Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1965, p. 18

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Serf ion Three -- THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. August 5, 1965 WONDER LAKE NEWS mary lou hartog 658-7176 LOUISE RUGGERO CHOSEN QUEEN OF WONDER LAKE There was, one very happy, dark-haired Miss in \V<>n<i<>v Lake last Saturday niyht and two very proud parents when Louise Rug^ero was chosen to be Miss Wonder Lake for the l'J65-66 season. She is the dtiughJer of Dr. and Mrs. Ryi;- gero and the eldest, of their ten children. Wonder Lake Boy Wins Scout Award &ick Berndt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novak'," won the Scout SEE-DO Award for'having sold the 'most tickets'ihthe Kishwsukee District. Rick sold fifty-two tickets. The award was a free week at Canip Lowden. Rick with twentyfour other hoys 'from Troop 145 of Wonder Lake were at Camp Lowden from Juno 27 to July 3. Three hoys had the honor to he inducted into the Older of the Arrow. They were Sam Lamont, Jr.. Brian M.'Cafferty, and Don Sturm, Jr. John Doherty, .Scoutmaster, al.-o had the honor to he indicted into" ihe Older aloiv.'. with these hoys. ilalph Swearingen, Assisiant Scoutmaster, and Kenneth Rlioades, Troop Commit teeacvompanied the hoys for Ihe week. Vacationers Tom and Audrey Burrows took a trip to Detroit recently and Rufus and Bernie Jerls have just returned from a trip to Michigan and to the Wisconsin Dells. Sincere Sympathy To Robert and Roberta Hermes and their family on the loss of Roberta's mother, Mrs. Berry Accerano,' who passed away suddenly. Sewing ( lass MeHs The "Little Sew-ers" of Wonder View meet mi Thursday mornings from 10 to 11 :.'U) a.m. After school starts the time will change. They would like to see some of those who -belong to the group return to the classes. When the next cl.iss is held on Thursday at the Menolasino homo the gills will prepare the' articles 'limy have made so l.hey may be exhibited' at Ihe coming rummage sale on August "• Mrs. Eieanor Vi loj. vich was kind e;ioii:-h t i dunale material to the class and they appreciate it very. much. - Wonder I.ake Kiwanis C'luli .Mwt nig, . July 2<»th Our Kiwanis u.11, 'sponsor a ivew Explorer troop' Monday nii'.ht's guest, Leo John Wines, reported on the new troop. John will be t lie adult ad\ i»oi\ The Kiwanis C'Iui> w-iil pi'esent the lioys w;'li tlierr n>w troop banner: The American Leejon w:l! oresent them witji tin1 Ameiiran Klag. , Speaker f->r the e\ eninc. was Tom Krey who spoke1 oti "Seeini: Ilinois Fi: si". Colored slides of Slate l'arks fiom Cairo to t he Waukegan 1 luni's were shown. Tom and his wile ha\-e made trips to all 1 hose points ol historical and scenic interest. lie claims we have Ihe best vacation and recreation area in the country ,so .lets make use of them. Ed Richardson of the Dundee Club was also a visitor. Xext week Ouy White and Art Lau will report, on the convention. The following week Ed Richardson will be guest speaker. Phil Kinzor reportefl on Peanut Day. Ed Heller will be in charge of manpower and Dick Pickrum of underwriting. Each member is expected to underwrite a case. Hospitali/.ed Our best "Get-Well" wishes o to Marie Brichta of 4612 W. i Wonder Lake Drive who enj tered the Woodstock hospital i early last, week for surgery. j'By' now she should he home |: and we hoip e she is rg> et t ing-> a- I long just fine. RINGWOOD NEWS DELORES BRENNAN 653-9045 I (icorjj'O Wcisenbcrgfcr Passes Away | Our deepest sympathy ^goes j to the lamilv of Cieouge | •'Woody" Weisenberger who • passed away al his home at J 77o| ]•:. Sunset Drive very j ! suddenly last Wednesday mor- | ning. Julv 28. • Little League Kb'ctions I The ejection of All Stars in ! Wonder Lake Little League was lie I i.I last week. The boys selected by their team mates are: Brad Wyat t, . Jeff Van Kanegan, Steve Thompson, eg !\iu'(Mski. Frank Higgirrs. | 11i 11 Sw eaj'ingen. Jay (Tisty ' John Ilendricks, Mike Smith. I 1 B i l l S m i t h . D a n n y B e l l , Don j I (iranies, John r>i\by, Art Nit/ I ' a i r I J o h n 1 . e l i / . i a , J e f f Van j 1 Kanegan was voted most valu-[ table player. The standings of • ; the League for 1he second hall 1 iare: Yankees won ii, losl 2., 1 Indians won 1. lost White J So\ won lost '1; Red Sox won lost 1. I". (Mated perhaps but none the loss sincere is the appreciation for all who helped make the 1th of July baseball day such a huge success. A profit of $70 was made on the sale of refreshments and bakery goods. Also to Jess Socman for a splendid job as'master of ceremonies. Plans are being made for a Little League banquet. Dale will be decided soon. MCHENRY SHORES BERNICE WILSON Wins Bond As Contest Prize Four year old Marilyn Zelvis of Still Hill Drive was the winner in a contest held by a Chicago newspaper and received a $25 savings bond as her prize. On July 11 the paj)er enclosed the story, 'The Mysterious Ouphe' with the comic section of the paper- and asked children to send either a picture or an essay telling what they thought about an Ouphe. Marilyn's drawing was chosen out of the many that must have been entered and her parents are justly proud of her She is the youngest child <>[ the Zelvises and has five sisters and one brother. Con gratulal ions Marilyn and the family. S85-4380 Crystal Lake where they will reside until the cold weather sets in, then they will go to Arizona to live. All of us wish them good luck in their new home and hope that Mrs. Siers, who has an arthritic condition, will feel much better in a drier climate. Lucille and Marshall Jacobs spent a few days in Benton Harbor and St. Joe, Mich., over the weekend and came home feeling rested and relaxed. See vou next week. Wiener Roust Tonight Members of the Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King church are reminded that tonight Thursday is the annual wiener roast which will be held at Wright's Court :"20."> Pleasant Drive, Wooded Shores. sister of We hope (Juest From England The Stan Wilson family of Wonder Center have another house guest from England. This time it is Mrs. May Pitt who is the eldest Harriet and Odadvs. she enjoys her stay. Mrs. Pitt's daughter. Valerie, was here eleven years ago and al tended Harrison school during her stay. She still keeps in touch with friends she made and wishes to be remembered to them. Rirt Inlays Many happy returns of the day to Elsie Geds,-. Mildred Liss and Bill Corcoran on August 6, Charles Whitney on the 7th, Gordon 'Butch' Hat tan and John Flint, Jr., on the 9th. Butch will be 7 and John will be 14, on that day. Anniversaries Congratulations to Rudolph and Eleanor Barnett<who will be celebrating their tnirty-l ift h wedding annivorsanp on August 6, and Patv\v\n and Robert Petersen on August 10. 'We hope the day brings many | wonderful memories to both couples. I _ | Beach Duty Clare Schweikert is the boss | man i n c h a r g e of c l e a n - u p a t j t h e b e a c h on A u g u s t 8 a n d h i s j oworkers are K. Schopp, S. | S a n t i l l i , D. A d d a n t e , C. G e d s , j and H. Paulen. J Activities in the Shores On Sunday Loretta Ramage entertained twenty-nine guests at a buffet dinner and garden^ party. The group from Fox , Lake were members Lioness Club and their hus- | bands, and all enjoyed the get | together . and the beautiful j weather. i Louise Winters' parents, Mr. sna Mrs. Cotney. from Philadelphia were with the Winters for a week on their vaca- j t i o n . j Julie and Sam Zeimet drove i to Green Lake, on to Mauston and then to Castle Rock where, they fished at the dam over, t h e w e e k e n d . Sam b r o u g h t j back a nice batch of fish as| usual. | Speaking about fishing David W inters has a secret fish-| ing place, somewhere around here and has been bringing home large stringers of big fish to the amazement of all. One of our neighbors met Kelly Simonsen in town and he says that Patty is proudly showing an engagement ring on that certain finger of her left hand. Looks like wedding bells soon ^Oesn't it? Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siers of Miller Drive have moved to S38^k2 Wf \ * * *} fh !-' m RESERVED SEATS for the WALWORTH COUNTY FAIR ELKHORN. WIS., SEPT. 3, 4, 5, 8 Go On Sale -- Mail Order Only Tuesday. August 17, 1965 Afternoon Tickets -- Grandstand, Friday -- Free (iraiulstand, Saturday, Sunda>. .Monday Reserved C sections S O I IUI of wire and 8 sections north ol wire S2.00 Balance reserved Sl.oO General Admission ."i sections south end of Grandstand and Terrace Seats • $1.00 Evening Tickets -- Grandstand, Friday -- Free (•randsland, .Saturday, General Admi-sjoti only $1.00 Sunday and Monday *. Reserved sections SL25 All Box Seats $1.2.") General Admission -- 7 sections south end of grandsiand. sections t i o i i h end, and terrace <eats $1.00 Season Bov, 8 Chairs, Day Only, Saturday, Sunday and Monday $35.00 Auto for day, inside parking ."»() Auto Season, inside parking 1 ..">0 Non-Resident supply badge $10.00 Fair District Resident supply badge ">.00 4 All orders positively must he accompanied by check or money order. Limit II tickets per single order. PROGRAM FRIDAY Afternoon, Evening Horse Show, Free-Acts SAT1RDAY, SFN'DAV, MONDAY Afternoon: $12,000 Harness Racing Program Evening: Saturday, Drum and Bugle Corps Competition Sunday evening: Ginny Tin Show, Ilarmonicats, WGN Barn Dance Monday evening: Johnny King's (Jang of Daredevils COUNTRY FAIR, CABARET THEATRE IS SUCCESSFUL The Country F.air which was held at the Ringwood Methodist church last Sunday proved to be a. huge success. The weatherman cleared up the skies so everything could go as planned. All those goodies donated by all the ladies went over very gftod, as did everything- else.' , The goldfish and miniature golf took over the teen and younger- set. I think all the youngslers in the. neighborhood took home a fish bowl complete with the fish. To end the evening, 'Rev. Anderson directed a Sponlanu Cabaret- Theatre. It was the first time this type of entertainment. was held in this area, and the performers played to a full house at each performance. Refreshments were served by members of the M.Y.F. It was very entertaining and interesting. A very relaxed feeling came over all as they watched and even took part. Let's hope this will be done again, so those who have not had a chance to see it, may get the chance. Here 'N' There On Wednesday, Mrs. Marion Reinwall and boys of McHenry and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were callers in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr of Florida and Clyde Carr of McHenry spent Tuesday forenoon at the home of Mrs. Flora Carr. They enjoyed lunch at McHenry and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Hergert from Milwaukee called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Wednesday. On Tuesday morning, Mrs. Bernard Lenzen of Grayslake, Miss Josephine Lenzen and Sister Agnes Clare of Chicago called in the home.of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tonyan. .*•' Mr. and Mrs. William Heine left for Florida on Wednesday after spending the past two weeks visiting in the lupine of Mrs. Ruby Shepard.. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, returned last week from a vacation trip in Colorado. They spent their time touring several of the Western and southern states. Places of interest they visited were; Estes National Park, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods. Pikes Peak and the Royal Gorge. On their return trip home they stopped at Dodge City, Kans., Fort Collins, Ky., Jefferson Davis Monument, Ky., and Abraham Lincoln's Park in Southern Indiana. . N Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby took her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson of Crystal Lake, to O'Hare Airport for a two months trip to their native land, Sweden. On Wednesday, Mrs. Flora Carr and Miss Mae Wiedrich motored to Sharon, Wis. where they called on their cousins, Maude Strange of Idaho and Alice Miller and Nettie Wiedrich of Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger of McHenry called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce have returned from their vacation trip through Washington, Oregon and California. They called on several relatives and did sightseeing. They had a very enjoyable trip. On Sunday, Mrs. Rose Petroski called on Mrs. Nellie Hepa burn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiedridh called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., on Sunday afternoon. 'Mrs. Sigurd Jaeobsen returned home after spending six weeks visiting with relatives and Nfrien-ds in Sweden. She Spent a very enjoyable and memorable time with all. Larry Oonk has returned home after spending several days in Memorial hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock. Hope you have a swift recovery, Larry. Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. William Heine spent Sunday at the Allen Ainger home in Hebron. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Freuhling at. McHenry on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and grandaughter, Marissa, of Richmond called in the Bob Brennan home on Sunday morning. Mrs. Flora Carr and Miss Mae Wiedrich called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates at Woodstock on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley on Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening callers in the Hawley home were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wililams of Texas along with their two boys are spending a couple of weeks with her folks, Mr, and Mrs. John Skidmore. On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simon of Chicago took Frank Kempfer to Elkhorn to celebrate his birthday. Happy birthday to Candy Fossum who will be celebrating her natal day on the 10th. On the 13th, it's birthday wishes' to Weldon Andreas and Charles Sowers. Once again, it's time to put the typewriter away for the next week's news. News About Our Servicemen Army Pfc. John G. Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Larson, 3315 W. Johnsburg road, "McHenry, 'was assigned July 13 to Headquarters, was tcry, U. S. Army V Corps Artillery in Germany. Larson, a missile launcher crewman, entered the Army in September, 1964. He completed basic training at Fort Leonard,. Wood, Mo. The 23-year-old soldier is a 195S graduate of the Miami Military Academy.' You can take a day off,-but you sure can't put it back. DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS $1.00 MONDAY -- j Spaghetti & Meat. Balls TUESDAY -- f Pork Cutlets, Mashed Potatoes & Vegetable .. $1.10 WEDNESDAY -- ' Corned Beef & Cabbage, Boiled Potato $1.1.0 THURSDAY -- Thuringer & Kraut, Boiled Potato .$1.10 FRIDAY -- Haddock, French Fries & Vegetable $1.00 -- RESTAURANT HOURS -- Open 7 Days a Week -- 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Breakfast, Luncheon & Dinners Served. -- DINING ROOM HOURS -- Open Tues. thru Tliurs. -- 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sundays 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 'Jnmaseilo- CLOSED ON MONDAYS 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg, Illinois PHONE 385-1475 ANNOUNCING - new phone service plans to save you money Now, call anywhere in this area (including Chicago) as often as you as long as you like for a fixed monthly rate New Outer Metropolitan Call-Pak services are now available on an optional basis to all Home telephone users within the shaded area of the large map above. One of the new services--Outer Metropolitan Call-Pak "Unlimited"--lets you call as often as you want, talk as long as you like, anywhere within the 3000 square miles of the entire map above. We call this area the Outer Metropolitan Calling Area. With "Unlimited"service, you pay only the fixed ANTIOCH PISTAKEE IINDENHU8ST HIGHLANDS • • , LAKE VILLA FOX LAKE WADSWORTH WAUKEGAN MC HENRY ROUNDLAKE GRAYSLAKE NORTH CHICAGO LtfltRTYVH.Lt IStANO MUNDECEIN • LAKE BlUFF CBWAL LAKE WAUCOMOA • LAKE FOREST CAftV HAWTHORN WOODS • • FOX «(VLR : • GROVE 0 ^ALF °Ay LAKE ZURICH • HIGHLAND PARK \ ALGONQUIN DEERFItlO WHEELING HARRINGTON • NORTHBROOK GLFNCOE WINNETKA 0»n MCTTE CARttWHiRbVllU PALATIME Wt.v. .DUNDEE • MST QWNOEt eiGiN DCS Ft AMES 0 tvanskw 0 STREAM WOOD • r* 0 ELK GROVE SOUTH J SCHAUM8URG VILLAGE (i0N BARTitrr 1 ROSTUE HANOVER* r ' ITASCA PABK I BENSENVILLE SK0KIE PARK RIOGE A s; CHARIES OUTER METROPOLITAN CALL! jOMBARD# er Metropolitan Services)- WARREW1U.C AREA WfcST CHICAGO GENEVA • *- WHEATON UATAVIA"# ClCtRO NORTH 0AUftORA HINSDALE LAGRANGE CHICAGO DOWNERS GROVE AURORA NAPERVIUC MONTGOMERY WILLOW SPfoNCS OAK IAWN OSWEGO lEMOm PMLOS PARK HOtAfOVltlC 0 PlAINftEiD OR LANO lOCKfQRT MAR YET P*R* M0MEW000 ~ • • UM3MC CHICAGO MLICHIS ^ r nm * FRANKFORT MOKENA NEW • If NO* PARK FOREST KOCH DALE SAUK VKIAGE STEGER* MANHATIAN • CRETE M0NEE BEECHES PtOTONE EXPANDED TOLL-FREE CALLING AREA FOR McHENRY CALL-PAK (EXCEPT "UNLIMITED") AND OUTER MET BUSINESS CUSTOMERS white area-present toll-free caMmg area for McHenry customers. dark area - additional toM-free calling area lor McHenry customers choosing Outer Metropolitan Call Pak (except "Unlimited"! or Outer Metropolitan Business Service. (customers in other communities teave different tollfree calling areas.) monthly charge--no Long Distance charges --for calls within this entire area. The monthly charge* for Outer Metropolitan Call-Pak "Unlimited" is $30.00, plus tax, for McHenry customers. Other Call-Pak Services Offered Other Outer Metropolitan Call-Pak services, at considerably less cost, offer three money-saving features: -- a toll-free calling area expanded to include all Illinois communities within roughly 15 miles of yours (see map at left). -- a monthly package of calls you can use to phone anywhere else in the Outer Metropolitan Calling Area (entire map above, including Chicago). The calls in the package come at volume discount prices. And you can choose from three different-sized packages of calls to fit your need. -- a saving of 10% under regular Long Distance charges on calls within the Outer Metropolitan Calling Area that exceed your package of calls. For Businesses: New Metropolitan Service New Outer Metropolitan Business Service gives you a larger toll-free calling areaincluding all Illinois communities within roughly 15 miles of yours (see map at left). In addition, on all calls outside that area-- but within the Outer Metropolitan Calling Area--you realize a saving of 10% under regula* Long Distance charges. Gksfsr. For More Information, Call Us You'll find complete information about the new services in this pamphlet that came with your July phone biH. If you have any questions, just dial zero for "Operator" and ask for "Call-Pak" during business hours any weekday. Other Reductions, New Services These Outer Metropolitan services are the latest in a series of rate reductions and new service offerings. On June 19, Long Distance rates were reduced for many Saturday, Sunday and evening calls within Illinois. Lowest rates for all "station" calls, inside and outside the state, now apply anytime Sunday and, other days after 8 p.m. Earlier changes included introduction of an economical Two-Line Family Plan; price cuts few out-of-state Long Distance calls, BeW Chime and color phones; and a stepped-up program to improve service. •With ail CaH-Pak offerings regular charges also apply for extensions. Princess® phones and other services. /JN Illinois Bel|Telephoa# tm* Htim* M&t»

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