Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1965, p. 19

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Thursday, September % 1965 THE MCHENRY FLATNDEALER Seciiosi Three Page F*f*- ( SUNNYSIDE VILLAGE RUBY CROYVLEY PHONE 385-2662 Enjoy Trip To Northwest Area When the Schucks left Sunnyside they travelled to the Dells where they enjoyed the bautiful scenery, then on to Sioux Falls, S. D., and through the Black Hills. From there they went to the Bad Lands. They stopped at Devil's Towers on the way to Yellowstone National park. , They took in , the Glacier National park where they saw lilies blooming through the snow.' They travelled through the heart of the Indian country, and on to Ontario, Canada, and Lake Louise where the flowers are so beautiful. From Canada the party journeyed to Idaho, Washington and Oregon where they saw Mt. Hood. Their trip took them through the vineyards, olive and nut groves of California. They were most impressed by the agates being washed in by the tide. Swimming Program The swimming lesson^ are over and in spite of having to use "the dirty ole river" the program as a whole was successful and worth all the efforts. Out of the 196 boys and girls registered 142 completed Ihe course. Ninety-two children received cards showing skills they had mastered. Thirteen received Red Cross be- (ginner swimmers' cards, six received advanced beginner, ten received intermediate, fifteen junior. Life Savers and six senior life savers. We hope we can continue this program next year and if any one has any comments or suggestions please call Chris Williams 385-2479, our village clerk, as she can supply you with all the particulars. Former Resident Alice Neimic, a former Sunnysider now living in Chicago, just returned from a trip to Nassau and New York where she had spent most of her vacation and then decided to wind up here in old Sunnyside where she was guests of the LaBays and an afternoon with you-know-who? ' ^ Birthday Celebration Dianne Hoffman celebrated her birthday by having some friends out to help make it a happy one. They all played badminton outside and table pool inside and then they filled up on some goodies which are always customary at a birthday party. Visitors Gus and Marilyn Regas of Lyons spent a week with their Ma and Pa Prokop on Riverview drive. Also two grandsons, Scott and Brian Marohnic, from Clarendon Hills, were their guests. They all had MCHENRY SHORES BERNICE WILSON 885-4880 Extend Welcome To Humphreys Audrey Whitney has welcomed the family who have moved into the Hastings house. Glen, Nancy, and children, Mark, who will be 10 and Marla, who will bo 8. Mr. Humphrey will be teaching school in the area. Nancy graduated from McHenry high and has lived in McCullom Lake so she is no stranger to our area. We hope they will be happy iri Ihoir new home. Happy Birthday To: William Verstege who will be 7 on the fourth of September, William Lokay on the 7th, Ruth Jenner on the 81 h and Kathleen Harper who will be 8 and Mrs. Ruth Miller on the 9th. Many happy returns of the'day to all. Anniversaries Anniversary congratulations to the Henry McMahons on the 3rd, Jack and Elsie Schmitt who will be celebrating their 11th on the 4th and Harry and Pearl Paulin on the 9th. Beach Duty Sept. 5 finds AI Liss in charge of cleanup nitrations at Ihe beach and 10. Keevins. B. Burgstaller, W. Conner, F. Lamerand and W. Thomas are his coworkers. Only two more weeks to go and then it is all over until next spring. Around Ihe Shores Kurt Pogor just returned from Wayne. Mich., where he has been visiting Barb's brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaffrath. On his return he brought his cousin, Mike, with him and he will be here a short time until the Pogors drive him back home. Mr. anil Mrs. Theodore Jenner will be heading back to Scotland, S. D., after a three week stay at the Dale Jenners. Mr. Jenner enjoyed some fishing while here and Grandma lent a helping hand to Rulh upon her return from having a daughter. The Sam Zeimets entertained Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hansen and their daughter on-,Sunday. They are all from the big city. Julie fixed a turkey on the barbeque grill and all agreed it was delicious. Barb Pogor took nephew, Mike. Paul and Kurt, mother, Mrs. Schaffrath, and godmother , Mrs. Evelyn Malarski, downtown on Thursday and treated the group to lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent in shopping in the stores. Terry Wetzel is home on leave from Fort Knox. He got in Saturday and on Sunday, in honor of his homecoming, Doris had the following-guests for dinner. Judy Makowski, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Makowski from Chicago, the Senior Wetzels from Edison Park, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wetzel and children from Palatine and Tom Ballowe from McHenry. After his leave Terry will be heading for the Panama Canal Zone. Doris Wetzel and Barb Pogor recently chaperoned thirty teenagers on a trip to an amusement park. The grown ups had more fun than the kids. John and Marie Hinz got hack last Friday evening from quite a long stay in Minoqua, Wis. The weather there was a little cool and they were happy to get back to work on their weeds that got ahead of them while they were visiting their son's resort. Walter and I have accumulated another grandchild, our daughter, Joan, and her husband David being the proud parents of a 10 lb., 4 oz. girl born on Aug. 21 and named Audrey Faith. I have been taking care of the two girls, aged 4 and 2, since Saturday so am a mighty tired grandma. Due to the Labor Day weekend the column has to be in by noon Thursday so call me early. I say this hopefully every week but get very few calls. <2)o jIJou J(now -Someone ^Jeuu ^Jown? The Welcome Wagon Representative would like to call on them and extend a welcome to the community. Please Call The Representative Below W.L come aaon l\epreientativer Adelaide B. Patzke Phone 385-3278 fun fishing and boating until the rains came. Picnic Our picnic was a smashing success and why not when we have such lovely people to conduct it. The bike parade winners were first Danny and Mary Beth Williams, second --- Billy Rowland, third -- Johny Metzger, fourth -- Diane Smith, fifth -- Timmy Frisby, sixth -- Shirly Ripley. Dance contest was won by David Williams and Gail Lehman. LaMar Williams mastered the egg throwiitg contest with the help of Greta Martin. The men induged in some horseshoeing and the children in their loot and balloon races which they enjoyed immensly. Eats , and drinks were plentifull for adults and children alike. Much to our sorrow an incident occurred which had all participants worried for a while. Mrs. Mangold's (Mayor's wife) father was taken ill and rushed to the hospital but thank God he made quick recovery. SPRING GROVE NEWS EVA FREUND PHONE 675-2135 Scribe Back From Vacation Surprise Party The Joe Metzgers were honored with a surprise party last week by their relatives and friends. The Mrs. is one who is ready for anything so she decided to serve dinner on their shady lawn where the cool breezes played a part. The surprisers were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wally and her parents from Minneapolis, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdrich. Mr. and Mrs. Harrer and their little Jimmy and Joanne, Mrs. Helen Harrer and Mrs. Schuster. Joe and Liz enjoyed having their loved ones out and also little Paul, Jr., who had eyes for every one. College Days Irma's hpuse is in a turmoil this week because Charles is packing his suitcases to go back to college and of course Dotty will lie back in grade school. Irma tells me it will be a relief for her but I don't believe' it because I know how she misses them when they are not there. I am hoping my column is easy on the eyes -- as they say "EASY DOES IT" BYE FOR. NOW. ATTEND CHURCH SI NDAY Sure enjoyed my flying trip to San Francisco. Visited my daughter, Charlotte, and her family, the Charles Koruses. Spent some time with my son. Rev. Nicholas Freund, SRS who is in Sacramento. Had a nice visit with Terry Britz. his wife, Jana, and new baby daughter, j Cristin, who live in Santa Clara. Took a drive through Ihe Napa valley wine country and had- a .shopping spree in Sausalito, a quaint little village off San Francisco Bay. Of course, there was a night of dining out, the theatre and a bit of Broadway.' -It was a grand vac,at ion,. but now back to work."" . Here And There Mrs. Susie Miller and daughter Celia, and Mr. and Mrs. George Firsching of Stacyville, Iowa, were callers in town last weekend and attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Steadman in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gardiner and family are spending a few weeks vacation at Eagle River, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Olson of Northbrook were recent callers in the William Shotliff home. Miss Harriet Searles and Miss Esther Waldo of Lansing, Mich., spent, their vacation in their summer home here but now returned to Michigan. While here they also spent a few days at Galssburg visiting Harriet's parents. Miss Sue Sullivan of South Pasedena, Calif., is visiting her parents the Ray Sullivans. On a recent Sunday a group of relatives and friends enjoyed a picnic dinner on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Clara Behrens and her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Adsit. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Steinke, Brookfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Steinke, Racine. Wis.; Mrs. Edward Koleskc, Chicago; Herman Koleskc and his two daughters, Cicero: Mrs. Arnold Koleske, Chicago, and Mrs. Anna Rudolph, Silver Lake, Wis. 771. gasten & <£ <K on uneral (Home MCHENRY, n I Dear friends, After receiving pertinent "Information from the bereaved family,- the funeral director prepares the death certificate* The attending physician or coroner will indicate the cause of death thereon. This certificate is then filed with the local registrar in exchange for a burial or removal .permit. Certified copies of this official death certificate may be secured as proof of death to settle insurance and other claims. Respectfully, itt«BULANCH SERVICE Phcme JS5-0063 USINESS OPPORTUNITY Financing Available Training Your Own Business Professional Guidance All available to man interested and willing to invest his efforts as an. American (Standard) Oil Dealer. Service center available immediately: Please Call: Mr. T. R. Seger Wauconda 526-8204 after 6 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer are visiting their daughter, Laverne Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller in Coronada, Calif. Club Meets Mrs. Paul Lewis was hostess to the members of her club Thursday evening. Prizes in cards went to Mrs. Art Kattncr. Mrs. Eddie May, Mrs. Agnes May and Mrs. Art Klein. A dessert lunch was served. returned to the convent in Milwaukee on Thursday, Aug. 26. Rev. Busch Becomes Monsignor Jack Busch very proudly told me today that his uncle, the Rev. Leonard Busch, has been elevated to Monsignor. Monsignor Busch is on the faculty at St. Francis Minor Seminary in Milwaukee. He is Professor of Prep College Latin and College Greek. He also has the office of secretary of the board of directors and is the vice rector and procurator, lie received his Masters Degree at Catholic University, Washington, D.C., in 1939. Monsigner Leonard Busch is a brother of Hon Busch. Leonard Franzen Dies In California Russel Franzen telephoned his Aunt Alice Wagner to tell her of the death of his father; Leonard .Franzen, in Palmdale. Calif. Leonard was a former resident of Spring Grove and worked for Joe Wagner as a barber. Later he went into the barber business in Richmond. Rinmvood and McHenry arid continued his trade in California. His first wife, the former Mabel Shot lil'f, preceded him in death. He is survived by his widow and four sons, Dr. Lyle Franzen. West field, N. Y.; Russel, LaCruz, N. Me\.; Kenneth, Globe. Ariz.; Lloyd, Buston, Mass. Former Resident Dies Mrs. Sterling Roc of Oak Pa/k passed away August 12 after a few days illness. Mrs. Roe was a native of Spring Grove, the former Emily Cole. She was born on the Cole faun east of town now known as the William Schmidt horse farm and spent her childhood there. She was a graduate of Burton- Richmond high school. Miss Joanne Rulien and Miss Ellen Baker attended Ihe funeral at Oak Park. Emily was a cousin of Elien Baker. Welcome I'astor Members of the Methbdist church gave a welcome dinner at the church house for • their new pastor and family, i Rev. and Mrs. Louis Hillendahl j They reside in the parsonage j at Ingleside. ' | Home Visit Sister Mary S'ena. SDS, the former Mary Lou Kagan, en-j joyed a vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kagan, the past week. She A, recent survey in a' large American high showed "achfame" as ranking at the bottom of' a list of desirable aims in life and "helping others", as next to the bottom. In the year 1876, lumberjacks in northern Arizona celebrated July 1 by flying a flag from'the top of a high ponderosa pine thus, the community became named Flagstaff. To bo friendless is the worst form of poverty. HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS TT f\F7 VOTTNO Drivers Should Use Caution As School Starts large number of children. It's A 1 Rule i Nyes for School X . Riverside Dr. i - • - - Ding!! Dong!! The school bells will be ringing out next week. With school bells ringing, the roads will be filled with boys and girls all excited over seeing friends that they haven't seen for three months and filled with anxiety of a new challenge--a new grade in school, new teachers, new friends. With so many thoughts in their minds, they are apt to forget , that the cars have the right of way on the roads--please be careful, both drivers and children. Swimming' Lessons Completed Another session of swimming lessons have been completed under the direction of a qualified Red Cross instructor. A complete list of ceitificates awarded was not available at this time, but I will publish it as soon as it is made available to me. Orchids to the committee in charge who put in looong hours at home, at the beach and on the phone; Connie Catanzaro, Donna Kasprzvk and Joan Laskowski, also to the Junior Life Saving class, who assisted the teacher with the other classes; Tom Arv, Andrea Clark, Linda Exline, Tom Janik, Mike Janik, John Laskowski, Nadine Estes, Rita Mettelka, Janet Harper and Fred Jcndc. Without. the help of these young assistants, the teacher could never have handled such a WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAMK DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS • Service • Rebuilding • Repair • Cleaning Out 0 Overhauling • Installation § Reconditioning 9 Removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED :R SOFTENER SALES NEW I'SKD -- REBUILT 385-5566 JCo1ie no WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES Mrllenry, Illinois Nelson Family Moves A fond farewell to some of my favorite (as well as everyone elses) people. Gunnar and Lauretta Nelson and their two sons, Ricky and Rodney, have moved from the home they rented here in Holiday Hills for years to their home they bought in Cooney Heights at *125 Crystal Lake Road. Our very best wishes to them in their new home, we're so glad you didn't go too far away. Visit Mrs. Pat/. Chadie Ary, Ricky and Tom, April, Wendy and I had, the pleasure of visiting with Elizabeth Patz at her niece's home in Barrington. She has .just returned from a trip to Hot Springs, Ark: - Oleyars Return To " California Following a brief visit with friends in Holiday Hills, the Oleyars have left for the West coast. While they were here, staying with Mettelka family, approximately thirty-five people gathered at the Mettelka home for a pot-luck supper in their honor on Monday evening, Aug. 23. Ciet-Well Wishes Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Ellen Erickson's son, Jack, who recently underwent back surgery. Be modern with SET JUST ONE CONTRQL With This All-New Faucet! HERB P. FREUND . Plumbing, Heating & Repair Service 1210 N. Charles Street 385-0481 FORD GALAX IE 500/XL 2-DOOR HARDTOP Sellingest Fords in history Savingest sale or the You couldn't pick a better time to buy than right now. Year-end close-out prices--all cars in stock! Sedans, hardtops, convertibles, wagons. Your choice of colors and equipment --while they last! See your Ford Dealer now! ,r,no liHu. CLEARANCE SAVINGS ON NEW TRUCKS AND USED CARS, TbOl BUSS FORD SALES 3936 West Main Street McHenry, 111. v

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