Thursday, July 1, 1%5 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Automotive r Section One Page Seven 12,000 Autos Sold in 8V2 Years Conlon-Collins B - E - S - T USED CAR BUYS • 1962 Ford XL convertible, radio, ' 'heater. $ 1,59c « 1960 Pontiac . 2 (!r.. V8, • aulo.* r.'i:lio, heater. $895 » 1964 Galaxie Hard lop, radio, heater- $1,795 • 1963 VW 2 Dr. Sedan, Radio, Heater $1,195 • 1961 Chevy Impala, 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto., radio, heater. $1,195 • 1964 Ford Fairlane 500, 4 dr.. V8. stick, radio, heater, w.w.. new car guarantee $1,795 • 1962 Chevy Biscayne, 4 dr.. 6, auto, radio, heater. Like new $1,295 • 1961 Chevrolet Station wagon, radio, heater. $995 • 1964 Ford Galaxie 500. 2 dr.. hrdtp., V8, auto., power steering. New car guarantee. Radio healer. $2,195 • 1961 Rambler Wgn., 4 dr., 6., auto., radio, heater. $895 • 1964 Chevrolet Impala C pp.,- VS, power steering, radio, heater $2,395 . 1964 VW 2 dr. sod., radio, heater. $1,395 • 1959 Mercury 4 dr., V8, auto., power steering, radio, heater. Nice car. $595 • 1962 Pontiac Convertible, radio, heater. $1,795 • 1959 Pontiac 4 dr., hi'd tp., rarlio, heater. $795 • 1963 Chevrolet V8, standard, radio, heater. $1,695 • 1963 Mercury Comet, radio, heater. CLASSIFIEDS Help Wanted! Male EXPERIENCED MECHANIC, McHenry Garage, Jeep Sales & Service. 385-0403. 6-3-65-TF CARPENTER employment, other company call Arnold Richmond, 111. FOR full time Vacation and benefits. See or May Builders, 815-678-2861. 6-24-65-TF JOB SHOP TOOL MAKERS (TWO) BRIDGEPORT MILL HANDS (TWO) ENGINE LATHE HANDS (TWO) Top wages 1o top men. Close tolerances, McHenry area. Reply Box No. 287 C/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry. 6-24-7-1-65 $1,395 • 1960 Chevy Impala, hard. tp., V8, auto.. Power steeling, radio, heater. $995 WHOLESALE SPECIALS 58 Ford wagon $295 53 Chevy $ 75 54 Olds $ 65 55 Lincoln, full power, good runner $139 56 Plymouth $ 85 CONLONCOLLINS FORD Largest Ford Dealer in Northern Illinois Routes 14 & 176 CRYSTAL LAKE Phone 439-5400 • We Buy Clean Used Cars # 7-1-05 MAN 25 TO 45 years, for stock control and floor merchandising. Variety store experience preferred. Call 385- 2558. 6-17-65-TF MAN TO WORK in service station part time weekends. Experience preferable. Schreiner's Standard Service. 3817 W. Elm St.. McHenry. 7-1-65 WANTED -- SOBER, dependable semi-truck driver. Haul produce. Good earnings. Experienced only. Ed Breit & Sons, 1101 S. River Road. 385-0530. 7-1-65 GENERAL SHOP WORK Young man over 18 for various shop duties. Recent high school graduate acceptable. Call Mr. George 459-6300 7-1-65 Shipping - Receiving Challenging position exists in the shipping-receiving department of electrical manufacturer. The man we seek must be alert, better than average and have experience in shipping and receiving and have an interest in future growth. Excellent fringe beneifts. MAJOR EQUIPMENT 459-6300 7-1-65 Business OppTtirtrtea OWN YOUR OWN business -- Get paid weekly, healthful work. Liberal terms to right man in choice territory as sales representative for Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery, established over 55 years. No delivering or collecting. Liberal guarantee. Nurseries of over 700 acres at Waterloo, Wisconsin. Write: McKay Nursery Company, Waterloo, Wisconsin. 6-17-24-7-1-65 Wanted te Rest SCHOOL TEACHER and family would like to rent at least a 2 bedroom home or apartment in Wauconda or 10 mile radius of Wauconda. Call 312- 526-8461. 7-1-8-65 HELP WANTED EXPANDING Northern Illinois company requires payroll clerk with miscellaneous bookkeeping experience. Reply in confidence to Box No. 293, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry. 6-10-65-TF MAN OR WOMAN to supply Rawleight products to consumers in city of McHenry or Wonder Lake. Good time to start. No capital required. Write Rawleigh, Dept. ILG- 52-815, Freeport, 111. 7-1-65 2 BEDROOM, closed in porch, basement, gas heat, large fenced in yard. Must sell. Call 385-6186. 6-3-65-TF Cooney Heights 6 years old, 3 bedrooms, finished basement, recreation room, large patio, hardwood floors throughout, aluminum storms and screens, city water and sewerage. PRICE $16,500 385-1123 6-3-65-TF RESTAURANT •-- On busy U.S. 12 with living quarters, newly remodeled. Ample-parking., Will sell cheap. Ready to go. See or call Arnold N. May- Builders. 815-678-2861. 6-24-65-TF 2 APT. HOME on % acre lot Carpeted living room, hot water heat, 2 car garage. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Small down payment. Call or. see Mays Development Co., Richmond, III. 815-678-2861. 4-15-65-TF 2 BEDROOM HOME, hardwood floors, panelling, gas heat, city sewer, high property. 18'6"x22' garage. Private Beach--River rights. , 30J11 Charlotte Ave., McHenry Country Club, Phone 385-2809. 6-3-65-TF Wanted Te Bny_ WtY GUNS--For Cash $$$. McHenry Gun Center, 3325 W. Elm Street Phone 385-7320. 3-25-65-TF WE HAVE clients who have all cash for your small farms viith living qu",ners. McHenry, Fox Lake area. See or call A. N. May Builders, Richmond. 815-678-2861. 6-24-65-TF USED WHITE GAS stove. Call before 8:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. 385-1589. 7-1-65 Wanted WILL BUY Stand Of TIMOTHY HAY Or TIMOTHY w/CLOVER Or ALFALFA Will pay decent price. -- CALL HENRY -- 815-675-2158 7-1-65 GERMAN SHEPHERD dog. 1 year old or less. Male preferred. Call 653-9012. 7-1-65 Sltnatlea WILL DO IRONING in my home in Johnsburg. Call 385- 3737. 7-1-65 YOUNG MAN 18. needs work. Willing to do anything. Bob Karstcns, 4320 Prairie. 385,- 7739. 7-1-65 DEPENDABLE babysitter, prefer nights. Would also like ironing to do in your home. Phone 385-0125. 7-1-65 WOMAN WOULD like cleaning job for Saturdays only. Call 385-0772. 7-1-65 16 YEAR OLD GIRL will babysit 7 days a week all summer. Call 385-9892. 7-1-65 EXPERIENCED Mature business woman familiar with general office routine, seeks a position, where knowledge of typing, bookkeeping and most olfice equipment is needed; ie IBM calculating, adding, copying machine, etc. Excellenl references. Write Box No. 297, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. McHenry. 7-1-65 LOST -- Black and white kitten in Lakeland Park. Male. 8 weeks old. 3 white legs, 1 black, wearing black collar. Call 385-0045. 7-1-65 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Help Wanted IDEAL SITUATION FOR MIDDLE AGE COUPLE Free rent in attractive private cottage with beautiful surroundings and privacy on country estate, plus $100 per month for part time year round caretaking duties. Utilities also free. References required. Please write Box No. 296, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry. Include any information you feel is important to qualify for this situation. 6-24-7-1-65 McHENRY and LAKE AREA fear Round Horn's, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, I1L Ph. 385-0037 2-4-65-TF TWO CORNER lots, river rights, wooded, sewer. Reasonable. Call after 5 p m. 385- 0448. 6-17-24-7-1-65 FOR SALE by owner - - 3 bedroom ranch. Full basement. Drapes. Water softener. Excellent. , condition. 4"2% inter- <Vt. G.I. mortgage. Best offer. 385-2626. 6,17 thru .7-1-65 Nearly Complete 3 bedroom bi-level, 1 Mf ceramic l aths, 2 car garage, large family room with natural fireplace. ha I'd wood floors. 1,900 sq. ft. plus 300 ft. of 4 ft. high storage -area; -•-- --$18,500 -- Can Finance. Call 385-1304 6-3-65-TF 3 BEDROOM ranch. Completely carpeted. Corner lot'. Crystal Lake Blacktop. Complete basement with fireplace. 2 car garage. Call 385-6158. 5-27-65-TF NICE 2 BEDROOM ranch. Attached garage, utility room. Oak floors, natural gas heat. Many extras. Beautiful large landscaped lot. Reasonable. Call 385-2651. 6-24-7-1-65 FOR QUICK SALE -- 5 room house on lakefront. On highway 120 between McHenry and Volo. For further information call Trevor, Wisconsin 414-862-2250. G-24-7-1-65 SMALL home across the street from St. Patrick's School. $13,- 000. Call 385-2496 after 5 p.m. 5-6-65-TF 2 BEDkOOM HOME on N. Riverside Dr. Basement, gas heat, 2 car garage, lot 100x200. $18,- 000. Call 385-2496 after 5 p.m. 5-6-65-TF FOR SALE HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 2-4-65-TF 100x200 LOT. Lilymoor on Route 120 and Golf Ave. Across from school house. Zoned for business or residential. Call 312-547-6422. 6-3 thru 7-29-65 WATERFRONT acre, 2 years old, 4 bedrooms, large recreation room, fireplace, 2 full ceramic baths, slate entry, oversized 2 car garage, swimming pool and horse facilities available. -- $31,500 -- Consider this: A qua-lily home for approximately $10' per sq. ft. including lot. Call 385-1304 for appointment 6-3-65-TF DELUXE 2 BEDKOOM brick. Must see. Call owner after 7 p.m. 385-7019. 6-17-65-TF 2 BEDROOM HOME - River rights. 1 car garage. In Johnsburg, 8,000.- 385-6218. 7-1-65 LARGE HOUSE on lake. 3 bedrooms, den, sewing room, large living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 full baths. Garage and boat house. Priced for quick sale. Call 385-1710. 6-17-65-TF CORNER LOT Beach and Riverside Drive in McHenry Shores Subdivision Boat mooring and bench privileges. $2,950 FRANK JENSEN 3930 Taft Road Kenosha, Wis- 414-652-4811 6-3-65-TF 6 ROOM house 3 bedrooms, lVa bath, attached-heated 24x24 garage. Concrete drive. River right. 385-0437. 6-3-65-TF 275 ft. by 140 ft. Will divide. Trees, paved roads. Pistakee Lake Rights. -- ALSO -- 100 by 217 ft. with 30 by 247 ft. right of way to Pistakee Lake. Old estate. Trees. Morgan - 385-1080 7-1-65 McHenry Realty . 3918 W. Main Street 385-5922 or 653-6862 FOR SALE 3 B/R Bi-Level, was $13,000, Now $12,000. 3 B./R Ranch, was $13,000, Now $12,000. All above houses lown dn. pmt.. 25 yr. loan. 4 B/R Southern Colonial house, in city, paved strts, sewers, sidewalks, 4 lots, beautifully landscaped, ideal selting for gracious living--Make Offer. 3 B/R residence, carport, in Edgebrook Hts., paved streets and all improvements, total price $12,800. 3 B/R Water front properly on Fox River, $8,000 and up. Handyman Special, needs some repairs, $3,900. 8'* acres level, fertile land at. $550 per acre. 7-1-65 Estate SPACIOUS 4 lreeroom Brick Ranch on cul-de-sac. 2 baths, built-ins, fireplace, full base ment, 2 car attached garage. See to appreciate. 385-6461. 6-3-65-TF LEGION OF IS PRESENTED TO COLONEL GONSETH McHENRY, ILLINOIS -- Must sacrifice 3 bedroom bi-level recreation room. block to Fox River, 3 blocks to private lake. Immediate possession. By owner, 14,950. Phone 312-455*- 5627. 7-1-65 The Legion of Merit was presented to Colonel Kenneth M. Gonseth of McHenry on the eve of his departure from Headquarters, U.S. Army Communications Zone, Europe, Orleans, France. Colonel Gonseth, who has been reassigned to the office of the project manager, UNICOM/ STARCOM at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, was cited for distinguished meritorious LAKE-FRONT modern year roufid 6 room fatv brick" ranch, gas heat, -2 car garage, finished, basement, 2 fireplaces, pier,* boat house, other features. 385-305H. 7-1-65 FOR SALE OR RENT Bilevel home. 3 bedrooms, living room, large kitchen and dining ana. Half basement. Carport, 'a- ac!e ground. 385-0748. . 7-1-65-TF* «i. BEAUTIFUL ACRES with spic-ti-span 5 room home, full basement., clean gas forced air heat-, near McHenry. Will sell reasonable. See or call Arnold X. May Real Estate, Richmond, Illinois. 815-678-2861. 7-1-65-TF BI-LEVEL 3 bedrooms, ceramic bath, hardwood floors, family room, built-in kitchen, attached garage, 19,500. Call 385-3367. 7-1 -65 all wholesale lot the United States Army, Europe. Throughhis decisiveness, resourcefulness and positive approaches to challenges, he resolved very serious problems by developing a more efficient and economical material management program, designed for both current and long-range operations." Returning to the United States with Colonel Gonseth are Mrs. Gonseth and their four children, Jane, 19; Anne, 17; Stuart, 15, and Sally, 4. 2 BEDROOM HOME Gas heat, aluminum storms & screens. Perfect condition. Only $6,000. 3 BEDROOM HOME Full basement. Lot 150x100. $10,500. BLACHER'S Real Estate 385-5440 7-1-65 20 ACRES River Frontage. Suitable for development. South of McHenry. FOX RIVER VACANT Fully wooded, minimum acre home sites, 7 choice sites left. Adjoining country club. William F. Neumann REAL ESTATE Broker's Cooperation Invited 385-3542 J Sr-1-8-65 COLONIX K. M. .GONSETH service from July, 1961, through June, 1965. During this period, he served consecutively as commanding officer of the U. S. Army Signal Control Agency, Poitiers, France; as deputy signal officer, then signal officer for the United States Communications Zone, Europe; as chief of the United States Army Systems development office, Orleans, France; and, finally, as deputy chief and later chief of the U.S. Army Supply and Maintenance Agency. In each of these positions, the citation states "Colonel Gonseth attained outstanding effectiveness in fulfilling complex responsibilities during a I)eriod characterized by a great increase in logistic requirements, the acceleration of military operations, and distinct changes in organizational structure. His professional skill, perseverance, and technical knowledge enabled him to plan and mould the Supply and Maintenance agency of the United States Army Communications Zone, Europe, from its infant, stage to a well-developed . operational organization capable of supplying requests NEW FEATURES COMBINE WITH OLD AT FAIR The 1965 McHenry County. Fair is moving forwa:d on many fronts, Don Hanson, president, has reported. The four-day show, withfeatures of education, fun and {itertainment, will be held Aug. 5 to 8 at the MMJenry co'unty fairgrounds on Illinois Route 47, Woodslock. THis year's fair piomises to be the biggest and interjesting sin. e the annual event | was revived in 1949 as- a 4-H fair. The 4-H program conlinues to serve as the hub of the fair, Hansen said, but many new features have been added to generate greater interest among citizens from city and farm alike. About 1.100 4-H boys and girls will exhibit in home economics and agricultural competition. and the most elite will be encouraged to show at the Illinois State Fair later in the month. Attendance Increase Steady increase in attendance about 5,000 a year for the past several years indicates the growing interest in the many attractions. Commercial exhibits by leading industries and businessmen occupy the interest of many. Quarter horse and western horse shows are scheduled. On Sunday, harness racing will hold the spotlight. The McHenry County Fair Association is offering $4,500 in prize money for the various horse shows. Another major fact of the fair is open class competition. Many of the 4-H members enter their exhibits in the open class, but any resident under 21 is welcome to vie for the $10,- 415 offered by the Fair Association in open class alone. After a two-year absence, the Girl Scouts will return with their interesting exhibits. Queen Contests SPACIOUS 3 Bedroom Ranch, fireplace, 2 baths, family room, attached garage, .".cross si reel from lake at 4607 W. Shore Drive. Rent with lease a1 $130 per month, or will consider sale on conlract with RIGHT party. Call Rockford 964-4511 Anytime 7-1-8-65 SMALL 2 BEDROOM home. Also 2 room collage. Gas heal. Near shopping area, schools, churches. 3S5-0718. 7-1-65-TF BY OWNER Lakeland Park 2 bedrooms, attached garage, gas heal. 1609 Pleasant St. or call 385-7399. 8.500. 1,500 down or refinance. 7-1-65 FOR SALE - 3 bedroom. I trick home on 67'1> ft. water front lot. Pier, garage, gas heat. Phone 385-7456. 7-1-65-TF BAIRD & WARNER, INC. Established 1855 EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS -- 3 Br. ranch with electric built-in kitchen! l'-2 baths. Oversize 2 car garage. Mortgage committment of $19,600. Full price S20.900, or will rent for $125.00. McHENRY SHORES -- 3 Br. ranch with full basement. Charming Cathedral living room with stone fireplace. Atlached garage. River rights^ Reduced to $22,500. RIVER FRONT -- IjJke new 4 year old 3 P. ranch. Studio living room with fireplace. Buill-in gas kitcher. .vilh disposal Oversize 2 car garage. All furniture included. $27,500. JOHNSBURG -- 4 Br., 2 story farm home wilh large barn and silo. Over 1,000 small pines and evergreens on 5 acres. Water rights. Zoned farm. Low taxes. $31,500. - BROKERS COOPERATION INVITED -- MR. HEINEN -- 385-2527 7-1-65 McHENRY BUSINESS PROPERTY In town with 66 ft. frontage on river. Pier & seawall. New gas furnace. Now being rented as 2 flat with income of $275 per mo. Excellent opportunity for new owner. Can be sold on contract to responsible party. A. H. GALLAGHER & ASSOC. 815-385-1629 7-1-65 SUNNYSIDE - PISTAKEE AREA ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home with 2 enclosed porches. Large living room, kitchen and dinette, 2 car garage with 1 wo extra lots to build on. Completely furnished- Owner transferred to California. Priced to sell fast, $9,500. 3 BEDROOM RANCH -- Cathedral style living room. Cabinet kitchen with built-in oven and range. Dinette. Lots of closet space, carport, storage room. Beauliful landscaped lot with big oak trees and fruit trees. Washer and dryer, water softener and draperies. Priced to sell, $14,450. Down payment $450. J LARGE 3 BEDROOM ranch style home (new). 16x32 living room, paneled, with wall to wall carpeting. TVi» ceramic tile bathrooms, 2Vi car attached garage. On large corner lot. Beach and boat dock rights. Priced to you at $21,800. WATERFRONT HOMES lots. For sale River and Lake front INVESTMENT BARGAINS RESTAURANT and Donut shop on main highway with income apartment. Priced at $14,000. 6 ROOM HILLSIDE ESTATE on 11 wooded acres. Double fireplace, recreation room, space for 2 cars in basement. 1 car garage with apartment. Circle Drive. Price $42,500. 28 ACRES, adjacent to beautiful estates, with large oak. hickory and evergreen Irees. Deep well with submergible pump, in a fast growing area. Priced to you at $27,000 (terms). BUILDING PROGRAM VARIOUS SIZE LOTS for sale with city waler, fire hydrants, beach and boat dock rights. HOMES BUILT TO' ORDER Financing available. SUNNYSIDE REALTY Northwest Corner of N. Wilmot and West May Ave. 1612 W. May Ave. McHenry (Sunnyside), 111. PHONE 815-385-7762 7-1-65 RURAL 4 Bedroom house & basement on approximately 1 acre and chicken house. Nicely wooded property. Only $12,000. HANDY, MAN'S SPECIAL On waterfront property. 3 bedroom home. Needs some work, $8,900. Small bouse in McHenry. City sewerage, $8,500. IN McHENRY 3 Bedroom brick ranch, basement & garage. Priced to sell quick -- Make offer. ON FOX RIVER 3 Bedroom brick home, garage, sea wall and pier in. Priced at only $22,500 or best offer. 2 Bedroom summer home, furnished, make offer. 4 Bedroom 2 story home, basement, recreation room, 2 car garage, only $18,000. THE KENT CORPORATION McHenry's Oldest Real Estate Office Established Since 1923 PHONE 385-3800 1311 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 7-1-65 Two queen contests will be entertaining and of inteiest to all. On opening night, Aug. 5, the 1965 Miss McHenry County will be crowned. Upwards- of a dozen candidates will via in this beauty pageant, headed by Mrs. Dorothy Kleckncr, chairman. Winners of the 4-H king and queen title are awaited eagerly each year, and the 1965 4-H royalty will be crowned Friday night. Aug. 6. The candidates will be chosen soon by the adult advisory extension committees, and then 4-H members in the county will cast their votes for,their favorites Betty Boppart and Terry Cairns are the present 4-II king and queen. ASC COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS ARE NOW ACCEPTED Slates of nominees for membership on ASC community committees soon will be established at the ASCS county office. The present ASC committee is making a special effort to encourage the greatest possible participation of eligible voters in the election. Any local resident who is eligible to take part in an ASCS farm program may vote and may hold office as a committeeman regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin. Bert Bridges, chairman McHenry County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee, said that farmers who are eligible to vote in the committee elections also have the right to nominate as candidates for committee membership any farmer who is eligible and willing to serve. Such petitions, each one nominating one farmer and signed by six or more eligible voters, may be filed at the county office any time before July 2. Eligible voters may sign as many petitions as they wish. Nominations to the community committee slate may also be made by the incumbent ASC community committee and incumbent county committee. The list of nominees for community committeemen in each community will be mailed to eligible voters July 13. Marked ballots must be returned to the county office not later than July 23. IREffliDIT THROUGH TW ^ WANT ADS. V