Section Two -- Page Six THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July 29, 1965 LAKELAND PARK NEWS BARB MEUBEB -- KAY DRUML 885-4356 TIGERS, ORIOLES WIN TITLES IN MAJORS, MINORS Last 'Friday's game saw the end of scheduled games for oar league and had the Tiger team as champs in the Major league while the Orioles took top position in the Minor League. The Major league positions will not be settled until tonight when the Braves and Tigers play off a tie game and will settle third and fourth place. Second place was won by the Orioles. • The Tigers team is managed by Ron Meuror and helping Ron as coaches were Joe Prazak and Ted Kaminski. Players, on the team were Alan Meurer, Don Prazak, Don Kaminski, Butch Morgenson, Larry Lamberg, Stas Ponkiewicz, jerry Sullivan, Sieve, Robert and Larry Vera, Joe and Jerry Selefski. The Oriole Minor team was managed by Jim Cole. Playe> .5 were Skip Jensen, Allen Moll, Kevin Kawa, Chuck Campo, Bill Buress, Tom Kozicki, Daryl Lacastro, Ron Rebel, Bob Mueller, Rich Nowell, Ronnie and Larry Tinlm. Our congratulations go to both teams and to all the players of the league along with their managers, coaches and officers of the league for providing a most interesting season. Utile League News Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. there will be an open meeting or the league at the community house, all parents are alv »\}ys welcome. On Thursday "lie All Stars will play Round Lake All Stars at our field. Starting time is set for 6 p.m. Saturday will have the entire little league, both Major and Minor League attending Sox Park. All boys are to be at the Community House at 9:45 in uniform. Each lad is to bring his lunch and spending money and a sweater if necessary. The buses will leave promptly so please, be on time. We hope to see a large attendance at the All Star game. Players on the All Star team are Doug Funk, Greg Bartos, Billy Barwig, Robbie Wickenkamp, Bobby Matthews, Jerry Buress. Bob Minor, Butch Morgenson, Don Prazak, Alan Meurer, 'Jim Hagenson, Jerry Selefski, Tommy Giacomo, Larry Fergen and Stan Pankiewicz. Community House Schedule All reservations and cancellations for the community house should be made by contacting Mrs. Joe Rizzo at 385- 272S. Wednesday, July 28, Lit - lie League Open meeting at 8 p.m. Saturday, August 7, Lakeland Park 4-H Club 9:30 a.m .to noon. Best Wishes are extended belatedly to Jane and Murph MiskOvic who celebrated their twenty-fourth year of wedded, bliss on the 19th and to Kdna and Tom Hountras who shared 47 years together on the 22nd. Belated birthday wishes go to Rodney Emery who was 1 on the 22nd and to Michael Clark who was 9 on the 23rd. Gayle Laursen adds a year on the 29th and Jane Grothman does the same on the 30th. Ending the month in celebrations will be Shirley and Marv George who celebrate their fourteenth year of wedded bliss while Lil Benes, Helen Strandquist, Ken Vane^ and Bette Kamp all share\ birthdays. Darlene Gladman begins the month of August by becoming 9. On the 2nd Elaine Piasecki and Murph Kwiatek add candles. Gloria Flannigan and Tom Giacomo sliare the 3rd with Tommy^ becoming 11. Jane and Ken Grothman will be sharing their 20th year of togetherness also on the 3rd. Carmon Hodges adds a year on the 4th and Bobby Kroening will be 14 on the 5th. To each of you goes our very best. Belated best wishes also go to Carla Hutchinson who reaches voting age on July 27 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS ROSEMARY LTJTZ Meekos Greet New Grandson HYatt 7-8814 The Terrace deceived news from Mary Mecko on the birth of a grandson born to George, Jr., and Alice Mecko. Mark, as the boy has been named, arrived at Columbus, Ohio, on July 9 weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. The Senior Meckos now have two granddaughters and one grand- Graziano Addition On July 15 a new addition arrived on Poplar Drive it was Gina Marie Graziano, Gina weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz., and was born at the McHenry hospital. Sherrie and Joe Graziano are the proud parents and are now doing fine. Birthdays July 22 Irma Jorgenson, July 23 Virginia Pradelski, Jackie Weiss, and John Dougherty, July 27 Charles Lima and George Mecko and on July 30 Millie Mondl, Peter Schilling and Jacquelyn Weiss and for the 2nd of August Jim Deppmeier and Irene Seliga, 3rd of August Mary Dougherty, Aug. 4 Gary Weiss. A very happy and pleasant birthday to all. Anniversaries July 24 George and Mary Mecko. Aug. 2 Tom and Pat Merhaut and Ed and Jackie Weiss, Aug. 3 Roy and Jean Erickson. To all a very happy anniversary and many more to come. News Except for the births and birthdays I have received no news for this column. Please if you have news call. GUARANTEED TRACTION FIELD & ROAD NEW Bar Angle NEW Bar Design • NEW Tread Action NEW Sidewall Special Sale WHY PAY MORE? 6.00-13 $19.35 8.50-14 5.20-13 $19.35 6.00-15 5.60-15 $19.80 7.60-15 6.50-15 $22.80 5.00-15 $29.15 $21.40 $29.15 $22.00 30% OFF While Supply Lasts All Prices Plus Tax -- No Trade-Ins Necessary Truck & Passenger Car Tires All Sizes 6 or 12 Volt Batteries To Fil All Cars 20% OFF McHenry Tire Mart v WALT FREUND, Prop. 3931 W. Main St. Phone 885-0294 McHenry, I1L and on July 28 the Hutchinsons celebrate their third year of togetherness. ^trolling Through The Park Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Zujewski. Mr. Zujewski went to his eternal reward on Wednesday of last week. The Brave little league was treated to a party of ice cream and cake following last Tuesday's game. The occasion marked Mike Koch's birthday.- Joanne Plucinski and her children had Joanne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grimm as weekend guests. The Hutchinson house bulged last Sunday with a gathering of relatives and friends who heljjed celebrate early the birthday of Carla and ihe marking of their third anniversary. Su.tu.rday the Daurio family accompanied by Rill Seifert went into Franklin Park to celebrate Jim's niece's birthday. Dawn Lary reached age 19, The Pike family was pleasantly surprised by a weekend visit from their Air Force son, Ricky. Dave Wagner spent the week visiting with grandma and grandpa Wagner. Wendy Dralle and Kathie Becker will be appearing at the Fair grounds on Aug. 7 as part of a dance group. The group consists of five members and just recently placed fifth in competition and thereby earned the right for the Fair competition. Ed Gladman took two of his daughters to Black River Falls, Wis., for a weekend of camping. The Kamp family spent their weekend camping at Timber Lake near Antioch and the Druml family spent theirs at the Mississippi Palisades. Seems these families are gone every weekend to enjoy Mother Nature at her best. Michael Clark celebrated his ninth birthday on the 23rd of July with ice cream and cookies being served to the following children and their mothers. Jeff, Keith, Tod and Pam Stoltz and mother, Donna; Terry and Denny Woolwin and mother, Delores, Wayne and Linnette McGue and mother Jane, Larry and Billy and Meg Oakford and Janie McGue and mother Brenda, as well as Michael's brothers, Billy, Dave Ken and Danny. The mothers came along to get the benefit of Etta's airconditioned house. Edna and Tom Hountras was surprised on their fourty-seventh wedding anniversary by the following people who brought along all of the makings for a great party. Ruth and Orlo McMan, Jim and Louise McEnery, Tony and Florence Piasecki, and daughter, Ed and Grace Mandziara and daughter, Gene and Helen Kraskiewicz, and son, Delia Julian and Ann Herzog, Marie and Pete Pagalai from Arlington Heights and Ruth Piper from Chicago. RUth Piper spent the weekend with Tom and Edna. Edna's nephew, William Downing and his wife and four children came out from Keeneyville to complete the weekend. Carole and Don Humann had Tour couples who are long time friends from Chicago out Sunday for a reunion. Phil and Marge Johnson, Ron and Gene Bergman and their two children, Gwen and Don Swartz and three children, and Lee and Ray Neuckrantz and their three sons all enjoyed the swimming, badminton and croquet which was offered. Donna and Mary Humann are home again after visiting their Grandma and Grandpa Humann in Chicago for a week. On Wednesday, the rest of thev family took a boat ride up the; river to Antioch. An exchange of children took place Sunday when Linda Meurer invited her two cousins, Debbie and Janice, up for her pajama party while John and Shirley went to their home in Wheaton. To celebrate her birthday, Linda had Ann and Bonnie Kroening, Nancy Matthews, and her two cousins, Debbie and Janice, over for a pajama party. Jimmy Miskovic had his boyfriend, Gary Roden, up from Chicago for a week. Mary and Ray Barle and RINGWOOD NEWS DELORES BRENNAN 653-9045 mm Very Ivy league, very "in," very Jantzen.. * coordinated madras plaid, on the belt of a poplin solid walker and In the fabrlo of a button-down, short sleeved shirt Details of the shortst fully tailored, flat front with belt loopst 8lde and back pockets. 30-42, $8.95 ' Of the shirt; back yoke with tooft center back box pleat. S-XL, $7.59 Both in a blend of Fortrel® polyester and cotton* •POHTSWCAR FOR SPORTSMm jantzen 7 5TORE for MEN ,245 N. Green St. Phone 385-0047 McHenry, IllinoU Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SI'NDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA CHURCH SPONSORS OLD FASHIONED COUNTRY FAIR The Ringwood, Methodist church will hold an old fashioned country fair at the church grounds on Sunday, Aug. 1. There will be interesting events all afternoon for all age groups. Starting at 2 p.m. there will be a continuous buffet served with the Senior Hi M.Y.F. in charge of an ice cream social to be held simultaneously. They will be serving sundaes, floats, pie a la mode, etc. There will be a children's zoo, rare collections and various hobbies, also, arts and crafts. _ . .. There will be an old country store where canned goods, homemade preserves and many other delicacies will be sold. There is to be a cabaret theatre with shows at 7 p.m. for children and at 8:30 and 10 p.m. for the adults. This is an afternoon for fun and enjoyment for the entire family. Also, bring along your neighbor and friends. Here 'N' There Mrs. Agnes Jencks had numerous callers during the past week besides her daughter, Mary, and her Ringwood neighbors. Others included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Maude Granger of McHenry; Mrs. Hettie Jencks and daughter, Nancy, and Mrs. Motison of Barrington; Mrs. Fred Wilson of Richmond and son, Norwood, from Miami. Fla., and Mrs. Dan Orsolini and daughter, Mauvice, of Richmond also called. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nielson from Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. Jud Parker of Wonder Lake and Florida were present also. Mrs. Jencks still resides in the century old house where she was born at the 4 corners in Ringwood. Mrs. J. P. Walkington entertained several ladies at a home demonstration on Wednesday morning. Attending were Mrs. Mary Butler and Mrs. Alvin ffj Murph and Jane Miskovic celebrated their anniversaries by going out to dinner together on the 17th. Benoy of McHenry; Mrs. Darrell Samuelson, Mrs. Leonard Ackerman, Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Frank Harrison and Mrs. Robert Brennan. Althea served delicious home-made breacjs to all. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wiedrich, Alice Miller, Nettie Wiedrich, Maud Strange and Bessie Hiemer of Sharon, Wis., called on Mrs. Flora Carr, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and Fred Wiedrich, Jr., on Monday. Mrs. Ruth Swanson, Mrs. Audrey Swanson of Wonder Lake and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were Chicago visitors on Tuesday. On Monday, Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Ray Page of McHenry . and Mr. and Mris. William Heine of St. Petersburg called on Mrs. Ray Page at Sherman hospital. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Russell Sody of Kenosha spent Friday and Saturday in the home of her sister, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Last Sunday, Mrs. Ruby Shofiard entertained at a picni</ dinner in her backyard. Cjiiests were; Mr. and Mrs. illiam Heine of St. Petersburg, Fla. who are spending some time in the Shepard home. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thomas of Wheeling, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ainger and son, David, Mrs. George Ainger and daughter, Sharon, all of Hebron, Will Claxton and Ray Page of McHenry and Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Carr of McHenry spent Monday evening in the home of Mrs. Flora Carr. A cook-out was held on Sunday evening in the backyard of rhe Boyd Dowell home in honor of Mrs. Loren Harrison's birthday. Virginia Ritter spent Monday in Ringwood and called on Mrs. Flora Carr. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, Ray Page of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of St. Petersburg visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Mary Butler both of .McHenry. Miss Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Flora Carr and Mrs. L. E. Hawley spent Wednesday afternoon in the Ed Whiting home at Richmond. Once again the Ringwood column draws to a close. How about giving me a call if you have some news? I'd sure appreciate it. Thank you. Almost forgot the birthdays. On Aug. 1, it's happy birthday wishes to Lee Walkington. Anniversary wishes to Phyllis and Jim O'Halleran, the same date. Aug. 3, it's wishes to Dave Klapperich who celebrates his birthday. 1 YOUNG ADULT PROGRAM TOLD BY AREA YMCA The Single Young Adult Club of the Lake Region YMCA will continue their summer activities for single young men and women IS through 35 years of age. Miniature golf is planned for July 2^, a splash party will be held on Aug. 3, and an evening of bowling on Aug. 12 is planned. In youth swimming classes^ eighteen boys and girls moved up the YMCA aquatic ladder as a result of their progress in recent classes. The last summer swimming class will start on Aug. 9. Youth who earned awards from McHenry are Roxy Solchenberger, Linda Tomlinson, Marsha Olsen, Carol Wilt and Mary Rodenkireh. The summer office hours at the Lake Region YMCA at 60 N. Williams Street, Crystal Lake, are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Any government big enough to give you all you warfTT^is also big enough to take all you have. REVOKE ONE LICENSE; FIVE OTHERS SUSPENDED The office of Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the revocation of the driver license of Robert A. Tobias of 420 N. Santa Barbara, McHenry, for three violations. The licenses of Patrick- H. Aubel of Algonquin, James W. Bush of Rt. 9 and Arth.uil.JSternickle of 1605 W. Boiling, both McHenry, Russell F.^DUshack of Rt. 2, Woodstock, and William J". Ferrier of Rt. 1, Cary, were suspended for three •violations. MILK PRICES Reflecting a gain of more than 5 cents per cwt; over the marketwide average price ^of a year ago. the June milk price to be paid Chicago market, daily farmers will be at least $3.5(5 per cwt. on all their de-, liveries, 'it'was reported by W. If. Cope, director <>f marketing for Pure Milk • Association. The .June price o! S3.5W is for milk of 15.5 percent huJ.terlat 'est. The dill< initial for each one-tenth of 1 ^arrcent butterfat above or below 3.5 percent. is 7.1 cents per cwt. Experts tell us that the greatest asset, n man in business can have is 'he ability to write and speak clearly and effect ively. Few things are worse than doing a task you don't like -- and fine of them is being married to someone you don t like. DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS MONDAY -- Spaghetti & Meat Balis $'-00 TUESDAY -- Pork Cutlets, Mashed Potatoes & Vegetable .. $1.10 WEDNESDAY -- Corned Beef & Cabbage, Boiled Potato .... $1.10 THURSDAY -- Thuringer & Kraut, Boiled Potato $1.10 FRIDAY -- Haddock, French Fries & Vegetable $1.00 -- RESTAURANT HOURS -- Open 7 Days a Week -- 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Breakfast, Luncheon & Dinners Served -- DINING ROOM HOURS -- Open Tues. thru Thurs. -- 5 p.m. to II p.m. Fri. & Sat. 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sundays 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Closed on Mondays TOMASELLO'S 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg, Illinois PHONE, 385-1475 RIGID-FRAME GARAGES One With Storage "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself en a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! .. We have a Model on Display and Ready for your inspection at our yard. Also available in one-car size with storage. We invite you to ... COMPARE • the Features! • the Quality! • the Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments Two-Car With Storage HARD-AS-ROCK FLOOR FINISH' outlasts ordinary floor enamels 2 to 7/ CHIP RESISTANT - CRACK RESISTANT MAR RESISTANT NEW POLYURETHANE PLASTIC FLORENAMEL Easy to BPffe easy to dean. Greater durability, superior resistance to foods, acids, deaners, detergents. Greater weather resistance. For interiarrexterior wood, concrete floors, and old linoleum. Five colors and additional finta. $194 * ' QT. $6.62 Gaj. ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424