc Bolgers Drug Store. 7-1 thru H-19-f)5 ADMIRAL WINDOW air conditioner, 5.0U0 BTU. like new, used only 3 months, $115. Call 3N5-5463 after (i p.m. 7-1-65 KITCHEN SET. table. 4 chairs and bench. Call 3X5-4171. 7-1-65 SCHNAUSERS -- Three very tiny females, A.K.C. registered. Home raised. 385-0805. 7-1-65 6 YEAR CRIB & matching 4 drawer chifferobe in misty grey, very good condition, $50, or will trade for suitable dresser or chest of drawers. 385-1731. 7-1-65 GO-KART -- Briggs & Stratton engine; Chrome & formica dining room set. 385-7148 or 385-5298. 7-1-65 WARDROBE -- HOLDS 25 garments, $27. Call 385-0511. 7-1-65 DANISH MODERN couch, 78" blonde pedestal frame, like new, $75; thermopane unit 5" 6" x 4' 8" x 1". Call after 5:00 p.m. 385-7634. 7-1 -65 AGE] SALE Tools, toys. Model "A" Ford wheels, gocart frame, clothing, misc. items. Many items $1. 3202 Greenleaf Drive. Wooded Shores, Wonder Lake. 653-4026 7-1-65 DUOMATIC washer - dryer combination, $50 as is. 385-3168 7-1-65 GIBSON 1,-50 Acoustic Guitar Cost $175, will sell for $95. Call 385-2413. WOODEN PLAY pen with pad $8.00. Call 385-1108 after 6:00 P.m. 7-1-65 2 BEDROOM, 2 story home, near Fox River. Walking distance to McHenry. Cali 385- 0312. 7-1-65 KENMORE SUPER deluxe gas stove, 7 years old, very good condition, .$50; Cherry wood bedroom set with headboard, box spring, mattress & dresser, like new, $150. 385-6491. 7-1-65 For Rent bTTOT0 5 ROOM apartment in McHenry on Main St. For information call 312 JA 6-7828. 6-17-65-TF FOR LEASE -- 6,000 square feet commercial building. Rte. 120 East. Call 385-0742. 6-10-65-TF 4 ROOM MODERN apartment. 2 Bedrooms, gas stove, refrigerator, 2nd floor, $95 per month. Call 385-0742. 6-10-65-TF MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenr, Phone 385- 0184. 6-3-65-TF 5 ROOM FURNISHED apartment on Fox River. Near business district. Adults only. Call 385-0440. 6-24-65-TF For Sale DEALER OF MURPHY'S - GARVERS - ALBERS PRODUCTS Hardy Salt Of All Kinds BLAKE'S FEED & SUPPLIES (Town and Country) SUMMER SPECIALS -- F,v sPra>' $1.40 Gal. 2r> Lbs. Dog Food $2 15 :)0 Lbs. Dog Food ED. BLAKE 2401 N. Richmond Rd. Phone 385-0525 McHenry, III. -- 60050 6-10 thru 7-1-65 Fer RemC BTTO 3 ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor, 3325 W. Elm St., Phone 385- 0743. Dr. Goetschel. 6-3-65-TF 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Swimming Pool All Utilities "Except Electric Range and Refrigerator $120 Per Month Call John Zavodny 3605 James St. McHenry 385-3159 6-10 thru 7-1-65 Available Now ATTRACTIVE STORE FOR RENT Modern new front. Interior all newly decorated. Excellent for any line of business. In heart of town. Next to corner on Williams Street, Crystal Lake. -- CALL -- 459-1123 or 459-4100 for further information ' 7-1-8-65 APARTMENT -- Suitable for 2 persons. Heat furnished. Garage. Call 385-1084. 7-1-65 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with garage on beautiful big farm. City limits of Crystal Lake. Responsible adult family prefered. Call 459-3590 or 459-4440. 7-1-65 3 ROOM YEAR around cottage, completely furnished. No bath, one person prefered. $50 per month. Phone 385-4630. 7-1-65 4Vi> ROOM apartment -- Pistakee Bay area. Gas heat, stove & refrigerator. Lake rights. 385-1238. 7-1-65 FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment near Chapel Hill golf course. $75 month. Call 385- 9800. 7-1-65 SLEEPING ROOM (quiet) for employed adult. Call P.M.'s 385-4398.- , 7-1 thru 29-65 FOR RENT OR SALE^-- Cottage -- 5 rooms, oil furnace, hot water heater, furnished. Call 459-6207. 7-1-65-TF •uitlv«tft0M p-- CHAIN - O - LAKES German Shepherd Dog Club summer obedience classes to start soon. JU 7-79(96 or 675-2258. 6-17-24-7-1-65 THUNDERBIRD FARM DAY CAMP BOYS & GIRLS AGES 5-12 • Swimming • Gymnastics • Nature • Crafts • Archery • Physical Fittness • Overnighters, Etc. Transportation Furnished . For Information Call 312-639-4141 Route 14 & 3 Oaks Rd. Cary; 111. 7-1 than 8-12-65 IT'S INEXPENSIVE to clean rugs and upholstery with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast To Coast Store. 7-1-65 Help Waited Feraaal PERMANENT YEAR round help. Day or night. Riverside Laundry. 385-3115. 7-1-65 BOOKKEEPER * for expanding -hardware store, must, be able to do'-billing and -keap miscellaneous, records. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Richmond, 815-678-2861. 7-1-65-TF DISH WASHER, lull lime; waitress and cook full or part time. Apply in person. Pink Harrison's Resort. Phone 385- 0.323. 7-1-65 WAITRESSES Experienced. Apply at TomaSello's, 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd., .Tohnsburg. Phone 385-1475. 7-1-05 Stenographer - Alert and capable self starter to work in sales department, of .electrical manufacturer. Must be able to handle projects assigned on her own and use IBM dictating equipment. Salary open. ** Major Equipment Co., Inc. 459-0300 7-1-65 To Be Given Away PART COLLIE PUPS 10 weeks old. ,'585-7148. or 385- 5298. 7-1-65 PUBLIC NOTICE JULY WEEKEND Bar B Q Chicken 4TH SPECIAL! . $1.75 MODERN FARM house on 1 acre. 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, panelled walls, basement. Blac- her's Real Estate. 385-5440. 7-1-65 2 BEDROOM HOME on Fox River. Fireplace. Tub and shower, etc. $600 for July and August. Chuck Coles. 815-385- 0312. 7-1-65 STORE LOCATED on Riverside Drive & Elm St adjoining Heinz Fur store. Will remodel suitable to rentor in accordance with type of business. Inquire 385-0269 or 385- 3800 6-3-65-TF Children's Portions Available LOBSTER • STEAKS * CHOPS • ETC. NOTICE -- This week only Open Mon., July 5 -- Closed Tues. July 6 AL & MARGE'S WHITEHOUSE Route 120 & Johnsburg Road 385-9892 McHenry 7-1 -65 N O T I C E Due to the 4th of July falling on a Sunday we will bo open MONDAY, JULY 5TH -- 11:00 a.m. to Midnight 4TH OF JULY SPECIAL Carry-Out BROASTED CHICKEN 12 Pes. Chicken 2 Orders of Fries V2 Pt. Cole Slaw Rolls and Honey Serves 3 to 4 People 20 Pes. Chicken $3.50 Tax Included Bucket French Fries, Cole Slaw Rolls and Honey Serves 5 to 7 People $6.00 Tax Included 30 Pes. Chicken Bucket French Fries, Cole Slaw Rolls and Honey Serves 8 to 10 People $8.00 Tax Included -- THIS OFFER GOOD -- Saturday, Sunday and Monday July 3rd, 4th & 5th CHICK-INN RESTAURANT (Carry-outs Our Specialty) 5000 W. Route 120, Lakeland Park Open 11 a.m. PHONE 385-7161 PHONE 385-7161 McHenry. III. PHONE 385-7161 7-1-65