ikpc if*"*- » , • > » Section Two -- Page. Tyffi; ... i., WONDER LAKE News T MARY LOU HARTOO 653-7176 MOURN DEATH OF FORMER RESIDENT, DELLA CHENEY Delia Cheney, formerly of Wonder Lake, died in her sleep at her home at 1740 Tulane Avenue, East Palo Alto, California on Friday, Sept. 3. Services for the deceased were held at Roller and Hapgood Funeral Home in Palo Alto at 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon.. Burial was in Alta Mesa cemetery in Palo Alto. Formerly employed as a secretary for the Morton Chemical Company in both Ringwood and Woodstock, she moved to East Palo Alto in August of 1955 and has been working as a secretary at Stanford University since that time. I personally feel a great emptiness because I have lost a very dear friend with whom I spent many happy vacations in California -- the last being just a few months ago. Survivors are her husband, Frank Cheney, two sons -- Dan of San Francisco and. Lynne of St. Simon's Island, Georgia, and four grandchild' ren. Delia was the kindest per* son I have ever known and will be greatly missed by her many many friends both in California and Wonder Lake. Shore Hills Ski Club Holds Meeting On Wednesday, Sept. 1, the Shore Hills Ski Club held their annual meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to elect new officers. Eddie Arnieri, 15, of 7706 Beaver Road was elected president. Other officers are Shirley Liture, vice-president, Gary Liture, secretary, and Jo-Beth Liture, treasurer. Eddie will not only lead the club in their activities but is also one of their most outstanding skiers. Anyone interested in joining the Shore Hills Ski Club may phone 653-4846. The club will be run under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gahagan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stejskal, and Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Liture. gero return from their coming trip they will have interesting material for lectures and conversations for many months to come. They will leave next Sunday for a small island off of Haiti where they will serve as "medics" for the next month. Supplies afrd equipment have been shipped on ahead for their work. Bon Voyage to both of you and hurry back! Westward Ho! Estelle and Harvey Biggers left last Sunday for a much deserved vacation. They are driving and plan to visit Arizona and California during their trip. Have a wonderful trip but don't forget where Wonder Lake is. Inez Krueger Married On Sunday On Sunday, Sept. 5, Mrs. Inez Krueger of Wonder Lake and Magnus Rasmussen of Woodstock were married by the Rev. Thomas L. Johnson at Nativity Lutheran church in Wonder Lake. Cake and coffee were served to friends immediately after the ceremony in the church social hall. A dinner was served later for the immediate members of the family in Hebron. Attendants for the couple were Mr. arid Mrs. Erling of Chicago, friends of the bride, who were the same couple who were maid of honor and best man at the brides's first wedding over 30 years ago. The Rasmussens are touring Canada and Niagara Falls. On their return they will make their home in Woodstock. Kiwanis Club We had a surprise overflow attendance for a Labor Day meeting. Word must have spread that Millie was serving steak. Our delegates to the convention were given a free hand on which candidate to support for the district offices. Joe Sullivan gave a report on the Girl Scouts garden walk. Four Kiwanians manned the pontoon boats for sightseers. Dr. Ruggero will be leaving the 19th of September to spend a month as a "medic" on a small island off of Haiti. Doc has been busy shipping supplies and equipment. Programs: Sept. 20, Public Works; Oct. 10, Church Laymen Week; Oct. ?, Ladies Nite. Some Vacations Just Don't Pay You've heard it said that things always happen in "3's". I am sure the Jack Russells will attest to the fact. They took a trip to he Lake of the Ozarks over the Labor Day holiday. While down there someone backed out into the traffic and also into Jack's car smashing in the side of it and the group was quite shaken up - especially Sally who received a cracked rib and bruises. That was No. 1. Then when Joe Azarro, who was to fly down to join them Friday night, went out from home to get into his car someone ^?) had backed into his nice new car and pushed in the front of it. That was No'. 2. When they returned home daughter Sue drove Sally's new car into work next morning and parked it. While it was parked someone b.icked into it and put a big dent and scratches all down one side of it. That was No. 3. If they'd stayed home and gone to Lake Geneva with us none of this would have happened, I'm sure, but they just won't listen. Notes - •. One way to find out if anyone reads your column is to leave it out for a week. So many nice people asked me the same question last week -- "What happened to you?" I am flattered, really. Nothing happened to me -- This happens every time there is a holiday. I tell all of you that I must have my copy in on Friday mornings when there is a holiday coming up and come Friday mornings I have a grand total of "0" in my news box. Now I ask you -- how can I write it when you hold out on me? So all I can say is "What happened to you???". I appreciate every bit of news I can get - - so please let me know when you have some for me. Wonder View News A few/1 folks were on the sick list, Jerry Luciano and Joseph Menalasino recently returned home from a stay in a hospital in Chicago. Vi Borta's mother Mrs. Rose had minor surgery Friday, Sept. 10. Gussie Haerle and Mary Lorenz haven't been feeling well either. Dale Burlack is now at the Woodstock Rest Home. Hope all these folks will hear from their friends. Sylvia Spielman has taken a trip to California, she should be back soon reporting on all she has seen. The> "Little Sewers" will be meeting on Monday afternoons now that school has started. The time will be 3:30 til 5 p.m. Bring 10 cents to cover costs of material. All girls from 7 and up are welcome. Vi Borta will assist this year, and at this coming meeting there will Ruggeros To Leave For Extended Trip When "Doc" and Mary Rug- EXPERT GROOMING (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual Kennels) • TRAINING • BATHING Rudy Becker's Kennels 1018- W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2486 (1 Mile East of the SV /line Drive-In) Radiator --• DReepiuaiiirr SCearikv ice Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling Towing Service For Expert Car Care Come to . . , BUTCH'S Auto Service 1002 N. Front St 885-0811 McHenry, I1L THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 16, 1965 be a discussion. concerning al-j •teftifeting 5 eveity ' other week with the "Little Bakers'. The meetings are still held at the Menolasino home. Wc miss some of our girls, hope to .see you at the next meeting. The "Hobby Club" held in' the basement of the Menolas-1 ino home for the boys 7 and' up, still meets on Tuesdays from 6:30 til 8p.m. Otto reports that the boys make things that are useful, and are learning to use tools properly. The Women's Auxiliary is I having a rummage and bake sale on Friday, Sept. 17 and Saturday, Sept. 18. The association house will be open on Friday from 9 a.m. til I"-' p.m. and. re-open from 7 p nj. | til 10 p.m.. Hours on Saturday; will be 10 a.m. til 2 p.nj. Signs" on the Wonder Lake black top 1 w i l l d i r e c t y o u t o t h e a s s o c a -J tior. house at 261S Walnut drive. Anyone interested in donating rummage a r t i c s may call 3-9225, 3-4741, 6^ 3- 6416. The next meeting of the Women's auxiliary will be held on Thursday, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Severin Lodcwyck will be hostess, and the meeting will be held in her home. AH ladies of the subdivision are welcome to attend. Report On House And (iarden Walk Incomplete returns of the money raised by Girl Scouts! in their recent House Walk; have been released by Mrs. | Harold Young, neighborhood chairman. About ' 500 tickets] \vero sold and netted a little > over 5-1,000.' Not all ticket | sales have been turned in to i date.- j A complete breakdown of; the money, and tho final figures Women of the Moo&e By Lovie Mrotz On Tuesday, Sept. 7, the Women of the Moose held their chapter night program with Senior Regent Eunice Toby will be presented at the first neighborhood meeting to the leaders and adults working in Scouting. Part of the $1,000 was earned by individual troops and will stay in their treasuries. Another part will be sent to Sybaquay Council in October, in lieu of the fall fund drive, to pay the administrative end of Scouting. However, the majority of the money will remain in Wonder Lake for use by all Scouts in the program. opening the meeting. We had a nice turn .out, but vvttul(i;like to see more of our familiar faces present to help the new officers and chairmen to fulfill their jobs properly. Remember, most of us are new at this work and we want to do it well. We would appreciate all the support and help we can get from our co-workers, so let's see if we can't have a few more of our ladies at our next meeting on Sept. 21. Marge Ifalkner was installed into our lodge as" our officer elect Argus. We had four birthday girls this month. They were Ethel Hagberg, graduate senior regent; Eunice Toby, senior re^ gent; Lillian Cox, sentinel; and Marcella Straussner. Plans are being made for our "Christmas* in October" program and members are asked to bring a gift for either Mooseheart children or Mooseheaven. They are to be left unwrapped. A list will be posted at the lodge on articles needed and sizes. There will be a Moose convention at the Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago on the twen- ' manent. ty-fourth and twenty-fifth of September for all Moose lod- Few successes or achievements are permanently per- DR. JOHN F. KELLY OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Gteen Street, McHenry (Closed Wednesday) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION CONTACT "LENSES HOURS: DAILY 9:30 a.m. to S P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 385-0452 mmimmmimu If You Like Good Gifts- i1 H «/ A&P's Super Righ»-U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Fryers f" 33c ib. | Fryer Breasts Fryer Legs WHOLE *5? Fryer Wings ib. "55° Fryer A&P's Super Right All Meat Franks 1 -IB PKG Racks l Necks Boneless Chuck Chuck Steaks Beef Rib Steaks Roast Super Right Blade Cut 7-Inch Cut lb, lb. lb. 79 59 99' BEEF RIB Roast A&P's Super Right TOP QUALITY 4th & 5th Ribs Delmonico Steaks Chuck Roast Blade Cut Chuck Roast Super Right Round Boo* *'r *69* Boneless Beef Brisket Luncheon Meat *. 55* Sliced Cheese Super Right Variety P«k • American • Pimertto Boneless Beef Strips for Stew * T? AHgood Bacon Sliced 0% Hickory Smoked 1st thru 3rd Ribs... lb. 9% 89° Fancy Halibut Steaks 59° Fancy Medium Shrimp *59° Herring Tidbits n* Fresh Pan-Ready Trout PROTECT YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH Ainrtrs iori 11(9115,000 Mtfical quistions to |ivi yon assurance ti daily living ( n/yctt >/){<//</ U.S. NO. 1 MICHIGAN GROWN Jonathan Apples * 1 OFP on a"y package I UC VJrr of Ground Beef With this coupon and purchase Fixins (Relish) .... l4\?„"• < at «ny AAcP Food Store thru Sept 18. IMS START NOW! BUY A BOOK A WEEK! 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MaiUd Coupon Z S« OU* w»»o» Instant Coffee m OFF Bathroom Tissue 10 ^79C Del Monte Tomato Catsup 2 Ballard Biscuits 3 '4? 45" Jane Parker resh Peach Pie neg"9c 43 Pkgs. 29* College Inn Chicken Broth21 ci?" 39® | £S Preserves j Sharp Cheddar jjCharlotte Freeze! I "Peach •Pineapple • Apricot jj {jI160S0 n BORDEN'S i <* !^'todFrtih8 Alwmfi N 16- 1^1/ jjl SNACK CRACKERS O JareI • 3b.,..'1°° i j! OUR OWN TEA 3 <9" n J | Regular 59c 11 • Chocolate • ' jnilla Special Savings on Regular 48 cntpkg. You Get 16 FREE TEA BAGS 64 for i Gallon Ctn. t\ K Whatisinit " for you? 13 essential nutrients in every slice of Jane Parker White Bread. That's what's in it for you. We Know because we put them thera TIMM PHCM Kffectiv* Thrv S«pt«mb«r 18, 1965 Jane Parket Sandwich Bread CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS GRAPES CALIFORNIA RED TOKAY GRAPES 2-20 0Z. LOWES LB 19 JIED. DRY YELLOW ONIONS - 3-lb. bag FRESH CARROTS -- 2 I-lb. bags 29