Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1967, p. 18

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PAGE 6. SECTION 2 - McHENRY PLAINDEALER - JANUARY 26, 1967 News About Our Servicemen During the twenty-week course, he was taught various fire techniques and tactical maneuvers for helicopters supporting ground troops in Vietnam. He also received instruction in helicopter maintenance and survival techniques BQBKRT 3CHOFP Marine Private Robert R. Schopp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Sdiopp of 607 S. Orchid Path, fl^cHenry, HL, has completed four weeks of individual combat training at the Maine Corps base, Camp Pendleton, Calif. During his more than 200 hours of framing, he learned about weapdns and combat techniques from combat veteran instructors. Marine Corporal Richard A. Beck, son of Mr. and Mis. E. R. Beck of 1113 N. River road, MccHenry, has reported for duty at the El Toro Marine Corps Air station In Santa Ana, Calif. El Tofo is the home of . the Third Marine Aircraft Wing, which is an aviation counterpart to a Marine infantry division, constantly in training and ready to move at a moment's notice to any trouble spot in the world. Helicopters, transports and jets of the wing provide air support for the infantrymen of the First 'Marine Division and units of the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific based at nearby Camp Pendleton, Calif. Avjation Machinist's Mate Third Class Bruce Behrens, ' USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Behrens of 128 West Wright road, McHenry, is serving as a member of Patrol Squadron Six, which has returned to Barber's Point, Hawaii, after six months of anti-submarine warfare operations In the North Pacific. IBs squadron flies the Navy's newest anti-submarine patrol aircraft, the Lockheed P-3A "Orion". While deployed to Adak, Alaska, the squadron conducted operations with each flight erew averaging more than 100 flight hours a month under adverse weather conditions. Operations for the sgiiElron while in Hawaii involves flights in anti-submarine warfare, aerial reconnaissance, mining operations and other flights necessary to maintain the defense of our country. FOBS Marine Private Richard D. Poss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss of 128 S. Sheridan road, McHenry, has completed four weeks of individual combat training at the Marine Corps base, Camp Pendleton, Calif. John K. Davis, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Davis, 4416 N. Mayfair drive, McHenry, graduated Jan. 17 as an aviator from the Army Primary Helicopter school at Ft. Rucker, Ala., and was commissioned a warrant offi- ... Army Private First Class Norman J .Szymanski, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno P. Szymanski, Route 1, Spring Grove, was assigned Jan. 7 as a cannoneer in Company B, 8th Battalion, 6th Artillery in Vietnam. Pvt. Szymanski entered the Army in June, 1966. Seaman Michael A. Klekovic, USCG, son of Mrs. Marion Tissen of Route 2, McHenry, m, is attending a ten-week Fire Control Technician school at the U.S. Naval Training center, Great gym a'fl nrnmo i 5 a 5 T a a b a a a a 5 a 5 a b'sttbtcbT) FRIGIDAIRE Even the thriftiest Frigidaire Jet Action Washer has a " 5 YEAR PROTECTION Strongest Frigidtlo Washer Protection Pis §v§resebicked ty General listers! I Ono-yoor Warranty lor repair off any defect without charge, plus four-year Protection Plan tfet furnishing replacement for any do fectlve port In tha complete transmission, drive motor, or forgo capacity water pump! : Jet-simple desi E&faKo }r.3p3lto|3| Bipw Msdtl WGDAL, 3 eolsrs : JET ACTION AE GALORE! • Durable Press Care helps new wonder fabrics stay smooth, without ironing! • Two speeds--including Gentle speed for delicat® fabrics! e Deep Action Agitator, Jet-Away Rinse, Jet-simple mechanism! • Jet-fast spin cuts drying time, saves after small heavy lifting! n week & : 1005 N. FRONT ST. MCHENRY, ILL DIAL 385-0882 "FREE PARKING" T I P O * f l f l t f l f l « g t t f i f l B f l B P P P B f i g f l P f i e P P C O e O O O O O O O r Fire control involves the techniques of directing a projectile from weapon to target, usually a distance of many miles. In learning to do this, he will study the fundamentals of fire control which include phases of both geometry and trigonometry, the basics of electricity and electronics, the principle^ of computer understandingr and the operation of gyroscopes. Also taught will be the methods of compensating for the natural forces which may affect the projectile's course, such as wind, ship's motion, and target movement. COUNTY LABOR COUNCIL HOLDS CHARTER NIGHT ' The newly organized McHenry County Central Labor council held charter presentation ceremonies at a dinner for the council delegates at the^VFW in Woodstock early this month. Special guests were Dan Healy, regional director and Joe Rakowicz, staff representative. Morris Graves, vice-president, accepted the charter in the absence of Don Nolan, president, who was speaking at the Junior college meeting held the same evening. The council is composed of delegates from eight local unions in McHenry county, with a present membership of 4,000 Affiliated Locale are: Locals 922, 184, UAW; Locals 1832, 624, 752 IAM; Local 111, Firmen and Oilers; Local 5004, CWA; Local 1643, AFT; Local 48, A.F. of M. A central body works for die benefit of everyone by taking an active part in political and community affairs. As a start, the council delegates voted unanimously to support the Junior college drive in tills area. Nominations for officers (present officers were elected temporarily) will be held at the next meting, Feb. 14, with elections scheduled for the March meeting. The Worry Clinic Hot dogs areineutral tastes to a baby. But sooh they become the most attractive meat item for children. For hot dogs become linked with picnic fun, plus freedom from cooped up apartment living. This process is called "conditioning" and explains our fondness for foods and even for our sweethearts! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M D. CASE B-552: Timmy V., aged 1%, is a problem. 'Dr. Crane," his worried mother began, "Timmy refuses to drink his orange juice. "Maybe it's because his daddy got angry one day and forced him to swallow it. "For Timmy was dawdling along at breakfast. His daddy offered to feed him. "But when Timmy playfully splattered some orange juice on his daddy's short, that was the last straw. "His daddy then held his nose and poured the rest of the orange juice down hfs throat. "And eyer since then, Timmy has refused orange juice. How can I ever get him to like oranges gain?" Food Habits All foods likes and dislikes (except for sugar) are learned! Babies thus have no inborn fondness for fried chicken or T-bone steak, potatoes or spinach, orange juice or cei> eal "Dr. Crane," you may protest, "then how does a child ever learn to relish such foods? 'And why do my youngsters prefer hot dogs or hamburgers instead of chicken and steak?" God Almighty created us with a few inborn likes, and one if for sugar! The human mother's milk I* thus higher in sugar content than cow's milk, so the babysoon learns to coo at the mere sight of its mother. Its fondness for her sweet milk has now expanded to include the source of that sugary milk, namely, mamma." You doting mothers may be shocked to learn that the reason your baby smiles at you is merely because you are a glorified lump of sugar! ~~ We psychologists use the term "conditioning" to describe this process of linking a strange item with a pleasant familiar object or mood. First of all, the baby's mother thus becomes associated with the pleasurable sweet milk. But daddy then is often standing or sitting beside mamma, so the baby extends his pleasure even to daddy, plus his brothers and sisters. Yet the reverse of this can also occur, for when a youngster links pain or discomfort with a person, then it may dislike food items that are also associated with that same person. Thus, the anger and pain caused by Timmy's daddy when he held Timmy's nose shut and forced the orange juice down the youngster's throat, now attaches to the orange juice. So he now dislikes orange juice. He might carry this distaste for oranges (and even the orange color) all his life, unless his mother "reconditions" him toward oranges by slowly slipping him a spoonful when he is giggling and happy. Children neither like nor dislike hot dogs or hamburgers at their first contact with such meat items, for those are neutral food tastes. Sugar, however, is a positive taste item while hot pepper, quinine and similar bitter or burning tastes are originally negative taste qualities. But some people actually learn to relish hot peppers and even demand hot sauce on their steak! Since children often encounter hot dogs at picnics (where they are free to run and romp and frolic happily), these pleasant moods then become linked with the hot dogs until the hot dogs soon rate as delicacies! (Always write to Dr Crane in care of , this newspaper, enclosing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20. cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) Like This Cat." C.T. Newberry, "The Kitten's ABC"; J. O'Brien, "Royal Red"; E. O'Faolaln, " I r i s h S a g a s and F o l k Tales"; E. Olds, "Big Fire"; C. Perrault, "Cinderella"; B. L. Picard, "French Legends and Fairy Stories"; German; Heo-Sagas and Folk Tales"; D. Pitkin, 'Sea Change"; L. Politi, "A Boat for Peppe"; "Juanita"; "little Leo"; "Song of the Swallows"; E. Protter, "Folk and Fairy Tales of Far Off Lands" and E. Rasldng, "Nothing Ever Happens on Block". 5 NOT ALWAYS FIRST January was not always file first month. According to legend, Numa Pompilius added January and February to the end of the 10-month Roman calendar about 700 B.C. Julius Caesar rearranged the calendar in 46 B.C., making January the first month. McHenry Library . Comer Mate, audi Green Sta. HOURS Monday thru Friday 2 p.m. to 8 Saturday 1 p.m. to 5 pjn. NOW--in seconds any ctlor paint you want nish- M. Lewis, "The Halloween Kangaroo"; J. M. Lexau, "Maria"; A. Lindgren, "Pippi Longstocking"; D. Line, "Soldier and Me"; M. Loma s k , " A s s i g n m e n t to t h e Council"; H. McAlpine, "Japanese Tales and Legends"; J. McCrea, "The Birds"; P. McGinley, "All Around the Town"; J.B. MacKenzie, 'The Mysery of the Watching Eyes"; "The Puss in the Corner Mystery"; A. Mac Lean, "Night Without End"; M. M a c P h e r s , ^ " T h e Rough Road"; W. Mantle, "The Hiding Plac6"; P. M. Martin, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy"; "Jump, Frog, Jump"; "Rolling the Cheese"; T. Maule, "The Last Out". K. Milhous, "Appol o n i a's Valentine"; E. Miller, "Mousekin's Christmas Eve"; H.M. Miller, "Julie"; A.A. Milne, "Winnie the Pooh"; Guggenbuehl F. Mueller, "Swiss- Alpine Folk Tales"; B. Munair, "Zoo"; E. "Ness, "Gift for Sula Sula"; E. Ness, "Josefina February"; "Pavo and the Princess"; 'Tom Tit Tot"; E. Neville, "It's iff INTERIOR or EXTERIOR with NO MORE COLOR PROBLEMS --. no more searching countless brands of paint for the exact shade you want. Come in -- we'll be proud to show you how you can get 'any one^of thousands of colors in all of Elliott's nationally- known Quality Paints in just a matter of seconds!) FLAT WALL FINISH GLOSS Or SEMf-GlOSS ENAMEL H-OOR ENAMEL] HOUSE PAIMT PRO. ,'S Pro. Hardware 1228 N. Green St. McHenry III. PHONE 38&-00B6 Statement Of Condition McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OS of December 31, 1966 (Dec31) ASSETS First Mortgage Loans . . $6,859,783.21 Other Improvement Loans. 38,191.10 Real Estate Sold on Contract . 220,278.06 85,828.34 58,900.00 157,480.99 432,009.38 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 '66 LIABILITIES and RESERVES Secured Loans to Investors . Fed. Home Loan Bank Stock Cash on Hand and in Banks U.S. Government Obligations Office, Land, Building and Equipment -- (Net) . . . Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets . , . 360,895.29 . 211,840.26 $8,425,206.63 $7,646,452.53 . 200,000.00 22,594.36 . 121,179.16 6,918.00 31,304.59 8,475.09 388,282.90 Thanks to the confidence of people all over the County, McHenry Savings and Loan Association has experienced another year of record growth. What do assets of $8 million mean to you? They mean that McHenry Savings and Loan is making an important contribution to the growth of the County by making loans for the building and buying of homes. / These loans help McHenry County because the money is used to buy lumber and materials and pay carpenters and other trades -- right here at Not in some ;ity a thousand miles awayi Members' Savings A c c o u n t s . . . . . . . Advances From Federal H o m e L o a n B a n k . . . . Loans in Process of « Completion Funds in Escrow .... Miscellaneous Liabilities . Deferred Incon^ . . . . . Specific Reserves . . . . General Reserves, Surplus ancf Permanent Reserves E. Roger Collins, President Attest: Virginia Aalto, Secretary And too, more people are discovering that their savings earn up to AVA per cent at McHenry Savings ... with insured safety. Open to serve you Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday until 8 p.m. Closed on Wednesday. Mc HENRY AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Snlip uILmImom CirpirtflN 3611 W. Elm Street/ McHenry / 385- 3000 63

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