I i.CTTj ^ V » !,' * . r:' P«^A»4G "E 6, SECTION I - MCHENRY PLAIN DEALER - FEBRUARY 2, 1967 JOHNSBURG * NEWS BETTY HETTERMANN 985*1290 JANUARY EVENTS WIRING RESULTS Just mention that some type of an affair is coming up and it will benefit a good cause,° and you can bet the people bom this area and the surrounding communities win come to the aid. I'm referring to the recent doings in the Johnsburg Community dub halt The Jab-Ana H e i g h t s a s s o c i a t i o n was t h e first to "go over the top" with their dance held in the club on Jan. M. The committ e e p u t much t i m e and thought into this annual event and it must have been wefl appreciated, Judging from the good time everyone had on this particular evening. On Jan. 22, the C.Y.J, members held a pascalr© and sausage breakfast after all the Masses and were thrilled with the response. They made a little better than a hundred doUars&oa this affair which needlesrto say will give their treasury a "good shot in the arm". These young people will be forever grateful to all those who helped out on this day. Lots o£ mothers assisted them with the coining aai the dishes, while many others waited on tables. As we all know, any affair needs good team vm&i and sponsored by St Join's Home and School Association was the living proof. Scores and scores of people turned out for their annual dance which will benefit the school children. Not only did they ghre the youngsters a helping hnrtrii, but they had a good time doing it The committee^ in charge went through a terrific amount of work to make sure tills endeavor was a rousing success. The decorations were something to see. Just about everyone that was in attendance on this evening, dressed to fit the theme "Hawaiian Night". Some of the costumes were quite authentic »nJ added to the evening's festivities. A great big "THANKS" to all who did anything to make ' these events well worth fte trouble sod time they took to organize. gmwMnp g&Rafemw Got a card from Clarence and Lucille Smith who are thoroughly enjoying the Flop- Ida suznddne. They spoft sometime with .Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fmmd, and visited other friends also. Are they going to mete? us 'look sick when t h e y r e t u r n a l l n i c e and lmnm. <Bss£k3<a to HosflM We were sorry to leara that George Duessler has been a patient in Hines hospital since right after the first of the year. He would very much like to hear from his friends in this area. If you have a spare minute, put it to good use wM drop George a Ifea or two. Us address is Etes GiospitaL, Hinss, Illinois, Ward G Room 463. Me is there Sor an indefinite stay co be sure to let him hear tan you soon. Pfsae Farty CfeaSag Up At the next meeting of the junior members ©2 St. Agatha court No. 7W, o2 the National Catholic Society of Forers (formerly Women* s Catholic Order of Foresters) a pizza party will follow the regular meeting. If you are a member be sure to plan .on lying present. The date is Monday evening, Feb. 13, starting promptly at 7 p.m. fiirrnMitiwr Corner Nancy Kay Miller and her sister, Mrs. Georgette Sobiesk, will both be celebrating their natal days early this month. Tws&ly-one will be the magic number for Kathy Hettermann, Sandy Hettermann a n d D i a n e S t i l l i n g , t h i s m o n t h . T h i s a l l - i m p o r t a n t birthday will be observed by Katfay on Feb. 6, Sandy on Feb. 11 and Wane on Feb. 21. February is a popular month in the Marshall family. Sheila will be "sweet sixteen" today (Thursday) and her Mom,Hariette, will be the "Queen for a day" on Feb. 15. Dick and Connie Marshall will be doing some real fancy celebrating this Valentine's Day as it is also their wedding anniversary. Feb. 12, Mrs. Gladys Smith will be in line for the singing of happy birthday. Dolores Roberts will be .chalking up another year this ••month and she and Emitt will also celebrate another year of togetherness. Come Feb. 22, Carol Ann Dehn will turn seventeen. To all the February celebrants we send our happiest of wishes. Up In The Air Vacation . Jim and Mary Ann Hue* mann, ami their young family returned to their home in Redwood, Calif., last Sunday after a delightful two weeks vacation in these parts. The Huemanns made the trip here and back home by air. They visited with his family, the Joe Huemanns, and with her family, the Grangers, in McHenry. They enjoyed the snow vve had to the utmost. Ant . Grandchild Far The Fochs As proud as any grandparents can be are Fred and Elsida Fifths' since the. arrival of their first , grandchild. Their daughter and husband, Allan and Marilyn Etheridge of Lakeland Park, welcomed a son born in the McHenry hospital on Jan. 25. Mark Allan got off to a good start when he made his worldly debut by weighing a healthy 9 lbs. 1 oz. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Etheridge of McHenry. The young lad also boasts of two sets of great-grandparents and two great grandmothers. Little does he know how lucky he is for having so many to love him. We send along our best and happiest wighes to thev new pat? ents on their joyous occasion. .Meeting Reminder Just a little reminder to -all the members of the Johnsburg Community Club that next Monday, Feb; 6, is meeting night. All members are encouraged to be present at this time. And fo another week's column is brought to a close,. I would like to thank all those Who have taken up my plea for phone calls in regards to news tidbits. Your little items make this column so much easier to write. Please keep them coming. So long for now and have a very good wee& Shop Si McHenry SBA DIRECTOR EXPLAINS LOAN TO ROTARIANS Thomas E. Gause, al director, Small Business a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , a n n o u n e e d last Thursday at the McHenry Rotary club that Economic Opportunity loans up to $25,000 as provided under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, available up to now only in the Chicago area, are now available to qualifieid individuals throughout the McHenry county. In addition, he called upon Rotarians as well as other business and professional people in the county to form a Small Business Advisory group which would assist in communicating the details of this program, screening, assist in developing the .documentation for these loans, and to develop small businesses throughout the area. "Because we substitute character for investment, we "need a statement by the peers in the community, that the man we loan to will pay off," said Gause in making this an* nouncement. 'Although these loans are designed to serve the disadvantaged community, we are encouraging businesses in manufacturing and production, those that exploit new ideas and which can expand employment opportunities and stimulate the economy. We do not intend to provide start-up financing for small groceries beauty parlors, carry-out food shops, or other "businesses of the type previously operated by members of disadvantaged groups unless there is a clear indication that the new business will fill an economic void in the community^ where it is to be located." To date, 200 Economic Opportunity loans totaling 52,- 100,000 have been approved in Chicago. Of these, according to Gause, many are realizing t h e A m e r i c a n d r e a m of "starting your own business, being your own boss wit hall the problems as well as the advantages that go with this. , tfl| yqur own business, being your own boss with all the problems as well as the advantages that go with this. "Under this new program, where the eligibility is broadened and the program is extended beyond Chicago, we seek to find those low income people with the top potential to operate a business successfully and help them through itianagement assistance as well as financial assissance." CRVimL S613 N.W. HIGHWAY -- CRYSTAL LAKE, Hi. IMS TELEPHONE 459-5070 OPEN WEEK DATS: 9 AM. - 9 PJI. SATUEKDAT8 Like Doing Business At Skoniergs ® iLBf. - 5 FJfcf. F R E P A R K I N G ASSISTANCE Ctll us anytime and we will have oar deorate es» you with youi? deoaoBfting. SKORBERCm sentative will bring carpet samples to your homa CREDIT At 8KORBESUFS yon can buy all fb» fnraOringa yon and the credit department will arrange payment® Never worsy from S&ORHETO"© We guarastfe© your osfSoS'actloiL Your pleasure is ear basl- SKORBSSMS ielvera and servtoea what we aell. Never a charge. Your purwill be delivered to year home perfectly ALL THE CARPET YOU NEED FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM...DMING ROOM AND ENT. HAU JUST *20™ DOWN... '20» MONTHLY CARPETS 3 ROOMS Call SKORMERG'S For FREE Shop At Home Service Our carpet men will be glad to show you in your home. No obligation! » - Ui 1 / V J orberg's Low Price Includes Everything * All the carpet you need! * All the padding you need! * Complete custom tackless installation! Absolutely Nothing More To Buy Choose from Eight decorator colors, three fashion styled solid colors, in nylon-wool-acrilan blend carpeting. We Don't Care Much Carpet You Need! CHOOSE FROM DECORATOR COLORS -- SOLID COLORS W CARPETING D.00 wn - $20.00 Monthly K3ELSJSIIS EWilYTHUMG -- CA1P1T, PABEflNG AND INSTALLATION ON YA1&AGE . . . No NEED TO BRING YOUR SIZES! Take advantage of this money saving plan while selections are complete, when special values are available, when service is besl-! This is our putbanding'FEBRUARY VALUE OFFER with wonderful carpoh'ng available of never before prices. THIS OFFER G®00 THIS WEEK ONLY! Do not confuse this ad with the ordinary carpet advertisement. Sicorberg's offer you all the carpet you need completely installed over heavy padding for your living room, dining room, and entrance h^ll at one low price. And wait till you see the carpets from which you may choose. They will, we know, please your taste and we are positive the low $299 will please your budget. Offer good this wee!c only. AREA S LARGEST FURNITURE STORE SKORKRG'S nmiTllE STORE It Costs Less At Skorberg's To Furnish Your Home N.W. HIGHWAY •LgPH@NE 459- CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL 0 CONTINUOUS FILAMENT N.LO». $ ALL THi CARPET YOU NEED ^ 10 lovely/colors to choose from. Long wearing nylon. • Washable, excsllant quality. Carpet your ho.na now for this sp.ci.1 low price. Hurry in. $2S.OO DOWN - $25.00 MONTH 349 501 NYLON ALL THE CARPET YOU NEED Now is your opportunity to get that carpet job! Lovely selection if y< hurry. But this quality carpet won't l< long at this low price! . ou ast 00 DOWN - $30.00 MONTH CONTINU< LEES FILAMENT *499 Here's carpet that you'll be proud to have. Highest quality at special high M™,!.COM' $40.00 DOWN - $3000 MONTH