Thursday, July 8, 1965 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 'Section Two -- Paj© FIva Legals MASTER IN" CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY FIRST NATIONAL CITY) BANK, a National Banking) Association, ) Plaintiff,) vs. ) HENRY GEORGE GARN) and,CLAUDIA L. GARN;) and "UNKNOWN OWN-) ERS," - ) Defendants.) GEN. NO. 65-604 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to. a Decree made and entered by said Circuit Court of Mclienry County, Illinois in the above entitled cause on the 18th day of May, 1965, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 22nd day of July, 1965, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof flight Savings Time, at the Ea5* front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned. or so much thereof as *.hall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot 8 in Block 5 in Sunnyside Estates, Unit No. 5, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter 'of Section 7, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof .recorded May 13, 1954, as Document No. 278377, in Book 11 of Plats, page 110, McHenry County, Illinois. ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorneys For Plaintiff Russell & Bridewell 38 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (Pub. July 1-8-15, 1965) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, August 2, 1965 is the claim date in the estate of EDWARD JOHN VALEK deceased. No. 65 P 128, Circuit Court. McHenry County, Illinois. EDWARD VALEK of 1210 South Hilltop, McHenry, 111. is the Executor; HAMER & SCHUH of 110'.2 N. Benton St., Woodstock, 111. are the attorneys. (Pub. July 1-8-15, 1965) MASTER IX CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COL'NTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY GEN. NO. 64-1306 HOME STATE BANK OF) CRYSTAL LAKE, a bank) organized and existing un-) der the laws of the State) of Illinois, ) Plaintiff,) vs. ) MILDRED CLARK. GEO-) RGE CLARK, JAMES) CLARK, ROBERT CLARK) and DONNA LEE CLARK,) Defendants.) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the above entitled cause on the 6th day of April. 1965. I, ROBERT j. LEALI. Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 22nd day of July, 1965, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof Daylight Savings Time, at the East front door of the McHenry Co,unty Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County. Illinois sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all and singular the following described. real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot 1 in Block 6 in Leonard Heights, a Subdivision of part of the East Half of Section 31, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March 15, 1928 as Document No. 82565, in Book 6 of Plats, pages 42 and 43, in McHenry County, Illinois. ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorneys for Plaintiff Herbert O. Krenz 17 N. Grant Street Crystal Lake, Illinois (Pub. July 1-8-15, 1965) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, August 2, 1965 is the claim date in the estate of Maurice Gladstone deceased, No. 65P145, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Lee Gladstone of 1614 N. Richmond Road, McHenry, 111. is the Executor; Lester Reinwald of 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. is the attorney. (Pub. June 24, July 1, 8, 1965) STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY ) GEN. NO. 65-P-147 In the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois -- Probate Division. To FRANK D. ECK, if living, and if deceased: Unknown Heirs at Law, Legatees and/or Devisees of FRANK D. ECK, if deceased: You and each of you will hereby take notice that an instrument purporting to be the last will of GRACE ECK, a/k/a GRACE VAN HOUGHTON ECK, deceased, has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, Probate Division thereof, together with the petition of Harry W. Eck representing among other things that the names of all the heirs legatees and devisees of said deceased, are as follows, to wit: Harry W. Eck, Frank D. Eck, if living, and if deceased: Harry W. Eck, son and heir at law of Frank D. Eck, and Unknown Heirs at Law, Legatees and/or Devisees of Frank D. Eck, if deceased, and praying that said instrument be admitted to probate as the last will of said deceased, and that the same be ordered recorded. You will also take notice that the hearing on said petition and the proof of said, purported last will has been set by said Court for the 26th day of July, 1965, at 1:30 o'clock P.M., daylight saving time, in the Circuit Court Room in the City of Woodstock, in said County, when and where you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why said purported last will should not be admitted to probate. Dated this 21st day of June, 1965. (SEAL) MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Circuit COMPLETE R O O F I N G SERVICE New Roofs -- Re-roofs Hot Graveled Built-up Glazing- -- Patching Wood Shingles & Shakes Wind Damage, etc. FREE Estimates & Inspection Call BERGSTROM ROOFING COMPANY 385-4997 ENTRY BLANK Little Miss Peanut Contest" KIWANIS Club of McHenry Name of Child Name of Parent Address Phone Birthdate Contest open to girls 6 to 8 years who are residents of the McHenry area. Judging is Wednesday, July 14, 8:30 p.m. at the McHenry American Legion Hall. Qualified entrants will be notified. All entries must be in by July 11, 1965. Entry blanks should be mailed directly to: VIRGIL R. POLLOCK 3412 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2500 Q Court of said County. (Pub. June 24, July 1, 8, 1965) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District No. 15, Mc-. Henry and Lake Counties, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the Office of the Board of Education, 1012 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, in this school district, from and after 12:00 Noon on the 8th day of July, 1965. N O T I C E I S F U R T H E R HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 8:15 o'clock P.M., on the 9th day of August, 1965, at the Edgebrook School, 701 North Green Street, MeHenr^, Illinois, in this school District No. 15. Dated this 8th day of July, 1965/ BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 15, in the Counties of McHenry and Lake, State of Illinois. By THOMAS L. LAWSON, Secretary (Pub. July 8, 1965) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, August 2, 1965 is the claim date in the estate of EARLE C. SEEPE also known as EARL C. SEEPE deceased, No. 65 P 154, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. JACK ALBERT WENNERSTROM of 2100 Telegraph Road, Deerfield, 111. is the executor; Sidley, Austin, Burgess & Smith of 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. are the attorneys. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk (Pub. July 8-15-22, 1965) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY GEN. NO. 65-1022 MARENGO FEDERAL SAV-) INGS & LOAN ASSOCIA-) TION, a Corporation of the) United States of America,) Plaintiff,) vs. ) NORMAN E. GNADT and) LORRAINE R. GNADT, his) wife; HAROLD GNADT and) ELEANOR GNADT, his) wife; KENNETH GNADT) and GENEVA GNADT, his) wife; "UNKNOWN HEIRS) AND DEVISEES OF FRI-) EDA J. GNADT, DE-) CEASED" and "UNKNOWN) OWNERS," - ) £ Defendants.) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in' the above entitled cause on the 20th day of May, 1965, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 29th day of July, 1965, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof Daylight Savings Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois sell at public auction to the highest bidder tot cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot twenty-three (23) in Block six (6) of Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, Unit No. 1, being a Subdivision of part of the South half of Section thirteen (13) Township forty-five (45) North, of Range seven (7) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded November 22, 1950 as Document No. 237- 906 in Book 11 of Plats, page 16, in McHenry County, Illinois. ROBERT J. LEALI Master . In Chancery Attorneys For Plaintiff Paul W, Jevne 104 S. State Street Marengo, Illinois (Pub. July 8-15-22, 1&65) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) . )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN CIRCUIT COURT GEN. NO. 64-1112 ALGONQUIN STATE BANK,) an Illinois Banking Cor-) poration ) Plaintiff,) vs. ) RUDOLPH T. BERG, JR.) DOROTHY BERG, his wife;) BENJAMIN C. GETZEL-) MAN, Trustee under Trust) Deed Document No. 355214;) MUTUAL CREDIT COR-) PORATION, a corporation;) ANCHOR FINANCE COR-) PORATION, a corporation;) JAMES BANNISTER, JOHN) UNRUH, HARRY E. LANG,) HAROLD WARREN, PAUL) BOLGER, THEODORE GRA-) HAM, ANDREW OLSSON) and W. E. CORBIN, Trus-) tees of the Fox River Valley) District Council of Carpen-) ters' Pension and- Welfare) Funds; FOX RIVER VAL-) LEY DISTRICT COUNCIL) OF CARPENTER'S PEN-) SION AND WELFARE) FUNDS; STANDARD REA-) DY MIX CORPORATION, a) corporation; McHENRY) READY MIX CO., INC., a) corporation; THE UNITED) STATES OF AMERICA, ) Defendants.) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the above entitled caur.e on the 17th dav of June, 1965, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of MeHenrv. County, Illinois, wil' on the 29th day of July, 1965, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof Daylight Savings Time, at the . East Front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the Counly of McHenry and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot 1 in Block 9 of the Original Plat of Algonquin (formerly Oceola), a Subdivision of part of the North ATTEND MUSIC CAMP Sprins Grove News' EVA FREUND 678-7135 LCWC Plans Yearly Events CINDY ADAMS V*1 I®':' i.. "it.. >• •>' iilik- •••• DOLLY MEYERS These two young ladies, who will be seniors in McHenry high school next fall, attended Egyptian music camp at DuQuoin, 111., this summer on a scholarship provided by the McHenry Woman's Club.! Dolly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myers of 5215 W. Rt. 120, has long been active in music. Besides singing, she also plays the violin and oboe. Cindy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of 3717 W. John Street, has been active in chorus for the past four years. Both young ladies have been members of M.C.H.S. vocal ensembles and are officers of next year's chorus. Women of the Moose by Lovie Mrotz McHenry Moose Lodge 691 On Tuesday. June 29, the Women of the Moose Chapter 1348 held their meeting with the installation of new officers. Gloria Flannig^n gave the welcoming address. Our College of Regents, Alyre Kowal, Mable Thomas, Hazel Struwc and Lucille Rinda wore their caps and gowns proudly as the installing officers who introduced our new officers for the coming year. They were: Eunice Tobey, senior regent, Ethel Hagberg, junior graduate regent, Nancy Meritz, junior regent, Carrie Sesko, chaplain, Ila Hogan, treasurer, Eileen Hodgson, recorder, Helene Richards, guide, Carol Knor, assistant guide, Lillian Cox, sentinel. Marge Faulkner, Argus and Irene May, pianist. The retiring officers were: Ethel Hagl>erg, senior regent, Olga Johnson, junior regent, Eunice Tobey, junior regent, Betty Walker, chaplain, Gloria Flannigan, recorder, Ila Hogan, treasurer, Eileen Hodgson, guide, Carol Knor, assistant guide, Mareella Carlson, sentinel and Cai ricuSesko. Argus. Senior Regent Eunice Tobey thanked the met|pH.>f the Loyal fraction of the Northwest J^nrter (West of Fox River) •in* Section 34, Township 43 Nprth, Range S East of the ifiird Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded December 15, 1946, in Book G of Deeds, page 294, in McHenry County, Illinois. ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorneys For Plaintiff Zukowski and Zukowski 104 Minnie Street. Crystal Lake, Illinois (Pub. Julv 8-15-22. 1965) Order of the Moose f»r assisting in the installation and our Governor Ollie Ho^es^gave a little speech. j Introduced as the new chairmen for the coming year were: Ccirolyn Sima, Mooseheart, Carmella Micelli, Moosehaven, Alyce Kowal, College of Regents, Olga Johnson, Academy of Friendship, Bertha English. Hospital, Mable Thomas, Card Chairman, Jean Dember, Library, Ethel Mae Roewer, Membership, Lorraine Lima, Social Service, Joan Bucaro, Child Care, Ann Rodenkirch, Ritual Director, Jeanette Koerper, Homemaking, Marge Fernstrom. Star Recorder and Lovie Mrotz, Publicity. The retiring Senior Regent, Ethel Hagberg, was presented with a gift from the Chapter. Lillian Cox", our new sentinel, was presented with a gift from Olga Johnson for faithful attendance in the past year as her escort. Olga Johnson was presented with a gift from Gloria Flannigan. The chapter was closed and refreshments served with a good time had by all. Don't forget our Moose picnic to be held at the Syria Club Grounds in Lilyinoor on Sunday, July 11 11 a.m. till?? Come ot\_ you Mooses bring your Mices and let's all have a good time!!! RECOVERS FROM INJCKIKS James Wetteland of 1802 N. Riverside, McHenry, is recovering in his home from injuries sustained in the recent auto crash which caused fatal injuries to Timothy McClarey. Wetteland sustained whiplash injuries, a badly cut knee, lacerations of the scalp and a deep cut on the tongue. GOODWILL SERVICE A Goodwill truck will be in McHenry only on July 23 and Aug. 21 due to a shortage of trucks. A special meeting was held recently in the home of Mrs. Frances Heineman, newly elected president of the Lotus Country Woman's Club. This was to discuss new plans. The club will now meet only once a month on the third Wednesday of the mrihth. Luncheon at one o'clock as usual. Programs of the year book were finished and are ready to go to press. The president suggested a number of pleasure trips for the future and is planning a card party soon. The sunshine chairman Frances Shotliff reported Mrs. Hazel Winn was in. Harvard hospital and it was decided to send her a plant. Past president pins were to be sent to Mrs,. Viola McNish who is "still in California and also to Mrs. Winn. Congratulations to Walter and Orion Brown who celebrated their silver wedding on Saturday night, June 26. About two hundred friends and relatives attended the reception' hold in St. Peter's parish hall. Relatives were present from Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. Everyone greatly enjoyed the buffet supper and the evening of dancing. Paul and Marie Lewis celebrated their silver wedding on the same night at St. Bede's parish hall in Fox Lake. Quite a few of their friends from here were guests at the reception, and extended their best wishes to the happy couple. Clubs Mrs. Agnes May entertained members of her club in her home on Thursday night. A dessert lunch was served and the evening was spent at cards. Prizes went to Mrs. Nora Klaus, Mrs. Marie Lewis and Mrs. Dolores May. The 500 club met at the homo of Mrs. Mary Nimsgern on Thursdav afternoon. Prize winners were Tillie May, Mary Nimsgern, Minnie Pierce, Mame Tinney and Evelyn May. A lunch was served. Returns To Service PFC. Edward "Bud" Jessie, MP, returned to Fort Lewis, Wash., on June 30 after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jessie. Vacationing The Walter Murphy family are taking a trip out east. They expect to visit Washington, D. C. and New York. They plan to camp along their route. SECRETARIES OF AREA PLAN FOR AUTUMN BAZAAR The June meeting of the Shore-land chapter of the National . Secretaries Association was held recently in North Chicago. This was an impressive meeting, preceded by <a smorgasbord, and featuring the initiation of four new members and the installation of the 1965-66 officers. The new members who were initiated are Helen Barden of McHenry, Virginia Kaymen of Waukegan, June Mauser of Zion and Emily Rybicki of Waukegan. Priscilla KinKaid and Helen Haynes, the outgoing president and vice-president, respectively, conducted the installation ceremony for the newly elected officers. This will be the last meeting uhtil fall, which "will be an open meeting and an introducti( »i meeting, so it should be especially interesting to the new members and to anyone interested in learning more about the National Secretaries Association? In a brief business session, plans were discussed for work to be done on items for the Shoreland chapter bazaar which is planned to be held on Nov. 20 at the American Legion hall in Waukegan. Work will be done on these items throughout the summer. JULY 6.00x13 6.50x13 7.00x13 $14.0017.50x14 $14.5016.70x15 $15.50 7.00x14 $17.50 3.00x14 8.50x14 $19.60 7-10x15 $I700 $l$oo All Prices Plus Tax -- Whitewalls $1.50 Extra No Trade-Ins Necessary -- Fully Guaranteed SPECIAL: Whitewall TIRES For CADILLACS Tax ONLY w SI Included Truck & Tractor TIRES All Sizes BATTERIES 6 or 12 Volts Up to $5.00 Trade-In McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 3931 W. Main St. Phone 885-0294 McHenry, I1L CORRECT AND CASUAL THE SPORT SHIRT COLLECTION BY ^ VAN HEUSEN' From the collected works of a master: stripes, checks, solids, prints ... in a variety of exciting fabrics... from wash and wear to the most exotic madras! And best of all, every shirt is tailored with the Van Heusen touch, in aii popular collar styles. TWcC/eetA- ^TORE for MEN Does It Matter Where Your Prescription Is Dispensed ? It Does - Try NYE DRUGS Your Friendly "Walgreen Agency" and See! 1S26 N. Riverside Dr. Phone S8&-442S WHY that Crazy Prescription Bag at Nye Drug? Well . . . i t a c c o m p l i s h e s s e v e r a l t h i n g s and it's a Nye exclusive. S First, we have your prescription filed both numerically and alphabetically, just in case you lose your number for refills. Second, the Bag forms your written receipt. Third, your prescription label is reprinted on the bag itself for clarification and information. Just another way Nye's assures you of Accurate, Prompt and Dependable Prescription Service -- Always at the Fairest Cost to You. IT DOES MATTER TO US! 124.» N. (• rt'cn St. Plioiii' 38.J-0047 McHenry, lll»n7>ts 0|M'ii Daily X a.m. to 0 p.m. -- Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CLOSKD ON SI NDAYS m C RE EN 6TAMPS FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY iH THE McHENRY AREA Have Your Doctor Contacl Us For McHenry's Friendliest Prescription Service 4