Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1967, p. 2

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'*r£. ' J l^ ' -fc--' IAGE 2, SECTION 1 - McHENRY PLAIN DEALER - JANUARY 26, 1967_ McHenry Girt . To Wed James Quk To Take Bride. OUVE MCESON Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jackson of 501S N. Memory Trail, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Olive Pearl, to Kenneth Lee Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ermal L. Morris of 8907 Bull Valley road, Woodstock. Miss Jackson is a graduate of McHenry high school and her fiance of Woodstock high. Local Couple's Engagement Told 1 MART ANN LICHUTER Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Lichliter of Miami, Fla., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ann, to James Allen Claris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Clark, McHenry. Both young people will be graduated in May from Spring Hill college, Mobile, Ala. A June wedding is being planned. Tell Engagement Of Yoang Couple PATRICIA WEBER • Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Weber of Johnsburg announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia B., to James J. Sayler, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sayler of McHenry. Both Miss Weber and Mr. Sayler are graduates of McHenry Community high schodl, class of 1963. Miss Weber has been employe®! by a Crystal Lake fos> ^he f>ast three years. Mr. Sayler is in his senior year at NOPthern Illinois university, where he will receive Us Bachelor of Science in zoology degree this June. He is presently under application for dental school. MARY OBENAUF Mr. sad Mrs. Ralph Obenatfc o£ Hebron announce the engagement of their daughter, Mazy, to Sanaa A. -Staeben, Jr., con. of Mr. and Ma.. Sarran A. Staeben, Sr., o f - Pistakee Highlands. A May wedding is planned by the young couple. Glamour Portraits WEDDINGS... FORMAL and CANDID. Brides-to-be- FREE glamour sifting and Picture PHONE 385-5579 ^ LEONARD 1 STUDIO McHENRY 17 Years Experience Marilyn Amu Bacon To Marry Is East McHenry relatives have received announcement of the engagement of Miss Marilyn Anne Bacon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon, of YardviUe, N.J., to Paul Hanmer, son of Sam Hanmer of Flemington, N.J., and the late Mrs. Hanmer. Miss Bacon, a graduate of Notre Dame high school, is a senior at Glassboro State college where she is majoring in special education for the mentally retarded. Mr. Hanmer, an alumnus of Hunterdon Central Regional high school, is a senior engineering major at the Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. He is enrolled in a work-study program through which he is employed in Trenton. The wedding date has been set for August 28. KNITTERS »i lnw@nt@ry SALE January 26, 27 & 28 Big Savings See our Bargain Table Big Creative Use your imagination Mix'em or Match'em P.S. This is registration week-end for beginners classes. THE YUM BMDM 1804 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. READERS FOR LOCAL SCIENCE SOCIETY NAMED Helen S. Crelghton of Pistakee Bay and Anne E. Meyer of Eastwood Manor are the newly elected Readers of the Christian Science society, McHenry. They began their three-year term of conducting Christian Science Services on Sunday, Jan. 15, Mrs. Crelghton as First Reader and Mrs. Meyer as Second Reader. They replace retiring Readers Eugenia C. Bell and Gloria Lisuzzo whose terms expired on Sunday, Jan. 8. Election took place at a meeting of the members which was held in November, 1966 . Since there are no ordained clergy in Christian Science, all church functions are conducted entirely by the local members. The two elected Readers cany the main responsibility for the Sunday and Wednesday evening services of the church. Their primary duty is to ,read the Christian Science weekly Lesson- Sermon to the congregation on Sunday. This is a compilation of related references from the Bible and the denominational textbook, pertaining to a specific subject, and read alternately by the First and Second Readers. Diving the week, the same references serve as a Bible Lesson, studied daily toy Christian Scientists throughout the world. Read at the Sunday service, it becomes the sermon, and is combined with hymns, a solo, and prayer, to constitute the service. The Lesson-Sermon subjects -- twenty-six in all -- range from 'God" to "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" They were chosen by the founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, who also is the author of the denomination's textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Each subject is covered twice a year, but each time with a different set at references. The Wednesday evening meeting, conducted by the First Reader, includes a period when individual members of the congregation give testimonies about their experiences in Christian Science healing. Readings from the Bible and the church's .textBook are presented at this service also, but on a topic chosen by the Reader. Honor Pediatrics Club Members I imim§ ® The plaque will remain at the entrance to the department and new members' names will be added to it STUIUEHT TEACHER ~ Marcella " Christensoii, "a* Ripon college senior, will "be a student teacher in the Ripon public schools during the second semester, Jan. 18 to May 5. In addition to their teaching responsibilities, the student teachers continue their course work at Ripon college. Marcella, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Christenson, 2702 Shorewood, McHenry, will teach eighth grade language arts and U.S^ History. WOBW IP® IHeghi CaM foamey The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters will begin a card tournament on Thursday, Jan. 28, immediately after the 8 o'clock meeting in St. Mary's school lounge. Prizes will be given for the evening's play and lunch will be served. DOT Peasley Photo Jim Althoff, McHenry, left,. and Dr. Peter Griesbach display the plague which names members of the newly-formed Pediatrics Century Club of McHenry Hospital. Plague has been posted in the pediatrics department. Members support the department with an annual contributkni for three years. A wall plaque to honor members of the Pediatrics Century club of McHenry hospital has been erected in the hospital. Purpose of the idaque is to recognize the financial assistance given the hospital by members and to encourage more businessmen to participate. James Althoff, McHenry, chairman of the Century club, said the group was formed last year by several businessmen who saw the need for continued interest in the health care of the community's children. The new McHenry hospital, which opened last May, has one of the most modern pediatrics departments in northern Illinois and provides the latest concept of medical care for children. The pediatrics department has two wards, one for in* fants and the very young another for the older children. The hospital has semi-private patient rooms for the young teen-ager since the management feels this age group should not be placed in a room either with the very young or with adults. A playroom separates the two children's wards. In the playroom, recuperating child* ren may play, and parents may sit with their youngsters where they will not disturb others in the ward. Althoff issued an invitation for other businessmen to Join the Pediatrics Century club and support the McHenry hospital. Membership is open to everyone, Althoff stressed. Founders of the Pediatrics Century club, in addition to Althoff, are: Edward Buss, Jr., Walter Frett, E. Joe Gausden, Dr. Peter Griesbach, Gilbert Haggen J o s, Chuck Hiller, William Nye, Anthony Pintozzi, Dr. August M. Rosetti and Richard J. Zieman, all of McHenry, and Gerald K. Rogers Maurice S. Wade, Jr., Crystal Lake. HOMEMAKERS OF COUNTY HONOR NEW MEMBERS A membership "coffee" will be given in the Farm Bureau building auditorium, Woodstock, on Jan.. 31 at 9:30 a.m. The new members who joined during 1966 will be honored by the McHenry County Homemakers Extension association. Mrs. Gus Hitter, Wood? stock, the Extension councils second vice-chairman, .is In charge of arrangements. All unit chairmen, second vicechairmen and all new members are cordially invited. Following the get-acquainted hour, an informative program has been planned with the Home Adviser, Mrs. Katharine Neumann, speaking on the Cooperative Extension service and the Homemakers Extension association, i t s goals and purpose. HARBISON SCHOOL REUNION The PTA of Harrison school in Wonder Lake will hold a reunion for alumni of the school on Tuesday evening, Feb. 14, at the school. Anyone who has any old picture#, or history of the school is asked to contact Mrs. James Bixhy, 653-7376, or Mrs. Edward Coughlin, 653-5659. MARRIAGE LICENSES Julius Thomas Velmont, Woodstock, and Ilona Phyllis Dvorak, Wonder Lake. John Joseph Wilson, Jr., Crystal Lake, and Mary Jean Morris, Wonder Lake. Lorenzo Reyes, Harvard, and Diane Repke, Ringwood. William Fulton, Harvard, and Carol Wiggins, Wonder Lake. ««2a<2),^GE the Oiter Inira-Rtd Heal Manager Relax and enjoy the comfort of deep pesetnttv "Heat" raosaage. SpecM switch allows yona to select scotMmg Mat plus ... or Invigorating sage without heat. Comes complete with handy snap-on applicator for a , MP stimulating scalp massage. Only WAY a'd ter Scientific; Junior Eqjoy the comforts of rsleslnf massage right In yoor own horn. The excJEdive patented nisjtsEfea motor action delivers thoncasMo of rofoflflmg, patMssg fingertip movement of Sw©aUoJi-type massag© ©veiy mtaist©. Immigrating, deep penetrating:, aM stimulating, or ElgM. oeJ aiasthing are oM at y®m?filngerttjia. Only §34.9; Odter Duo Massage Get a smooth* gentle mecssij^e that leaves you rested and relaxed . . or b penetrating masaage both stimulating And exhilarating. Its comfort grip non-slip handle lets you do this without tir- \nx . it's so easy to hold and use. The 4 special vinyl applicators are easy to clean, easily Interchangeable, stay In place _ _ #liH when inserted. Only ^lii< CAREY APPLIANCE. I SALES and SERVICE 124! N. SSs>©Qg Pta© 385-5500 McHenry,. HI. HOLD AUDITIONS NEXT WEEK FOR FINE ARTS PLAY The Woodstock Fine Arts association will hold audition Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 30, 31 and Feb. 1 at 8 p.m. in the Woodstock Opera House for' the play, "Ladies In Retirement". It will be directed by Esther Stewart, W.F.A.A. executive' director, scheduled for production March 17, 18 and 19. This familiar Victorian mystery has a cast of seven women and one man. Auditions are open to, any interested adult. Miss Fldler Is Shower Guest Geraldine FicHer, a bride Of the near future, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous bridal shower held last week at the home of Mrs. Frank Gregory. Hostesses .were Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Harry Hans and Mrs. Paul Jessup. Twenty-five guests were in attendance to enjoy the social gathering. Table decorations were ilk" the bridal colors of red and white. Miss Fldler will be married to Richard Johnson in a 5:30 o'clock afternoon nuptial rite solemnized in the Community Methodist church on Feb. 11. ATTEND EVANGJBZJSM MEETING Four members of Shepherd Of The Kills Luth e r a n church attended an Evangelism meeting Sunday afternoon and evening. St. Timothy Lutheran church, Chicago, was the scene of the meeting. The guest speaker for the meeting was Dr. Conrad Thompson, director of evangelism of The Americn Lutheran church. Those attending from Shepherd Of The Hills were several members of the Evangelism committee, Wally Schultz, Robert Campbell, Joe Shanor and Pastor D, D. Johnson. ST. PATRICE'S PARTY St. Patrick's Alto? and Rosary sodality will hold a card party on Friday, March IT, to which the public is invited. The event will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the church hall. "DONUTSTO DOLLARS" PTA BAKE SALE THEME "Donuts to Dollars" is die theme of the bake sole sponsored by the McHenry High School P.T.A. Pastries will be sold Saturday, Jan. 28, from 9:30 to 5 p.m. at Justen furniture, mcHenry. Proceeds will benefit the scholarship loan fund. The $3S0 interest-free loan is awarded to a McHenry graduate who wishes to continue his education. Two loans have been awareded since the project originated. Sale Chairman Mary Lou Owen requests that all donations be delivered before 9:30 "This is the first P.T.A. sponsored activity of the 1966-67 term, so we hope that it will be wholeheartedly supported by our membership", said Mrs. Owen. Anyone who has not been contacted and who wishes to make a donation may do so by calling Mrs. Sam Owen, Mrs. Tom Davis or Mrs. Vernon Thompson. The next general P.T.A. meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 16, at the high school cafeteria. SHEPHERD OF HILLS CHURCH IN ANNUAL MEETING The fog which rolled in over McHenry Sunday dampened everything except the spirit of the congregation of Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheran church. The second annual meeting was conducted in good fellowship, with much accomplished. The congregation adopted a resolution to take part in the Bethel Bible series which will be open to members of local and distant communities of varied church backgrounds. New counciimen elected to three-year terms were Gunnar Nelson, Walter Schultz and Don Williams. The nominating committee for the next election of counciimen includes Charles Heise and Clarence Young. Pastor Donald D. Johnson will attend the district conventlon in April accompanied by delegate Gunnar Nelson, and alternate, Walter Schultz. The president, counciimen and committee members were thanked by the congregation for a job well done during the past year. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS Elena's ss~* # DONATION -- $L25 • 1 St. Patrick's Home St School Association • t Salad luncheon & Card Party? TUESDAY, FEB. 7th ^ ^ Serving from 11 :SO a-m. to 1 pun. • • Special Accommodations have been made? for those desiring Lunch Only. • • • • x • • • • BURAFIMTO JEWELRY See the Latest In Fashion Costume jewelry on display && THE YARN MM FREE Gifts for Home Demonstrations Phone S85-S269 or write 8920 W. WauKegan Rd., Mclenry M • l t• i • 11 you are trying; to choose between nylon and natural bristle brushes for your hair, it is safe to say you will never go wrong with the latter. Being hair, natural bristles are more compatible to your own. Then, too, their resiliency thwarts breaking and split ends, and they hold moisture. - A little more costly initially, natural bristles with proper care could very well last a lifetime. Wipe bristles clean with a towel, remove loose hair from the tufts and make it a practice to wash your brush as regularly as you shampoo your hair. If you are brushing the hair to stimulate the scalp and bring the oil down into the ends then by all means use any heavy bristle brush, nylon etc. If however you are brushing to impart luster to the hair then finish up with a natural bristle. For fine hair a natural bristle is fine anytime. For heavier hair you must use a nylon brush, for a natural bristle will never penetrate through to the scalp on most heads of hair. TIP OF THE WEEK: ... After washing a brush, dry in the open air at room temperature. " fJeepster' Here Now 'Jeepster' Convertible Holy Toledo, what a car! New sports car with a 'Jeep' heart from Toledo, where 'Jeep' ruggedness comes from. Bucket seats. Continental spare. Roll-up windows. If you like, add automatic transmission with the hot new V-6. Automatic top. Sports console. Plusthe adventure of 'Jeep' 4-wheel drive! Blaze a trail! These 'Jeepster Commando' models, too: station wagon, roadster and pick-up. Choice of colors. ind Jttpttir Commando' are tradtmsrkt of vahiclat manufacturtd by. and only by tCMMKft jMp CCMPOHATION TOilDO i OraO Yow'vt get to drive It to believe ft! See us lor a tost drive* McHenry Garage "Jaep Salts ft twice" 926 FRONT ST. Tel. Area 815-385-0403 McHENRY, ILL.

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