Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1967, p. 7

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THE McHENHV PtAWDEALER ••:&£>% BUSINESS SERVICES ELECTRIC MOTORS rebalrefc. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Wicker? Electric. 480 Center {St., Gravslake, TIL Ph. BAldwlit 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF *BOTON SEPTIC ,,,. SERVICE Electric Sewer Rodding Pumping Septic systems installing and repairing. Basement and foundation excavating. 385-6445 4-6-67TF BOOKKEEPING at home. Wjjl'l do complete set of boohs. 15 years experience. Reasonable rate including pick up and delivery. P.O. Box 312, Richmond, 111. Call 385-1306. 4-13-67 RESTAURANT in McHenry. By owner. For appointment call 385-6262. 4-6 67TF BOATS & MOTORS 17 FT. Chris Craft, 165 HJ»# trailer, convertible top, full accessories. Nothing else needed. $1700 complete. Call 815- 385-3552. 4-13-67TF 2 RUN ABOUT BOATS 14 ft. 30 Mercury H.P. motor and trailer. 15 ft. 35 Johnson H.P. motor and trailer. Mercury 30 H.P. motor, Mercury 20 H.P. motor. 3% H.P. go cart motor, 4 lawn mowers, different sizes. Call 385-2562 4-1347 BOATS & MOTORS OUTBOARD 5% h.p. with tank. Like new. $80. Call 385- 5163. 4-13-67 BOAT. 13 ft. Owens fibre glass, 35 h.p. Johnson. Electric starting. Caill 312-354-2100 evenings. 4-13-67 lSH ft. Attbright runabout with 35 h.p. Evinrude with electric starter and all accessories. Call 385-1419 after 5:30 P-m. 4-13-67 1966 JOHNSON Ssa Horse, 5 h.p. outboard motor. Slightly used. Call 385-4165. 4-13-67 C«TN»•U WkA LHIVULVL B* trAiHTIM UH A FAIR DEAL - WITH QfAic*tY.>< IMTOORITY • SXPKMlme* AND SERVICa CHRYSLER Murine Products & Triton Marine 1206 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 385-1076 4-6-67TF 10th ANNUAL ALL-FAMILY BOOT SHOW ; & WATI1 DEMONSTRATION FOR SALE TOP line 1966 Wilson, Me- Gregor, Hogan golf dubs. At bargain close out prices. McHenry Country Club Pro Shop. Call 385-3435. 4-13-67 WAGON wheel bunk beds complete $55.00 5 drawer chest $15, G.E. washer and Hamilton dryer, 2 years old $125.00, refrigerator $35, gas range $30 2 glass topped walnut base living room tables with lamp* $30; white vinyl coudi $15 Call 385-0233. 4-13-67 WHITE Female toy poodle. 6 weeks old. A.K.C. registered $75.00. Call 385-3674 4-13-67 DRAIN OPENER FOR LADIES! FIREWATER the LI quid Drain Opener. Opens clogged and slow drains fast. But it at: Ruck's Hardware 3902 W. Main, McHenry 385- 0334. 4-13-67 FORSALE 5 ALUMINUM awning windows with screens. 6'x8"x3' each. 1 Anderson 3' storm door and screen, excellent for enclosing porch or breezeway. $200.00. Call 3854494. 4-13-67 OA^S, hay, straw and machinery. Call 385-5768 after 7 p.m. 4-13-67 WHITE BOXER, female, Pedigreed. All shots. 7 months old. Call 385-0299. 4-13-67 KENMORE 30" electric range. 6 years old. Rotisserie in the oven. Very good condition. $65 Call 385-4198. 4-13^7 ECLIPSE lawn mower with detachable surey. Call 385- 2853. 4-13-67 ^NEVER used anything like say users of Blue Lustre for cleaning carpet. Rent eleo trie shanipooer $1. Ace Hardware. <1-13-67 LENNOX tractor 10 h.p. Push button starter. Snow plow and reel attachment. Good condition. $325.00. Call 385-3819 after 6 p.m. 4-13-67 BICYCLES. Choice of Boys or Girls from $5. Bohn's Ace Hardware. Woodstock's Year a round Toy Dept. 413-67 SELECT and dig your own evergreens. 1,000 to choose from $1.00 per foot. Rock N Rail Ranch, 3309 N. Chapel Hill, McHenry. 4-13-67 G. E. refrigerator $35.00, Magic Chef stove $35.00, In good condition. Call 385-0439. 4-13-67 CUSTOM built colonial martin houses. Call 385-4419 after 5 p.m. 4-13-67 FORMiUJS, sizes 13 and 15. White, green, yellow, blue, lilac. Only* worn a few times. Call 385-3634. 4-13-67 GERMAN Shepherd, female. 10 months old. A.K.C. registered. Has all shots. $45.00 Call 385 6506 4-13-67 i l l 15 - HANSEN MARINE North Bridge Mem 23 SERVICE Sii.'y, III. TOBLSC JOTCTIOSJ PUBLIC AUCTIOM FAR AUCTION COL. LAQSY McHenry# Illinois SATURDAY' AM 15 al 1 P.M. SOLD FARM -- 3% miles South West of MoHenry, 111. 1 mile south of highway 120 on Draper Rd. where 4 blue harvesters are located. TRACTORS * EQUIPMENT -- Farm Hand 4 wheel drive with loader. Like new. 1 generator signal corp, 10,000 watt stand by, 1 Roper tractor post hole digger, 2 Augers, 1 I.H gain /drill. MISC. 1 Spray dip livestock sprayer, 14 h.p. Wisconsin engine on a trailer. This machine is new. 1 Chevrolet school bus, 1 front end trailer to pull tractors with. 1 - 3 pt. back blade, 40 ft. Auger with electric motor. 1 Syntron protein meter, 1 woric bench, 1 rubber tired wheel barrow, 1 electric gas pump. Largo number of cedar posts. Large supply of window glass. This mechandise is all in excellent shape. Many small farm tools too numerous to mention. AUCTIOMEDISl®: MJOEBJE FREDRICK CLEMS: 1M>NAMD MMN8KY CASHIER: WALLY VAN Farm Auction Servtoe> Lake G®B®va, Wis. TH3 RESALE [OP 3911 W. MAM ST. USED CLOTHING AT 10c PER GARMENT HOTTPQ* 12 Noon 'till 6 P.M. 7 Days LOTS OF GOODIES 4-6-67TF COMBINATION WIIBOWS BRAND NEW Combination CHUCK'S OL&ss * 48(M W. South Stresffc Cooney Hetg&fto PHONE 886-2880 RED JACKET shallow well jet pump and tank. $80. Call 385-1180. 4-13-67 MILLER FEEDS & SEED 4105 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 815-385-7720 McHenry, Illinois ?6 Varieties SEED POTATOES Milorganite 1040-1&> Lawn and Garden Fertilizers Sheep & Cattle Manure Peet Moss Pioneer Seed Corn Dow Weed Spray's Northrup King Field Seed 4-13/4-20-67 RUMMAGE SALE Sponsored By St. Bede's Mother's Club Friday, April 14 6-10 P.M. Saturday, April 15 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ST. BEDE'S HALL Wilson & Grand Ingleside, Illinois 4-13-6? FORSALE Hay & Straw DELIVERED IN SEMI LOADS „ . Call 414-675-3531 A BLAZEL & STAHL, INC. Newburg, Wis. 53060 6=S»S7TF FOR SALE or RENT FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 bedroom home. Immediate occupancy. Located Aqua Lane Estates. Call 338-2900 for appointment between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 4-6-67TF Situation Wanted Young Married Man interested in drafting desires work nights or weekends in your ~place of business or at home. Experienced in mechanical drawing (part drawings) or will do tracings of all types. Call 385-2865 ANYTIME 4-13-67 SPECIALIZING in dressmaking and alterations. Call 385- 3129. 4-13/4-20-67 TO BE GIVEN AWAY DOG. 7 months old. Female. Part Labrador retriever. Good with children. Has. all shots. Call Days 385-2500, evenings 385-1168. 4-13-67 PART GERMAN Shepherd and part collie. Call 385-4639. 4-13-67 REAL ESTATE LXDT 80x175 ft. overlooking Pi$takee Bay. Owner moved. Original cost $8,500. Will sell for $5,000. Trees on lot. Write Box 1921, Naples, Florida. 4-13-67 4 BEDROOM, 2 story house in Johnsburg; bath, basement, 2 car garage. 3715 Spring Grove Road. Call 3854276 for information. 4-13/4-27-67 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ALL year around 5 room cottage. 150' x 125' frontage lot. Call 459-6207 for appointment. 4-667TF BY OWNER -- Lot 100x217*, $3,500. 2 lots, 50x180', $1,750 each. Lot 175x180*, $4,000; Pistakee Lake rights to each. Lots of trees and good roads Call 385-1080. 4-13-67 GROCERY ft LIQUOR Store, plus building in Wonder Lake, Illinois. Call 653-7331 or 653-' 5582 after 9:00 p.m. 4-13/54-67 3 BEDROOM 2 bath ranch with over 150 ft. of river frontage on 1-10 acres. Can be seen afternoons. 3309 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry. 4-13-67 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom ranch. Many closets. 2 full baths, Large kitchen with pantry. Family room and panelled porch. Attached garage. $24, 900. Call 385-6325. 4-13/4-20^7 Sale Or 1959 RENAULT and 1956 Dodge. For sale or trade for anything . . . boat, motor ? CM1 after 6 p.m. or week-ends. WAIfffE© TO BUY GUNS--For Cash McHenry Gun Center, 3325 W. Elm Street Phone 385-7320. 3-25-65-TF Jim Ma T* Quality Pain $@ofS QyALBTY SUPER LATEX OUR PRICE *3.69 $5.95 QUALITY HI-VALUi LATEX OUR *2.95 PRICI Ais an* 909 Front Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE: 385-1424 4-13/4-27-67 New and Used Both Gas and Electric lams Bros. 3004 W. RrnaS© 120 McHenry 4-6-67TF HEAL ESTATE 6% MORTGAGES AVAILABLE Three Bedroom Mid-Level Kitchen-Separate Dining Area Large Family Rm. - Oversize Garage 15'-5" Wide - One and One Half Baths - Oak Floors - Concrete Drive BUILT ON YOUR LOT $18,800 Your Paid Up Lot Or If You Have Paid $1200 On A Lot That You Are Buying No Further Down Payment Will Be Required 3 - 4 & 5 Bedroom Homes to choose from FRETT BUILDERS & REALTY 4 Crystal Lake Plaza Crystal Lake Phone 459-1939 Open Monday Thru Sunday Closed Wednesday 4-6.67TF WANTED TO SELL OR TRADE 2 lots in Lakeland Park, lots 4 & 5, block 16, 1700 Mock Knolls Ave. Water account paid. Lake rights provided. No reasonable offer refused. Contact Ray Mickels P.O. BOX 391 AURORA, ILL. Call Aurora, 111. TW 8-4131 4-13/5-4-67 McHenry Area 4 bedroom Country Home on 1 Acre with shade trees. In Harrison School District. New gas furnace & hot water heater. 2 stony home. For the large family with low down payment & easily financed. Quick occupancy. COME & SEE. If you like it let us arrange the financing to fit your budget. Q $15,500 COME & SEE tilts all brick 3 bedroom Ranch on 2 lots near river, pier rights. Full basemt, 2-car att. gar. High & dry basemt. for Rec. Room Also utility room on ground floor with washer & dryer. 1% baths, kitchen with builtin oven & range, dining area, riced to sell. ONLY $25,000 BUDGET HOME (Listen, only at T. F. Mathews can you get all this for so little). 3 bedims, carpeted living room, kitchen with dining area, enclosed porch, rec. rm. in full basemt. on 2 lota garage. $13,500 A REAL BUY -- 3 bedroom hosros with 2-car garage. Easily fiaamced. $15,000 T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS 7314 Etaeock Drive Wcaife Lake, Blinds FH: gl»6934Q6r Open 7 Days a Week 2 BEDROOM brick home. Garage, basement, breezeway. Edgebrook Heights. Must sell because of ill health. Call 385-7713. 4-13/4-20-67 BELLM MEjyLTT INC, 7516 Hancodk Dr. Wonder Lake Phone days 815-653-9400 eves. 815-439-3449 4-6-6? FOR SALE 5 Bedrooms, 1H bath, att. garage. Priced, at $18,500. $2,000 down. 3 Bdrm. Bi-Level. Rec. Room Price $17,500 - $2,000 down 3 Bdrm. 2 Car Garage, price $14,300 only $300 down. 3 Bedroom garage close to shopping. 2 lots $13,000. Handy man special Summer home lake and pier priv. to be sold for best offer. Business property on Rt. 31 zoned for heavy industry or manufacturing. Price $25,000 3 bedroom on Rt 120 approx. 1 acre. Full price $9,700. FOR SALE on large lake. Northern Minn, near Grand Marais, 3 room cottage, % acre land. Call after 6 p.m. 385-0742. 4-6-67TF FOR SALE By Owner -- 2 yr. old ranch style home in new subdivision in McHenry Living room and 3 bedrooms carpeted, huge ldtchen-dlning room, large family room, 1V4 baths. $19,500. Call 385-2322 after 4 p.m. 4-13/4-20-67 FOR SALE White Pearl Drum Set 175.00 or best offer. Phone 385-1463. 4-13-67TF McHENRY SHORES, 3 bedroom ranch, attached garage. Panelled living and dining room. W.W. carpeting in every room. Gas heat, Tri. T. storm windows. 2 patios, fully landscaped yard. Many extras. 614 So. Hilltop. 4-13-67 BY OWNER: 3 Bedroom lannon stone & frame split level. 12x22' carpeted living room, large kitchen, ceramic tiled bath, panelled 12x42' recreation room, utility room, water softener, 1% car garage. Fully landscaped. $20,000. Call 385 3752. 4-13-67TF 2 BEDROOM house, attached *£ garage, improved lot. $14,500. £ Call 385-3497. 4-8/4-13-67 ^ . iff McHENRY and 1 LAKE AREA 1 )fear Round Homes, Seasonal^ Homes, Farms Vacant Home^ lltes. Income Properties. " p JOE NISCHAN | REAL ESTATE | In Johnsburg >£ 2301 Johnsburg Rd. % McHenry, 11L £ Ph. 385-0037 , £ 2-4-65-1# £ • r. TREMENDOUS DISCOUNT of 50% on Whispering Hills approximately % acre lot including membership in cor* poration owning community center building. Boat dock and beach privileges. .v Phone 312-497-3275 | or visit agent at v 1007 W. Oeffling Drive > Over 50 people only considered •}• 4-W57TF< HOMESITE 1% acre with large trees North of McHenry Excellent Value At $2495 $250 down and $36 per month. Call 459-4120 4-6/4-27-67 Edgebrook Heights For Sale By Owner 3 bedroom split level home. • Modern Kitchen • Modern Bath • Full Basement • Gas Heat Kent Acres For Sale By Owner 3 bedroom ranch home. • Modern Kitchen • Modern Bath • Full Basement • Gas Heat Priced for quick sale. 90% financing available to qualified applicants. Phone 312-741-3900 4-6-67TF BEST BUYS IN McHENRY Three bedroom attractive home overlooking Pistakee Bay with fifteen foot easement to waters edge. Extra large living room, paneled dining room, completely equipped kitchen. Full Price $32,500 Four bedroom Cape Cod in city limits. Kitchen dining area, bath and one half. Large living room and full basement. One car garage with covered patio. Full Price $27,500 T h r e e b e d r o o m c o m p a c t home with kitchen dining area. Oversize garage. On large lot in quiet commun-. Sty. - Full Price $15,900 THE PRICE IS RIGHT! You can own this newly acquired VA 3 bedroom home with basement if you have $500 and qualify. $16,000 Just listed a well kept 3 9j©droom that has separate dining and! lange living ffom T&a price was Even hard for to telievel Beg IMa ws. $10,300 EARL R. WALSH Real Estate ->3429 W. Elm Street 385-3300 £ McHenry, Illinois 385-4434 4-6-67 BAIRD & WARNER, INC. Established 1856 HOLIDAY HILLS: Very nice and dean 3 BR. rand). LR is 12x22 and is parquet floored. $1500 wfll handle. Full price. $14,500. WHISPERING HILLS: Ranch with 2-12x13 BRS. Builtin gas kitchen. Garage and utility room. Lot 152x131 $16,000 Mr. Heinen - 385-2527 4-13*? 343-2 West Elm Street 388-2340 - 385-1108 4-13-67 URGENT NEED FOR QUICK ACTION Because of illness, house must be soid. 2 bedims., family rm., all appliances included; 2 car attsidiied garage. Nicely landscaped. A very nice house originally priced at $21,200 but owner will take offer. 2 bedim, frame ranch with enclosed breezeway and attached garage. Forced air mat. gas $9,100 3 bedim, ranch with alum, siding, window frames and •torms/screens; large utility rm; attached garage. Built' 1961. County maintained roads. Priced to sell fast $13,900 Very clean 3 bedrm. brick and stone ranch with den; cera- • mic tile bathrm; carpeting and drapes included. Attached garage with black top driveway. Pier and river rights. ! $16,900 Attractive 3 bedrm. frame and lannon stone colonial bilevel in excellent condition; fully landscaped with black topped driveway. $21,000 ' McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. Main Street 385-5922 days Bertha and Elmer Stange -- 385-4071 eves. Harriet Johnston -- 385-2664 eve. 4-13-67 (IN McHENRY) 3 bedroom home. Full basement and garage. In excellent' condition. Also in very good area. Owner transferred.• Priced to sell quick at only $16,500. (IN McHENRY) In McHenry^ finest area, this 3 bedroom brick home, 2 years old. Full basement, 2 car garage. 2 fireplaces, 2; baths. Patio. Built in range and oven, garbage disposal. Must; be seen to appreciate. Shown by appointment only. Priced " at $35,000. See Today. (ONFOXRIVER) 4 - 2 bedroom year around home. 1% car garage. Part base- - ment, new aluminum siding. Must seH now. Only $16,000. THE KENT CORPORATION 3322 W. Elm St. - New.Locatkm Phone 385-3800 f Since 1928 4-1347

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