THE McHENRY FLAINDEALER FOR SALE / FOR SALE • Hot Air Furnace Barg-Warner Gas Fired 180,000 BTU • Stationary Tubs Double Granite, with legs f and faucets •I Electric Range \with four burner top in stainless steel cabinet. No oven. k Stainless Steel Sink with base cabinet and garbage disposal • Gas Stove Self-oontained, three burner • Sink • Refrigerator (apartment size) Written bids are being accepted far the above items after inspection. For showing of items, contact: MR. R. E. RADTKE McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, Illinois 5-18-67 ROPER deluxe gas range. Call after 4 p.m. 3&5-3089. HOUSE TENT 8 x 1 0 4 Aluminum bunk cots. LIKE NEW Best Offer CALL 385-1187 5-18-67 MAYTAG WRINGER WASHING MACHINE 4 months did. Used only 12 times. Factory warranty. Cost 5134.95. SELL $85 Call 815-459-5572 5-11/5-18-67 Car New and Used Both Gas and Electric Adams Bi 3004 W. Route 120 McHemrv 4-6-67TF" 14 ROOMS OF FURNITURE WON'T FIT IN A 5 ROOM HOUSE Bill, Marilyn and Porky Bacon are Moving to Arkansas MUST SELL: Electric stove, excellent condition, $70; washer and dryer; 535 each; many antiques; complete aquarium w i t h f i s h , $ 2 0 ; 3 c h e s t s o f d r a w e r s ; l e a t h e r l o u n g e chair, $15; 2 couches; lawn furniture; 5 Model A Ford wheels, $3 each; Electrolux vacuum with attachments, $10; picture frames; dishes, glassware; electric heaters; electric motor; compressed air tank; pipe fitting tools; lamps; babecues; desk and chair, $10; bookcases; books; many toys; dinette table -- 4 chairs $10; 3 coffee tables, tea cart; hundreds of items too numerous to mention. 8202 Greenleaf Drive, Wonder Lake, Wooded Shores Subdivision. Turn west on O^jkwood Drive, Gate 1, from Wonder Lake Road. Greenleaf Drive in the 4th street, turn right on Greenleaf. Only house on right hand side of the road. 5-18-6* REAL ESTATE McHENRY SHORES. 3 bedroom ranch, attached garage. Large picture windows, panelled living and dining room, wall to wall carpet thru out. Hotpoint refrigerator and freezer combination. New Magic Chef range. Gas heat. Tri Tr. storms, 2 patio's. Lovely landscaped lot. Water rights. 614 S. Hilltop. 5-18-67 SUNNYSIDE ESTATE. 2 bedroom ranch with attached garage, on wooded, landscaped 70 x 112 ft. lot. Aluminum storms and screens, gas heat, tile bath and 18 x 20' patio. $11,000. Call 385-4977. 5-18/6-8-67 MODERN 3 bedroom ranch in lovely area with beach and pier rights. 2 full bath, large kitchen, dining room, living room, and attached garage. Call for appointment 385-6325. 5-18/5-25-67 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 REFRIGERATORS. One S>ervel gas. Best offer takes any or all. Call 385-3316. 5-4/5-18-67 BEDDING PLANTS -- Flowers, Tomatoes, Vegetables. Geraniums and potted roses. Schlesser's Greenhouse, 211 E. Route 120, McHenry, Illinois, East of Lakemoor. 4-27/6-29-67 FOR SALE White Pearl Drum Set 175.00 or best offer. Phone 385-1463. 4-13-67TF , Owners have moved out of state. Immediate possession of extra well built, well kept 5 room -- 2 bedrom Lannon Stone trimmed ranch on well landscaped lot, 70x130 feet. Living and dining rooms have walls of Philippine mahogany. Real wood burning fireplace, colored tile bath modern cabinet kitchen, Hot Point electric range, 12 cu. ft. refrigerator, drapes included. 1 car attached garage. Financing available Richgrd Ryan Realtor Call 312-CH3-2727 or 312-GU 4-4135 5-18-67 BY OWNER: 2 bedroom ranch, large living room, cabineted kitchen, breezeway, 1% car garage, acre lot, near new high school. $13,200. Call 385-5882, 5-18-67 COUNTRY CHARM - CITY CONVENIENCE This lovely home overlooks the golf course - yet is conveniently situated in the city. Two large bedrpoms, dining area and glazed porch. $16,500 Elegant colonial mansion overlooking Pistakee Lake. 9 large rooms plus 3 baths. $78,00|3 3 bedroom home with panelled den and garage. $800 should handle if buyer qualifies. $15,500 E^RL R. WALSH Real Estate 3429 W. Elm Street 385-3300 McHenry, tylinois 5-11-67 385-443*4 Garage Sale. Saturday, 'May 20, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 1820 Park Lame, Lakeland Park. Lawn furniture, toys, lamps, tables, misc. 5-18-67 ONE of the finer things of life--Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $1. (Ace Hardware). 5-18-67 BOATS & MOTORS 14 FOOT FIBERGLASS boat, motor and trailer. 30 H.P. Evinrude motor with electric starter. Call 653-7200 after 6. 5-18-67 Pulverised BLACK BffiT GRAVEL^ CHIPS FOR DRIVEWAYS PEAT Frank S. May Call 385-1788 5-4-61 THE RESALE SHOP 3911 W. MAIN ST. USED CLOTHING AT 10c PER GARMENT HOURS: 12 Noon 'till 6 P.M. 7 £>ays LOTS OF GOODIES 5-4-67TF FOR SALE Hay & Straw DELIVERED IN SEMI LOADS Call 414-675-3531 BLAZEL & STAHL, INC. Newburg, Wis. 53060 5-4-67TF COMBINATION WINDOWS BRAND NEW Combination CHUCK'S GLASS & MIRROR 4304 W. South Street Cooney Heights PHONE SS5-S560 FOR SALE REASONABLE 6 H.P. Rotary Tiller, 5 H.P. Garden Tractor with Plow, Discs, Steel Drag, Cultivator. Some Garden Tools, Hand Cultivators. Fertiizer. Heavy Duty Grinder for Metal Work. Industrial Type Air Compressor. Bird Cages, Flight, Breeding others. Fish Bowls. Walnut, Maple and Cherry Logs. All in fine condition. MAY BE SEEN AT 3104 WEST IDYLE DELL RD. McHENRY One Mile East of 31 5-18-67 icture rames Modern Contemporary Spanish » Any Finish Lakeland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt. 120 McHenry JgJft-7100 r BLACK DIRT SALE 385-4282 '5-18-6-29-67 11 FT. ALUMINUM JON BOAT 3.5 H.P. air cooled motor. Used 5 hours. $125. Call 385-6375 5-18-67 A FAIR DEAL - WITH QUALITY • INTEOHITV - EXPKRIWtCIT AND 8ERVICC CHRYSLER M&ffina Products BOATS 8c MOTORS PONTOON BOAT. Cheap. Call 385-1613. 5-18-67 1966 JOHNSON Sea Horse, 5 h.p. outboard motor. Slightly used. Call 385-4165. 5-18-67 17 FT. Chris Craft, 165 H.P. trailer, convertible top, full accessories. Nothing else needed. $1700 complete. Call 815- 385-3552. 5-4-67TF Purchasing officer for expanding construction company. Must be familiar with construction materials and take off. Excellent opportunity for qualified person. Send resume t o B o x 4 5 5 c / o M c H e n r y Plaindealer, McHenry. 5-4-67TF 16 FT. ALUMINUM boat. Motor and trailer. 33 H.P. Scottatwater electric starter. Must sell immediately. $250. May be seen at McHenry Gun Center. 5-4-67 TF Mala Help Wanted • PAINTERS •LABORERS Year around employment. Vacation and other company benefits. See or call ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDERS, INC. 10002 Main St., Richmond, 111. Call 815-678-2861 5-4-67TF Triton Marine 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 385-1076 5-4-67TF FOR SALE 2 SNOW TIRES 735 x 14, 1 small refrigerator suitable for apartment. Reasonable. 2003 N. Park Lane, Lakeland Park. 5-18-67 21 CUBIC FT. deep freeze. Chest type. Good condition. 4 burner electric Westinghouse stove. Perfect condition. Call 385-1172. 5-18-67 AIR CONDITIONER, $75; Ornamental iron with 5 glass shelves for plants or nick nacks, $45. Owner transferred. Call 385-0534. 5-18-67 36 INCH gas range, 22 and 24 inch girl's bicycles. Call 385- 6008 after 5 p.irn. 5-18-67 EXCELLENT, like new R.C.A. 23" T.V. $115. 6 piece white mahogany bedroom suite $90. Colonial secretary desk- china Cabinet $30, New 16 cu. ft. coopertone refrigeraitor-ifreezer was $400 now $250. Twin beds, book shelves, living room furniture suitable for cottage or basement. Call 385- 0924. 5-18-67 DRAIN OPENER FOR LADLES!!! FIREWATER the Liquid Drain Opener helps you with a messy job easily. No fumes, convenient to use. Get your Bottle of FIREWATER today at: Ruck's Hardware, 3902 W. Main, McHenry, 385- 0334. 5-18-67 1965 21 ft. SUNSET travel trailer. Like new. Self contained. Call 815-459-0732.. 5-18-67 GARAGE and RUMMAGE SALE. 1413 W. Sumnyside Beach Dr., Sunnyside Beach Subdivision, Johnsburg. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Drapes, dishes, etc. Call 385-0459. 5-<18-67 10 ACRES standing alfalfa hay. $20.00 an acre - 2 cuttings. Call 385-1402. 5-18-67 G. E. AUTOMATIC washer & dryer, perfect condition. White Way wringer washer, good running candition. Small walnut dining room set, table & 4 chairs, buffett and china Call 385-0786. 5-18-67 APPROXIMATELY 500 sq. yards of sod, cut in rolls. 25c a sq. yard. Call 385-3560. 5-18-67 FRENCH POODLE. Male. Standard. 6 months old. Has shots. $30.00. Call 385-3371. 5-18-67 PHILCO 17 inch TV. Good working order. $40.00 Call 385- 0053. 5-18-67 FUR JACKET. Good condition $35.00. CaU after 4:30 p.m. 385-0787. 5-18-67 iFHREWATER - CONVENIENCE PERSONIFIED! Created for Women. You can now Open your stopped up sink drains quickly and easily - no fuss - no mess. Buy it toddy at Ace Hardware, 3729 W. Elm, McHenry, 385-0722. 5-18-67 WANTED Stable help for Richmond horse farm. Would like experienced men but will train someone who has been around livestock. Top wages, wonderful living quarters and all meals furnished. Contact Tom Moore Knolland Farm Richmond, Illinois Call 815-678-2261 5-4-67TF TUHRET EXPERIENCE ESSENTIAL Age Up To 70 MILLER PRODUCTS SPRING GROVE ILLINOIS 815-675-2021 5-11/5-25-67 ^Male^Jiolp^^^^ed A-l MECHANIC. McHenry Garage, 926 N. Front, McHenry, IU. Call 385-0403. Northern Illinois Gas Company Has openings for Meter Reader And Construction Workers Excellent starting salary. 40 hour week Monday thru Friday Gobd company benefits Minimum requirements High school education Apply at personnel office week days 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Nortb©m Illinois Gr&3 Oo. 300 W. Terra Cotta Crystal Lake, Illinois An equal opportunity employer 5-18-67 Refrigeration AND Appliance SEI1ICE MAN Permanent position in pleasant surroundings. Good starting rate and all company benefits including employee discount on purchases. Come talk with us! DAVE WILLIAMS Strviot AepL *11111* 225 i. Calhoun WOODSTOCK Mai© Help Wanted WANTED Real EstatfP Sales Manager Capable of taking care of office. Excellent opportunity for right man. Send resume to BOX 465 c/o McHenry Pkmdealer 5-11/5-26-67 FULLTIME GENERAL CUSTODIAN Age 21 - 55 Hours 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Employee benefits -- Apply To -- McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP 1110 N. Green McHenry, Illinois or call 385-1050, Woodstock Bit Casting a PROGRESSIVE, GROWING ...DUSTRY NOW HIRING • DIE CASTERS • DRILL PRISS OPERATORS • PUNCH PRESS 0PSSSAT0RS • ELiiTRO PLATERS Day and Night Shifts APPLY IN PERSON Woodstoc Division of ELTOA C@rp©rca&i@R WOODSTOCK, HUMS ore ®mpbym COLL!!©!®! PART-TIME For 1STAIL STill Will consider retired gentleman. Must know Woodstock and the surrounding area. CONTACT: MR. HARRIS 338-5200 110 S. JOHNSON ST. WOODSTOCK, ILL Emm t Z 3 ' C Z 3 ED E3 E Z 3 S 3 E Z Z 3 C Z 3 C Z I CU E H 3 ( Z 9 BP Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted We Have The Following Openings: - MALE - FIRST AND SiCOND SH! Production Machming Supervisors Machine Attendants Compression Molders - Rubber Tool and Cutter Grinders Stock Men Personnel Assistant Precision Mechanical Inspectors Set Up Men for Turret Drills Milling Broach Drill Press Automatic Lathe Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. OUR WORKING HOURS IN THE PLANT WILL BE 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 12 midnight AUTOMOTIVE CONTROLS CORP 1 On Rt. 120 Behind McHenry Market Place Phone 385-7000