ft m * $ - fG. 10, SEC. 2 - PLAIN DEALER - JULY 13, 1967 J0HNSBUR6 NE! BETTY HETTERMAXX 885 1296 LILFFI" TOOTH GROUP , * SPONSORS CAR iMggtlWASH SATURDAY | | . C a l l i n g a l l w h o h a v e d i r t y t- - Cars! You can get them shiny bright without any exertion to 4;. yourself. For a nominal fee. "V <f ' the members of St. John's 'S.p-i? will clean your car next ?€*.•- > Saturday on the grounds of the Ji. Johnsburg Community Club. They will be ready to clean Jrour car, inside and out, between the hours of 11 a.m. tod 3 pjn. why not give these youngsters a helping hand to Replenish their treasury as well *s getting your car "spruced Keep in mind the date \ Is next Saturday, July 15, and \ the hours are from 11 to 3. *' ON THE SICK LIST Yoang Mark Schmitt is now ? on the recuperation list after I spending a few days in the McHenry hospital. He fell whil£^ playing and suffered a con- I cusicn. Hurry and get well, Mark. A recent surgery patient in a Waukegan hospital was Mrs. Ben (Martha) Freund. She was most happy to have her granddaughter, Mrs. Ruth Hogan, as | her nurse during this time. ' We all send our very special get-well wishes to her and hope she will soon be up and around. St. Therese hospital in Waukegan is where Bob Martinec will be spending some of his | vacation time. Bob entered the hospital last Wednesday and I underwent surgery there early the next morning. He has responded real well since that time but the length of his stay is still undetermined. Why not sit down and drop a card to these people during their convalescence. Pm sure they would appreciate hearing from their friends at a time like this. ATTENDS GRANDDAUGHTER'S BAPTISM Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt of St. John's Avenue recently were in Aurora to participate in the celebration of Baptism of little Donna Kay Buss. The ceremonies took place in St. Joseph's church in that city. Donna Kay is the fifth daughter of Bernard and Adele Buss. PEOPLE ON THE GO Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund of Johnsburg Road and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pankiewicz of McHenry spent several days recently in the home of the Lee Hsttermanns in Arlington, , Va„ The foursome also did quite . a bit of sightseeing in Washing- ! ton, D.C. Ted and Sandy Freund are spending these two weeks with their family and friends before returning to San Diego where he is stationed with the Navy. While " home, the^ young couple celebrated their first wtedtfing anniversary. On Sunday, July 2. Bob, Joan and Debbie Freund, the Stan Pankiewicz family, Wally, Marlene and Kerri Berg, the Huppy Smith family, Trish Weber, Jay Sayler, Theresa Hettermaxm and Harry and Marilyn May were present in the' Tony Freund home for a celebration. At this time, Ted and Sandy cut into the top layer of ths wedding cake that had been in the freezer for the past year. All in all it was quite a happy anniversary celebration. The Bill Herdrich family visited with his sister and family, the Ed Hettermarais, one day ' last week. The Herdrichs will be leaving shortly to spend several years in Germany. Bill is a career army man and Germany will be his next station. He is on the way to- his destination and his family will • ; join him as soon as suitable living accommodations can be arranged. It will be quite an I experience for this family Pm sure. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michel s and Marilyn, along with Bill May were recent Ohio visitors. IVfaile there, they were participasBts I at the wedding of Mrs. BfflcStils' niece, Betty LaFontaine, to Kenneth Scherger in New Regal, on July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Richard La- Fcatains and children, and Miss J®an Ziegman of Fostoria spent £ few dlays last week as guests In the Arnold Michels home. The Bob Smeltzer family of Rockford and the Robsrt Zimtnermami family of Beloit were . Sunday visitors in the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith. The week previous, Mrs. Ann Poran, sister to Mrs. Smith, jppn* the weekend there. ' Mrs. J03 Smith attencbd two wefisSnjs recently, one in Chicago and one in Milwaukee, «rhere CS13 end many others witnessed fe£EEtiful church ceremonies involving two of her second cousins. The one in Milwaukee took place in the Holy Rosary church, followed by a reception held in the Elks Club there. The wedding in Chicago was performed in St. Jude's church and the newlyweds greeted all their friends and relatives in a leading hotel immediately after. LADY FORESTER NOTES St. Agatha court 777, of the National Catholic Society of Foresters, will meet July 18, at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg Community Club hall. During the course of the evening, a popular quiz game will be played. Plans for the bus trip to Milwaukee on Aug. 16 will also be completed. Committee chairman is Dorothy Himplemann. Others on committee are Karen Pierce, Marilyn Hester, Jeanne Howard, Arleen Theil, Lois Johnson, Christy Hruby and Joyce Hopp. IN LINE FOR BEST WISHES Belated happy wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Leo Gerlach of Sunnyside Beach Drive who observed their forty-sixth wedding anniversary last month. We wish thfem many, many more happy years for the future. Warren Smith will be in line for happy birthday wishes when he celebrates number fifteen this month. July 12 Ricky Wakitschturned 17. Sweet sixteen is what two of our young ladies will be this month. Peggy Peterson celebrates chi the eleventh while her good friend, Joy Hettermann, comes along with her celebration on the thirteenth. The thirteenth also marks the date for best wishes to Bill Martinec. To these and all those who will be doing any kind of celebrating during the month of July, we send our very best at happiest wishes. SUMMERTIME VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Kozie, Sr., are spending the entire summer at their home on Sunnyside Beach Drive. Mrs. Kozie will spend this time recuperating from severe major surgery. She is feeling quite well considering what she has undergone these past weeks. In fact, ?he has a question, anyone for bridge? Marie is an avid bridge player and is interested in getting together with someone who also enjoys it for an afternoon or two a week. If you would be interested, please contact her. This would make her time pass a little faster, as she is limited to doing very, very little. ENJOYS EXPO 67 Mrs. Paul Pitzen, Joyce and Loren spent several days in the latter part of June at Expo 67, and Montreal, Canada. The two days they spent at Expo were most impressive. Tney visited thirty-four pavilions and thoroughly enjoyed the United States, Britain, French and Russian exhibits best. A real good view of the fair from the top of "Katimavik" a part of the Canadian pavilion, along with a ride on the Mini-rail was enjoyed by the threesome. While waiting in line to see the Britain exhibit, the Pitzens heard the Antioch grade school band give its evening concert. The crowds were huge both days, averaging over 350,000 each day. Two days were spent seeing the city of Montreal. On a guided tour they were shown all the points of interest of this beautiful city. While doing a little sightseeing on their own, they visited the blocks of underground shops of the Place Ville Marie, and some of the beautiful churches. Also, saw the Young America band and chorus perform on the street level of the Place Ville Marie. The Pitzens stayed at a hotel apartment in the French residential section which proved r most interesting as very few people spoke English. This trip will not be forgotten by Virginia, Joyce and Loren, as it was one of those '•once in a liftime" things. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Among our very latest of young people to become engaged is Pam Marshall. The announcement was made recently by her parents, Dick and Connie Marshall. The lucky young fellow, who placed the ring on her finger, was Carl Heggeland of Ingleside. Wedding plans are being made for February of next year. We join in extending our best wishes for a happy future to this young couple and sincerely hope all their plans come out exactly as they wish. Now that* s one kind of column I wish I could write every week. 'Please keep those phone calls coming with the various news items. See you here next week, and in the meantime be very kind to each other. Take care. YMCA Y*S MEN'S CLUB SPONSORS 3 RING CIRCUS The Sells and Gray Circus is coming to Crystal Lake on Thursday, July 13. Sponsored by the Lake Region YMCA Y*s Men's Club, the big three-ring circus will perform cm Thursday, the 13th, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Pingrey Road, north of Route 14 in Crystal Lake. Proceeds from the benefit performance of the circus will bte used to assist the Y>s Men with service projects benefiting youth and community services. Youngsters and oldsters alike will have an opportunity to delight to the old-fashioned excitement of seeing the big tent raised early Thursday morning at the circus site and viewing the arrival of performers, animals, and all the experiences connected with thepreparations for the performance. Although the performance begins at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., activities will begin on the tent grounds one hour prior to the show time. Feature acts include animal acts, aerial and acrobatic acts, an array -of clowns, jugglers, an illusionist, and many other familiar features of a big-time circus. Tickets for both performances may be purchased from members of the Vs Men's Club, or by telephoning the Lake Region YMCA Program Centers, 459-4455 or 338-1621. Y*s Men have agreed to deliver all tickets purchased by telephone. Tickets will also be available at the box office. ATTEND^ INSTITUTE George Chandler,' 4222 W. Sioux lane, McHenry, a teacher at M.C.H.S., is participating in a summer institute at the University of Iowa for selected secondary teachers of biology. Sponsored by the National Science foundation, the institute provides instructors with the opportunity to take courses in organic chemistry and molecular biology, study new curriculum, gain laboratory experience, and associate with prominent scientists. Pre-cut PICNIC TABLE It" Long tmaEJtemWed Other Sale Items Out Front at Bargain Prices Monday, September 4, 1967 is the claim date in the estate of Mary Elizabeth Lilley deceased, No. 67 P 162, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. First National Bank of Woodstock, Woodstock, 111. is the Executor; Looze & Kiime of 3431 W. Elm St., McHenry, ni. are the attorneys. (Publish July 13,20,27,1967) ORDINANCE MUNICIPAL RETAILERS' OCCUPATION TAX BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, that: Section 1. A tax is hereby imposed upon all persons engaged in the business of selling tangible personal pro* perty at retail in this City at the rate of three-quarters of one per cent of the gross receipts from such sales made in the course of such business while this ordinance is in effect, in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-11-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code. Section 2. Every such person engaged in such business in the City shall file on or before the last day of each calendar month, the report to the State Department of Revenue required by Section Three of "An Act in Relation to a Tax iqjon Persons Engaged in the Business of Selling Tangible Personal Property to Purchasers for Use or Consumption" approved June 28, 1933, as. amended. Section 3. At the time such report is filed, there shall be paid to the State Department of Revenue the amount of tax hereby imposed on account of the receipts from sales of tangible personal property during the preceding month. * Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit to the State Department of Revenue a certified copy of this ordinance not later than five (5) days after the effective date of this ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall be published within ten (10) days of its enactment as provided in Section 1-2-4 of the Illinois Municipal Code ahd shall be effective from and; after the first day of the calendar month next following the expiration of the ten 00) day publication period. Section 6. The ordinance originally establishing the imposition of a Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax with in the City of McHenry, as was passed and approved on the 18th day of July, A.D. 1955, is hereby repealed effective August 1,1967. This ordinance shall take effect on the 1st day of August, 1967. Passed this 3rd day of July, A.D.1967. s/Donald P.Doherty Mayor Attest: s/Earl R. Walsh City Clerk . mec, Jackson, Pitzen, Rogers, Smith.! Voting Nay: None. Absent: Huck, Wegener. (Pub. July 13, 196731s, | • 1 '-"-V NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE August .7, 1967 is the claim date in the estate of Oscar Iber deceased, No. o7 P 144, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. William J. Iber of 1902 W. Baldwin Rd„ Inverness Countryside, Palatine, HI. and Iverne Norris Iber of 2919 Regner Road, McHenry, Illinois are the Executors; Eley & Rusher ok HI W. Washington St., Oiicffeo, 111. are the attorneys. (Pub. June 29, July 6,13,'67) Voting Aye: Bolger,Etten,Hro- READ THE CLASSI Fl ED Mt Hf-ry LumbCo 4030 W° McHenry Phone 385=4600 mtiM$4 **-; j- RIVERSIDE @ISy 9 f r i 9-9 Sun 9-5 Phone - 815-385 RETAIL OUTLET McHenry, I l l i n o i s West End of the Old Bridge -- I Block North of Route 120 on Riverside Drive 5900 Ladies Dresses Factory Seconds . . $3.00 : ^""1" Suede Cloth Skimmers $2.50 Nylon Jersey Shifts . $2.00 Girl's Cotton Shifts . $1.50 9 "Magic Carpet" Men's Unlined Jackets $2.29 m n0ll Scale $1.00 1 Taffeta Slips .... $1.00 Dolls MANY BARGAINS INSIDE TOO! Ceramic Ballerina . . $1,00 Framed Pictures 4 for $1.00 w