THE MeHENHY PLAXNDE ALER ISU*nt AUTOS 1964 FORD Econo line, 6 cylinder stick Excellent condition. Must see to appreciate. Call after 6 p.m. 385-3507. 5-11/5-18-67 AUTOS I960 FORD Fairlane 500, 292 • cu. in., V8. Automatic overdrive. S150 or best offer. Call 385-1625 5-18-67 Beat The Heat! Have your car Air Conditioned now. Enjoy the cool hush of Vornada Air Conditioning installed in your present car. In any make or model for only ... Complete Sun side Call for an appointment 385-7220 4810 West Route 120 McHenr\ AUTOS 1957 2 DOOR FORD. Reliable transportation. Low milage. 1 Make offer. Misker, 85161 Memory Trail, Highland ' Shores. Wonder Lake. 111. 5-18-67 1958 FORD Station wagon, heater, radio, roof rack with / flooring and tarpoon to cover 1 2 extra wheels, 4 extra tires. 410 N Santa Barbara, Lakernoar, McHenry. S-18-67 AUTOS 1955 FORD. Good second car. Good tires. Runs good. Reasonable. Call 385-1647 after 4:30 p.m. 5-18-67 Replacement Parts For Cars „ Accessories and Seat Covers | COMMUNITY 1 AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 son. to 1 pm 2-4-65-TF BEST DEAL UPTOWN '66 GALAXIE 500 H.T $2195 '66 GALAXIE 500 4 DR. $2095 '66 MUSTANG STICK $1995 '66 FOED CUSTOM 2 DR. $1495 *66 MUSTANG H.T $1595 '65 PONTIAC VENTURA $1895 '65 CHEVROLET Bel Air Sedan V8 Auto. $1595 '65 VOLKSWAGEN 4 to choose from .... $1195 '65 MUSTANG H.T. . . H.T.'s -- Convt. -- sticks ... $1595 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL •65 MiSTAH© H.T. WHOLESALE SPECIALS '63 RAMBLER $295 '82 FALCOH •. $195 '82 FORD WAGON $495 '60 PONTIAC $295 MacDonold Ford, Inc. Phone 90 South Rt. 12, Fox Lake, ill. 3I2-JU7-254I & o • *a\ s^\pe9 V^:x sPrj' ->ep;- 3c of riOr You've got to drive it to believe it. See your Jeep' dealer. Check the Yellow Pages. IVicHENRY GARAGE 926 N. Front St Phone 385-0403 McHenry, 111. 1966 DUCATI motorcycle Monza 160 Junior 160 C.G. S375.00 Call 385-6064 $-1847 ' 1966, 175 c.c. Bridgestone. $450. Call 385-4164. 5-18-67 1966 BRIDGESTONE 175 duel I twin motorcycle with extra racing heads and helmet $485. Call 385-3596 5-18-67TF BUSINESS SERVICES UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St McHenry.. Illinois ART'S Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 BUSINESS SERVICES 1961 FORD convertible 8 cylinder automatic. Clean car. • Good top. Call 385-4862. 5-18-67 1959 PONTIAC. Good tor transportation or parts. Call 385-3457 5-18-67 1966 BRIDGESTONE. 177 c.c. Excellent running condition. $4%. Call 385-2591.. 5-18-67 : Sales -- Service We service most m aides of foreign cars EUROPA Motor Sales 3318 W. Fearl, McHenry T0Y011 Phone 385-0700 JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center • Wheel Alignment • Brakes • Mufflers • Shocks • Accessories • Gas for Less • Complete Tire Line Passenger & Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 1-20-66TF McHENRY FENCE CO. Oak Fireplace Wood Split and delivered $18.00 toa SPECIALISTS IN FENCE BUILDING OF ALL TYPES 1007 N. River Road JOE FLICEK Call 38S-1469 5-4-67TF BUSINESS SERVICES ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Kickert Electric. 48t> Center St.. Gravslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF TONY'S Machine Shop Complete lawn mower repair Machine Shop Service 3016 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois 1 block east of bridge • 385-4962 5-18-67TF AUTOS AUTOS >oooo*««*| AUTOS 1965 HARiLEY Davidson, F.L.H. 74 full dress with side car. Call 385-4005. 5-18-67 1950 CHEVROLET Vz ton pick up truck. Very good condition. Built-in utility box bed. Call 385-5419. 5-18-67 Why Not Stop In... We're Always Willing to do BUSINESS THI -4DGE BOYS The Hidge iifs IN McHENRY Brand New -- One Left 1966 CHARGER • SAVE $$ it 1966 MONOCO 500 -- EXECUTIVE DRIVEN 2 Door Hardtop: Bucket Seats, Console, Automatic, All Power. A real luxury Sport Model 40,000 miles or 4 year guarantee. -X 1966 POLARA -- 4 DOOR SEDAN Very low miles. All Power, Radio, Heattr. Whitewall Tires. | Full 50,000 miles or 5jrear guarantee. Used Cars You Can Depend On • 1964 DODGE (8) WAGON t AH power, sharp car. Many extras • 1963 CHEVROLET -- 2 DOOR taOK Automat.c Radio, Heater. New low price . . • 1962 CHEVROLET --• 2 DOOR tQQ£ Super Sport Hardtop • 1962 CHEVROLET -- STATION WAGON <695 Come early for this one * & 1961 THUNDERBIRD $995 •k 1961 PLYMOUTH -- 2 DOOR $295 • 1961 PLYMOUTH -- CONVERTIBLE $595 $395 $295 $395 $395 it 1961 RAMBLER -- 2 DOOR • 1960 DODGE -- 4 DOOR • I960 CHEVROLET -- STATION WAGON • 1957 CADILLAC -- 4 DOOR SPORT. Others As Low As $50 TRUCKS: 1964 FORD Pickup -- 1954 FORD Pickup -- 1957 FORD Panel -- 1962 DODGE -- Stock Rack -- 1959 INTERNATIONAL Telepsone Company -- 1960 INTERNATIONAL Pickup. Low Bank Rate Financing SUNNYSIDE - McK No Foolii ©••• Have You Heard How Murphy- Baber Buick Is Beating Everyone's Deal On New '67 Buicks and Opels? Drive a bargain -- Drive io Pox Lake "The gentlemen from Buick" MURRHV-BABER 91 S. Bit. 12 rox DAILY 9-9 , SATURDAY 9-5 J® V455S CLOSED SUNDAYS •••* A LITTLI GOES A LONG WAY At CRYSTAL LA1I IMPORTS IN€o nil? INT mJMUU $1720 Deluxe 2 door sedan Price Includes back-up lights, seat belts, upholstery, outside mirror, heater and defroster, windshield washer, 2 speed electric wipers. A Fine Selection of Used Cars -- Fully Reconditioned. 100% Guaranteed Rte. 14 West of 31 Open Eves, 'til 9:00 Crystal Lake 815-459-7100 AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE ASK ABOUT OUR VOLKSWAGEN INSURANCE PLAN new general irffi{3iin!(si||@r of KeSdhQirt's Chevir ©§Qf - Oidsmobile, invites you to step in for my of your cm needs. Ralph Munson Name your own price. No fair offsir will be turned iown! You're Alwap Welcome REICHERT CHLVROI ,L"T- Ol DSMOhll [ 417 Clay Woodstock 338-2780 COPT DEADLINE Classified Display -- Tuesday, Noon Regular Classified -- Tuesday, 4 p.m. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classifieds ads after the first in* sertion. Check your ad the first week and call our attention to any mistakes. BUSINESS SERVICES WHARTON iBlacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimate GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 64^>7TF BLACK DIRT STONE GRAVEL Call 385-6441 5-11/5-25-67 TROPHIES Plaques & Engraving 50% Discount Plastlgrave Trophies 4213 W. Waukegan Rd. (Rte. 120)' McHenry, 111. Ph.815-388-4679 6-4-67TF SandL MASONARY & CONCRETE PATIOS BAR-B-Q PITS : FIRE PLACES SIDEWALKS Call after 6. P.M. : 459-7407 or 653-9240 5-11/6-1-67 DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • BLACK DIRT AND FILL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS: Phone 815-385-3704; 5-4-67TF McHenry ^ Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 5-6-65*TF Four Seasons Landscaping SALES: Sod Shrubs Shade Trees SERVICE: Transplanting Sodding Pruning 4 Tree Service CALL EVENINGS AFTER 6:00 P.M 653-7176 5-4/5-25-67 ATTENTION! McHENRY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why mlfcs those important calls. McHenry Telephone Answering Service 385-0258 2-9-67TF 1-