Vv * -7 v f 1 * ^ -,v m.sm • . . . "', >\<g ' • JtelUHD Park News •. yiiCfefoto. Hismaim 385-1605 B^ch Resumes Normalcy After „.; SvbitnLessons Swimming lessons will be ovetf'On Friday and the'beach will iresume its normal hectic appeuance with so special schedule? although the lights as always are turned off at 11 p.m. Sd far the swimming lessons have bssn really profitable for ail ths kids enrolled. Up till Momfay only one day wasn't suitable for swimming with lightening and thunder showers Interrupting the schedule. The children who pass the requirements will receive official Rsd Cross cards." All of the children enrolled will receive, cards ' showing which requirements have been completed and listing all the requirements Escessary for passing the class. These wi ll be given to the children as soon as possible after the end of the lessons. , COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancellations for the community house are to be made through Jo Riz- 20 by calling 385-2728. Tuesday, Aug. 8 - Boy Scouts, 8 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug.. 12 -. Tri-Coonty Five-Watters, 7:30 p.m. Since the Community house as its name designates is the property of the community through the LPPOA which in case some have forgotten is the Lakeland Park Property Owners Association, it is the duty .of all residents and users of the house to see that it is kept5-in top shape. An undue amount of light breakage has teen occurring lately which is costly to the community who pays the bills through the LPPOA. A little care goes a long way and our community house is worth preserving in top fshape for our use. WOMAN'S CLUB The committee for the fall luncheon is in the process of making plans for the luncheon to be held cm Sept. 13 at the V.F.W. More information will be available later and will be reported in the Newsletter and in tiiis column as itis released. i cGUB PACK 459 Many individual grotq> meetings have been held through the past months to try to once again have Cub Scout 459 become an active pack. Through the efforts of these people their desire is on the way to be-> coming reality. Last Thursday evening a committee , meeting was held at the Ron Meurer home. The Pack's first Cubmaster, Ed Druml, Sr.', was asked to serve as committee chairman. Jo Mai was elected secretary and Ron Bierman holds the office of treasurer. Special activities chairwoman is Leah Nuss and Kay Druml leads the publicity. Taking up the reins of the pack as cubmaster is Kurt Lauer; his assistant will be Wally Nuss. Den mothers are; Den 1, Barb Meurer and Delorefi Rogers. Den 2, Leah Nuss and Den 3, Jo Mai and Carol Knor. The pack's first meeting will be held at the community house on Monday, Aug. 21, at 7:30 pjn. All monthly meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month. All boys interested in becoming Cub Scouts are invited to attend the meeting with their parents. Refreshments will be served. Many hours of work have gone into reactivating our pack. Lef s not let their work be in vain - be at the meeting on Aug. 21 with your Cub Scout or potential Cub Scout and give your support to make this the best pack in the council. WEDDING BELLS Airman 1/C Edward N. Druml, Jr., was married on Saturday, July 29, to Miss Cynthia Hope Carter at St. Patrick's church in Clearwater, Fla. The best man was his brother, David. A small wedding and reception were given by the bride's mother and David and Donna Druml attended the wedding from their home at Camp LeJeune, N.C. The newly-weds will make their home at Lakeland, Ga., until his discharge next spring. Our best wishes to the happy couple for a long and happy life together. ALL-STARS In a series of games with the Gary All-Star team our All- Stars won the first game at home on Friday evening and won 3-2. On Sunday a return match was held in Cary and they lost 3-0 in a no hitter. Another series of three games will be held with the Crystal Lake Manor team this week. Monday was the first game held at Crystal Lake, and a home game will be played tonight (Wednesday) in Lakeland Park with the last game of the series to be played in Crystal Lake Manor. These games begin at 6:30 p.m. A series has been scheduled with the Wonder Lake All-Stars at the ballfield at Christ the King church and on Aug. 19 at the community house field here, LITTLE LEAGUE NEWS The official season has ended for this summer with the last games played last week. No scores have been turned in so there are still two scores each missing in the major and minor leagues for last weeks activities. In an exhibition game played with the McCullom Lake team the Braves won 18-8. $ BIRTHDAY CARDS Greetings to Carmen Hodges who celebrates his birthday on August 4. Pammy Mullen will be seven years old on Aug. 5 and Bob Kroening rates a drivers licenses with his sixteenth (Mi the same day. The sixth is a busy day with voters Bob Laursen and Lee Mai lead- 4%. the, list and Del Burns the third will; be five years old. Mark Bsrtos will celebrate fifteen years and Jerry Sullivan will be thirteen. Jimmy Daurio will also be thirteen on the eighth and Angelique Burmann will be five years old. Margaret Lane will also be a birthday girl that day. Aug. 9 is the real, genuine birthday for Lorraine Arient who gets wished happy birthday more than anyone else. Pat Richardson also will have a b-cake on that day and Bobby Moore will be eleven. Delores Selzer and Carol Hafer have birthdays on the tenth and Alan Meurer will be thirteen that day too. Hope that's everyone and big birthday wishes to all of you. FORK-GRAM Kathy and Gary Baseley became the parents of a lovely baby girl on Monday, July 24, at 9:45 a.m. The blessed event occurred at Sherman hospital in Elgin. They named the little lass Kristine Marie and her vital statistics were 8 lbs. 14 oz. and 21 inches tall. Kris has a big brother, Bobby, who is four years old. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Meyer of Sunset View, McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Baseley of Crystal Lake Road. Congratulations to the family on their latest addition. STROLLING ' THROUGH THE PARK If s been an interesting month punctuated by the forever unexpected explosions of the sonic booms throughout the month. ither You 1 mm at your home or still enjoy your radio or stereo . . . you'll like our . . . EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE We repair all makes TV - Radio - Stereo Color TV Our Specialty 90 day warantee on nil parts Installed by us RADIO - TV SALES AND SERVICE Established Since 1947 - New LOCATION: 4605 W. Rt. 120, Lakeland Park Hours: Weekdays 9-6, Fri. til 9, Sunday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We Honor All Credit Cards PHONE 385-0979 4 CUSTOMER FREE PARKING We find them one of the tilings that we can do without! We wish a fond farewell to Marion and Ken Hulbert and Linda Sue and Lee who have sold their home and moved to Vernon Hills. They moved out on Saturday after a long term of residency at the lake. Bet that they wish they had a different hobby than rock collecting on-moving day. Would you believe? At the same time we'd like to extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reed who have bought the Hulbert home and are in the process of settling in. They aren't really all that new as Earl operates a service station in Lakeland Park and has met a lot of his neighbors already. Get-well wishes to A1 Gort who is in the hospital. Darlene Pike is recovering from surgery at McHenry hospital and Helen Nielsen has also been in Harvard hospital. Bill Chadwick has been moved out of intensive care and is on the mend. He will be at McHenry hospital for a while yet and surely could use some cheer from friends. Irene Koehl was transferred from Harvard hospital to St. Luke-Presbyterian where she had surgery last week. She talked to the children on the phone and that always helpd to. make you feel better. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hertzog are visiting friends and old neighbors in the area for a few weeks. They make their home in Irwin, Pennsylvania now. Norb Kwiatek was a pretty happy golfer on Sunday morning when he had four birdies throughout the 18 holes. He'll have to get a green jacket if that keeps up! We really enjoyed our trip to see Bozo's Circus last Monday. A bus load of 40 excited kids and their moms rode into the city and arrived just in time to tidy up and go into the studio. The kids found it a little different from their expectations in that it wasn't held in a tent and the studio itself was a pretty small room. Their idols Bozo and Oliver gave them' the grand treatment and posed for pictures and had a word for each of their small fans (and the big ones, too) as they left the studio after the show. Pat Brunow and Debbie, Butchy Steve, David and Danny and the Humann kids and their mom were among the lucky ones to take the trip organized by Dor- • othy Noonan who made all the arrangements for us. We sure had a good time. Grandpa and Grandma George spent the day with Marv and Shirley and the kids and celebrated Grandma's birthday on Sunday. Ed and Rose Oswald took a vacation trip with Decatur, Pocohontas and Greenville on their itinerary. They visited with friends r>nd relatives but came home earlier than planned when Rose bacame ill. She has been taking it easy and feels a lot better now. They had Barb and Joe Hermann over on Saturday evening for dinner and it wasn't mentioned, but Pll bet they played some cards, too. A combination beach and birthday party was held at the Daurios last week for Ed 01- Wnski. The place was really roc kin' and rollinf. Two bus loads of Little Leaguers went to Sox Park on Saturday to see the ball game and had an extra thrill when Ken Boyer hit a home-run and the scoreboard exploded. The Sox went on to win the game 4-3 to give the boys a "really big show!" Those fellows seen taking all that aspirin on Saturday evening were their chaperons, Lee Mai, Roy Apel, Ron Biermann, Ted Kaminski, Tony Rebel, Mitch Pretacxnek, Jack Burler, Jim Wichenkamp, and Bill Mueller. Congratulations to Mary Sullivan who has recently received a scholarship to use at St. Anne's School of Nursing in Chicago. It was awarded by the Woman's auxiliary of McHenry hospital. Mary is in her second year of training at St. Anns's. , Good luck to all the little gals' who entered the Peanut contest. Little Miss Peanut was selected on Monday night and will be known by this printing, but in our eyes any one of these little gals is a Little Miss Peanut. Entered were Tammy Leone, Kelly Flannigan, Terri Kozy, Tammy Mc- Clure and Susan Koerper. Sharon Wagner is having the vacation of a lifetime in Hawaii for two weeks. She is staying at the Illikai overlooking Waikiki Beach, and undoubtedly enjoying her two weeks of sun, sand and surf. A big welcome to Dr. and Mrs. Carl T. Bergstrom and their children, David and Amy, who are living in the Steuben home on Shore Drive. Dr. Bergstrom is the superintendent of schools in McHenry. We hope they enjoy their home in our community. Karl and Jean Steuben have moved to Los Banos, Calif., which is near Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley, Karl went on ahead to make arrangements for housing and Jean and Karla and Marilyn flew west on Tuesday to meet him. Good luck in their new home. The Koch clan is back at the old home stead after a camping trip to South Dakota where they had a terrific time. They met a lot of interesting people and really made the most of their vacation. On the way home they stopped at New Brighton, Minn., to visit Shir 1's brother, Ron and wife Gail Miilahn, and kids. On Saturday they attended Max's union picnic at Wooster Lake. Mike is attending the Jamboree in Idaho and John went with the Little Leaguers to Sox Park and they all had a great day. Mike McEnery was visiting in McHenry last week. He stayed with the Chadwicks and left on Sunday to return to his base in Scotland. Ann Herzog is home again after a three week sojurn in the North Woods with Stan and Ivy Lezak at their resort near Spooner. She was joined fay Helen and Gem Kraskiewicz who came for the last two weeks. More welcomes to the Beno family who have moved into the Kraskiewicz home and to the Worths who have purchased Mrs. Julian's house. Best of luck in your new home. AUGUST 3, 1967 - PLAIN DEALER - SEC; 2, PG. 3 Fair Judging Begins Early First judging at the McHenry County Fair takes place the day before the official opening, it starts at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 2, in several open class arenas of competition. Mrs. Mary Hilty, teacher at Olson Junior high school who is the fine arts superintendent, said judging begins at 1 p.m. In the twenty-six fine arts classes. They are divided into amateur photography, two-dimensional creation, three dimensional creation and educational group exhibit planned and executed by children working together. Mrs. Hilty has sixtynine fine arts entries altogether. Judging in open class clothing took place on Wednesday. Mrs. Raymond Wiersma, Hebron, and Mrs. Francis Hallisy, were co-chairmen. They had 101 clothing entries in the twenty classes as vie for $389 in clothing prize money. Food judging of such tasty treats as breads, cak&s, pies* candy, cookies and canned vegetables and fruits was hell! Wednesday afternoon also. Most judging starts Thursday morning, including 4-H beef, swine, sheep, poultry, garden snd foods. Major interest centers on Friday morning when 4-H dairy entries are judged. The 4-H showmanship and fitting contest will follow judging of all dUugr breeds. So will the 4-H production contest, two big events. Signs beside streets in Newark, N.J. proclaim: "Drunken Drivers Will Be Filmed." The purpose of taking movies of drunken drivers staggering around the police stations i« to discourage them from fighting the charges against them. The films, are later shown to the drunks. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS iwmw|L ,, i RUDY BECIEl'S KENNELS 1 Mile East of Skyline DHv»-b PHONE 3U-S4M BOARDING AND TRAINING Obedience -- Hunting and Well lei lag (Large Heated Kennels) G.S.H. Pointer Stud Service - POODLE GROOMING [ SAVE EVERY WEEK WITH JEWEL'S "MIRACLE PRICES"! Fwt TZUcea (Jow ?6s©iro's ©rally ®ra® way to pr@v© 9o yourself that Jewel's "Miracle Prices" aw lower - SHOP AND COMPARE! e Browso ffoirossgfo tflho Jewel near yauir home, check "Miracle Prices" with what yoy'd expect »o pay elsewhere. THEN YOU BE THE JUDGE! You'll soon ask yourself - WHY PAY MORE? ,•"Miracle Prices", can, mean savings to you of 5', 10% even : 15.'on an Itpml Significant price reductions like thdse can mean . substantial savings on your weekly food bill! e "MiemSo Prices" are permanent price reductions, not just weekly specials! This means you'll continue to save every week on many of the grocery and household items that appear most often on a weekly shopping list. And best of all--Jewel's "Miracle'Price" list is GROWING each and every week! You'll find now "Miraclo Prices" throughout the store --every time you shop @9 Jewel! CHECK AND COMPARE M JUDGE FOR Y0URSEIF BACHMAN FMiil Rods HEINZ Mish • WYANDOTTE SELECT PITTED iip© ©fli^is KRAFT - MIRACLE Dressing © K0APT frnu KRAGT Dressing b" < CdteSina Dressing m1' KtZAFT Ifafiian Dressing Lopta Tea Bogs onoo UPTON Indira! Yea 6jar'! UPTON LOW CALORIE Instant Yea MAURICE LENNELL COOKIES Family EF@w@§ltas Cheerios WAGPJEK'S BREAKFAST drag© irank CHERRY VALLEY Juice ^ SKIPPV - CHUNKY OR CREAMY taiit litter ' Jar KRAPT Strs^berry Preserved iigfSe Quik ct CBACKIW GOOD Saltines lit COLLEGE INN Chick@i iiratli COLLEGE INN DINNER lVtlb. 1J Pkfl. G •at 4 32 oz. V Btl. 13%ot. Can CHERRY VALLEY-CUTS & TIPS Asparagus BORDENS iistint Potatoes BLUEBROOK Potatoes CHERRY VALLEY Cut Green Beans HEFTY - GALLON [Plastic Bags HEFTY - QUART {Plastic Bags GLAD Garbage Bags WHITE Kleenex (Lipid Plummer 5c OFF LABEL Sani-Hush lysol Disinfectant FORMULA 409 Spray Cleaner Fine Sol SALERNO COOKIES Strawberry Mallows % SALERNO COOKIES Sandwich Cremes SALERNO COOKIES 1 Assorted Cremes SALERNO COOKIES - VANILLA [Fancy Cremes PLANTERS Cocktail Peanuts REISMAN Pretzel Rings . U.S.D.A. CHOICE Round Steak Prices & DA. CHOICE Z • m 16'/a oz. 15V4 oz. Con Pk9.-^ Of 15 "O. /0 0(30 Pkfl- /A Of 25 U.S.D.A. CHOICE - TAIL-LESS sorter 280 ct Box U.S.D.A. CHOICE . Ground Round U.S.D.A. CHOICE Flank Steak U.S.D.A. CHOICE C Heel of Round U.S.D.A. CHOICE Sirloin Tip Roast *he Produ 34 oz. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED 22 oz 15oz. Btl. ee Dept.! FRESH GREEN CEEb[bcal6o3® JASTY MICHIGAN 3 glnrv^rU^^ o PTS. 13'/ioi YOUR CHOICE BONUS 16 01 10Va oz Yummy Pops MIRACLE PRICE 3 If/Light Tuna FANCY SLICING Cucumbers LARGE Spanish Onions Per lb. 9e SPECIAL! HILLFARM Chocolate V-2 Va GAL. CTN. Muutcles Food T^uce& £ewe> (Jotu Mutacfe Food 7-^itce& (Joa> i ii