Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1967, p. 6

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THE McHENRl PLAINDEALER _ Plrst Insertion -- 7c per word -- $1.40 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. Repeat Insertions -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum i&c Service Charge on All Blind Ads. Situations Wanted. Wanted to, F^ent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. The Plaindealer Is not responsible (or errors in classified ads after the first Insertion. your ad the first week sad call' ©as* nft&aEiMga to «ny Ktn/s COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOB QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385=0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD CATrai CUmsHM First Insertion -- 1.40 Per CoL Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- 1.25 Per CoL Inch 4 Lines 8 pt Type Per In. with 18 pt Signature. COPT DEADLINE -- Classified Display -- Tuesday, Noon Regular Classified -- Tuesday, 4 pjn. OFFICE HOURS -- Dally -- 8:30 to 5:00 Sata&jr -- Osssd. AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS SERVICES Replacement Parts For Cars iccessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 BOC; East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6p.m. Sundays: 9 s-m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-65-TF 1963 JEEP Wagonaire. 4- wheel drive. Call 385-0184. 1 1-12/1-19-67 1960 RAMBLER 4 door sedan. Good condition. Plus snow tires and rims. Call 385-4735. 1-12/1-19-67 1954 CHEVROLET 4 door. Good condition $150. Call 385-4794. 1-12/1-19-67 Mechanically Sound. 1957 Plymouth Suburban station wagon. Truly clean. $65. See at or call State Millstream service, 3702 W Elm, McHenry. 385-9835 1-19-67 '56 Chevy 8 cylinder, 4 door automatic transmission. Good engine, new battery A front tires. 2 snow tires. Call 385- 6245. 1-19-67 1960 Chevrolet 9 passenger wagon. 1 owner. Very clean car, in good condition. $450. Call 385-4171. 1-1947 CHEVY Qievelle Super Sport 396, 4 speed, red with white interior, bucket seats. Priced for quick sale. Call 385-7479 after 5:00 p.m 1-19/26-67 1965 FAIRLANE 500, Automatic transmission, power brakes and steering, snow tires extras, radio, windshield washers,4 silver blue. Norman Anderson, 385-6387. 1-19-67 BOAT! - MOTORS 14 Ft. FTBREGLASS Runabout with 1960 40-hp. Johnson, elec. starting. No trailer. N e e d s w o r k . $ 2 2 5 . 0 0 . C a l l 385-4784. 1-19-67 WATCH THIS SPACE Triton Marine 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry Phone 385-1076 1-19-67 © HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS % • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FRFS Estimate? Miorte 38»4§i» or 385-9920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog 8t Suds) 3-3-66TF Katro(ii\ Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry. Ill 385-6027 2-4-65-TF JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center • Wheel Alignment • Brakes • Mufflers • Shocks • Accessories. • Gas for Less • Complete Tire Line Passenger & Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 1*20-66TF UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St McHenry, Illinois ART'S Recovering Restyling Ail Kinds of Furniture -Phone 3854725 2-4-65-TF BUSINESS SERVICES RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE Electric Sewer Rodding Pumping Septic systems installing and repairing. Basement and foundation excavating. FOB SALE 385-6445 1-5-67TF F© SETOCES ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired Industrial, commercial and domeouc. flickert Electric. 480 QoaV , Un--1 ***V»II *n*u*• BAldwln 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF WILL Pick up junk cars free. Call 385-3840 1-5-67TF McHENRY FENCE CO. Oak Fireplace Wood Split and delivered $18.00 ton SPECIALISTS IN FENCE BUILDING OF ALL TYPES 1007 N. River Road JOE FL1CEK Call 385-1469 1-5-67TF PIPE THAWING Modern Epuipment ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE 3004 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois Call 385-0783 or 385-6130 1-5-67TF McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE 3402 W. T1 5»6-65-TF r. Thiro FIEjSS DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • BLACK DIRT AND FILL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS 815-385-3704 1-5-67TF Phone 81 Remember This Number SNOW PLOWING Driveways, subdivisions, etc. 24 Hour Service Call Mike Mathews 385-2731 1-12/1-19-67 McHENRY COUNTY Office Machines, Inc. PHONE 459 -1226 Authorized agent of OUvettl- Underwood Corp. * We service and rent all makes mad models of offlee eqrtpment 1-5-67TF REGISTERED Pekingese puppies.. Call 385-7059 or can be seen at 1106 W. Bay Rd. McHenry. 1-5-67TF COMBINATION WINDOWS $10.00 Brand New Used Comb. Alum. Doors CHUCK'S GLASS & MIRROR 4304 W. South Street Cooney Height* 385-3560 1-5-67TF The Handcraft Shop and Resale & Antiques STARTING Knitting & Crocheting Classes TUES., JAN. 24th 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. THUR., JAN. 26th 7:00 to 9:00 pjm. ' -- REGISTER NOW -- Monday & Tues. Hrs. 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday Hrs. 12 Noon to 8:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Wednesday 3106 E. Route 120 McHenry, Illinois (Just east of bridge, next to.Circle Grill) 385-2570 1-19-67 24" DETROIT Jewel Apt. Stove. Very good condition. Call 385-1935 1-19-67 WHITE Toy male poodles - 3 months old. A.K.C. registered. Call 385-6185 after 4:00 p.m. 1-19-67 GOOD used refrigerator, perfect running condition, $50.00. Sewing machine, 110.00. Call 385-5907. 1-19-67 FS MULTI-RANGE Motor Oil lubricates fast for cold startling. Holds ^film strength at any temperaure in any weather. Get it now at -Jim's FS Service, 4002 West Waukegan, McHenry, 111. Ph. 385- 2640 1-19-67 USED Kirby vacuum with all attachments, including floor polisher Call 459-2208. 1-19-67 NEW 20 Volume set of "En- Cyclopedia of Photography". $90. Phone 815-678-7081 1-19-67 The amazing Blue Lustre will leave your upholstery beautifully soft and clean. Rent e l e c t r i c s h a m p o o e r $ 1 . Ace Hardware 1-19-67 1955 BUICK $50, 1956 Buick $100, Wizard lawn mower, new $40, 1 Sunbeam electric knife $15, Toastmaster broiler and oven, new, $20, chicken wire 48" wide by 110 ft. long $6, tire 710 x 15, new, $8, Call 815-385-3881 after 5 p.m. 1-19-67 SPEED Queen wringer washer. Good working condition. $15. Call 385-7439 1-19-67 PORTABLE television 19" Set, Blonde. Good condition $75.00. Call 385-7343. 1-19-67 14 cu. ft. yellow refrigerator, 2 years old, $65.00. Small G.E refrigerator, $35.00. Gas dryer, $55.00 9 x 12 Gold 501 c a r p e t , $ 3 5 . 0 0 New h i g h chair, $5.00. 2 Ratan barrel chairs, $10.00, plus dishes, cookware, end. tables, lamps, etc. Call 385-0233. 1-19-67 1965 EMBASSY mobile home 12x60, 2 bedrooms. Excellent condition. Price reduced for Immediate sale. Call 385-4112 1-12-19-67 1 80,000 B.T.U. forced air oil furnace Including tank. $5000. 10 ft wide by 12 ft. high steel commercial roll up garage door. Electrically operated $50.00. Call' 385-3560*, 1-12-67TF 1962 VOLKSWAGON, $650 or best offer; Electric stove 30", $20.00 ; 3 piece sectional, $200; 1 year old moving Silvertone TV console, paid $200, selling for $130. Call 385-1374. .1-19-67 RECONDITIONED automatic and wringer type washers, also reconditioned, automatic dryers. Fully guaranteed. Carey Appliance, 385-5500 1-19-67 LADIE'S size 12 & 14 assorted clothing, some never worn Also a few odds and ends in coats. All very reasonable. Call 459-7637. t 1-19-67 RONALD STEWART Spinet Piano. $250.00. Phone 385-6482. 2719 N. Iroquois Trail. 1-19-67 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. A.KC. Registered, Black and Silver, Black and Cream. Call 815-385-7648. 1-9-67 FOR SALE or B%MT FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 teflroom home. Immediate @$- cupancy. Located Aqua Land Ettates. Call 338-2900 lor appointment between 9 & 4:30 p.m. S-S-S7TF FOR RENT STORE located at BS3 N. Riverafde Drive. Adjoimlsg Hetas Fur shop. Immediate occupancy. Call 38541269 ©? 385-3800 1-5-67TF OIFI7&DK, 1213 N. Oieea S3., main floor. 2 rooms plus p?&' vote lavatory. Air conduced, heat, light k water furnished. J ill 385-1327. 1-5-67TF 3 ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor, 3325 W. Elm St., Phone 315- 0743. Dr. Goetschel. 1-5-67TF MODERN OFFICE apace available. Air conditioned. S§- -20 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385-0184. 1-5-67TF 7 ROOM farm house, basement, newly decorated, with plot of land. 3 bedroom ranch, enclosed breezeway, fireplace, attached garage, corner lot. 5 room duplex, gas heat. 2 room furnished motel apartment. Call 815-385-1079 1-5-67TF In Barrington Industrial Building • 9,000 sq. ft. of shop area 600 sq. ft. air conditioned offices • Ample parking Telephone 381-3447 7-14-66-tf 2 'AND 3 ROOM furnished apartments. In McHenry. All utilities furnished. Older couple only. Call 815-385-6566. 1-12-6T 2 BEDROOM newly decorated apartment for rent.Utilities furnished. Garage. Immediate occupancy. References required. Call 385-4455. 1-19-67 BUSINESS pi a ce on Elm street. Reasonable rent. Call 385-0776. 1-12/1-19-67 2 BEDROOM house for rent in McCullom Lake. Gas heat, patio, garage. $95 a month. 2 months rent deposit required. Call 385-3177. 1-12-67 wastted LINOTYPE Operator 8er ad machine: 40 hour week with some overtime. Air-conditioned shop. Above average company benefits. Apply to Larry Lund -- The McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, 385-0170. 10-13-66 T.F. M«lt Hrtp Wanted EXPERIENCED MECHANIC WANTED. Full time. Apply A1 Oollingbourne Buick-Olds, 907 N. Front, McHenry, HI. 1-19-67 CUSTODIAN for nursing home on Pistakee Bay, near McHenry. Board, room and salary. Ideal for man with pension. Villa Nursing Home, 815-3854481. 1-19-67 NURSES AIDES AND ORDERLIES Training courses beginning February 13th for 3 weeks. Tuition free. Age 18 years and over. Interested applicants please apply to McHenry Hospital Mrs. Clare Boehm Director of nursing*- 385-2200 extension 622 1-19-67 WANTED at once--Dealer to supply consumers with Rawleigh products in Wonder Lake. Experience unnecessary. Write Rawleigh, Dept. ILA-52-80 Freeport, HI. 61032 1-9-67 MATURE, pleasant man or woman, wanted for counter work, serving tl^e public. Part or full time, write partici^- lars to Box 447 care of Plaindealer. 1-9-67 Male Halo Wanted EXPERIENCED Dairy fforai manager. Harvard -• Hebron grade A modern equipment, housing, good wages. Refer, eace. Start anytime. Write Bos 398, c/o McHenry. Plaindlealer. 7-21-66-tf LICENSED PLUMBER, elec trician, and sheet metal m£n. Year round employment. Cal" Anmay Supply 815-678-2861. ? 1-5-67TF SALESMAN METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has openings in the Lake Region for a Salesman. Over 400 established accounts. Salary & Commission. No experience, necessary, we will tyain you. Call JIM WALSH 312-395-1989 or 312-662-2 1-12/2-9-67 APARTMENT for rent, 3925 W. Main. Call Jackson 6-7828 1-19-67TF IN FOX LAKE on Grand Ave., beautiful new, large 2 room completely furnished apartment. Shower. $90.00 a month, includes gas, heat and all utilities. Couple or 1 person. Call 312-JU7-8357 or 815- 385-3896. 1-19-67 HOMES for rent from $90.00 per mo. Call 815-653-9400 1-19-67 3 BEDROOM home, basement, 2 car garage ,in Wonder Lake. References required. $145 monthly. Call 653- 5373, or 338-3392. 1-19-67 OFFICE Desk For Sale. Call 1385-7882. 1-12/1-19-67 DELUXE Waterfront 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in McHenry. Carpeted, private patio, stove and refrigerator. Adults only. Call 815-385- 3868. 1-12-67 OH YES YOUyCAN, Others Have -- Satisfied with what _you are doing\? If you want "to better yourself and become a member of a great management ieam with a multi-million dollar Company, J'ou should answer this ad. Tnis is a real opportunity to grow with a dynamic progressive Company looking for two married men 25 to 45/ Sales experience1 helpful but not necessary. $140 weekly minimum to start. $750o monthly after basic training. Complete Company benefits including hospitalization insurance. To acquire information for interview, call Woodstock 338-2970, Thursday and Friday evenings, January 19 and 20, between 5:30 p.m. ahd 8:30 p.m. ^/i-19-67 _T Quality Control Technician „ For Second Shift. Good starting wage and all company fringe benefits. Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ..i -- Apply -- ADMIRAL r " CORPORATION 3908 W. Elm Street ' McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-4020 1-19-67 HOSTESSES for part time work in vending machine cafeteria in local factory. Pleasant, easy work. Call or writer ACE COFFEE BAR Route 20 at Naperville Road, Elgin, Illinois 312-742-2770 1-12-67TF SECRETARY TYPIST Nationally known manufacturer of boat trailers, hardware and housewares, seeks competent Secretary and a good typist. Interesting and challenging day-to-day work in sales and marketing department. Beautiful, pleasant offices. Many benefits. Pay us a visit and see what we offer. Follow U.S£ 12 north from Richmond, ~T>ast Stat* Line, to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. JOHN STERLING CORP. 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois 60071 PHONE 815-678-2031 1-19-67 HEAL ESTATE Edgebrook Heights For Sale By Owner 3 bedroom split level home. • Modern Kitchen • Modern Bath • Full Basement • Gas Heat ' Kent Acres Fox Sale By Owner 3 bedroom ranch home. • Modern Kitchen • Modern Bath • Full Basement • Gas Heat Priced for quick sale. 90% financing available to qualified applicants. Phone 312-741-3900 1-5-67TF For Sale HOMES -- FARMS ^ CHOICE LOTS BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 8-5-65-TF 2 BEDROOM RANCH Attached garage. Very dean and well kept. Will consider reasonable offer. Will finance with down payment. Call Mr. Schwartz at 312-742-3800 day or evenings at 312-741-1197 1-12-/1-19-67 ACCOUNTING CLERK Girl to work in our Accounting Department and do General Office work. Apptitude for working with figures helpful. We will train. Apply to Personnel Manager CLAUD S. GORDON COMPANY Near Corner Rtes. 173 & 12 Richmond, Illinois "An equal opportunity employer" 1-19-67 MAN with creative ability for advertising sales position. Opporitunty for right person on the way up. Phone for interview appointment. McHenry Plaindealer. 385-0170 1-19-67--TF EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, dependable, capable of handling complete bookkeepi n g system to include payroll and billing. Box 446, care of McHenry Plaindealer. 1-19-67TF CLEANING Woman, 1 or 2 days a week Call 385-2679. 1-19-67 BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted. Call 385-7800. 1-19-67 RELIABLE babysitter needed for working mother. Call 385-3393. 1-19-67 WANTED Experienced full time saleslady for woman's apparel shop. Excellent salary 5 days a week. Write Box # 445 c/6 McHenry Plaindealer giving full particulars. 1-12/1-26-67 HEAL ESTATE McHENRY and LAKE AREA year Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. H$ne Sites. Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. A McHenry, 111. Ph. 385-0037 2-4-65-TF IN WONDER LAKE 3 Bedroom ranch, full basement, gas heat, city water, under $10,000. Call 815-385-3868. 1-12-67 3 BEDROOM Frame cottage Modern kitchen. New forced air furnace. Completely, professionally, insulated. Large lot. Easy financing. Full price $10,000. $300 down will handle. For appointment call 312-233- 3398. 1-19-67 WONDER LAKE AREA HAPPY DAYS -- 2 floor, 3 bedrm. home with big kitchen, attached laundry room One bedrm down, two on 2nd floor plus a 9x17 study or playroom. 1% car garage. Gas heat, city water. Pleasant view of lake. Near store. Available with $1,500 down. Total -- $12,500. RICHMOND You'd love to have lived here yom"self as a child. For gracious living & entertaining you must see this one. All brick, 2-store home with 4 bedrooms, bath & sleeping porch on 2nd floor. Huge living room with fireplace, formal dining rm. with builtin china closet. Den in kitchen, half bath, 10x30 enclosed porch. Large entr? hall with open staircase, also stairs to floored attic. Beautiful set-up for studio. 4 rooms in basement, 16X16 playrm. Hot water heat, lavatory, 500 gal. soft water tank with pump & cistern. Fruit cellar with outside entrance. Approx. 100* frontage on state rd. Huge front yard with hedge, over 300" of cement drive to a 3-store garage on rear of lot bordering 130' on golf course. Outside deep well. City'water & sewer. BARGAIN OF T H E Y E A R - P R I C E SLASHED TO -- $30,000 McHENRY - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - BUSINESS PROPERTY BARGAIN. Over 3,000 sq. ft. floor space. Ideal for grocery, light industry, office space, professional bldg., restaurant. Tiled floor complete with gas heating & air conditioning. Some restaurant equipment. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE! McHENRY AREA If you are short on down paymt, READ THIS. If you can make monthly payments of $140 & have $1,000 down, it will put you in this home across,., from beach on In lots with large living rm., full basemt, 2-car garage, screened patio, enclosed picnic patio with built-in bar-bque. Low taxes, Lake rights. ALL THIS & READY TO MOVE INTO! T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS 7314 Hancock Drive Wonder Lake, HI. PHONE 815-653-2061 Open 7 Days a Week 1-19-67 REAL ESTATE Crystal Lake LOOK! Bi-Level Superb! 3 Bedroom, Family Room FRESH AS A DAISY 216 Redwood Crystal Lake Manor $17,500 As Low As $500 Down 312-656-7723 1-19-67 3 2 Vi Acres % Wooded located near town. $3,995 Small down payment Balance monthly. For information Call 459-4120 1-19/2-2-67 River Frontage Charming 3 BR, large panelled LR with view of Country Club. All within walking distance of town. Beautifully landscaped. This can be yours for only $21,500. $1,000 Down I d e a l l o c a t i o n , c l o s e to schools and shopping. 3 BR, bath & %, 2 car garage, full basement. All newly decorat° ed and ready to^tnove ill Full price $17,900. McHenry Shores ^ Real living comfort In this three BR home with combination DR & kit., gao heat, air conditioner and large lot. In perfect condition. Priced at only $15,900. A Dream Home Brick Ranch with 2000 sq. feet of living space. Lg. LR with raised fireplace, DR,- kit. and three lovely BRa 2ft baths, full basement. Overlooking the golf course. Many large closets. Priced in the mid thirties. NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY SERVICE, INC. 385-2340 3412 West Elm St. McHenry, Illinois o 1-19-67 PUBLIC NOTICES ANNOUNCING sthmg at 10c the opening of THE RESALE SHOP 3911 W, Used clot per garment. Hours: Sunday thru Thursday 12 noon to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday 12 noon to 8 p.m. 1-19-67 DIAMONDS are a girl's best friend--until she finds Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. Rent electric shampooer $1. McHenry True Value Hardware 1-9*67 WANTED TO B' GUNS--For Cash $$$. MeHemry Gun Csnte?, 3325 W. Elm Stesat Phone 385-7320. 3-23-S5-TF WILL BO SEWING in my home. Alterations, slip covers, dress making, etc. Call 385-2480 1-19-67 WILL DO BABY sitting week days for working mother. Call 385-0932 1-19-67 WILL DO baby sitting after school and weekends. Call 385-7324 1-19-2-2-67 WOMAN desires babysitting job for 1 or 2 pre-school children. Phone 385-2272. 1-19-67 WILL DO BABY sitting for one child during the day. Call 385-7441. 1-19-67

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