Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1965, p. 17

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'< I , <! .'j "" J ; Thursday, March 18,1965 .v ,• THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Thro# -- Page Thifpdi SUNNYSIDE ESTATES FRAN OLSEN 885-5740 DIANE BIERCHEN FORMULATES PLANS FOR FALL WEDDING Wedding bells will sound yet another time in the Estates this fall. The betrothal of Diane Bierchen to Robert Wade of Fox Lake was announced last week by Diane's parents, Ted and Dorothy. Diane, through the dazzle of her solitaire diamond, reports that she has already formulated most of her plans for the Oct. 9 wedding which will take place at St. John's Catholic church. Diane and Bob then plan to live somewhere in this area. Best wishes to you Diane, and to you, Bob. May there be much happiness in your future. Lucky Ladies By-laws committee chairman, Delores Hanahan, reports that she and her committee have completed the drafting of the by-laws which will be presented for approval at the next LLC meeting on March 31. The hat party will follow the abbreviated business meeting, so don't decline the invitation to attend. Hooray and Hallalujah SEHOA president Mel Simmons reports that the response to the statements for dues has been so good (unprecedented!) that for 100 per cent paid up membership has been set for April 1, the date of the next regular Sunnyside Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., meeting. Can we do it? Sure we can. PPO The newest club in the county and the one with the most reluctant membership is the Personal Property Club whose motto to prospective members is "Watch Thy Wages and Check Thy Checking Account!" Happy Anniversary On the 20th to Marge and Louis DeFrancisco who celebrate twenty-two years this trip. Congrats and best wishes for another twenty-two at least. Another new car this year, Marge? Mid-Winte? Break How's a swimming party for a snowy night delight? No, no polar bear fashion! Inside. To warm you instead of cool you, for a switch. Such was an evening's enjoyment for Delores and Don Gerstein and eight other couples at a Fox Lake motel. After some trapeze tricks and volleyball games in the water, hot bar-b-ques served in ah adjacant room were a filling finish to a full evening. Wishing Well Wishes ... to Henrietta Rau who was admitted to Harvard hospital on March 10 and who is feeling a bit better now after a blood transfusion, but who may still have to undergo surgery. . . . to A1 Stephens who was a flu victim this past week. . . . t o D e b b i e N o a h w h o s p e n t her birthday wid a code in da node after having just lost the shiner she acquired when she fell on the ice on the back porch and gashed her head -- five stitches worth! . . . t o T e d d y V o i g h t , t h e k i n dergartener who had a 'kinder rottener' week: last Friday he fell victim to the flu which last- LAKEMOOR- LILYMOOR SlffltRLEY SCHUERR 885-2645 LIA SOCIAL CLUB SPONSORS BAKE SALE APRIL 10 The L.I.A. social club is sponsoring a bake sale Saturday, April 10 from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. It will be held at the Fire-community building on route 120 in Lakemoor. A lot of goodies will be sold, girls. Association News The next general meeting of the Lilymoor association will be held in the dining room of Club Lilymoor Tuesday, April 13, at 8 p.m. Please try to attend the general meeting. Officers And Board Of directors meeting for the Lilymoor association will be held Tuesday, April 6, at the home of Pearle Stineman at 8 p.m. Birthday Greetings to Dorothy Krein, who celebrated her 2014 birthday Thursday, March 11. Many happy returns, Dorothy. Anniversary Greetings go to Herb and Marge Polinski who will celebrate their wedding anniversary Sunday, March 21. Congratulations and hope you celebrate many more together. Wanted News for the column to make it possible to continue with the Lakemoor-Lilymoor column. It is yoiKpeople who make the news for the column and make it possible to go on with it. If you can not reach me during the day please call me in the evenings. The column must be in the Plaindealer's office on Fridays by 3 p.m. In Closing A happy St. Patrick's day to each and everyone of you. ed through Saturday; Sunday he got a cramp in his leg that prevented him from straigtening hs leg til late Monday; ah, to class on Tuesday: but: Tuesday night he fell out of bed smack onto his face and besides splitting his lip, he badly bruised his face and was in no shape for a classroom on Wednesday. But Thursday he was back in school. Jinx fini? Hope so. . . . t o P h i l i p V o i g h t w h o w k s a bronchitis barfer this week. Candle Capers When one's birthday comes mid-week it often passes quietly and calmly, just barely getting recognition. On March 9 Ron Schelle came home from work, he and Gean and little Stevie sat down to a quiet dinner, and all was quite ordinary--until a knock at the door interrupted their meal. Friends came by to wish Gean a happy 21st. Then came another knock, then another, and--SURPRISE! The Schelles full circle of friends and the Senior Schelles--ail arrived and brought out all the goodies and gifts they brought to make Gean's 21st birthday a singin' swinger she'll never forget. The men in this group are all musicians, so with guitar and drum accompaniment the sixteen voices rang out for hours, til the wee hours. It was all just too, too marvelous, said Gean. And besides the fun and memories she received a complete new outfit to take to the hospital in May when they'll add to their family. A party like that doesn't happen very often, said Gean. Patty Anderson is now the proud owner of a new doll. Patty's birthday guests were her Grandpa and Uncle Walter. Tommy Fry's birthday guests were Bruce Thomas and Johnny Lakowske, for an afternoon of roller skating and then for goodies at the Frys that evening-- and a try at the new basketball game Tommy received. FiBally 3:30 p.m., March 11, arrived and at last Kim and Eric Olsen, Deedee Williams, Donnie Fuqua, Lorelei Kayler and Judy Vyduna could leave for Timmy and Cheryl Maule's birthday party. (Speaking for the Olsen children, they thought the time would never come). Once the guests arrived the games progressed through clothes pins in the bottle, London Bridges, and then after one round of musical chairs, Cheryl shouted, "Hey, we already did that once, I wanna' open my presents NOW! ! ! " End of games -- gifts opened -- chocolate cake and ice cream for all afterwards. Delightful party -- happy children. For Jim Leahy's birthday, he and Marie went out to eat and to a show. "So good to get out, said Marie. Among Kathy Gerstein's seven guests for her ninth birthday were Patty Williams and Kasey Anderson. As little girls love to do, they giggled til they groaned and Mother Delores reports that the only quiet time was during a game that required written answers. (Remember that idea, mothers). Among her gifts was a birthstone ring and china henny filled with pennies. And she's yet awaiting her paper doll clothes -- it seems they are so new they're not yet available. Timely gal! Happy Birthday .Tomorrow to cute curly--and curly Daniel Patrick Williams who will finally be one year old. Since he's wearing size three Clothes, it's about time! On the 20th to Donny Gerstein who will be eleven years old. On the 21st to George Kropf, Sr., who along with Jack Benny will again be 39. Many happy returns of the day to each of you. There Are Still a Few Days Lett ... in the week that Mayor Doherty has proclaimed to be World Understanding Week. So what can you do for the advancement of understanding in this world? Plenty: in your own little world of yourself, your family, and everyone with whom you come in contact: through a tolereance of views, ideas, and habits that are different from yours. Surfing In the Snow 'Til the snow ends, she's surfing in the snow, and it soon ends,--WHAM, zip and Florence Kelso and toboggan are no longer a snow , surfing team. Second run same as the first --almost--but Florence rides-- ahhh -- yes -- crests, all conquered -- ahh--casual coasting and--Florence scores a surfing success the full length of the hill!!!! Good show! Now Fran Olsen at the reins: We're off! -- Aaaaacckkkk -- the tr WHACK!--ggrroan .... Second run same as the first. Third run should get better... Fourth run but it just gets.... E T C . . . Ping, pong, anyone? READ THE CLASSIFIEDS •a What are vyou Getting, for your Money? END INSURANCE CONFUSION i MILTON J. McHALE 385-3366 Here's your man Phone McIIenry COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Milt McHale For "AUTO INSURANCE" at it's "BEST" call "MILT" today!!! If, you can't get better, "WHY PAY MORE"? "MILLIONS OF CAR OWNERS CAN'T BE WRONG!!! they rely on "NATIONWIDE INSURANCE CO." for LOW - LOW RATES, QUALITY COVERAGE, FAST, DEPENDABLE CLAIMS SERVICE. MILT, can take care of ALL your INSURANCE needs. Ask him about the "ALL IN ONE PLAN" All your INSURANCE at ONE OFFICE, with ONE AGENT, ONE place TO PAY. Premium paying plan available. # Homeowners Ins. • Fire Ins. • Life Ins., all plans # Hospitalization, • Autos & Trucks, • Commercial Lines, + Group, all kinds, • Savings Programs. If you have an insurance question, or need; Call Today. B No Obligation Phone 885-3366 ATIONWTIDE MUTUAL IHSUIARCE COMPANY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPAMI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Horn* Office: Columbus, Ohio MILTON J. McHALE 1302 N. Eastwood Lane McHenry, 111. A What happened to the water ? Who's taking a shower? If taming cm fee water in one part of your home reduces pressure in another part, this is one thing ycm. don't have to tolerate. AH j<m need do is ask us to end yam water supply problems with a Red Jacket Town'n Country Sub* merga Pump. It wiH give yon all fee water you need... aU i» time » • • at eveqr ootlet And only Red Jacket features engineered simplicity ... fewer moving parts, compact design, longer life with little maintenance. Capacities to provide abundant water for homes or farms. Selflubricated motor and pump are down m the well... out of sight, out of mind. Stop a and see l •Pglijctaud simplicity--fewer moving parts for unfailing operation -- and the capacity you need to have all the water yw* need--all &ie time! Stop Jn and see m soon -- start getting all the water you need whenever you need it with a low cost Red Jacket Jet--in- •tailed so fast you-wouldn't bdiews US McHENRY COUNTY Ever happen to you? Someone always seems to be taking a shower just when you're ready to do dishes or wash clothes. And you. haven't enough water pressure. Well, feat feeble stream of HtO is a Sure symptom that- your pump is pooped, or just plain too small for your family. The cure? A Red Jacket Jet PunfV of course^ featuring U r > RE0JACKET WELL & PUMP FLUID SYSTEM PRODUCTS 2% WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake Miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Road Phone McHenry 885-5252 or Residence 885-0713 HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS INEZ YOUNG 888-4678 PROVIDE MONEY FOR ROAD REPAIRS FOLLOWING THAW Spring is just around the corner. If it arrives on time (and it usually does) it should be here next Sunday. Last week Marge Connell tells me she had a crocus blooming, and if you look closely, you can see the buds on the trees beginning to swell. However -- no matter how hard we look for all the pleasant signs of spring, it is difficult (to say the least) to over-look" the more unpleasant signs. The roads, of course. With the spring thaw, the roads develop holes "and trouble spots. Once again the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association comes to the rescue. At their last meeting held on Monday, March 8, they voted to use what money was in the treasury for the improvement of the roads. Where would we be without the association???? If you haven't paid your 1965 dues yet, and most of us haven't, why not help yourself by getting the money to Bill Boettcher at 1511 West Pine or give it to any of the following board members; Donna Kasprzyk, Mayo Proefrock, Jack Connell, Earl Krueger or John VanDuyn. The roads cannot be graded until the ground thaws, but everything possible will be done. May I also remind you to try to keep cars parked in your driveday rather than on the road, making road maintenance possible when available. I keep wondering if all this water isn't our own fault. Remember last fall when everything was so dry that we were all looking for moisture? Well, Here it is!!! Green Meeting Everything and everyone came up green and Irish for the last Woman's Club meeting. The women met at the 'Ranch House' on Wednesday, March 10. Charis Ary presided in the absence of President Gerry Breede who was ill and Connie Cantanzaro recorded the minutes in the absence of Kay Ryan. Before playing robber bingo, the women took care of several important matters. The. annual Woman's Club banquet will be held at Old Orchard Country Club on Wednesday, May 12. Dinner and a play will be the fare of the evening. Make your reservations thru Charis Ary or Gerri Postal either at the next meeting or shortly thereafter. The Red Cross has been contacted for a swimming instructor for summer swimming lessons. Volunteers were asked to collect during-the current Red Cross Drive. A committee will go to work on getting some playground equipment at the beach. The usual good time playing robber bingo was followed by 'green refreshments' served by EXPERT GROOMING (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual Kennels) • TRAINING • BATHING Rudy Becker's Kennels 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McIIenry Phone 885-2486 (1 Mile East of the Skjfline Drive-in) hostesses Marge Connell, Midge Tueber and Inez Young;. Congratulations To The Sawisch Family Betty and Louie Sawisch are floating on a pink cloud these days. If you get their heads out of the clouds long enough to talk to them you'll find they have a beautiful new granddaughter. Jenifer Louise was born at Sherman hospital in Elgin. Weighing 7 lbs. 4 ozs., she arrived on Friday, March 5. Congratulations to Louis and Mary, Jenifer's parents, to Louis, Sr., and Betty, her grandparents, and to Aunt Jackie. 1 Birthday Party Con Kasprzyk's family joined him in celebrating his recent birthday on March 6. Enjoying dinner and the evening were Con!s folks, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Kasprzyk, Donna's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Leopold,.and anjp aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. f Leo Dub. Happy belated birthday, Con. '. •f'l Welcome Home •- A warm welcome to Jo VaODuyn who is home at last after: an extended stay at McHenry hospital following her accident. She will have to take it easy at. home for some time, but at least she can be there with the family. Get-well wishes to John Bough who was recently confined to McHenry hospital, and to Roy Breede who had the mumps and to his mom, Gerry, who was under the weather. Also to anyone else who has been bitten by one bug or ^another. Hurry and get well, it's going to be spring soon. - I think! ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY SAW:*? ma Dear frie 5S55SS? which have comer®flnements Profession is th*"*0 °Ur ^nt. Grave serv® CemeterY sheltered when weath n°W inclement. Wea*her is Provide^for0^1^ is also and we need not%e?fth mound» much this tend* I you how final service. soften the continually"^^ SfWce is *«ch added refinements?Ve<* JMRJLANCt ssavTcs 183409 Respectfuiiyf % ^ > t Rivals! It has often been said that the only logical substitute for a new CarliUqc is one that has seen previous service. Whatever you plan to invest in your next car, above all consider Cadillac. If you are like most people, you hope someday to own a new Cadillac motor car. For Cadillac's continuing greatness in design and engineering has made it one of the world's most desirable and sought-after possessions. But if a new Cadillac is not presently feasible, you should consider the pleasure and satisfaction that would be yours with a late model, previously-owned Cadillac. Your dealer currently offers an unusually wide selection of fine used Cadillacs at a cost in line with that of many new cars of iar less stature and quality. These fine Cadillacs are all in superb condition, and many offer features not yet available on other makes. And from a standpoint of investment, remember that a Cadillac traditionally returns more of its cost at resale than any other car at or near its price. So visit your authorized Cadillac dealer, and let him show you a Cadillac--new or; used--that will fit your budget. Your visit will be the wisest motoring move you have ever made. Why not make it this week? Standard of theWorld SEE THE SELECTION OF CADILLACS AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC CO. 1112 N. FRONT STREET * PHONE 385-6000

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