1 ADMIRAL CORPORATION Two Plants in McHenry County Harvard <i«#, ./;:W We have been in Harvard since 1946. Our plant has grown from a plant with a handful of employees, to our present 1700 workers operating on two shifts. McHenry IImiral k^gr. Our plant in McHenry started with about 60 people in one building, at the preseni we have 270 employes on two working shifts. OUR HARVARD PLANT makes all the ADMIRAL COLOR TV At our Harvard plant you will find a pleasant working atmosphere where "pride of work" and "personal achievement" are part of our job. OUR McHENRY PLANT makes all the YOKE for all the black and white and color sets for Harvard and Dixon plants. Only, at Admiral can you be assured of quality workmanship to provide you with the finest in television* Our Harvard plant makes only color television sets* shown above is the assembly line. This chassis will pass as many as 140 stations where each worker has a specfied assignment for wiring, etc. At the end of the assembly line, each completed chassis is given it's first in a series of quality control tests. It becomes apparent as you tour the plant, why color TV is better than ever. • The last check point, before packing and shipment to your local Admiral dealer. Checking and testing work accounts for almost half of the working force at the plants. May We towits Y©«r p I© V f Our Plants . . . Guided To®is May Be Arranged! ADMIRAL CORPORATION Harvard Reite 14 94 McHenry Route 120 385-4020