Thursday. October 28,:1985!: THE McHENRY PLAJNDEALER EVA FRECND ty*• ii!': ONE 675-2135 URGE LICENSE APPLICANTS USE ZIP CODE 60081 Use Zip Code 60081 for Spring Grove, 111. It is important to use your zip code with your address when ordering license plates this year. There is a space provided for this on your application form. Including the zip code will greatly feduce the number of steps usually required in sorting and distribution of liceW? plates. You may obtain your zip code from your carrier or post office. Also remember that Oct. 21 to Nov. 10 is designated as the time to mail parcels overseas to the armed forces. LCWC The Lotus Country Woman's Club held its second ^jneeting of the year Wednesday, Oct 20, at the home of Mrs. Frank JOHNSBURG NEWS BETTY HETTERMANN 883-1290 Urge Turnout For Bond issue It is the duty of all of us to project our rights as citizens By gettirig out and voting on the much talked about school bohd issue. I won't go into details as it has been written Up in this and other papers the past few weeks. The only thing I urge is that you get out and vote next Saturday, Oct. 30. The way you choose to vote is your business and no one else's--but be certain to vote. Halloween Festivities Run High - On the 18th. of this month, seventy-eight members of the juvenile court of St. Agatha No. 777, joined the fun at the J o h n s b u r g Commun'ty Club hall. Their annual Halloween party was in full swing. A "Spook House" was rigged up by the eighth grade members and added to the evening's "weirdness". All in attendance .passed through the "House of Horrors" and many a scream or squeal could be heard. Our good Sisters were the judges for the costume awards. Even the juvenile directors, Doris Freund. Pam Hiller and Joanne Haag, got into the spirit of things by dressing up for the occasion. Bobbing for apples was also on the evening's agenda. The party was rounded out by the serving of refreshments. All in all the young ladies had themselves quite a time. Nuptial Vows Exchanged St. Mary's church in Mc- Henry was the scene of a lovely wedding on Oct. 16. Dennis Deidrich, son of the Leo Deidrichs, claimed the former Mary Kay Adams as his lifelong partner. A reception was held in the Community Club hall in their honor later in the day. Following a honeymoon trip which will take them southward, the newly married pair will take up residence in McHenry. Our sincere congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Deidrich. Home For The Weekend Harry May got away from his studies at Culver-Stockton in Missouri long enough to spend last weekend with his family. On his way home he stopped in Joliet to pick up his fiance, who also visited with his fanvly for the weekend. While home Harry and Marilyn at tender! the Marian Central football game on Saturday. It's A Girl Ruffles and ribbons are flying h;gh in the Gerry Thelen home in Elkhorn, Wis. The Thelens welcomed their first daughter, Renee Marie, at the \ trouble-free Humidity A A A A A A Finally... a reliable humidlfier. You can adjust it to the amount of humidity you want. Entirely washable, rtever needs replacement parts or lubrication. Uses less elec* tricity than a 25 watt fight bulb. No waste water. For the first time you can have the comfort of controlled humidity, three pints an hour or more, with no upkeep problems. For free information call: ALTHOFF'S. Inc. Heating & Air Conditioning 903 N. Front St. McHenry PHONE S85-5700 Lakeland hospital on Oct. 17. The little lady weighed a very nice 7 lbs., 1V2 ozs. The reason for the great excitement is that four healthy and hearty boys make up the rest of the Thelen clan. They answer to the names of Ricky, Raridy, Robert and Roger. Cari't you imagine the fun Renee will have growing up with four big brothers to protect her. The everso- proud grandparents reside right here in our "neck of the woods". They are Ben and Hilda Thelen and Leo and Evelyn Deidrich. Much, much happiness to all. Congratulations Corner Our heartiest of wishes to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers who celebrated their fiftyninth wedding anniversary last weekend. They were surrounded by their family in honor of the occasion. Congratulations to both these very special people. Also in line for congratulations are Mr. and Mrs. Art Thelen who are observing their forty-fifth wedding anniversary this week. Much happiness to them. Last week we sent our beat wishes to the Emil Debrects on their fortieth wedding anniversary. They were happy to have their daughter, sonin- law and the children here from New York to help them celebrate. Other fanvly members were also on hand. Oh, oh, another one of those "short of news" weeks sneaked in again. Let's see if this can be remedied by next week. Please be sure to call your items in to me before noon on Mondays. Let's try ta make this column, extra long. Mqravec at Richmond. Mrs. Clyde Parfrey was co-hostess and a one o'clock luncheon was served to sixteen members and two guests who were Mrs. Louis Stochl and Mrs. Earl Howe, president of Richmond Woman's Club. Mrs. John Horak was welcomed into the club as a hew member. A report was given on some of our absent members. Mrs. Bessie Ducey is very 11 at the home of her daughter n Arlington Heights after -pending sometime in the hospital. Mrs. Frances Kabot is /isiting in the homes of her wo daughters in California and Mrs. Martha Schueneman has ?one to her home in Florida for the winter. Mrs. Joseph {oberstine was welcomed back "rom her trip t% Europe where he and Mr. Koberstine -sper^t he past three months. Mrs. rrank Heineman gave a report ->n the McHenry County Federation meeting which she atended. Mrs. Edward Buesseler lttended the Northern District meeting at the Edgewater 3each hotel and gave her report. A trip to China Town for Oct, 27 was planned. The program for the afternoon was jiven by Mrs. Joe Huff who rave a talk on the progress of he children in the Retarded Children's Home in Wonder Lake. Trip To N.ew Orleans Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller are joining a group this weekend :>n a trip to New Orleans. This 'rip was won by Dan for being 7ne of the top salesmen who exceeded their quota for the year in sales. This included the states of Illinois and Iowa. Visits Son Mrs. Mary Klein and her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Thorson, are visiting SFC Edwin S. Klein and family in Salina, Kansas, at Schilling Air Base. Edwin leaves for Viet Nam on Oct. 29. Club Meets Members of the Christian Mothers Society met at St. Peter's hall on Thursday night, Oct. 21. Congratulations were extended and a corsage was presented to^ Mrs. Catherine Kagan, who is newly elected president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Reports on the convention and committees were given. The poster that won an award at the convention was on display. A nice assortment of Christmas articles was shown, these will be a part of the Christmas bazaar which is being planned for Dec. 4. The special party for Nov. 22 was discussed and it was decided that the serving of lun&h will be taken oare of by the society. An,, interesting film REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY STATE BANK jf McHenry, Illinois, a member of the Fedteral Reserve System, at the close of business on October 12, 1965, published in Accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve Bank o: *his district pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reservi Act. A S S E T S 1. Cash,. balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection $ 2f United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures (including $675,000.92 securities of Federal agencies and corporations not guaranteed b.v U.S.) •• 5. Corporate stocks (including $36,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) 6. Loans and discounts- (including $7,462.22 overdrafts) 7. Bank premises owned $408,253.60, furniture and fixtures $30,941.10 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises 11. Other assets 12. TOTAL ASSETS $ 3,224,400.56 9,854,790.55 1,204,987.82 675,000.92 36,000.00 14,033,049.94 439,194.70 1.00 12,948.77 29,480,374.26 L I A B I L I T I E S 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 14. Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $26,840,611.94 ( a ) T o t a l demand d e p o s i t s . . 1 1 , 0 6 0 , 8 3 0 . 5 4 ( b ) T o t a l t i m e d e p o s i t s 1 5 , 7 7 9 , 7 8 1 . 4 0 23. Other liabilities 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES : $ 10,224,944.25 15,279,781.40 168,699.32 877,449.29 289,737.64 262,577.37 27,103,189.31 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 25. Capital (a) Common stock, total par value $400,000.00 $ 400.000.0( 26. Surplus 800.000.0C 27. Undivided profits 427,184.95 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 750,000.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 2,147,695.29 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 29,480,374.26 r M E M O R A N D A 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 32. (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 1,379,500.00 295,067.34 I, Thomas F., Bolger, Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true ant correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is tnje and correct. ROBERT L, WEBER RICHARD J. ZIEMAN GERALD J. CAREY » * , Directors SPACE NEEDED FOR HISTORICAL GROUP'S NEEDS Open house was held three days last week at the McHenry County Historical society's room at the city hall-Opera House, Woodstock, in honor of national Business and Profess'onal Women's Week. Coffee strip was shown by the sisters. A thank you was given the society by the sisters for their pantry shower. Pie and coffee was served by the committee in charge. Birthday Club The birthday club travelled to the home of Mrs. Virginia Gillespie on Tuesday. There was an afternoon at cards and prizes were won by Mary Nimsgern, Alice Van Every, Mame Tinney and Tillie May. Lunch was served. 500 Club Mrs. Clara Dienlein entertained members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Winners in cards were Mary Nimsgern, Minnie Pierce, Nora Miller, Annie Sanders and Clara Deiniein. Coming Events Nov. 22 -- Special Party at St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove. Turkeys, prizes, refreshments. and cookies were served and visitors had an opportunity to look at the numerous items that have been donated these past two years of the society's existence. They did not have much opportunity to examine in detail as the shelves are so crowded and the room itself occupied with agricultural tools and larger items. It was shown, however, how desperately the society is needing space. " The board of directors has had a report from the building committee and are looking into several sites that were suggested. A number of factors have to be considered, so it will take some t:me to reach any decision. President Dorothy W. Mc- Eachren recently attended the annual meeting in Raleigh, N. Car., of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The theme of the workshop talks presented centered on the vital necessity for preservation before the bulldozers take over, and also the growing interest in the preservation of local heritage. ENROLLS IN COLLEGE Bruce Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peterson, 815 W. NE Shore drive, has enrolled in the junior class at Trinity college, Bannockburn, Illinois. He is majoring in Bible. -v. -. ' '• - • iml w&m • •• «• £1 i. rox.River lo&tttvig Emt'frpnt ftr : -i sraii&isisi Thi^ quiet scene on the Fox river, looking east from the bridge in McHenry, was taken many years ago, facing what was the Hunter Boat Co., now the home of North Bridge Marine. PUPPETRY CLASSES OFFERED BY FINE ARTS ASSOCIATION The Woodstock Fine Arts association will sponsor a fall session of puppetry classes for beginning and advanced students starting Nov. 6 and continuing for six consecutive Saturdays. Teaching both groups will be Theresa Hobart, who gave similar classes in the Opera House last year. Registration fee covers the six lessons and any materials needed. Beginning students will meet from 10 until 12 and a d v a n c e d s t u d e n t s from 1 u n t i l 3. Appropriately enough, registrar ion is Oct. 30 in the Woodstock Opera House the day that the Robin Reed Marionette company presents its "Pinocchio" show in the same building. Hours will be from 9 until 4. Those unable to register then may do so during the week Hby calling 338-1663 or 338-2746. 800D REASONS FOR SHOPPING Ben Franklin HOW! Gibraltar/ wear guaranteed!. Cushion-foot WORK SOCKS * 2-ply soft cushion sole * Nylon reinforced^ heel, toe Heavyweight white cotton. 3 pairs guaranteed 3 months. 3, r DOUGLAS REPLACEMENTS CHAIRS £ tlACWtS SECURED famous brand names FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Size D Reg. 20c |UakpM»' "*£J22£. BATTER* H.") 1 2 for 33 New Low SPECIAL PURCHASE Price! Each set contains 1 seat and 1 back replacement Give new beauty to your dinette chairs . . . plush 2-inch thick seat V back set covered in wipe-clean vinyl fabric to replace those worn chairs and make your dinette set look like new. They fit all chairs (either screw on or slip on backs) ... the seat measures 15V2" across by ISVi" front to back--comfortshaped back is 9" high by 15" wide. Choose from decorator colors . . . white, yellow, turquoise, or red accented with gold 'n' silver color flecks. Extra seat and back for 5th and 6th chair ... $3.49 set Extra Chrome Chairs $5.88 ... Set of 4 $21.00 34 - Piece Set Melamitte DINNERWARE SET Choice of 3 Patterns $9.99 SEAMLESS a NYLONS 2 PAIR 99 • 400 Needle, 15 Denier Hose • Reinforced Heel and Toe First quality sheers at everyday prices, packaged in pairs for extra economy. 816 to 11. , tirr: • * : : Two Tier UTILITY TABLE Reg. $4.98 2.77 $ 20 x 15 x 29 Metal Table White - Enamel Finish 1" Wood Casters ( Not Assembled)