Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1967, p. 10

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» ./* ' ' ' ' " KfS" THE McE&HY PLAINDEALEH Malt Help Wauled DUE to our extensive growth, we ire now taking applicatkns for professional body men and painters. See Dave Page, Conlon-Colllns Ford, Inc., ^Crystal Lake, HI. 7-13-67 MAN to work in service station, part time, weekends. Apply - at Schreiner's Standard Service. Experience preferred. 3817 W. Elm St., Call 385-0720. 7-1^67 Female Kelp Wanted RELIABLE teenager mother's helper for summer: Doctor's family, 3 children, own air conditioned room, pool, Chicago suburb. Call collect 312- 9P7-6020. 7-13-67 ) SALESMAN Metropolitan Life Insurance Co^ has a position open as a career salesman in the McHenry area. Over 400 established accounts. Income while training. No experience necessary. Excellent training program. An Equal Opportunity Employer. CtO Jim Wate!i at S12-662-2540 or Mr. MoWor at S12-K16- 1KC Metropolitan Life Insurant* Co., 2740 W. Grand Ave. WaaHcegan, m. «-*9/7-t0-«7 U PAINTERS >*•? *§ MASONS *§ CEMENT MEN 4 CARPENTERS 4 IRON WORKERS Year around employment. Vacation and other company benefits. See or call V | Arnold N. May Bulldem, Inc. UWOt Main St., ESchmond,DL & CALL 815-378-2861 7-6-67TF OFFICE HELP. Must type and take dictation. Apply in person. Althoffs 903 N. Front, McHenry. 7-6-67TF A Full Time WOMAN To be responsible for Inventory* Control & Customer Invoicing duties. We are looking for someone who wishes a permanent position with career opportunities. Contact: Mr. Stevens or Mr. Gilly Crystal Lake Truck Sales, Inc. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS 459-1632 or 459-1631 7-13-67 Male Help Wanted MAN wanted, full time. Holly's Service Station, 3307 W. Elm. McHenry. 7-13-67 FULL TIME Service Station help. Experience requested. Phone 385-0533. 7-13-67 ATTRACTIVE private cottage on grounds, free rent and utilities plus modest salary, in exchange for care taking duties. Prefer retired individual or couple, or will consider others. Call 385-0967 between 10 a.m. to 12 noon. 7-13-67 LIKE TO BE ON YOUR OWN? {Large, well-known feed manufacturer has opening in McHenry County for sales and service representative. Definitely not high pressure sales work. Full-time work. Home livery night. Personal on-the-job training. Backing by Ifeie of the finest research departments. Very best employee benefits. Will require mature person who is interested in and capable of successfully operating own feed ^business. Can arrange confidential evening interviews. IjContact: I* D' BEVER 1 Bt. 3, Box 605, Antioch, 111. Call S12-S85-20SS I 7-6/7-13-67 Electrical Assembly Foreman *" Capable of testirig coritf orsystems. »• Excellent company benefits. MAJOR CORPORATION Rt. 14 & 31 Crystal Lake, niinois Call 815-459-6300 Fenude^^^WiuitodL WOMAN wanted 1 day a week for general house cleaning. Must have own transportation. Call 385-5579. 7-13-6? MOTHERS helper wonted for July & August. Young couple. Wilmette, Illinois area. Air conditioned home. Pleasant suroundings. For information Call 312-AL1-7290. 7-13-67 FARMHAND WANTED IMMEDIATELY or full time employment for farm in McHenry County, enant house and all utilities furnished. Person we are ookingx for must have farm background and experience, or more information and complete details write BOX 477 c/o McHenry Plaindealer giving references, experience, age and family status. SALES LADY -- Ben Franklin has opening for mature salesperson. Experience preferred; Sales and Marking; Permanent - full time. Apply at once to Mr. Dean, Ben Franklin, McHenry. 7^13-67 7-13-67 WHAT'S IN YOUR F Look for our Display Advertisement On Sec. I Page 3 of Hie Plaindealer 7-6-67 <. McHenry Medical Group NEEDS Doctors Assistants Permanent - Full Time Will Train Typing Helpful Call Mrs. Lueth 385-1050 7-13-67 MERRI-MAC M®®ds YOU To show the finest line of Toys & Gifts from September to December No Experience Necessary No Delivery No Collecting For Details ft Catalogue Call 815-385-4665 7-13/7-27-67 WEEK-END KDMITTMG CLERK The McHenry Hospital needs a pleasant, neat appearing, alert woman to work weekend days in the admitting office. We offer good wages and interesting work. This is an ideal way to supplement your family income. PHONE FOB APPOINTMENT MR. LYON 385-2200 7-13-67 ELECTRONIC LAB TECHNICIAN J To assist project engineer with design, de- ; velopment and construction of electronic and ' Electro-Mechanical equipment. Strip-chart recorder experience helpful. Solid state experience required. Permanent position with exceptional employee benefits, including profit sharing. AEROQUIP CORPORATION BARCO DIVISION 5C0 N. Hough Barrington, Illinois CALL DU 1-1700 "An equal opportunity employer" 7-13-67 Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED sales lady for part time work. Stillings Town & Country Gifts. Call 385-0297. ; 7-13-67 FOR RENT 3 ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor, 3325 W. Elm St., Phone 385- 0743. Dr. Goetschcl. 7-6-67TF OFFICE. 1212 N. Green St., main floor. Air conditioned.. 952.50 (across from McHenry Savings & Loan, new building) Call 385-1327. 7-6-67TF 1 BEDROOM modei-Q apartment. Ideally locatel in Hillview Shopping Center. Heat and hot water furnished. $95 per month. Call 815-678-3581. 7-6-67TF 3 BEDROOM house, furnished. River rights. Call after 5 p.m. 385-7013. 7-13-67 5 ROOM apartment available for not more than. 3 in family. 5100 per month. Call 385-3435 or 385-5855. 7-13-67TF 5 LARGE room residence, double plumbing, modern decorating, waterfront, All furnished. Also 2Vi rooms. 4412 Riverdale Dr., Sunnyside, near Cripple Children's home. Call 385-7125. 7-13-67 STORE located on Route 120. 773 sq. ft. space. Phone 385- 5291. 7-13-67TF 7 ROOM house with 3-4 bedrooms. Basement and 2Vz car garage. McCullom Lake. Lease required. $110.00. Call 385-0941. 7-13-67 TWO BEDROOM apartment; air conditioned; carpeted; gas heat; stove and refrigerator; laundry facilities. Call 459- 4385. 7-13-67 SECOND FLOOR, five-room apartment, heat furnished. One year lease. Location 3842 W. Main St. Mrs. Elmer Jensen, Phone 385-1119 after 5 p.m. 'or Saturday and Sunday. 7-13/7-20-67 5 ROOM HOUSE, 2 bedroom. Full basement, garage. 513 Mineral Springs, McHenry, 111. Call 385-0243. 7-13-67 FOR SALE or RENT FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 bedroom home. Immediate occupancy. Located Aqua Lane Estates. Call 338-2900 for appointment between 9 a.m. anfl 4:30 p.m. 7-6-67Tt$ WANTED TO BUY MOTHER'S Are you looking for something different? SELL TOYS PLAYHOUSE CO.. Inc. is looking for women to sell toys. August to December. No delivery - No collecting No experience needed. We train you. Company furnishes FREE supplies and hostess gifts. Liberal commission PLUS exciting S&H Green Stamp program. For further information Call Collect 815-338-2357 7-13/8-3-67 CLAIMS ADJUSTER TRAINEE Interesting work investigating and settling claims for a fast growing company. Prefer married man with college degree. Company will train. Complete benefit program, car furnished. Write: SENTRY INSURANCE 10 S. Riverside Plaza, Chicago, 111. 60606 7-13-67 McHenry Medical Group NEEDS BOOKKEEPER Full charge experience desirable, age 23 to 40, salary, open. Call Mrs. Lueth 385-1050 7-13-F7 GUNS--For Cash $$$. McHenry Gun Center. 3325 W. Elm Street Phone 385-7320 3-25-65-TF CARD OF THANKS Iwish to thank Dr. Massouda. the nurses and all who took care of me, also those who came to visit me. Especially Father Beauvais. Mrs. Lena Abbinante We wish to express our sincere thanks to Fibers Gozzardo and Beauvais, the nurses of McHenry Hospital's Intensive Care, George J us ten Funeral- Home and our many friends who expressed their sympathy and helpfulness at the time of our sorrow. Family of Mary E. Kern 7-13-67 The family of the late Robert J. Conway wishes to extend their thanks to the doctors and nurses at McHenry Hospital, Father Beauvais, Father Guzzardo, for their help and kindness during his illness. To the Rifle Squad, Americcan Legion, Auxiliary, and everyone who sent floral offerings, Masses and sympathy cards. The use of cars, donations of food and other acts of kindness shown to us during our recent bereavement is^iee£l^jg£reciated^M^67 WANTED TO RENT DOCTOR and his family require 3 bedroom house within 4 miles of McHenry Hospital. Call 385-0823. 7-13-67 Situation Wanted HIGH SCHOOL girl would like to do light house work one or two days a week. Please call Sandy at 385- 3305. 7-13-67 WILL do baby sitting for working mother. Call 385- 7441. 7-13-67 WANTED -- Serviceable second hand complete crib. Call 385-2318. 7-13-67 TO BE GIVEM AWAY 8 week old beautiful, healthy happy, part Persian kittens. Call before .12 noon or after 7 p.m. 385-4711. 7-13-67 HELP WANTED Experienced School Teacher. St. Joseph's Church, Richmond Illinois. Call 678-7421. 7-6-67TF MALE OR Female to clean stairway and entrances of apartment buildings. Call 815- 678-2861. 7-13-67TF Give Tentative Okay To 67-68 School Budjd Tentative approval to the proposed budget for 1967-68 was given by the board of School District 15 at its Monday, July 10, meeting. This budget will, be open for inspection to the public at the Aug„ 14 meeting, to be held at the Junior high school at 8:15 p.m. Two new teachers have been added to the staff with contracts approved for Mrs. Jeanne Ludwlg, teaching sixth grade at Valley View school, and Mrs. Dolores Carol Rolger, second grade at Edgebrook. At the same time, the board accepted the resignation of Paul Dana, math teacher at Junior high. In addition to the new faculty members, Mrs. Abadine Domke was employed as secretary at Junior high, starting Aug. 15, and August Hagemann was employed as custodian, effective Aug. 1. Tentative approval was given fay the board to various school policies and procedures. will represent the age of the earth. Then, lay a nickel on top of the building, which will .represent the period of man's 'existence on earth. Then, put the thinnest tissue paper you can find on top of the nickel, to represent tlfe period at time covered by recorded history". HELP WANTED N W CHECK SEC I PAGE 3 For Opportunities Unlimited WE NEED • RN'S • LPN*S • Aides No experience necessary. In service training. Contact WOODSTOCK RESIDENCE 309 McHenry Avenue WOODSTOCK Phone: 338-1700 7-13/7-27-67 Men or Women Telephone Sales Pleasant working conditions Air conditioned office. $1.50 per hour Mornings or evenings Pick your own hours Chicago Daily News •4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 111. Call 385-1070 7-13-67 ; ARE WE IN YOUR FUTURE? Read our Ad 'On Sec. I Page 3 THEN ANSWER THAT QUESTION 7-6-67 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES I j CHERRIES: Pick them yourj self at DeWitt Bros. Cherry 1 Orchard, Hwy. 15. 2 mi. West of East Troy, Wise., phone orders for picked fruit before j noon. Call 414-642-5566. Orchard open from 8 a m to 4:30 pm. 7-13/7-20 i DON'T merely brighten your carpets . . . Blue Lustre them : eliminate rapid resoiling. | Rent electric shampooer' $1. | Ace Hardware 7-13-67 THE Open 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 3»17 W. Main St. McHenry Phone S85-1530 7-6-67 Female Help Waniad Wen is you for opportunities unlimited.... CHECK OUR ADVERTISEMENT CHECK SEC I PAGE 3 7-6-67 The Place TO BUY YOUR T1IES All 4-ply and fully guaranteed Complete Stock of Passenger -- Truck -- Tractor Tires and Tubes <» v. » k • •. -VJ.. v McHenry Tit a Mart 3931 W. Main St. PHONE 385-0294 McHenry, I1L Q. C. Inspectors Are you a take-charge guy? Can you tell a good thing from a bad one and say so. A leading company can use your agressiveness. $100 a week. Foreman Trainee 5390 to $425 Draftsman Trainee $375 to $425 Sales Trainee $500 to $600 Jr. Accountant $375 to $500 liab Tecli $475 to $525 360 Computer Operators Need two young men who wish to learn the leader of the computors. No experience necessary. Just a desire to enter the fin-' est E;D.P. installation in the U.S. and $600 a mp. Cost Estimator $550 to $650- Mechanlcal Draftsman $600 to $800 Punch Press Foreman $575 to $650 Maintenance Foreman 59,000 Special Machine Design $10,000 to $11,000 Tool Designer $8,000 to $1,0,000 cm 815- 33a- 32001 zfS Benton St.| Woodstock, Dlinois Open JEstes ours: tea. Ull 7:00 sms. tan is«m Mon., TOM* Wed, FW. 9:00 - 5:00 SECRETARIES ($85 - $125) s We have many openings for the recent high school graduates, as well as for the experienced professionals. CALL NOW: 338-3200 Production Engr. D.P. Manager $9,000 to $13,000 $12,000 to $16,000 Industrial Engrs. (3) Programmer's (3) $850 to $900 $12,000 Production Design Engr. Dir. of Systems $9,000 to $13,000 $12,000 to $16,000 Metallurgical En^r. Cost Accountant $10,000 to $13,000 $10,000 to $11,000 Senior Auditor (2) Ta\ Audtior $9,000 to $10,000 $10,000 to $11,000 SiLL I @15- 338 3200 g&S Benton St. I Woodstock, Illinois WIDE PERSONNEL. INC. Ope# Extra Hoars: Tfe-ss. till Sat. MSB HS:C3 noon. Mtak, TBM* Wod^ PH. •*0 • 5:#t FOREMOST SiSS • MERICA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF INDEPENDENT LIQUOP • t f i v On Sale at This Store Only Sat., Sttfc. 4SII2 W. Route J 20 McHenry 38$--3280 DREf ITS BEER Draft or Regular 24- 12 oz Btls Scotch costs less at Foremost Imported from Scotland GLASGOW SCOTCH QUART Plus Dep. Nuyens Charcoal Filtered Vodka or Distilled London Dry Gin 5,h 2.45 GALLO Sweet or Dry VERMOUTH fifth EARLY 4-yr.-oid Bourbon "Best Buy of th© We®k" FOREMOST PJRI CEM> PAISANO A mellow red table wine 1J9 gal. fl ECHO Blended Whiskey 2.69 fifth Canada Dry. or Canflelds ; ASST.! SCO) ®-12 os. • | • i 49t BL^IZ 0-16 ox. cljnbi u A

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