Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1967, p. 21

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p.? . . It , » Evelyn raske LOCAL SOLDIER COMMISSIONED 2ND LIEUTENANT .After six months of Officers Candidate Training atFortBelvior, Va., Martin Weisenburgeir, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weisenburger, 7217 Loras Lane, received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army on April 21. After a short leave, Lieutenant Weisenburger will report on May 9 at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., for advanced training with t{» engineers. The proud parents and son, Edward, were able to journey to-Virginia to see Martin receive his commission. While in Virginia the Weisenburgers were able to make several short trips* They visited the Naval Academy at Annapolis, the National Cemetery at Arlington and tour the city of Baltimore, Md. I would like to extend my congratulations to both Martin, Jr., and his parents. 4-H CLUB The Wonder Workers 4-H Club of Wonder Lake won first place in "Share the Fun" night, Saturday, April 29, at the Woodstock Community high school. The girls gave a performance that could be rated as a professional production. To set the stage they had a background comprised of the 4-H" - banner and clover leaf. The chorus was all dressed in green choir robes with white collars and gloves. The chorus formed an arc around five girls, Cheri Elberson, Melissa Doherty, Heather Lamont, Debbie Cristy and Patty Freund, who wore their regular clothes. After Cheri Elbersen sang the standard version of "I've got the whole world In my hands", each girl sang a parody on (Hie of the five 4-H products, sewing, knitting, babysitting, flower arrangements, and cooking, to the tune of '•I've got the whole world in my hands." !•< ; •: - - PHONE 653-4362 A spotlight played on the 4-H banner as the club sang a parody in its name. The banner moved off and a black light spot light picked 14) a five foot balloon painted as the globe. The chorus then sang the standard version of the song with their hands raised ujp as if they were holding the world. Aside from the ciub members mentioned the chorus was composed of Linda Bland, Debbie, Lee Ann and Maureen Cristy, Kim Crook, Kelly and Kim Gahagan, Debbie Gildemeister, Coleen Keith, Susie LaGreca, Debbie Liem, Debbie Maio, Katie McGibbon, Karen Nelson, Roberta Rasmussen, Rebecca Ritthaler, Susie Schau, Linda and Susan Schroeder, Barbara Smith, Kim Steinhorst, Diane and Lori Sturm, Julie Weber, Mary Kay Wines and Mary Lee Wight at the piano. Having won first place the Wonder Workers will perform August 4 at the McHenry County Fair and then they will go to' the State Fair at the end of August. The Wonder Workers are under the leadership of Mrs. Maryanne Cristy and Mrs. Pat Sullivan. The girls won first place in competition with thirty other 4-H groups. Congratulations, girls. Jackie Schau was choral director. MOODS IN .MUSIC The McHenry Choral Club will present Moods In Music, May 7 and 8 at the McHenry high school auditorium. Several Wonder Lakers are members of the groiq), Harriett Bell, Jackie Schau, Judy Hamilton, Loretta Meadie, Treeva Zeek and Pat Olsen. The Choral Club is a nonprofit organization and all proceeds are donated to worthy organizations. Tickets can be obtained from any of the Choral Club member or at the door. The program will start promptly at 8:15. o TROOP 145 NEWS ^ * 'Mr; and Mrs. John Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Ehredt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schulthers and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wines attended the Kishwaukee District Boy Scout Recognition Dinner at the McHenry Legion Home Saturday, April 29. For selling the most tickets to the Scout-0-Rama, Rick Bernt will receive a free trip to Camp Lowden. Runners up in the ticket sale were Glenn Hampton, Richard Bland, and Mark Ehredt will each receive partial expenses for the Camp Lowden trip. For their electricity exhibit at the Scout-ORama the troup won a blue ribbon. The boys are preparing for a survival camp out, May 5 and 6 at a local woods. At a survival camp out, a scout must build his own shelter and prepare his own meals. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT NO. 1169 The April meeting was held the thirteenth, one week early due to the Past President Parley Dinner being held on the regular meeting night, April 20. The meeting was opened and presided over by the President Lois Haak. Donations were made to Leonard Wood memorial and auxiliary loan- fund. The auxiliary welcomed a new member into its group, Marie Lawton. Three crocheted lap robes wre donated to the auxiliary by Mrs. Friganza, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Arvidson and Mrs. Van Buren to be given to Downy. A crocheted afgan was donated to the auxiliary by Mrs. Arvidson, mother of our President Lois Haak. Four members attended the Past Presidents dinner held in Crystal Lake at the American Legion Post Home. Past Presidents Lois Haak, Louise Senini, Marie Beredt and Lois Rak- • ushins attended. A chicken dinner was served followed by a meeting and entertainment. Don Bennett, son of Harriet Bennett, historian for one unit, was ill at Fort Knox, where he is stationed. On April 1, Sharon Paulin, daughter of Betty Paulin, 2nd Vice-President, was united in marriage to Albert Savalich at Christ the King church. Recep- The Sign of a ippj Future S a v e . . . at Maren§s F#d@ral PROFITABLE... $783,845.00 paid at <lividendv1966 SAFE... Each account Insured byFSUC SECURE... Stm^© ms©n;<!s ovor $2,000,G©©.©0 PBOVEN PERFORMANCE... Ovor 40 years cartful, oxporioncod m©s3©D©m®nt CONVENIENT... SAVE ANY AMOUNT ANYTIME IN PERSON OR BY MAIL -- Current Diviitni Rate -- 4% % On Passbook Savings 5% On Ono Year Certificates $5,000 Minimum Marengo Federal SAVINGS and LOAN Assn 102 North State St. TEL. 815-568-7256 MARENGO, ItUNOIS TofoJ 4ss@fs Ovc? m tion was held at the Post Home. Larry Paulin brother of the bride was home on leave froin Norfolk, Va. Charles Caley, Jr., brother ot Diane Sddmore, treasurer, i^ stationed at Viet Nam. KIWAMS NEWS President Glenn Reed of Ki* wanis International addressed the members from the DeKalb, Crystal Lake, Belyidere, McHenry, Woodstock, Dundee and Wonder Lake Clubs at the University of Northern Illinois on Monday night. President Phil Kinzer, Art Lau, John Craig, Bob Myers, and Lennie Freund attended. " Bill Cristy presided at the meeting in Wonder Lake. Bill gaVe a presentation on the recent withholding of milk by some dairy farmers. The Explorer Scouts will handle the next meeting. BUNDLES OF PINK AND BLUE Little Deborah Anne Mac Kay, weighing in at 6 lbs. 15%oz.,was born on April 20, to Mr. and Mrs. David Mac Kay, 4419 E. Lake Shore Drive. Although' Debbie is the first born to Donna and Dave, she was warmly welcomed by her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Mac Kay and her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. McQuarrie all of Canada. Debbie's great grandparents were equally thrilled by her arrival. The great grandparents are Mrs. Agnes McQuarrie and Mr. and Mrs. Burns Steel. The bundle of blue, an 8 lb. 1 oz. boy, was'born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, 5515 Sommerville on April 28. Christopher Ryan is the third boy and the fourth child for Bob and Judy. Waiting at home for Chris is Jeff, Brady, Barry and Angela. The maternal grancfcarents are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Odeen and the paternal grandfather is Gordon Anderson. Also among the recent births were a little girl to the Frank Bushel^ or> April 21 and a boy to the Charles Lindwalls born on April 26. Congratulations to all of you!! CANDLE SNUFFERS April Gail Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, Jr., 7316 Oakwood Drive, Wonder Lake, celebrated her fourth birthday, Sunday, April 23. A dinner was served in her honor at home to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cannon, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Norman^ Williams, Sr., McHenry,-to her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Forbes, Harvey and her brother, Jamie, and sister, Beth Ann. April had her friends over Monday afternoon to help her celebrate. Party games and a cake made in a four were shared with April by Coleen Maak, Mark Beise, Julie Huff, Lisa and Sharon Cummings, Rory Fiali, and Lisa and Mike Schacht. Unable to attend were Cherie Kinzie and Donald Manke. An afternoon of fun was had by all. Also celebrating their birthdays were Cindy Keith, who turned a sweet sixteen, Tommy Mathews and Darlene Robison. Hope your day was a very special one indeed. CONDOLENCES Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel Tripp, 72, 3108 Hillside Drive, was held Tuesday, April 25 in the George Justen funeral home. Mrs. Tripp resided in Wonder Lake with her husband, * t * OVERSTOCK SPECIAL ! LIMITED TIME ONLY Continuous Filament Nylon Carpet installed with pad for only sq. yd. Small extra charge for stair halls and over cement 20-Year Wear Guaranteed Nylon Carpet in- Stalled over sponge rubber pad for $Q95 # sq. yd. Less your trade-in. Indoor- outdoor carpets for 3.6U per sq. yd. cash and carry OVER 500 ROLLS AND 1000 RUGS-EVERY SIZE AND COLOR. Used Rugs, Rolls, Remnants- Choose ypur carpet or rug from full 9' x 12' Samples in our Warehouse Showroom. CA'RKsTS PH©gd® 815-338-1!®®® Buy for less, Buy for Cash and Receive S & H Green Stamps Regular Hours: 8 A.M. to S P.M. • Tues., Wed., Sat. Si tU©$ 8 AM' to 9 PM' • Mon > Th**r*-> FrL Closed Sundays 8 200 W&sMinigton Street, Woodstock, June. Rts. 120 and City 14 tor TIDY fe vid for the past tKPSi years. Also surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Cashin, Wonder Xake, five grandchildren, four great grandchildren and a sis- ,tfer. Services for Mrs. Kathryn rauman, 63, mother of Roger bt Wonder Lake, was held on -Tuesday, April 25, from the Ceorge Justen funeral home. Mrs. Grauman was survived fey her husband, Ray.twogranddaughters, and two sisters. ">! Deep sympathy is extended to jboth families. V CHRIST THE KING NEWS The Altar and Rosar/ meeting of Christ the King church Will be held tonight, May 4, immediately after the 8 p.m. Mass. Election and installation of new officers will take place. Next Sunday, the A and R members will receive communion. Jaclyn Ann Van Kanegan, Slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Kanegan, 7104 Mohawk Drive, was baptized on Sunday, April 23. RUMMAGE SALE The Young Mothers Guild will sponsor a rummage sale on May 18-21 in the school hall. Good, clean usable items of clothing should be placed in the hall between May 13 and 17. Coordinator of the sale is Mrs. Joanne Wenkel. OVERNIGHT GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dittman, Danny, Debbie and Dean of Galena were Saturday night guests of Ward and Phyllis Ehredt. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Micenheimer, Cheryl, and Jodi were over night guests of Ward and Phyllis on Sunday night. The Micenheimers are from Hillsboro, Hi. WELCOME BACK Welcome back to Wonder Lake to June Braddock who went home for a two week vacation. Home is in Beaver Falls, Penn. Glad to have you back with us again. YOUumveA p, mruN£ FORTY-FIVE ON "A" HONOR ROLL AT JUNIOR HIGH Thirteen seventh graders and thirty-two in eighth grade hav$ been placed on the "A" honor roll at McHenry Junior high school. Top students in eighth grade are Diane Alvary, Ed Anderson, Dan Bomke, Jeff Bonato, Jeanne Burton, Linda Carlson, .Charles Claypool, Carol Crandall, Scott Curry, Larry Dresdow, Diana Easton, Linda Eppel, Steven Fain, Vernon Ficken and Scott Fuhler. Also Keith Hutchinson, Cynthia Jones, Lynette Kelley-, Susan Kelsey, Dierde Levesque, Fay Liberty, Rita Mettelka, Jim Moy, Susan Peters, Ann Peterson, Susan Phipps, Susan Reihansperger, Deborah Smith, Donna Virgens, Eric Weiss, Jackie Wheelock and Jeff Brody. High ranking seventh grade pupils are Reid Alderson, Linda Bender, Linda Biggs, Mike Carlson, Ronnie Chappell, Belinda Clardy, Susan Farm, Betsy Hamm, Margaret Hoak, Amy Leighty, Susan Mattheis, Priscilla Mclntyre and Corey Nellis. On the "B" honor roll arethe following: Eighth Grade: Don Backhaus, Joanne Becker, David Buch, John Cook, Ray Cook, Paul Dethlefson, Fred Dolby, Cathy Durkin, Carol Fluger, Delge Gerstad, Roxy Hafer, Annette Haines, Doreen Harris, Donna Head, Ed Lescher, Becky Liebman, Marlene Linders, Ken Macdonald, Robert Matthews, THREE LICENSES ARE SUSPENDED; PERMITS GRANTED Edward D. Urbanek, Jr., of Harvard has had his driver license revoked by the office of Secretary of State Paul Powell for giving incorrect information on application for license. Suspensions were ordered for James L. Erber of Crystal Lake, John L. Rindt of Algonquin and for Clyde R. Fuson of 2304 Country lane, McHenry, for permitting fradulent use of license. Probationary permits were issued to James L. Erber of Crystal Lake, Frank Gluth of Woodstock, Robert J. Lakowski of 4312 N. Dennis and Joseph P. Trychta of Rt. 9, both McHenry. MAY 4, 1967 - PLAIN DEALER- SEC. 2, PG. 9 Debbie Marchi, Beverly Morrison and Joan Negley. Also Chris Nolan, Danny Nosal, Pamela Nugent, Barbara Oeffling, Marsha Olsen, Don Olbinski, James Penick, Susan Romani, Kenneth Schueler, Shirley Schuetz, George Sheldon, Carolly Struck, Randy Wanger, David Watkins, Dana Wheelock, Jonnie Winn and Denise Zelvis. Seventh Graders: Judy Alexeyuk, Clark Bier man, Borcovan Patty Brennan, Tom Bromanj Lynn Caldwell, Elizabeth Cole, James Curran, Mary Domoto, Carol Drake, Susan Dresdow, Randy Goettsche, Janet Harper, Cary Hill, Janet Homo, Melody Iverson, Ivor Janci, Bradley Kommer, Diane Marinich, Alan Meurer, Alan Moll, Peggy O'Halleran, DeAnne Owen, Patty Rakestraw, Rose Schillace, Robert Weickenkamp and Anita Zelvis. DRUM i BUGLE CONTEST The cvlsp, familiar sound of buglls and drums will fill the air at the 1967 Wisconsin State Fair, as ten of the top units from throughout the middlewest will compete in the first, annual Governor's Own Pageant of Drums and Bugles. This music spectacular will be held in front of the covered grandstand on Aug. 12, the first Saturday of the Fair, at 12:30 p.m. This Blomgren, David Borco^NJi olorful is "another of le many new features at this year's fair and the entrants will be competing in two separate divisions. RpMM AGE| SALE St. Thomas-Ci^ystal Lake announces its annual spring rummage sale beginning May 9, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., May 10 Oialfprice day) 9 a„m. to 9 p.m. and May 11 (bargain-bag day) from 9 a.m. to noon. WATER SOFTENER SiRVSCP SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES • Service » Cleaning Oot • Repair • Installation • Overhauling • Removal 9 Reconditioning • Rebuilding -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- Ph@D@t 385-5566 WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, IlllnolR Quality oRadiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 12 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Complete Stock of Rebuilt and New Radiators Complete Stock of Original Equip. Heater Control Valves S BR©S. IMPAIR SER'jo Phone 385-0783 McHenry, PL Next to V.F.W. 8004 W. Route 120 DODGE POLARA V8...BIGGER, LONGER. MORE POWERFUL! * Only^2878 Tfeaf s why if s Great to Go Dodge! Those Good Guys have really come up with the rootin', shootin' deal of the year. Polara V8...priced right with Ford Galaxie 500 and Chevy Impala. And, at no extra cost, this Dodge comes equipped with all these standard features: • left outside rear view mirror • carpeting, front and rear • air foam seats, front and rear • padded dash and sun visors » ball-bearing ashtray • crank operated vent windows • safety action inside door release levers • electric 2-sp@®d wipers • energy absorbing steering column • safety rim wheels ° curved side windows • luxury interior • color-keyed seat belts, front and rear • flow-through ventilation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '67 DODGE POLARA V8 HORSEPOWER WHEELBASE LENGTH OVERALL 2-D00R HARDTOP PRICE DODGE POLARA V8 230 hp. 122' 219.6" '2878 CHEVROLET Impala V8 195 hp. 119" 213.2" $2845 FORD Galaxie 500 V8 200 hp. 119" 213" $2861 PONTIAC Catalina V8 265 hp. 121" 215.6" $2951 •Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price for 2-door hardtops. Destination charges, state and local taxes, if any. and optional equipment (such as whitewall tires and wheel Covers) ara extra. SUNNYSIDE DODGE Open Sunday f 4810 West Rt. 120, McHenry Ph. 385-7220 still ridin' herd over the competition. i

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