Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1967, p. 15

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Jt EVELYN PHONE 65MM KIWANIS CLUB BEGINS YEAR WITH GQOD ATTENDANCE Considering the holiday, the club had a- good attendance, and started the New Year off with host, Stanly Sawko, serving rib eye steaks and champagne for a New Year's toast. The greater Chicago Kiwanis Club invited us to attend their all-sports dinner Fi'lj. 2. Pros. Robert Howe suggested that we have an inter-club. Reserved tables will bo available. pickets were distributed for the installation dinner of the 1967 officers to be held Saturday, Jan. 14. This will be a ladies night, other guests will also be welcome. Bob Myers will miss this meeting as he will be in Salt Lake City conducting a meeting of the U.S. trout Farms Association. Bob Is the retiring president of that organization. Art Lau announced an inter- denominational service to be held at Christ The King church later in January. Home for the Holidays ~ It was a gala holiday for the Patrick Letizias of 7411 Birch Drive. Their son Patrick . was home on a sixteen day leave from the Navy. Dec. 11 through Dec. 26. On hand to _ help the family greet Santa Gaus were many over-night guests, Mr. and Mrs. James Karasis and their children, Margaret and Mike, Mrs. James Letizia and sons, Anthony and Frank, all of Hanover Park, Mr. and Mrs. DePuye, sons, Mark and Bruce, and daughter, Jeannine, of Chicago, and Miss Vicki Ascola of McHenry. Young Pat is a fireman aboard the U.S.S. Ggelthorpe, and has been at sea the past six months in the Mediterranean. the U.S.S. Ogel- GERALD MUNGLE FARM AUCTION Having decided1 to quit dairy farming, I will sell the following described personal property on the farm located on McConnell Road, 1 Ve miles East of U.S. 47 (11206 McConnell Road) on: Tues. January 17,1967 Tues. COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. 96 -- HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE -- 96 consisting of: 14 Holstein Cows, springing; 13 Holstein Cows, fresh 30-60 days; 3 Guernsey Cows, springing; 1 Guernsey Cow, milking; 3d Holstein Cows, milking good and bred back; 1 Holstein Herd Bull; 10 Holstein Heifers, bred and open; 1 Pure Bred with papers; ;3 Holstein Heifers, open 8-9 mo.; 4 Holstein Heifers, open 6 trio. 13 Holstein Heifer Calves. MACHINERY -- Farmall 400 Tractor, Farmall M Tractor; John Deere A Tractor; 2 Knight Wagons & Running Gear, 3 Hayracks with gear, 1 Feeder Wagon with gear, J.D. 10 ft. Wheel Disc, McD 10 ft. Wheel Disc, MC Chopper, Papec Blower with Pipes, 40 ft. Meyer Elevator with motor, Wagon and Box, J.D. 4 Bar Rake, AC Chopper with Corn and Hay heads, J.D. No. 5, 7 ft. Mower quick hitch, J.D. 2-14 ft. Plow, Oliver Steel Disc, Spreadmaster Manure Spreader, new; J.D. Hanimermill, McD Hammermill, Corn Sheller, 50 ft. Drive Belt, Short Drive Belt, 2 Feed Bunks, McD. 3-14 ft. Plow, McD 2 M Corn Picker, Feed Cart, 2 Small Houses, Chicken Equipment, Hog Equipment, Gas Tank, 300 Gal. Dairy Cool Bulk Tank, Hot Water Heater, SS Double Wash Tank, Single Wash Tank, 4 Surge Units, 2 Strainers, 1200 Bales Hay, 600 Bu. Corn, Silage, Misc. Tools. Household Goods ariu Furniture. thorpo sails 6ut of Norfolk. ,'Va. '• ' Sad Journe^ Jack and Dorthea Moore made* another sad flight to California over the Christmas holidays. Jacks' sister, Evelyn Gaik, of Covenat Calif., died suddenly' Christmas Eve. Surviving are her husband, Raymond, daughter,^Patricia, sister Faye of Norfolk, Va. and Jack. Jack had just ma^e a previous trip to Callfonnfia in September when his mother passed away. Bundles of Blue and Pink Mr^ Stork was quite busy dropping off baby bundles to \Wonder Lakers lately. He dropped off a blue bundle tar the Arther Doyles. Sharon and Art are the proud parents of a 9 lb. boy, Daniel Emmett. Daniel was" warmly welcomed home by sister. Laura. Mr. Stork then dropped the pink bundle off to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houda, Jr. Teresa weighed in at almost 7 lbs. and was happily accepted by Judy, Frank, and brother, Mike. Proud Grandparents Besides the Senior Frank Houdas and the Arther La- Grecas, there are a few more grandparents who are walking around popping buttons. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Srotir are twice as proud for they •became grandparents to two little girls, Debra Sue Kieft and Nita. Kay Evans. Debra's parents are Mr. and Mrs. S. Kieft of Chicago and Nita's mom and dad are Karen and Bob Evans of Lakeland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hall GER MUNGLE, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking AUCTIONEERS: Wm. Sullivan, W. H. Runel, D. Powers Usual Bank Terms 1 Not 'Responsible Fbr Accidents Lunch Waggon On Ground* 67 of Livestock Clerk: I'xual Banks Terms MrHKNRY STATE BANK Not Responsible for Accidents are'the grandparents of the first child born in McHenry County? Grandson Eric was born at 12:31 a.m., January first to Mn and Mrs. Walter Schin\ke. Congratulations to both pairents and grandparents on all the new arrivals. „ Twenty Yeats of Wedded Bliss A little late, but congratulations to IX»utor and -Mrs. Santo RugKei-" on itieir twentieth wedding anniversary. May you have many more. Birthday Cake Cutters Birthday greetings to Eddie Braddock. Carolyn Ehredt. Cathy and Colleen Keith. Edward Motulewicz, Chris and Mike Peppin. Santo Ruggero » and Albert Shrosbree. Carrier of the Month John Letizia, paper boy for a daily paper, has been awarded the,^farrier of the month trophy. John is now up for carrier of the year. John's route is in Wonder Center. Congratulations on winning the trophy and good luck in your next endeavor. . Young At Heaff&s Moves The next meeting of Che Young At Hearts will be held on Jan. 18 at the Nativity Lutheran church in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to attend. The women are start- r ing their Easter p r o jects, there are going to be woodworking projects for the men and there is always a game of cards or checkers' to - played. ' Drop in for a cup of coffee and see what's going on. Twelfth Day Party A Success The first Twelfth Day party of Christ the King C.C.D. was J. SClrOlr AUCTION Having decided to retire, the undersigned will sell the following personal property ^n the George J. Schmitt farm located five miles north of McHenry, four miles east of Ringwood, and being on the Spring Grove Road (4209), one mile north of Johnsburg and five miles south of Spring Grove, on Wed., Jan. Hi, commencing at 10:30 a.m. 35 milk cows, DHIA five-year average 13,250 lbs. of milk and over 500 lbs. of butterfat. NIBCO and ABS bred. There are cows in all states of lactation. 9 heifers to freshen from January 15 to February 15." 4 heifers bred to freshen May, June and July. 14 heifers, 12 to 18 months old, open. 5 heifer calves, 6 months old. One-half of the above are registered cattle. All are calfhood vaccinated. These cattle were TB and Bangs tube tested within the last 30 days, and are eligible for interstate snipment. Machinery Case 630 wide front end; Massey Harris 44 Special Standard Trycycle type Massey Ferguson 50 with 2-row cultivator, 2 years old; Massey Harris self-propelled corn picker; Massey Harris clipper combine 7' with Hume reel; New Holland Baler #77; New Holland mower; New Holland chopper; International 3-14 plow on rubber; International 4 section hvy. drag; International 10-ft. grain seeder, new; International 2 row corn planter, RT; New Idea No. 19 manure spreader, RT; New Idea side rake, RT; New Idea hay conditioner; Case 8-ft. disk, RT; Case front end loader #29, manure and snow bucket; Gehl stalkehopper; Gehl blower with 50-ft. pipe; Gehl grinder, mixer, sheller; Grader blade; Box for on tractor; Grain blower; Kelly Ryan 40-ft. elevator with dragline and motor; 2 cultipackers; 2 wagons, hay racks or chopper boxes with false end gates; 1 wagon with hay rack; 1 wagon with green chop feeder; 2 wheel trailer; International 1 ton truck with rack; Steel stone boat; slip scraper; 500-lb. platform scale; hand corn sheller; snow fences: 200-gal. stock tank; hay bunks; log chains; air compresser with motor; 3 electric motors. 1/6 HP.. 1/2 HP.. 2 HP.; 2 heavy electric cords, 75-ft. each; 2-4-D eliv. fencer, new; Int. 102 elec. fencer. ncw;Stewart Sunbeam clipmuster. used 2 years; Unloading jack; mounted weed sprayer; Van Dale silo unloader for 12 and 14 ft., 2 tripods; 180'Ami), forney electric welder 2 12-holc hog feeders; lhog waterer; milk cans; steel barrels; 7> gallon cans; chicken water fountains; feeders; 10-15 hole nests; electric chick brooders; 8 electric hog brooders; heat lamps and cords; Int. battery fencer; Grabble fork; 100-ft. 3/4 in. rope and tackle; 2 feed baskets; Girton D 300 bulk tank with 3 HP unit; Surge vac. pump SP11 and motqr; Surge Tongandxie pulsator and 36 stall cocks; 3 Surge milker units; Natural gas water heater; stainless steel wash tanks; 2 strainers and carrying pails. Feed 15 ton of No 1 ha\: 150 bushels oats; Some ear corn 150 Chickens George J. Schmitt, owner Auctioneers -- ROBERT BRENNAN - 815-653-9045 ,, GORDON STADE 312-223-5155 a great success due the efforts. of the hard. working committee and to all those who donated their time and treats. Over a hundred children of all ages enjoyed the festivities. Christ the King News v The third Sunday of every month has been designated as Youth Sunday. The twelve o'clock Mass on Sunday, Jan. 15, will be conducted by the youth of the parish. C. C. D. Board Tdnight, Jan. 12, the parish C.C.D. executive board will meet at the religion center. Inter-Faith Meeting The first wer-faith meeting of» Christ the King church will lake place Friday, Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. Reverends Thomas Johnson of Nativity Lutheran and, Ronald Anderson of Ringwood Metho d i s t church and their parishoners will participate in this meeting. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Wonder Lake Bible Church The Pioneer Girls Club will m e e t at the church at 7; while the Awana Boys club will meet at Harrison school. The Christian Truth Class will be on Jan. 14 at 10 a.m. The Sunday schedule is as follows; 9:30 Sunday Worship, a class for all ages, 11 o'clock Morning. Worship Service, Junior Church, 3 o'clock Service at Valley Hi County Home; 6 o'clock Jets. Junior Hi, Senior Youth Fellowship, and 7 o'clock Bible Fellowship Hour. On Tuesday, Jan. 17 the Ladies Fellowship Meeting will be held at 7:45. Wednesday January 18 the mld- JANUARY 12, 1967 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 3, SECTION 2 week prayer Service, youth choir rehearsal is at 7:30 and at 8:30 the senior choir rehearsal will take place. Pastor Wright in -the 9 ;TUI Sunday school hour, is starting a series of. lessons for parents and "adults in ."Practical Bible Beliefs". He encourages parents with children in the home to particularly take advantage of thesv weekly session's. All are Welcome. Resident Passes Away Edwin Dornbush, 7605 Brook DriVe. died suddenly Saturday night. He will be missed by many of his friends and neighbors. Sympathy is extended to his survivors. Road Dedication On Sunday morning. Jan.j 15. at 11 a.m. the new road at Nativity Lutheran church. :;506 F!. Wonder Lake road will be tormally oi^oned and dedicated as ihe D<5n Michels Michels Memorial D r i v e. This road was made jxissible as i memorial for J~)on Michels bv his wife. Dorotlu.. family and friends, Mrs. Michels hps extended a$ invitation lor coffee and cake to .be served in the church parlor .after the dedication. I Ladder Safety' Ho Vareful when you use a ladder. Make sure the ladder is in good condition. look for cracks or breaks' before beginning Work, .uid check to see that joints arc tight. Place the ladder in a firm position and u-c the <ide rails when \ou climb up Instead of le.tiling oft balance to work, move the ladder. WATER SOFTENERS SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS H SERVICE ON ALL MAKES AUTHORIZE DEALER • FILTERS • ODOR CONTROL • OHLGRINATION • MINERAL REPLACEMENT BANK FINANCING • CHEMICALS HOME SALT DELIVERY • IRON REMOVAL YES WE RENT If you are now running out of soft water with an exchange rental unit see how our fully automatie eiv»-* you your MIIIIK'V'S worth. TOM HUEMANN WAT CONDITIONING Phone 385-3093 2103 W. CHURCH for FREE Water Tesi JOHNSBURG -- McHENRY £kop JJeutel-The' Of MOuzcfe Food T^UceA /I® £kop Of Mcruzc/e, FtHxi T^UceA / You Owe It To Yourself TO CHICK & COMPARE JSWtl'S MtRftClE PWCIS • WiyMVINK? id Fivers Are fresher... Can TasteThe Difference! ONLY YOU- CAN MAKi THI DECISION. Compare Jewel's "Miracle Prices" an your favorite products with the prices you'd expect to pay elsewhere. Can you really afford to not take advantage of the everyday savings your Jewel offers? WHY PAY MORI FO* THI ITKMS VPU USE MOST? Jewel's "Miracle Prices" mean welcom# sovings on items that appear most frequently on your shopping lists - things you need and use •vary day. These are the kind of savings that really add up! LIT J8WK C4KLP YOU SAVt ON WEKKLY FOOO BILLS. Regular •hopping at your neighborhood Jewel can pay off in unusual savings every week on groceries. See for yourself. Start shopping at Jewel now and watch your savings grow. WHY PAY m. < i tOV' T - , N S5-GRADE^ 'Frying Cfackeir WHOLE Fffyrnxs j THI HOMI Of "Miracle Prices" LB MOMT CHECK AND COMPARE •ITTY CROCKER - "4c OFF" LABEL fluffy Wliif© ""SiT6**- 0STTY CROCKER - "4c OFF" LABEL iieaon " M™*.,,. Hunts Catsup JUDGE FOR YOURSELF GREEN DIAMOND Walnuts Quaker Oats PILLSBURY Enriched Farina Th^t Yoarnr"BUy! CENTER CUT pork €lM>pS fe-UpFryers ^29 27'/JOI. BONUS SPECIAL GOOD THRU SAT wel Bu mms Utoit® Sii€@ HUNTS ^ Tomato Paste HUNTS - WITH CHEESE Tomato S@ig§ Prime Dog Fogd Prim® Food Ideal i®| F@®d PUS!. N BOOTS tarmet (F@@§t HARTZ Cat Tummies KITTY PAN Pet Litter ©t c 6 ox. Con 8 oi. Can 72 oi. PkB 36 oi. Pk9. 1 lb. Can 6W oi. Can 6oi. Pk9. 10 lb. Bag 3° <SC 49 , JAN. 14, i967 REG 1 LB. 85c PKG. PENN DUTCH Mushrooms Velvetta Cheese CAMPBELL'S SOUP ClicE^i doodle CRACKIN" GOOD Saltines "20c OFF" LABEL fid® !©ft@rgenf LAUNDERAAAID [F®!kk Softener BEEF. ONION OR CHICKEN fetmt 3ert Ox GOLOEN DIPT imtti'Mix CHICKEN NOODLE Mrs. Grass Soup LB, END CUT Pork Chops LB. 4 oi. Can ,0<5r MM0 • RATH BLACKHAWK • CORN KING e PATRICK CUDAHY |320 |! • COUNTRY BREAKFAST i&st ***!& n f USC.AR MAYER I JONES OR I HORMEL GOVT INSP. GRADE "A" B [K> ' • ^ ^r BONELESS. ROLLED Chicken Sreasts" 57° p0rk Roast GOV TMNSP. GRADE »A» . LEAN MEATY Chicken Legs u>.47 Back Ribs GOV'T INSP GRADE "A ^^ _ Chicken Wings » 35c Country Ribs » 59c Take Advantage Of Jewel's Bonus S GOOD THRU ^ SAT,JAN M BETTY CROCKER ALL VARIETIES) iONUS MESIAL! Cake Mixes Delsey Tissu FRESH, TENDER Carrots WISCONSIN - ALL PURPOSE 2olb Potatoes bag Fre sh, Juiceful! LARGE 100 SIZE Ti tE/MwPrLiEt )Oraiues Louie's l.unch will be served on Ihe grounds [FECIAL! SPICSAI? POLY . bag of 20 each ONLY S9C D'Mm o„ 49' Pears u GOOD THRU SAT., JAN. 14 JEWEL MAID Coen Oil Mlfigarine .. 'BONOS SPECIAL! GOOD THRU JAN. I 4 JEWEL MAID All-Butter ~7ke> -Horne? Of Food, f^UceA / Ifjjj) ^Jtop JeumS- 7k& -Home' Of Mi/iade, Frxxi T^viceA / K

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