Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1967, p. 15

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EVA FREUND fHONE 875-llja NEW PASTOR IS WELCOMED • Members of Spring %irove Methodist church, welcomed their new pastor, the Rev. John C. Atherton, at his first services on Sunday, Jan. 29, at ll a.m. Rev. Atherton lives at 5713 Meadow Hill, pistakee Highlands, and is also Pastor of Mount Hope Methodist church in Pistakee Highlands. Jh taking over the Spring Prove pastorate, he has relieved the Rev. Louis Hillentiahl of the Inglesids Community Methodist church of this duty. Pastor Atherton will take care of both congregations in Mount Hope church and Spring Grove church. The Spring Grove schedule is church school at 9:30 a.m. and worship service at 11 a.m. every Sunday, lite business meeting for the church had to be cancelled on Wednesday night due to the snow storm and was held on Saturday evening. PTA The meeting for Spring Grove elementary s c h ool PTA scheduled for Wednesday night was also cancelled until a later date. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Clifford S c h u l t z a n d f a m i l y . M i s s Gale Burke and Miss Catherine Huff of Chicago visited the John Sanborns on Stingy, Jan. 22. They came to help celebrate John's birthday. An added pleasure to the celebration was that his grandson, Curtis Schultz, could be there. He was on a ten-day leave. Curtis is in officer's training in Georgia. Like many other servicemen, he was unable to' return to Georgia because of the delay at O'Hare Add. He was one of the boys interviewed there by a TYibune reporter. Mrs. Mary - Gabrey of Chicago is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Mason. She has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund of McHenry and their grandson, Bobby Shell, of Grayslake were recent callers in the William Shotltff home. Stork Stopped Twice Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller are doubly blessed, with grandchildren. Their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller, are parents of a six pound, twelve ounce boy born Jan. 30. He has been named Kevin Jerome- Little Karen Anne was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Bockelman on Feb. 3. She weighed in at six pounds, eleven ounces. Mrs. Bockelman is the former Anne Miller. Hospitallxed / Mrs. Jerome (Martha) Miller underwent surgery at St. Therese hospital on Thursday,- Feb. 2. •Accident Mrs. Harriet Olson and son, Bill, were in an auto accident last week but were not too seriously injured and are recovering nicely. Happy Birthday Wishes this week to Agnes May and her granddaughter, Chris. They are being treated to a dinner out by her son. Paul May. FEBRUARY 9, 1967 - McHENRY PLAIN DEALER - PAGE 15, SECTION 1 5S18 H.W. HIGHWAY CBYSTAL LAKE. ILL. Shop Daily 9 A.M. until 9 PM. SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. YOU'LL LIKE DOING BUSINESS AT SEOHBERG'S F R E E P A R K I N G ,..V. : Along Side Our Store INSTANT CREDIT Terms Arranged Decorator Service SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Lovely Furniiur© on your mind? Now In the ita© So buy it and Skorberg's is the place during this gr@&$®ii Febraary Sale. Skorberg's lam^© kit no stone unturned to Ibsing you the ver^ furniture, carpet and bedding at the lowest possible price. SHOP SKORBERG'S NOW! Skorbergs Saves You 19% t<>37% FREE YOUR CHOICE HAND CENTERPIECE or AflKER with the purchase of $49.95 or mom Contemporary with a Future by Lane Some day, they'll be antique^. \ \ J room Clitmed All America xLat' s because our Contemporary American Collection by Lane il made to last. If anything, th® oiled walnut finish will look mellower thMy, fifty, a huntod ysan from now. The carefully matched grains; richer* Th© tew©rs won't silck because they're on ball beaffissgs smd ibm sides ar© solid ©ak, a©£ Tike graeeM imcluttorad tarnish wtt to WoESkir will the hardware because there is none. If y©n%<i giumSshiag with an eye to the there's no furniture M3k© thla. ^ad there's a© tlm® like the present. Come lis £Ms week. $349 99 TWICE TOLD TALES F R E E P A R K I N G You Neea Along Side Our StOfiE All The to wall otfqs1 paidtog " room - diramg swm = qs&&0 Ssall Ingt&M©d for yom Daily 9AJM.to9FcM0 Sat. 9 A.M. to 5:30 PM MoW. HIGHWAY CRYSTAL LMCE. ILL. $2© NO LIMIT -- WHAUfffi You Need Fine Continuous Filament Nylon Carpet Do not ©oimac© Oslo ad with the ©Mtomiffy esu?pet advertisement. Skopfeerg's offer you aM tte «sai?pet you need completely (Installed over Ihieavy padding for your living: room, dining room, and entrance hall at one low price. And wait till you see the carpets from which you may chooce. They will, we know, please your taste and we are positive the low $399 will please your budget. Offer good this week only. COMAL mum & Forty Tears Ago (Taken from the files of Feb. 10, 1937) The sum of $5,500 was recently paid on the churchy debt by St. Patrick's parish which reduced the debt to $33,500 on the building. Father William A. O'Rourke who came to the parish ten months ago, has been able to accomplish this through his efforts and is to be congratulated on t h e s h o w i n g m a d e . The beautiful edifice was built at an original "cost of $85,000 at a time when Father Mc- Evoy was pastor. Supervisor S. H. Freund of McHenry township received word from Springfield to call a meeting for the purpose of listening to all those who have anything to say in regard to the routing of state highway No. 81 which extends from t h e W i s c o n s i n s t a t e l i n e through Richmond, McHenry and down to the junction with Route 19 east of Crystal Lake. This will be good news to the people of the entire district all along this proposed route, as the calling of a public hearing means that the actual letting of the road is in sight. In McHenry today there are 851 telephones, com pared with 492 telephones ten years ago. In 1926 there were forty new telephones installed. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in Ringwood, Feb. 7. M. J. Walsh has announced a going out of business sale and is offering real bargains in dependable merchandise at this time. A new floor is being laid in the Methodist church this week, which when completed and varnished will be a much needed improvement. Florence Steffes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes, celebrated her birthday anniversary with the aid of several of her schoolmates and friends at a party at her home Feb. 5. Twenty-Five Yean Ago (Taken from the files of Feb. 5, 1942) Death took from our midst another highly respected citizen, Jan. 31, when Mrs. Anna Knox passed away at her home on Center street, aged seventy-eight. Three young people from the local high school will enter a vocal solo contest for this district the end of the month. Of four, two boys and two girls, who sang before three local judges, Betty McKean and Robert Anderson were selected to represent the local school. Warren Jones will also be entered in the contest. For the first time in many years the high school chorus directed by Miss Lu-.s cia Rausch will enter in competition, thus enabling the soloists to enter also. Bill Pries. Jr., left Wednesday for the Great Lakes, where he has enlisted in the Navy. We, the Johns burg Community club, wish to give thanks to the McHenry Plaindealer for their kindness in printing our last meeting. The large crowd present Tuesday evening all agreed that the Plaindealer is a great asset to the community and should be encouraged by subscription and advertisement. One of the various pinochle clubs in this city enjoyed a dinner party at Hettermann's in Johnsburg last weekend. Following this they gathered at the home of one of the members, Mrs. Peter Gies, to enjoy cards. Members of the club include Laura Weber, Helen and Frances Bauer, Mrs. John Thennes, Mrs. Henry Weber and Mrs. Gies. Our local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts join with the one and one half million registered members of the Boy Scouts of America in celebrating the thirty-second anniversary of this national movement. The anniversary date is Feb. 8. A lovely midwinter wedding was solemnized in St. Mary's rectory on Saturday afternoon when Miss Marie Miller of Waukegan street became °the bride of Mr. William Morgan of Arlington Heights. Rev. Paul Tuchfinsky officiated at the ceremony. Ten Yean Ago (Taken from the files of Jan. SI, 1957) A large crowd of friends of Rev. Donald Schuler were on hand in St. Mary's school hall Monday evening to honor the former assistant priest. Father Schuler left the local, parish two weeks ago to become secretary to the new bishop of the Rockford diocese. During the meeting of the county Legion council held in McHcnry it was revealed in a roll call of posts that there were 3,037 members signed for this year. McHenry's post ranks third with 486 members. Albert H. Schultz, 73, of Genoa City. Wis., father of Mrs. Mildred Miller of McHenry, died unexpectedly Monday evening at his home. LAKEIOOS- LILYMOOR 3HIRLEY SCHCEivK 385-2644 DEADLINE SET FOB LICENSES FEBRUARY 15 The deadline for vehicle stickers in Lakemoor is this coming Wednesday, Feb. 15. This means they should be on your windshield by that date. If you haven't purchased it yet you may dosfor mrog.M Florence Mixa tl21 W. Riverside. Any day except Friday. You may also purchase your dog's 1967 license from Mrs. Mix. You must show your dogs current rabies certificate in order to purchase the license. Election of Three Trustee* This coming April there will be an election in Lakemoor for three trustees. The deadline for filing for trustees is Monday, Feb. 27. Those who are interested in running please contact Pat Morrison for the necessary papers that have to be filled! out. Please contact Pat in the evening only. Our Servicemen I am sorry to report that Glen Davis was wounded while fighting over in Vietnam. What the extent of his wounds are I don't know. Bob Zahn is now stationed at Army base Fort Carson, Colo. Bill Schuerr is now taking his Army basic training at F o r t C a m p b e l l , Ky. S k i p Schuerr who is stationed at Keesler A.F.B., Miss., has made lance corporal. Skip is in the Marines. Baiby Slower A surprise baby shower was given for Marion Vornkahl Monday, Jan. 23, at the home of Eunice Tobey. Seems Marion came over to Eunice's to get some papers and she sure was surprised. Those who surprised Marion were Lee Bassi, Evelyn and Janice Carter, Val Fradinardo, Alma H u e c k s t a e d t , C o n n i e Johnson, Marion L e s k e , Marylyn LoPresti, Lill Neumann, Marge Polinsld, Helen Rodde, Pearle Stineman and Shirley Schuerr. The women played bunco for entertainment. Winners were Pearle Stineman, I^e Bassi and Helen Rodde. Booby went to Marion Leske. The wee-one-to-be received many lovely gifts. Hostess Eunice served many lovely goodies. Wedding Rang out for Bob Zahn and Miss Virginia Grand Saturday, Jan. 21. The marriage that united them as husband and wife took place at the Baptist church in Island Lake. Those in the wedding party were Virginia's sister Mrs. Kenneth Hiomas, Cathy Ca COURT BRIEFS Appearing before J u d ge Charles T. Smith in Branch m court, McHenry, last Friday, Fredrick Felde of 206 N. Boulevard, Lilymoor, paid $10 and $5 costs for no valid registration On a probation hearing, Virginia Roehrs of 8617 Sun- £ -j. ed six months probation. She paid $5 costs. Shop In McHenry FAT OWItWi§©Hf Paul Lomax. Congratulations and best wishes on your marriage, Bob and Virginia. . Afternoon Tea: Guest of honor at the afternoon tea held Tuesday, Jan. 24, was Shirleann Krich. Hostesses for the tea was Pearle Stineman. There were nineteen women who welcomed Shirleann. Birthday Greetings go to Tena Bel- Available to you without a lino. Tena celebrated her big doctor s prescription, our proday Thursday, Feb. 2. Roy duct called Odrinex You must Tobey will be celebrating his lose ugly fat or your money big day tomorrow the tenth, back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet Many happy returns, Tena and easily swallowed. Get rid and Roy °f excess fat and and live long- Resident Dies ^r- 0dri"ex costs $3.00 and is Anjorcnn _ -pci- 5°'" on this guarantee: If not Andrew Anderson, a resi- satisfied for any reason, just dent of Lakemoor for many Return the package to your years, passed away Wednes- druggist and get your full day, Jan. 25, after several money back. No questions weeks of illness. His wife asked. Odrinex is sold with p a s s e d away i n 1 9 5 9 . Our t h i s g u a r a n t e e b y : B o l g e r deepest sympathies go to his store- 1259 N- Green son, Aaynon, of Palatine. Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 12 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Complete Stock of .^Mlt and New Radiators Complete Stock of Original Equip. Heater Control Valves &0AMS 1MOS. KiFAIlR SSRV. Next to V.F.W. S004 W. Route 120 Phone 385-07 McHenry, WAUR a siKwsei SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES * MODELS • 8ervlee • Cleaning Oat • ® HaoteSIbMoa • ©^GsEosDDiag "" ® ESsmawoIl • E3ss®E3M®iitag ® iSfflUpiaffilEg --' ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- WATSi ALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT WATER SOFTENER SEUVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois L 0 I • ( l o o >P®Gfl0l8ZO[iH@l GUI m'% LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS -- CQTOTEOOS SERVICE M@s$& ©2 Womeondo @m ©M M@?a£o 12 Fk©sio

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