Attends National Clinic The Reverend D.D. Johnson, of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, is attending an intensive two-week orientation session conducted by the Adult Christian Education Foundation of Madison, Wis. The session will conclude July 7. Following the national clinic, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church will launch locally the use of Bethel Series, an extensive adult Bible study program now being used by nearly 1,400 Christian churches throughout the country. Pastor Johnson will begin immediately to enlist a corps of prospective lay teachers, committed to a two-year teacher training program, in preparation for the congregational use of the Bethel Series. By the fall of 1969. approximately 1,150 new teacher trainees will join an estimated 20,000 teachers throughout the country in teaching the Bethel Series to classes of adults in their respective congregations. The painting shown in the photo with the pastor is the symbolic picture to tell the story of "Creation". Lake Region YMCA Continues Summer Trips The Lake Region YMCA continues its summer bus trips on July 10 with an excursion to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad and the Art Institute. Future trips are planned for five succeeding Mondays through Aug. 14 for boys and girls 7 through 14. One supervisor 'is provided for every 10 trippers. The buis pick-up schedule for the July 10 outing for Bus Big Bear is: YMCA Woodstock Program Center, 226 W. Judd Street - 8 atm., Thompson Road and Route 120, Wonder Lake - 8:10 a.m., McHenry Junior High School - 8:20a.m., Oak Knoll School in Cary - 8:40 a.m., and Fox River Grove Railroad Station - 8:45 a.m. Information and registrations for trips may be completed by telephoning the Lake region YMCA Program Centers, 459-4455 or 338-1621 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. in Crystal Lake and from 9 a.m. to Noon in Woodstock. Fir Mai Winer lit EVELYN RASKE PHONE 653-4362 Sodality Holds Bake Sale After Sunday Masses The Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King church will hold its annual bake sale Sunday, July 9, in the church haJU. Hie bake sale will start following the 7 o'clock Mass and will continue until after the 12.o'clock Mass. All persons wishing to donate home baked goods may bring them to the school hall on Saturday between 2 and 6 p.m. or before the morning Masses. Atfyone not contacted by their ivision caller may state iir donations to the chairman, Mrs. Mable Pike, 653- 4438. KIWANIS NEWS Kiwanis Division Play Day wiil be hosted by the Crystal Lake club on Tuesday, July 18, at the Crystal Lake Country club. Members from the Fox River Grove, Cary, Woodstock, McHenry, Dundee, DeKalb, Bel- Belvidere, Sycamore and Wonder Lake clubs will attend. A caucus will be held to select a nominee for 1968 It. Governor. bur speaker was LeoHartog, copch and player of the newly formed Soccer team in Wonder Lake. Leo gave a talk on the history of Soccer and how it is a fast growing sport. Leo sees the possibility of teams in all neighboring towns and a McHenry County League. The Wonder Lake team is looking for a suitable field. The sport is open for all youths 17 and over. Art Christopher won the Battle Ax Award. 13TH BIRTHDAY A BIG SPLASH Ray Watkins celebrated his thirteenth birthday on Wednesday, June 21, entertaining thirteen friends with a splash party at the Marina Motel located in Fox Lake. This was followed with refreshments at the home of Dr. Watkins. Out of town guests from Chicago, Evanston, and Oak Lawn also attended to make a perfect day for the young teenager. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birthday greetings are sent to Mrs. Norman (Gail) Williams, Jr., on her special day, July 4. PROUD AUNT AND UNCLE Jerry and I became the proud uncle and aunt of a 10 lb. 3 oz. nephew on Wednesday, June 28. Robert Jay Wojciechowski came into this world at 2:30 p.m. at Sherman hospital. His parents, Stan and Pat, brought him home to his anxiouly awaiting sister, Debbie, and brother, Stan. SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED Mrs. Ethel Swanson, 7601 North Drive passed away Wednesday In the Memorial hospital. Among her survivors are her husband, David. Arrangements were made at the Peter Jijsten Funeral home. Also deep sympathy is extended to Mrs. Anna Kasper and Mrs. Bess Hudecek on the death of their brother, Charles Holub. HOME AGAIN Mrs. Ronald Summers is home now after a two week stay in Chicago Lying-in hospital where she underwent surgery. Hope you're feeling better. GARDEN CLUB NEWS The Wonder Lake Garden Club met on June 8 at the home of Mrs. Margolis, 7203 Seminole drive, Wonder Lake, with president Elsie Ottosonpresiding. The following members were present: Mesdames Fiala, Murphy, Nelson, Ottoson.Pose, Sanders, Schelling, Ultasky and the hostess, Mrs. Margolis. Mrs. Marie Klatt was a guest for the evening. Several points of interest were brought up, one being the care of the grounds at the post office. What with the weather as it has been, rain and then some, no one was able to do anything up there, until Thursday, June 15 when six members, namely Fiala, Ottoson, Pose, Sanders, Schelling and Vitavsky, worked. They dug and fertilized around the trees and the front entrance to the office and at the corner. The School Nurses At Conference Mrs. Pauline Pries, R.fJ., and Mrs. Edith Nimsgern, R.N., school nurses in the McHenry Elementary schools, District No. 15, attended a five day conference for school nurses at the Illinois State university, Normal, June 25 through^30. It was sponsored by the office of the superintendent of Public Instruction with the assistance of the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Illinois Association of School Nurses, and the Illinois Education association. Mrs. Pries was in attendance at a conference for school nurses on "The Exceptional Child". lawn was also cut by the girls. On July 15 the annual picnic will be held at the home of Mrs. Andrew Johnson 3116 Park Drive, Wonder Lake. Don't forget ladies be sure to bring your husbands to this picniti. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Margolis was called to Minnesota to attend the funeral of her niece. We all extend our utmost sympathy to the breaved family. NEWS BITS The. Ottosons are enjoying the company of Mrs. Ottoson'e nephew and family from Apple Valley, Calif. They are Donald J. Snelson, his wife, Linda, sons, Duke, Michael, and daughter, Kimberley. They reside permanently at 5008 East Lake Shore Drive in Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Ottoson of 7115 Chippewa drive, Wonder Lake, celebrated their forty-second anniversary on July 1. RECORD OF OFFENSES KNOWN 2-Car Thefts-Both Recovered. 5-Burglar Alarms. 5-Juvenile Thefts. 8-Misc. 5-Prowlers. 12-Vandalisms. 7-Thefts Over $150. 1-Theft Under $150. • 3-Lost Drivers Licenses. 4-Disorderly Conduct. 2-Burglary-Attempt-No Entry. 6-Burglary-Entered- Theft. 6-Stt>len Bicycles. 8-Dog Calls-2 to Dr. Fikes. (1-picked up-l-still impounded. 6-returned to Owners.) 5-Business Doors found unlocked. 2-Business Windows left open. 3-Lost or Stolen License Plates. 3-Suspicious Cars. 1-Counterfiet Coin turned over to Treasury Dept. U.S. Govt. 3-Dog Bites and 2-Cat Bites, Children Bitten. 1-Accidental Death. 1-Battery. 1-General Disturbance. 17-Accidents. 11-Over $100 Damage. 5-Under $100 Damage.. 1-With Injuries. RECORD OF PERSONS AR RESTED 29-Speeding. 4-No Valid Drivers Licenses. 2-No Valid Registration. 1-Passing on Curves. 2-Driving While Drunk. 2-Stop Light. 5-Unnecessary Noise. 2-Stop Sign. 1-Improper Left Turn. 1-Cbncealed Weapon* 1-Illegal Possession of Liquor, 1-Battery. 1-Aggravated Assualt. 2-Purchase & Acceptance of Liquor. 4-Curfew Violations. 1-Dog Running Loose. $2 Hang on Tickets. TOTAL 54. 2-Loading Zones. 2-Blocking Driveway. 15-Sign or Zone. 7-Improper Parking. 26-2 a.m. to 6 a.m. 2- Keys in Car. DESK ACTIVITY COUNTER-TOTAL 558. 291-General Information. 89-Directions. 64-Giving out Forms. 51-Supt. of Public Works. 55-Meter Tickets. 1-Signing for Deliveries. 2-Legal Advice. 5-Misc. TELEPHONES 1023-General Information. 43-Directions. <9-Legal Advice. 339-Supt. of Public Works. 3-Circuit. 1-Misc. OTHER ACTIVITIES 1443 Radio Calls. 443-Police-Desk Reports. 87-Communications Answered. 12-Funeral Escorts. 20-Fire Calls. Squad Cars- Mileage. 1966 Ford-3583. 1967 Ford-2909. May Total 6492. Speedometer Readings. 1966 Ford-47671.1967 Ford-21545. Total Fines Collected Clrdut Court for May, $827. Total Fines 1967 Collected to date-$2923.90. Total Fines 1966 collected to date-$1530. Ahead of Last year to date-$1393.90. Richard W. Clark Chief of Police Auxiliary In Busy Session At Fiske Home Mrs. Kenneth Fiske, Sr. of rural Bull Valley was hostess on Thursday morning, June 29 to twenty-nine volunteer workers of the Women's auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, who "keep the shop" on Dean Street, Woodstock, all during the year. Mrs. Leslie Neff, co-chairman of the Nearly New in the "Gift and Thrift" reviewed all the procedures for accepting, selling and returning merchandise in this department. Assisting Mrs. Neff in the Nearly New are Mrs. Ralph Mc- Connell, co-chairman, Mrs. • ice tljc k*\ accicicy^ Harry Abraham and Mrs. Fiske. U jl ' "L V-LAjj|r|tD Mrs. Herbert Kemp, general shop chairman, discussed the gift section of the shop. Mrs. Virgil Smith, treasurer, and Mrs. G.K. Altemus, bookkeeper, reviewed the financial aspect of both departments and made recommendations to the workers. Mrs. W.W. Satorious, president of the auxiliary, introduced Mrs. Henry Mann as the member from the board serving as personnel chairman as well as Saturday Day chairman. Mrs. Mann explained that the day chairman in securing volunteers and to act as coordinator of all personnel. Attending the morning coffee were Mrs. John McConnell, Mrs. John Harding, Mrs. Irving Stransky, Miss Ethel Wienke, Mrs. HelmuthStahlecker, Sr., Mrs. A.N. Zingrone, Mrs. George W. Frejd, Mrs. Lyle Ringgenberg, Mrs. David Frisbie, Mrs. Howard Olila, Mrs. Herman Meyer, Mrs. Freeman Dotson, Mrs. Robert Andrew, Miss Wilhelmina Mathison, Mrs. Ralph Peacock, Mrs. Leroy Anderson, Mrs. Robert Malone, Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs. Richard Cooley, Mrs. Robert Conley, Miss Lillian Conley, and Mrs. Bertha Silverman. Circus Comes To Benefit Y's Men's Club ~ Sells and Gray Circus will perforin in Crystal Lake on Thursday, July 13, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. for a one-day engagement. This is an oldfashioned tented, three-ring circus with a continuous eightyminute performance. The circus ispresented under the sponsorship of the Lake Region YMCA Y*s Men's Club and proceeds will be used to promote their youth and community projects. Big top activities begin early Thursday morning at the tent site located on Pingree Road, north of Route 14 in Crystal Lake. Young and old alike will be welcome to view the arrival of animal wagons, tents, and performers and the raising of the big top at the 23-acre site at daybreak on Thursday morning. Although performances begin at- 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., activities will be held on the tent grounds one hour prior to the show time. In addition to the animal acts, the circus will offer aerial and acrobatic acts, an array of clowns and many other familiar, big top specialties. This circus, which has a 67-year history, has gathered performers from European and American troupes. Headliners include the Jungowes, Austrian performers who have been featured in major European circuses, young Miss Kassie who puts her troupe of performing Russian bears through their paces, Vic and Jean Lewis, clowns from England, who are appearing for the first time in this country, Jo-Ann Jennier who will perform on the high trapeze, the Draguettes, Spanish Jugglers, Sebastian the Illusionist, the Hillanos French Poodle revue, JULY 6, 1967 - PLAINDEALER- SEC. 2. PG. 9 11 ' 1 . 1 1 •' ' ' .^.,-gkLO. Sells and Grays' performing elephants, and many other features of an old-fashioned circus. Tickets may be purchased from any one of the members of the Lake Region Y's Men's club or by phoning the YMCA Program Center, 459-4455, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Members of the Vs Men's Club have agreed to deliver all tickets purchased by phone. Booths for the purchase of tickets will be set up on Saturday, July 8, at the Algonquin State Bank from 9 a.m. to Noon, at the Cary State Bank from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. In Crystal Lake at the Jewel- 08co Center, and Crystal Lake Plaza from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in McHenry at Rt. 120 and McHenry Market Place from 12 until 3 p.m. DAVID SPENCER EARNS PLACE ON DEAN'S LIST Congressman Robert Mc- Clory (R. Lake Bluff) today announced that David Charles Spencer was named to the Dean's List at the end of the spring semester of the United States Air Force Academy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer, Route 1, Box 923, McHenry. David's extracurricular activities at Grant Community high school consisted of the following activities: football, baseball, basketball, class president and student council representative. Also, he was a member of the National Honor Society. Candidate Spencer is completing his sophomore year at the academy where he has distinguished himself with a fine scholastic and athletic record. Aid Caseload Announced In McHenry County * In April 1967, there was an increase in the number of persons on Old Age Assistance, Disability Assistance, and Aid to Dependent Children, and a decrease in the number on Blind Assistance and General Assistance. The over-all total of 434,- 520 included 327,477 persons on Assistance tothe Aged, Blind or Disabled and Aid to Dependent Children eligible for assitance payments and medical care; 46,305 who received Medical Assistance only; 60,738 on General Assistance. The March total of 431,963 persons included 325,102 on Assistance to the Aged,-Blind or Disabled and Aid to Dependent Children who were eligible for assistance payments and medical care; 43,618 receiving Medical Assistance only, and 63,243 on General Assistance. In^pril, 1966, of the 402,889 persons on public aid, 329,847 received assistance payments and medical services; 16,896 Medical Assistance only; 56,146 General Assistance. The caseload for McHenry county was as follows: Total, all programs, 703, $55,480; old age assistance, 210, $21,- 067; aid to dependent children, 309, $16,105; blind assistance, 5, $320; disability assistance, 53, $13,422; general assistance, 126, $4,566. Be Wise Shop In ANGELA'S SUNSET INN Specializing in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. FME FOODS -- COTOTEOUS SERVICE 1 Mile North Wauconda on Old Bouie 12 ' Phone JA 6-2929 it was now her job to assist Ford Country Better Idea Ford Better Idea Specials Galaxie 500 2- and4-Door Hardtops. Vinyl interior, whitewalls, wheel covers. V-8's with options at reduced prices--Select- Shift, power steering, air conditioning and power brakes. Save I Mustang Better Idea Specials New Mustang Sports Sprint Hardtops and Convertibles. Specially built limited-edition models. Lots of sporty extras at extra-low prices. Big savings on air conditioning. Specially equ>pped Gaiano 500 2 Door Hardtop Spectaiiy equipped Mustang Sports Sp i r i g s move 15 ajftd earn a full 6-month dividend,1 That's our policy: Savings in by the 15th o f a n y month earn from the 1st, ANTICIPATED NEW ANNUAL DIVIDEND RATE OF i% will be paid by McHenry Savings on * LA*, five July I, 1967. Investment accounts simply require imum deposit of $1000 with increases in rnul a mines You'll find ideas at your Ford Dealer s now other cars won't have till next year--<f then Like a 2 way wagon doorgate, Tilt Away steering, and more Save now en an fords SF0RD SALES McHenry, 3936 Wesjk Main Street MEMBER Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. . federal Home Loan Bank System Savings and Loan Foundation United States Savings and Loan League Savings and Loan League >9 N. Green St. W