PG» 6, SEC. 2 - PLAIN DEALER - JULY 20, 1967 RIKGWOOD NI im DOLORES BRENNAN 653-9045 Nuptial Shower Given In Honor Of Ann Sullivan On Tuesday evening, Miss Am Sullivan was honored at a bridal shower given in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Qyron Sowers. After a few games were played, Ann opened her many lovely gifts presented by her guests. Cake, ice cream, coffee and iced tea were served to all. Miss Sullivan will become the bride of Charlie Sowers later this month. Guests were from Ringwood and Wonder Lake and Hebron areas. FIRST GRANDSON FOR LOWS Mr. and Mrs, Walt Low became proud grandparents of their first grandson, and second grandchild when Susie and Ed Erwin of Germany announced the birth of 7 lb. 12% oz. Edward Dean Erwin, Jr. Little Edward, Jr., was born early on July 5 and was welcomed home by his sister, Donna Lynn, who is 2 years old. The Erwins are stationed in Germany at present with the Armed forces. In case any of you wish to drop a card or letter to Susie and Ed, here is their address; Sgt. and Mrs. Edward Erwin; RA 16831123; Co. D 8th Med. Bn.; APO N.Y. 09185. Pm sure they would appreciate hearing from hometown folks. LOCAL PERSONS VISITED EXPO '67 Mary Ann Klapperich, Emily Ortlieb and Pat Klapperich returned home on Friday after spending a week touring the northeastern states and Expo '67. They also spent a day at Niagara Falls, and called on an uncle land family in Connecticut. They thoroughly enjoyed their vacation. Pat and Dave Miller along with Diane and D'ck Behler of Woodstock and Mrs. Miller and Brian went to Expo '67. They spent St* days at Expo, and as ,did the Klapperichs, were there when the Queen arrived, although none of them had the chance to get a glimpse of her. They spent some time sightseeing, and saw the Falls from the Canadian side. Expo is really something, to see, and all spoke of wishing for a chance to visit there again. BIRTHDAYS On July 25, it's happy birthday to M!ke Hogan, Ruth Harrison and to Roy W. Dodd. On the twenty-sixth, happy birthday wishes to Arline Pearson and on the same day, anniversary wishes to Buelah and Ralph Kick. To Donna Lynn Erwin, in Germany, a happy second birthday. To Althea Walkington and Buelah Kick, best of birthday wishes on the twenty-eighth. AROUND TOWN On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss ofMt. Vernon, N.Y., Will Claxton of McHenry, Frank Kempfer and Ruhy Shepard were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson in McHenry. Mrs. Marion Lay from Downey, Calif., spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, and her sister family, ,the Charles Brennans. Edwin Hawley and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were Saturday dinner guests in the L.E. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ainger and David of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and Will Claxton were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Saturday afternoon callers in the L.E. Hawley home were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Wonder Lake and the William Reinwall family and Mrs. Anna Reinwall of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soday of Kenosha called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Tuesday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kettle of McHenry. Fred Schroeder and Suji Kimura of Crystal Lake called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Wonder Lake and Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Hawley spent Monday at Lake Geneva calling cm the Andrew Hawleys. Mr. and Mrs. Fleiner of Chicago called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Wednesday. LAKELAND PARK NEWS WISCONSIN'S Most Exciting Attraction in 12 miles from Wisconsin Dells 115 miles from Milwaukee • 5 huge buildings on IS colorful acres. • Real live trained animal circus, elephants, ponies, dogs and horses. i • Steam calliope and band organ concerts. Displays of circuses of the world-- posters, wardrobe, woodcarving, sideshows. • Photograph the 8 Horse Team of Percherons. • Show of loading and unloading real circus train. • World's largest animated miniature circus. • Large picnic area--with benches. OPEN THRU Sept. 10--7 days a week COME RAIN OR SHINE -- plan to spend the day Just 7 miles from the Mid-Continent Railway Museum in North Freedom EB Fair Notes The big, interesting McHenry County 4-H and Junior Fair is Aug. 3,4,5 and 6 at the McHenry county fairgrounds in Woodstock. Many 4-H'ers throughout McHenry county are making entries for their many different kinds of projects. Over 1,200 4-H members are expected to exhibit projects in livestock, foods, clothing, knitting, room improvement, poultry, rabbits, garden, handicraft, photography, entomology, and a wide variety of miscellaneous projects. A new project this year will be the 4-H Dog Care project and Dog Show which is scheduled for Saturday morning, Aug. 5, 8 a.m., in front of the grandstand. Mrs. Richard Radtke, McHenry, is superinten- .dent and trainer of the dog program. Hie Dog Show will be an interesting and new event. OPEN CLASS Open class entries are open to any McHenry county boy or girl 10 through 21 years of age. Any youth may get a copy of the fair book along with entry blanks at the secretary's office at the fairgrounds. Young people will find that the Fine Arts department at the Mr is only one of many places where they may display their talents at water colors, ink drawing, charcoal, chalk and pencil drawings, collages or oils. Tricky Fellow Chamelons, best known for their ability to change color, also have trick eyes. One eye can look up while the other pivots down. frmni ii i i m n r n rm mti tmm a 5 rnrriti i trvm a a a ri'BTimiTq OPEN HOUSE Fri., Sat., Sun., July 21, 12, 23 ts • Frte Come In and See • Our Fine Selection ST/LELINE'S origin «l louver system * i s u res maiimuin privacy from the outside, excellent vision from the inside -- plus all-sexton, all-weather protection. KEYLINE We carry a complete line of Siding, Awings, Canopies, Slorm & Screen Doors PHONE 385-1720 : DISTRIBUTORS 4614 W. Rt. 120 -- West of McHenry Market Place McHenry ' t l l l l l l I J . t . t l . f t l l l l H t . t J i . B m m i i n i n i i n i i m > m i i » n i t > i n » Carole Hum&nn 38(1-1605 Swisn Lessens Start July 24 Anyone who hasn't been contacted tor now for swimming lesson times should call Nedra Eckhart at 385-1308. Each family on the list of registrants has been called but some have not been home when called. Mrs. Eckhart has the master list of classes and she should be called before Monday. Swimming lessons will be conducted from 9:30 a.m. till 3:15 p»m. Hie beach will be off limits during' class time but will be open for general swimming after 3:15 every day. Lessons will be given from July 24 till August 4. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancellations for the community house should be made in advance through Jo Rizzo by calling 385-2728. Wednesday, July 19, regular Board Meeting, 8 p.m. Thursday, July 20, Conservation Club, 8 p.m. Saturday, July 22, Private party. Monday, July 24, Lakeland Park 4-H Club meeting, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 25, Boy Scout meeting 8 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 26, Fashion show committee meeting, 1 p.m. Little League open meeting 8:30 p.m. BOY SCOUT TROOP 459 The Boy Scouts did not enter the parade last Sunday as they had planned and practiced for because of a lack of boys who coald be there. At the patrol meetings each patrol was to plan a camp-out and hike. This week's meeting was held at the beach. Respectfully submitted, Alan Meurer, Scribe. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 320 The troop is going on a trip Thursday to Berry land for a cook-out and swimming. They will be leaving at 9:30 a.m. from Mrs. Dowell's and returning to the same place about 4:30 p.m. No girls will be allowed to attend unless they have their permission slips. Hie only necessary equipment are bathing suits, towels and sit-upons. If it is raining on Thursday the trip will be held on the following Thursday. LITTLE LEAGUE SCHEDULE Major league, Friday, July 21, Orioles vs. Tigers. Sunday, July 23, Braves vs. Pirates. Tuesday, July 24, Tigers vs. Braves. Wednesday, July 25t Orioles vs. Pirates. Minor league, Friday, July 21, Twins vs. Phillies. Sunday, July 23, Cards vs. Dodgers. Monday, July 24, Phillies vs. Cards. Tuesday, July 25, Twins vs. Dodgers. SCORES Major league, July 10, Orioles vs. Braves, 14-6. July 11, Tigers vs. Pirates, 0-8. July 13, Braves vs. Tigers, 0-10. July 14, Pirates vs. Bravesj Minor league, July 10, Twins vs. Cards, 5-6. July 11, Phillies vs. Dodgers, 2-16. July 13, Cards vs. Phillies 6-li. July 14, Dodgers vs. Cards, 8-4. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS ft* s a special day for Kathleen Kreutz oh the twenty-first when she will have five candles on her birthday cake. The twentysecond will find Sissie Grey turning eleven years old and Rodney Emery turning a terrific three years old. Michael Clark will celebrate his eleventh birthday on July 23. Lance Kuhns will be fourteen years old on July 25. The twentysixth is a busy day with voters Lorraine Pike and Leah Nuss leading off the list of birthday people. Linda Meurer will be twelve and Ann Kroening will celebrate her fifteenth birthday. Bob Wickenkamp will be fourteen and Christine Sweeney will be eleven years old. Lee Pankiewicz also celebrates his tenth that day. The twenty-seventh is birthday day for Jan Walker and Bill Burns who will be fourteen, Debbie Schaedel who will be ten and Jack Laursen who will be fifteen. Congratulations to each of you and to all whose names aren't on the list. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Time for Edna and Tom Hountras who will be celebrating their forty-ninth wedding anniversary on July 22. Congratulations to both of you and wishes for many more happy years together. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK Seems a little dull around town this week after all the excitement of the Marine Day festival. Sure was an exciting time. Jean and Joe Gagnon were hosts for a Marine Day gathering consisting of the following from Chicago, Jean's uncle, Michael Okoniewski and cousins Ed and Fanny Okoniewski, and Sophie and Martin Kohler. From Mt. Greenwood were her sister and brother-in-law, Gertrude and Harold German and family, Art, Karen and Bo German. Eleanor and Ed Barwig, and Mike and Gladys Wowczuk represented McHenry. Jean served a smorgasbord, Polish style which was really something. Everyone was very impressed with the festivities and are looking forward to next Marine Day. Hie Apels entertained Joan's mom and dad, Grandpa and Grandma Piekarski and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Piekarsld and kids on Sunday. Their cousin Debbie is spending the week with Linda. Hie Drumls spent a day sightseeing in Washington, D.C., on their way to North Carolina where they spent their vacation with Dave and Donna and the kids. Buddy came up from Georgia to be with them too. Linda Rae Meunier and her little daughter are visiting with mom, Marie Mate hen, from their home in Muskegon, Mich. The Cynowa men, Ray, Paul and Grandpa spent a day ait; the ball park on June 16 where they attended the White Sox game. Go you White Sox! Ray has been limping around after getting a good gash on the ankle while playing ball at the Moose picnic. Some first baseman. The past and present officers of the Woman's Club went out to dinner and theatre in the round at a country club in Des Plaines last Wednesday evening. Attending were Flora Haggeman, Vlckey Bottari, Jo Rizzo, Lyda Radisch, Barb Meurer, Jan Kozy, Petey Oakford, Mar go Schaedel, Arlene r \ • TMmk i « VTv^A. -pTr< id Get the best combination of service and protection for your home from the number one company X in homeowners policies. P-6747 Think of saving. And come down to State Farm. fTATI FAQM Dennis 3315W.EImSt. Phone385- 7111 Slate Farm Fire and Casualty Company, Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois Bartos, and Pearl Koester. Diane Major was unable to attend. They really enjoyed the play and dinner as always was good. The Vaneks had guests for several days. Gloria's mom, Grandma, and her sister Dolores and hubby Don Hamer and son, Mike, spent several days before leaving on a trip through the Ozarks. Frank Vanek accompanied them cm their trip. y Get-well wishes to Irene Koehl who is back in the hospital and also to Bill Chadwick who is still in the intensive care unit at McHenry hospital. Hie Meurer kids enjoyed the last week of Barb's vacation as their cousin, Sandy Ellis of Wheaton spent a few days with them. They all went to Adventureland on Thursday and left Sunday but brought back Debbie and Janice. The Ellis family came out on Sunday and took Linda and Shirley back home w.'.th them. The boys are enjoying their vacation at home with no girls to bug them! Leonora and Dick Abbott are back home after an extended vacation in the East visiting with- their grandchildren in Maine and Dick's sister in New Hampshire. Now that he's refreshed his New England twang for another year he'll be in great shape! Jim and Mary Daurio are back home after a trip to Wisconsin. Their niece, Peggy Cahill, is visiting with them from Chicago for a few days. We've had a revolving door . installed for all the coming and going around here. We went into Chicago to pick iqp Cathy after her long visit and dropped Donna and Mary Beth at aunt Susie's house in Morton Grove. They returned on Sunday in time for the parade with Grandma Neuenfeldt and aunt Sue and uncle Pete Schwaba and the cousins. We lost CatHy again but gained Judy and Nancy Schwaba who are spending the week with us. We'll have to put name tags on the kids so we know who's who. The Twins little league team played the McCullom Lake minor league team last week on Wednesday at our field and won 11-2. They will play them again this week at McCullom Lj$e. The Phillies also played aginie with them, but I don't havethat score and don't know who^on the match. STORK-GRAM V]> Excitement reigns suprgnie at the Sweeney home with the birth on July 12 of their new baby, Patrick Michael. The little lad weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 19% inches long at birth. He was born at 11:10 a.m. at McHenry hospital. His mom and dad, Theresa and Frank, brought him home on Sunday to the rest of the family. He has a brother Frank, and four sisters, Mary Theresa, Alicia, Christine and Colleen* Congratulations to the whole family on their new addition. ft WATER SOFTEN! SALES - SERVICE SAME DAY SERYK K ON MOST MAKES 9 Son ice ® Cleaning Out • Repair * Installation • Overhauling * Removal • Reconditioning • Rebuilding [-ALL WORK GUARANTEED-- Phene: 3IS°5566 SOFTENER SALES "WATER SOFTENER SALES/SERYICE McHenry. Illinois 'KOKmw Wky Me Big Cfatge & Nafieital? wmi IMtimr 1 <f» tame fit J "" ' °'W°» '«* for and Z > hw" »>«n olh., ,ter., !'rj"'c" ° V"X big nXMon for ,h N°' lh. « National. coUr"-EverytimeI" S,amP«, of Star. „a/ Mlein NATIONAL FOOD STORES STANDAR qiMEP-.. s&mm... OVER 500,000 WINNERS! jljlpjg j^^THE MPPY^liNNERS!