Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1967, p. 3

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McHENRY PLAINDEALER . . Established 1875 West lln Street PT*OM S8&-4179 McHenry, Illinois -- 600M Published Every Thursday at McHenry, TlHnnif Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor XTHTKI Sobserlptloa Bate* 1 $5.00 1 Year $SJ0 6 Mbi |2.75 6 Mos $3.00 3 Mos 12.00 3 Mos $2.25 Tn McHenry County Outside McHenry County Jamsary 21 Square Dance for Learners Nativity Lutheran Church -- 8 to 11 p.m. January 28 St. John's Home and School Association Dance -- Hawaiian Night -- John*burg Community Club -- 8 p.m. Square Dance -- Sponsored by Mount Hope Methodist Church Woman's Society -- Spring Grove School -- 8 to 11 p.m. --Tickets at Door. February t Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, C.D. of A., Social Meeting --Card Tournament -- K. of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. Fetam&sy 8 St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Sodality Regular Business Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Church Hall -- Benediction, 7:45 - Cards and Refreshments. February 7 St. Patrick's Home and School Association Salad Luncheon and Card Party -- Serving from 11:30 to 1 p.m. -- St. Patrich'o Church Han. Febreai^r 18 Valentine Card Party and' Dessert Luncehon -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 1 p.m. --Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club -- Proceeds to McHenry Library. Roller Skating Party --Just For Fun Roller Rtak-- 7:30 to 10:30 p.m --Sponsored by Lakeland Park Boys' Baseball Club. February » • O.E.S. Washington's Birthday Dessert-Card Party and Bake Sale -- Acacia Hall - 1 p.m. - Public Invited. FAT ALL You Gat Protn The DODGE BOY'S McHENRY -- IS -- (ISesJly Low) (New and Used) SERVICS YOU <g@UNT ©M (Before and' After) COURTEOUS SALESMEN (In White Hafco) TAlLOt-IM§l PAYMENTS THAT'S ALL YOU GET! (But what die to theret) SAVE MORE NOW with in McHENRY "Wfeara letter B@ab Are fttale' M 196 $ in McHEMY "Just 60 Bomrndt WooS @{ Town" 4810 W. Rl. 120 Ph.385-7220 05RITAL McHenry Hospital Patients admitted during the past week to McHenry hospital included Elsie C. Arens, Carih J. /Riorp, Robert Fuerholzer, Margaret R. Wenninger, Mary B. Ryan, Kimberly Fimon, Crystal Lake; Eric E. Erickson, Ruth C. Cogdill, Lloyd Floto, William M. Karlosky, Fox Lake; Anna Gritzuk and Denise J. Kolar, Lake Villa; Francis Matthews and Marcia MoHdor, Ingleside; Also, Richard W. Haisiead, EUyce D. Silcott, Karen L. Caldwell, Fred Zoller, Eugene Slotowsld, Wauconda; Marie W. Ratcliff and Amanda R. Freund, Barrington; Mary E. Boyle, Woodstock; Harry J. Hog an, and Agnes F. Iind, Richmond-r-Clark W. Johnson and Raymond Haeft, Cary; Nancy L. Braden, Carpenters ville; Helen A. Canon, Round Lake; Jenny Dombrowski, Spring Grove; Barbara J. LeJeune, Wilmette; Timmy A. Craun, Cedar Falls, Iowa; Phillip Winteelman. Union; Frank Kempfer, .Rlngwood; » And Esther E. Cedarqulst, Frank J. Lapinsld, Vincent L. Hayes, Alma B. Rowe, Arthur Stuhlefter, Beatrice E. Stella, Anton J. Schmitt, John Stone, -Sandra R. Heir, Alex R. Keith, Viriginia A. Ciardy, William H. Hendee, John J. Nixon, Peter W. Frett, Ethel M. Woolfe, Phil Wick; Also, William L. Schmitt, Lorraine E. Gustafson, Frank J. Marschall, Jean N. Mlazga, Amanda R- Freund, Ronald L. Smith. Rose D. Williams, Chester P. Rosenthal and David M. Dolby, McHenry. Memorial Hospital * o Woodstock * During the past week admittances in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Alison Aitken, Agnes Schaefer, Master Kenneth Beese, Lucille Dietz, Anna Thompson, Alice and Richard Jenkins, Margo Schaedel, Deanne Owen, Mary Hester, Denise Bucaro and Catherine Kene, McHenry; Also, Master Gerald Palko, Marian Park, Nancy Hardies, Silence Moolenaar, Kathleen ' • „ . " •' *, ^ v." "*** STworfS u»T Ch^li,,l,' JANUARY 26, 1967 - McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 3, SECTION 1 Harvard Hospital . welcomed a daughter Jon. 19. Other Births Elizabeth Thompson off Mo- Mrs. Alvin Blake anfl\A son was born Jan. 20 to , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henry. James Munson, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. James Becker. ^ Heideman of Elgin are par- Wilhelm Frenssen and James On Jan. 20 Mr. and Mrs. eiits of a 7 lb., 1 oz., daugh- 4.H FEDERATION Stendebach Wonder Lake; Ronald Schmitt became par* ter born at Sherman hospital MEETING and Mrs. John Hogan, Ring- ents of a son. on Friday, Jan. 20. little The McHenry County 4-H wood, were patients in Har- Mr. and Mrs. Donavan Tor* Lori Beth was welcomed (Federation held a recent vard hospital during the past gerson of Wauconda are par- home by two sisters. Linda meeting at the Farm Bureau week. ........ ents of a daughter Jan. 21. and Judy. Mrs. Elsie Voeltz building, a! which time the --• -- . „ Memorial Haanitai is Prou^ grandmother. 4.H membership signs were Woodstock ' * ^r- an^ Mrs- Marion Mess- were served by me Busy • • i l l i r r M r a n d M r s V i r c i l B u r e h m a n o f W o o d s t o c k a n n o u n c e B e a v e r s 4 - H c l u b o f C a r y a n d TK7C/LI • 11 I I E r ^ w r^ tte ^arrival of tteir ttert recreation led by Vicki Hasbirth of a son Jan. 19. j!U8Stf * \he Woodstock well. A daughter was born Jan. .Mondy-. Jan ^ ->•- . ' • 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert her £ ho™ are USE THE McHenry Hospital Jorgensen. hve brothers- Mrs. Messman. MJS IrlE Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kos- - _ . is the former Grace Maty ai a CIEKIIC tro of Fox River Grove be- ~ , \ and Mrs. Thompson, daughter of Mrs. WLA9)lrlGlld came parents of a daughter C .Bro^ became Parents of ^ • **** Jan. 16. a daughter ••• ••pANI^ A daughter was born Jan. Sfm J?" JmEN'S: NO IRON FABRIC $4.98# 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Chris announce the birth of a A Black 32 - 88 A Reardon, Round Lake. daughter Jan. 16. A BOY'S: NO IRON FABRIC On Jan. 16 a daughter was Ronald, Jr., is the name X Black - Olive 6 - 16 born to Mr. and Mrs. John chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Ron- w JEANS $2.9© Asburry of Island Lake. aid Welke of Woodstock for Denim - Black - Wheat - Olive 6-16 iH Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elli- their first child, born Jan. awORK PANTS $3.25^ son at Crj^tal Lake are par- 23, weighing 8 lbs. 11 oz. Mrs. X Grey - Green - Tan 29 - 42 tp ents of a. daughter Jan. 17. Welke is the former Lois W EXTRA SIZE WORK PANTS .>•••••• $3-30 j| On Jan. 18 a daughter was May. Proud grandparents are A. Grey - Tan 44 - 54-. - ^ eft Tony an. and Mrs. R.b- # RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUItET" S A Wauconda couple, Mr. --Mrs. Elmer Clausen of Wood- ®*402 N. Riverside Dr. . „ v McHenry, IUand Mrs. Richard Dumin, stock. P no matter tiho makes il. Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our product called Odrinex You must lose .ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of Excess fat and and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 afid is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason^ just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions a^ked. Odrinex is sold with this guarantee by: B o 1 g e r ©rug Store, 1259 N. Green Street. guarantees it! For example. Your A*P may sell as many as six or seven differeht brands of canned peas--national, regional and A*P's own brands. It doesn't matter what company cans them.. . if A*P sells them... A*P guarantees them. Unusual? Not for A*P... because WE CARE... about your complete satisfaction. Is this a good reason for shopping A*P? It's one of many! COPYRIGHT ® 1969. THE CHEAT ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC TEA CO.. INC. ; Enjoy,The Gudranteea T;as^ n: >L Meats Sum RIGHT ROUND STEAK CENTER CUT AtrS SUPER RIGHT | AAP* SUPER RIGHT T-BONE Mr 9 JvrcK mvn« SIRLOIN STEAK Wcdgebsno Removed o«aui %mm Taitlooo Stnp Steak AiAnKfLow », Beef Csbe Stealu ^99* V* PeA Loin Sliced Bacon HICKORv'sAK Fancy Sfictd iicon Mom Sliced Beef Uvtr fpl* J n I • COOKID MIAMI cp7ililiC«»Mwl HwfvtiUvmyinuii *aa«p.«o »3u unmt cIMWOKMT Pish Sticks NtCKORY SMOKB) 69* US75« ». 491 CAma iOSeS'S £ 69e IOm. 100 ph«t. FROZEN Chicken livers AAP'i SUPm RIGHT - FRESH Porl Sausage Link 5^*179, IIJMP ROAST •r SIRLOIN TIP •ONELESS, ROLLH) \ ft TIED OSCAR MAYER 1% to 34b. Avg. Chocolate Ovahine V 59( Tang Breakfast Drink ^ 85c Kelki|"§ Corn Flakes 19c Big "G" Cheerios 33e Quater @i!s ,-,b Pic;:OI'24< Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! COLDSTREAM •RAN© PAMCAKQ K.OUQ - BANANAS GOLDEN HRM RIPE lb. GRAPEFRUIT 7/ --KM& 10-oz. tubes 19 tatf) Jesnima Del fcub 0ri«kt,Kaa!f™" 16-os. pk0. W 2A42* - 4* 'mt. «|«c IFrait Drinks t^27c Lemon Jake "iT 49' Fruit Cocktail £Sm< 23c Clorox Bleach "SSST ^ 32' S.O.S. Soap Pads ll-ct. pk0. 37 / MPCoffM PMC OR DRIP A I. $«39 VACUUM PACK JL CM I HS33 w Macaroni ANN PAGE 2 pk9.43c Glamor Nylons >Nr, Ant A - 3 pain 100 pkg. 43* @nr Own Tea Bags '^ 99* Ann Page Mayonnaise AQIP Smooth Wp ,°v;r4 59c Sjfcg'js'esji Soap p>« 2 ,r, 59* Ml? iriik S 3 79c • MBNUM • BROAD ANN PAOi 29c MJP Blenis^ Syrep 2-lb., 8-oi i|#c Pkg 46C 24-m. bH. 49* OR GARGLE HWASH Cheek Compare 14-o* b»l. 59 Roti Igoi i»o< Qnnoiwn Aunt Jemima's FROZEN Q •-•x. WAmES 3O IpZkg*.. $1°° Kraft Carameb I4^s. bag 39< Chiffon Marganne Bisquick Biscuit Mix Betty Crocker BROWNIEEMIX ^pkg4^" 49* Johnson Pledge MT ' 89c Score Hair Cream Play the Winningesf Game Everl 3-os. tub# 89 Keibbury • Croamy Pwdga • Va niJ^T 33c i§y Medal Flour plain 5 Jab g 65c Ocean Spray atA & 47" \ COCO AN UT ALMOND «W-ax. NtOSTINO MIX pkg. 39c 8§li Medal Flour 25£*249 Armour's Treat 'LT 63< iifi Crack •Y 16-ox NABISCO 45c Pliiters Peiiuts routed JS' 69c lriiour/s WITH BEANS 15^41. can 41 Fresh Baked Goods1 JANE PARKED HOT CROSS BUNS * 90 45 43' Scndwicii Brawl 2 • L U. MM rMXR riiwi rw mtH Sacfnfefc Citgims ceoaras Pt«G Cfefps £: 49* JAM PMUm 2 1Mb. $|l Frozen Food Selection1 A&P BRAND ORANGE JUICE 4 - 99 "Thm Meal Thing From Florida" Quality Dairy Variety! MEL-O-BIT emm sue 59 AMERICAN OK F8MENTO 12-oi. pkg. SOUTMOM MUOHT A&P Real Cream Tapping Biscuits A&P C©b Slaw Fresfo Hg|j r't 39* 3^25« 14-*?. A Ac eta. • » IUMNYBROOK LAIOI 4*%. 45' Armour's A&P COLOMBIAN HiHs Brothers Hash Coffee can 55' Kal Kan 15* Kal Kan TUNA A CHICKB4 CAT FOOD TUNA A UVNI CAT POOO cam 33' "Glad // TEX TURK) FOOD WRAF lOO^t. roll 39* Snowy Laundry Bleach '*,*» '£**1" Ken-L Ration Burgers !SS> 95c Johnson's O-os. 35' 73« 46-os. n AAP PRODUCTS PLAID STAMPS A*P AWARDS AND SURPRIZE PARTY Nothing to buy- Nothing to writs-- Just pick up your fre« gam* slips This Wosi'i Coupons Clip Th«M or Fanimllo Of Thn* Coupons Only! SERIES 91(273 11000 UM Tho storo t^@t ... a bow? you M Will SERIES 918273 1100 UM M Will "1 Sm your newel AIP Swt for ecrapSGJo dc3a!!!s3 More for Your Money stA>P! PLAID STAMPS TOO! Tho Gnat Atlantic A Pacific Too Co. Inc. -- Theie pricos offoctiv# thru January 21, 1967

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