fAGE 2, SECTION I - McHENRY PLAINDEALER - MARCH 9, 1967 Wedding Bella BRIDAL COUPLE Photo by Gaylord ENSIGN AND MRS. ALFRED C A UDELL Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church was the setting for the wedding last Saturday morning, March 4, of Miss Karon Karls of 5003 W. Bonner, Lakeland Park, and Ensign Alfred L. Caudell of Greenville, S. Carolina. Rev. Donald Johnson officiated at the ceremony. A reception was held at the church following the ceremony. The newlyweds will reside in Waukegan, where the bride is completing her last year of nurse's training at St. Therese hospital. "GOOD CITIZENS" INTRODUCED TO DAR MEMBERS Members and guests ofKIshwaukee Trail Chapter DAR enjoyed a most interesting meet- « ing recently at the Opera House in Woodstock. Regent, Mrs. Lester Edin- -g£r, opened the meeting with a prayer, then gave a short histey about DAR, citing the chief afiKis as: 1, Patriotic Service; 2, Historical Appreciation and Preservation; 3, Educational Aid and Encouragement. Mrs. A. B. McConnell, registrar chairman, spoke briefly, explaining that choosing Citizen" girls is a part ^-fupporting the educational ram of DAR. These girls the examination without any preparation, so it is a great honor to be chosen. The 'following girls and their parents were introduced: Miss Joanne Feyerer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Feyerer of Wonder Lake; Miss Mary Beth Schulz, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schulz Jr. of Hebron; and Miss Anne Kruk, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kruk of Woodstock. The girls were then congratulated and presented with their pins. Mrs. McConnell encourages better history and civics courses in high school curriculum would be an aid to assure #rls of this caliber, success in ^'competition on a national level. A.B. McConnell, well known citizen and member of a pioneer family of McHenry county, gave the program on "The History of Mc Henry County." Some interesting facts given included these: McHenry county was established on Jan. 16, 1836, with the name originating from Gen. William McHenry, a pioneer of White county and soldier of the War of 1812 and the Blade Hawk War. In the organizing of the state in 1818, the northern Illinois border was established fifty miles north of the lower tip of Lake Michigan so the state would get benefit of some of the Lake frontage. This has always been the leading dairy county in II linens and the United States. Refreshments were served to the members and guests in the Green room by Mrs. H.H. Kemp of Woodstock, assisted by Mrs. G.C. Duborg and Mrs. L.H. Neinstedt of Crystal Lake. PRESENT NIGHT OF BALLET IN AREA APRIL 29 A night of ballet will be presented at the historic Woodstock Opera House on April 29. The appearance of the Illinois Ballet cpmpaqy, partially subsidized by the Illinois Arts council, is being sponsored by the Woodstock Fine Arts association as a benefit for the summer young people's theatrical program. This is the first time a ballet compaijy has appeared at the Opera House in its seventyeight'year history. This is probably the first time a ballet company of professional caliber has appeared in the county. Chairman, Mrs. Edgar Hutchison, said "The evening will be reminiscent of the 1930* s and 40's when Chicago's theatregoers arrived at the Opera House in shiny patent-leather shoes and elegant flowing dresses. There will be a doorman and red carpet to greet all arrivals, a grand performance of ballet and a champaign supper immediately following for all patrons." Proceeds from the event will be used by the Fine Arts association for the county children from age 8 through college in a theatrical participation program. Ever since the Opera House summer of 1959 these children have produced and participated in an active summer of dramatic and musical productions. Along with thi s has been instruction in the fundamentals of the theatre - both on stage and offstage. The Fine Arts association has always considered the summer program to be a focal point of the year's activities. Christen Infant Of Ronald Welkes The new son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Welke of 512 Birch, Woodstock, was christened Ronald R. Welke, Jr., in a baptismal service which took place recently in St. Ann's Episcopal church, Woodstock. Godparents for the baby were Mrs. Joaim Kelley, aunt of the baby, - and Ernie Welke, his uncle. Grandparents of the new baby are Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M, May of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clausen of Woodstock, and the great-grandmother is Mrs. Susan Ponsonby of Waukegan. Others attending dinner following the ceremony, held at the parents' home, were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jobusch of Waukegan. Friendtnif Cimb To Hear "Smf Artut The Friendship club of the Community Methodist church will meet at the church next Saturday ^night, March 1 , at 6 p.m. for a pot-luck dinner. The program will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Van Kennedy. Rev. and Mrs. Bronleewe of doors re-opened in the5^ the Hawthorne Baptist church at Lake Zurich will give a musical program. Did you ever hear a saw sing? Everyone is urged to attend and hear some unusual effects on a saw and marimba. CORNED BEEF DINNER Richmond chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star is making final preparations for its annual corned beef and cabbage dinner to be held Sunday, March 12, from noon until 3:30 in the afternoon. Homemade MARCIA ANDERSON BECOMES BRIDE IN ITALY SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson announce the marriage of their daughter, Marcia, to Sig. Ezio D'Agaro, which took place on Saturday, March 4, in Saints Peter and Paul church, Saronna, Italy. Miss Anderson formerly was employed at the United Nations in Rome and at the present time works for Seaboard World Airlines in Milan. Her husband is a furniture representative in Turin, Italy. Hold Benefit Party f; .M, 4 COUPLE OBSERVES SILVER WEDDING AT MARCH PARTY Mr. and Mr.s. Harold Peter* son of Fair Oaks subdivision . celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 5, at their home. Friends and neighbors surprised the couple when they called that evening. They included Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reinboldt, Mr. and Mrs. John Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer, Mrs. Adele Heise, Mrs. Rose Sheehan, Mrs. Frances Nugent, Mrs. Emily Glos and Mrs. Peterson's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bodame of Waukegan. 5a NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE TO LIVE IN WOODSTOCK A wedding of interest was solemnized by Judge William Gleason in Woodstock on Saturday, Feb. 25, at 4 p.m. what Ruth Kessler Pugsley was married to Mr. Adelbert J. Anderson. Attendants for the coqple were Artell L. Johnson and Alveda Johnson. The coig)le will make their home in Woodstock. Frank Gregory, Leonard Pawlikowski and John Flint are shown "taking tricks" for the benefit of Kiwanis. The Kiwanis club card party for the benefit of underprivileged children and other civic projects, such as the blood bank, will be held Saturday evening, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. The event will be held at the new American Legion hall. The committee promises prizes, and refreshments will be served. Tickets may be obtained from any Kiwanis ^member or at the door. Harrison School PTA To Hear Dnr "Problems Of Youth" On Tuesday, March 14, at 8 p.m., the Harrison School PTA will hear Rev. John R. Erwin speak on "Problems of Youth". Rev. Erwin is a Protestant chaplain associated with the Light Bearers Association of America, Inc., and is serving in the Cook county jail in Chicago. His message should be of real value to today's parents who are trying so hard to understand their children. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. With school board elections coming up soon, the Harrison PTA has again invited candidates for local schoolboards to introduce themselves. Harrison elementary school has two three-year terms open, and to date Henry Setzler, incumbent, has filed for re-election. Hie • McHenry Community high school board "has three threeyear terms open, and so far four men have complied with the filing procedures. They are George M. Freund and Donald FEATURE TIMELY TOPIC AT MARCH NURSES' MEETING The March meeting of the 16th District Illinois association, to be held on Monday, March 13, will feature a discussion of a timely topic, "Continuity of Patient Care in a Nursing Home". The four panel members, who are leaders in their organizations, are Mrs. Stanley Schabowicz, institutional nurse consultant, Lake County Health department; Mrs. Gust Linee, director and coordinator of rehabilitation and inservice education, Terrace Nursing home; Daniel Halpern, administrator and owner, Pavilion of Highland Park Nursing home in Highwood, and George Davis, administrator and owner, The Terrace Nursing home, Waukegan. The meeting at Terrace Nursing home, 1615 Sunset avenue, Waukegan, will begin at 7:15 p.m. with a tour of the Howard, incumbents, Otto Larsfen and James Althoff. Since March 18 is the final filing date, there may possibly be more candidates at the meeting. PTA President Gloria Freund will announce that March 31 is the deadline for PTA magazine subscriptions. She urges all parents to get their membership money in now, before it is too late. Maxine Bixby will give a report for the nominating committee on next year's slate of PTA officers. After the meeting, the fourth grade room mothers will serve refreshments. ANNUAL CARD PARTY AT ST. P ATRICK CHURCH St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary sodality will sponsor its annual card party cm Friday, March 17, at 7:30 in the evening in the church hall. The public is invited to attend. Cards and bunco will be played, with a prize for each table and special prizes. A lunch consisting of corned beef sandwiches, cake and coffee will be served. MARRIAGE LICENSES William Harrer, Deerfield,--P*es are among the tasty _ tocUtty. District President and Marguerite Bentel, Mc- dishes. Dinner wjll be served at Mrs. C. T. Benham will conduct CLIPPED WINGS HOLD BENEFIT FASHION REVUE The soft glow of "Flame of Hope", candles and music will set the mood for the Clipped Wings, United Air Line Stewardess Alumnae, Inc., annual benefit luncheon and fashion show at the Lake Shore club, Chicago, March 16. All proceeds from the affair will be donated to the Chica go chapter's charities: The Austin Special school, 411 N. Long, Chicago, and Florence Crittenton anchorage, 2678 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago. Mrs. Walter Gehlaar, 1332 W. Bay road, McHenry, will be a hostess for the annual event. Henry. the Masonic Temple, Broadway, Richmond. 5613 a business meeting prior to the program at 8:30 p.m. USETHE CLASSIFIEDS I'm no WEDftNGS..-. FORMAL <and! CANDID. Present Program For WSCS Meeting The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the McHenry Community Methodist church will meet on Thursday, March 16. Prayer service will be held in the sanctuary at 11:45 ajn., followed by the noon luncheon. Hostesses will be the . Alma Eriksen circle. The program, entitled "How a Christian Faces Death," will be conducted by Mrs. Harry Stinespring and Mrs. Ernest Carder. Mrs. Eugene Schaeffer is in charge of the worship service. Glamour Portraits 12 WEDDING STORY ALBUMS TO CHOOSE FROM Brides-to-be FREE glamour sitting and Picture PHONE 38535579 LLCMAPD I SH I l( flit* ® McHENRY ( I I I i s | ^ « !/ i GENIE but my clothes are clean and because 17 Years Expeerriieennccee 1 have all our clothes cleaned we RICHARDS CLEANERS, in McHENRY For fast dependable service VISIT RICHARD'S CLEXNERS 1208 Green Si. 385-1712 McHenry Sbo Sc now omeone IJou VU3. 1 ? ^J own. The Welcome Wagon Representative wou^i like to call on them and extend a welcome to the community. Pleaae Cull The Representative* Below Welcome Wc ac^on CEIL DEWERDT i)!3-f317 % McHenry Forester Court To Host Diocesan Conference The Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, bishop of Rockford diocese, will celebrate the 10:45 a.m. low Pontifical Mass April 2 at St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry. The Mass will open the thirteenth annual Rockford Diocesan Conference of the National Catholic Society of Foresters (formerly Women Catholic Order of Foresters). Registration will be at 10 a.m. in St. Mary's school. Coffee will be served to out-oftown guests in the school lounge. Mrs. Helen Rodenkirch, president, extends an invitation to all Forester members in the diocese and asks that they contact their local court presi- McHENRY HOSPITAL During the past week patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Lena I. Allen, Michael C. Miculinich, Phillip Hollek, Francis J. Matthews, Jr., Patricia C. Koenig and Beatrice Hoagland, Fox Lake; Norma L. Bivona, Katherine L. Murphy, Beulah B. DeCoster, and Wayne E. Keller, Wonder Lake; Franklin Hoffman, Richmond; b And, Doreen C. Mosansky, Agda Ny strom and William S. Sorenson, Ingleside; Aulis W. Aho and Milton Andrews, Round Lake; George L. Kolb, Deerfield; Robin Greene, Tamara Ann MacLaughlin, Leonard A. Parker, Henry Ferr, Crystal Lake; Ricky McDonald, Alden; Fred E. Giek and Eleanor C. Stephan, Wauconda; Carol B. Navlyt, Clifford Smith and Anna M. Rowe, Woodstock; Also, Cynthia Floore, Long Lake; Douglas W. Conrad, Lake Villa; Ray E. Gray, Volo; William C. Douglas, Julia Lachman and Dean C. Stevenson, Cary; And, Betty Jane Clingings, Ronald C. Mueller, Flora M. Seepe, Regina M. Baird, Patricia A. Linnane, Ana A. Pospychala, Herbert C. Remle, Alice M. Yount, Karen M.Roby, Bonnie Ann Exline, Gail Checchin; Also, Anna K. Hoeirch, Tammy M. Shastal, Frank E. MacLaughlin, William R.Anderson, Pearl M. Leach, Renee L. Leight, Gary D. Weiss, Clara F. Prosser; And Kevin Lee Gassaway, Philip S. Thourson, Paul T. Thourson, James S. Wilkey, Myrtle M. Larson, Vernon C. Lahre, Nellie A. Czaplak, Carol Sue Page, Elizabeth Staufenbiel, Gustaf J. Degryse, Carl J. Neiss and Anna E. Calvin, all of McHenry. VETERAN ILL Paul Brendle remains very ill in Veterans Research hospital, 333 E. Huron street, Chicago. MARCH 9 Legion Auxiliary of Richmond --Regular Meeting - 8 p.m. MARCH 10 McHenry Woman's Club Monthly Meeting -- Community Methodist Church --1 p.m. MARCH 11 McHenry Kiwanis Card Party --New American Legion Building, 2505 N. Ringwood Road-- 7:30 p.m. MARCH 12 Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner --Public Invited-- 12 to 3:30 p.m. -- Masonic Temple, Richmond, --Sponsored by OES Chapter of Richmond. MARCH 13 Regular Meeting, Richmond O.EJS. -- 8 p.m. McHenry O.EJS. Stated Meeting -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. MARCH 14 St. Patrick's Home and School Association-- 8 p.m. --Church Hall -- Fr. A. Harte, Diocesan Director of Vocations, Guest Speaker. McHenry Garden Club Bus Trip to Flower show at International Amphitheater. Leave Methodist Church 9:15 a.m. -- Mrs. Edward Vilim, Reservation Chairman. St. Peter's Christian Mothers Luncheon and Card Party -- Noon -- Spring Grove Church Hall. MARCH 15 Annual Spring Fashion Show Luncheon --New American Legion Hall --Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. MARCH 16 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, C.D. of A., Business Meeting and White Elephant Sale -- 8 pan. --K. of C. Hall. MARCH 17 St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Sodality Card Party -- 7:30 p.m. -- Church Hall -- Public Invited. MARCH 18 St. Patrick's Day Dinner- Dance -- Sponsored by Post 4600, V.F.W. --V.F.W. Clubhouse. MARCH 21 Riverview Camp, No. 6818, R.N.A. Anniversary Celebration -- 6 p.m.'--Pot Luck Supper-- K. of C. Hall. MARCH 28 O.EJS, Stated Meeting and Easter Program --Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. » dent or secretary tor reservations by March 20. CONFERENCE THEME St. Clara Court No. 659, McHenry, is host court. Dinner will be served at noon in the new Legion home, west of McHenry. The theme of the conference will be "Around the Diocese in One Day". The conference provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and promote Catholic action and charitable activities throughout the diocese and around the world. Each court president will give a report of her court's activities diiring the past year. The association will present a check for $400 to Bishop Lane to be used for the education of seminarians. New members who have joined the Foresters in the past year will be introduced as "The Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Class of 1967". Rev. Baumhofer is pastor of St. Mary's church and spiritual director of St. Clara court. High court officers from the Chicago office will be honored guests, along with the clergy of all parishes in the diocese. HOLD INSTALLATION Mrs. Lucy Domino, national president, will speak on "Forestry and Bonds of Fraternalism". Mrs. Domino will conduct installation of officers-elect for the 1968 conference. The present slate of officers of the Rockford association include president, Helen Rodenkirch, Court 659, McHenry; vice-president, Jeanette Hettinger, Court 1035, Aurora; secretory, Loretta Freund, Court 659, McHenry; treasurer, Marie Accorsi, Court 674, Rockford; D.C.C.W. representative, Dorothy Henderson, Court 75, Freeport. The Rockford association consists of fifteen courts and approximately 4,000 members. BIRTHS McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cole of Wauconda are parents of a daughter Feb. 27. A son was born Feb. 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nielsen. On March 1 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Fuqua. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freund announce the birth of a son March 2. A daughter was born March 2 to Mr. and Mrs. David Waters. An Ingleside couple, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Zavodny, became parents of a daughter March 2. On March 4 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Foute. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Haas are parents of a daughter March 4. CAR DAMAGED Harlan Cork of Burlington, Wis., was charged with improper backing when he drove out of a driveway and struck a parked car on Rt. 120, east of McHenry. Hie auto he damaged was owned by Benjamin DeCicco of 2200 Country lane, McHenry. HEARING MD.S REN A SCHAIB Otarlon Heastag 1407 N. Green St. McHenry Lush as a field of daisies ... our lingerie lovlies. We grow sleek little slips, brief little pajamas . . . all lavished in lace. 2 and 3 pc. Baby Dolls $6.00 Half-Slips - $3.00 up 0 1216 N. Green St./MsMenry RUTH BOMKE % | 1 J. *