Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Aug 1967, p. 8

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1965 HONDA 250 c.c., red, luggage carrier and seat back, electric starter. $450 Call 385-4292. 8-24-67 1963 CHEVROLET 2 Nova convertible. 6 cylinder stick, radio, heater, seat belts. Excellent condition. $650 firm. Cldl 385-1326. 8-24/8-31-67 1966 PONTTAC Tempest, 6 cyinder, 2 door sedan. Used tor second car and is in perfect condition. Must sell due to circumstances. Will take $200.00 plus remaining payments. Call 385-3174 8-24-67 1955 CHEVROLET, 283 Hurst 411, more. $400.00 or best offer. Call 385-9881. 5300 Orchard Drive, McCullom Lake. 8-24-67 1947 H.D. 61 Knuckelhead chopper, full dress equipment also. $300 or best offer. Call 385-9881. 5300 Orchard Dr., McCullom Lake. 8-24-67 1960 CORVAIR New tires, new battery. Good condition. $225 .Call 385-2874. 8-24-67 1963 BUICK Wildcat convertible. A-l shape. Midnight blue. White top. Will sell for blue book price. Call 385-4406. 8-24-67 1957 CHEVIE, 2 door hardtop. V-8 stick shift. Very sharp- Call 385-4348. 8-24-67 1966 BRIDGESTONE 175 c.c. Perfect condition. 3,000 miles. Call 385-1668. 8-24-67 1967 YAMAHA 305 scrambler. Like new with low mileage. Call 385-0829. 8-24-67 1960 CHEVY, 2 door Sedan, 6 cylinder stick shift Clean and good running condition- $225. or best offer. Call 385-7185 8-24-67 HARLEY Davidson 74. $650. Can 675-2473. 8-24-67 MUST SELL. 1965 Volkswagen. Many extras. Excellent condition. Make offer. Call 385-3197-^i^ - - 8-24-67 1959 MERCURY, 4 door. Power steering, power brakes. Motor in very good condition- $75 Call 385-4347. 8-2467 Sales <-- Service We service most maids* of foreign can EUROPA SS18 W. IPesxl, McHenry TOYOTA Phone 385-0700 Replacement Parts For Cars icceaaoriea and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 I B|k. East cf the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. t;> 1 p.m. 2-4-65-TF 1963 CORVAIR Monza convertible. Spider engine tach four speed stick. $275. Call 385-6396 8-24-67 17 FT. CHRIS CRAFT. 165 hp., convertible top, radio, cigarette lighter, spot lite and running lights, complete ski equipment, dozen * preservers, boarding ladder, gator trailer. Must sell, $1500. Call 385^ 3552. 8-3-67TF 1965 CHEVROLET Super sport. Red with black interior. Automatic transmission. Mint condition. Call 385-7802. 8-24-67 BOAT! MMD M0T@BS 16 FT. CHRIS CRAFT inboard with Grey Marine Fireball four ninety motor. New starter - carbs and battery on trailer. Back to school. Best offer. Call 385-6570 after 5 p.m. 8-24-67 17 FT. THOMPSON boat. 50 h.p. Johnson motor. Needs some refinishing Reasonable. Call 385^7798. 8-24-67 16 FT. GLASS Crestliner, 40 h.p. Evinrude with electric starter and generator. Running lights, 2 gas tanks, canvas cover and other equipment. Motor recently overhauled. Gator trailer included. Call 849-3434 or 385-7260 8-24-67 14 FOOT FIBERGLASS boat, motor and trailer. 30 H.P. Evinrude motor with electric starter. Call 653-7200 after 6. 5-18-67 A FAIR DEAL - WITH QUALITY • INTEGRITY - W«*IINCf AND SERVICE CHRYSLER Marine Products W Triton Marine 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 385-1076 riroCrrft BUSINESS SERVICES BLACKTOP SEALING PARKING LOT SPECIALISTS Phone or Write for estimates Asphalt Maintenance Company " 327 E. Jackson St. Woodstock, I1L Weekdays Pbose SS8-47SS ) after pjn- 8-3-67 DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • BLACK DIRT AND FILL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS Phone 815-385-3704 8-3-67TF PAINTING & DECORATING Interior and exterior FREE ESTIMATES No job to small. Coll 815-653-3424 8-3-67TF • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE Fstimfltflf Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Kickert Electric. 48t> Center St.. Grayslake. HI. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives , • Resurfacing ® Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimate GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 8-3-67*F tf£dxo£ux Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd.. McHenry. I1L 385-6027 2-4-65-TF WAYNE MEYERS mowing and roto-tilling service. Call 385-4140. 8-3-67TF McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 5-6-65-TF McHENRY FENCE CO. SPECIALISTS IN FENCE BUILDING OF ALL TYPES Post hole digging of all sizes. 1007 N. River Road JOE FLICEK Call 385-1469 8-24-67TF LAWN SERVICE, landscaping. C. R. Foote. Call 385- 0401. 8-3-67TF McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center • Wheel Alignment • Brakes • Mufflers • Shocks • Accessories . • Gas for Less • Complete Tire Line Passenger & Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 1-20-66TF BEFMJSH OLD FUHMTURE ANTIQUES BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main St. Call 385-0159 After 5:00 p.m. 7-20-67TF ATTENTION! McHENRY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why miss those important calls. McHenry Telephone Answering Service 385-0258 2-9-67TF 385-2251 WOLLLNZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS - SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano. Guitar, Organ. Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available 1-6-66TF WINDOW WASHING Spring House Cleaning. Wash and Put Up Storms Scrub Wax and Buff Floors Wall Washing Weekly or Monthly Services Janitorial Services Free Estimates -- INSURED -- Phone 385-7710 day or night McHenry, 111. S-3-67TF McHENRY BEAUTY SCHOOL Nationally & State Accredited Lincoln Bd. ft Charlea St 885*2290 Shaping, Permanents, Set, Style, Coloring with New Color Machine. Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. Work done exclusively by students, under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED. and FRI. 9 A M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 8-3-67TF OFFICE. 1212 N. Green St., main floor. Air conditioned.. $52.50 (across from McHenry Savings & Loan, new building) Call 385-1327. 8-3-67TF STORE located on Route 120. 775 sq. ft. space. Phone 385- 5291. 8-3-67TF MODERN OFFICE space available. A i r conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385-0184. 8-3-67TF Large house, Air conditioned. $185 per month, plus utilities. Call 815-385-0923. 8-24-67 NICE 2 room apartment. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Ideal for teacher or elderly man. Good location. Write to Box 487 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 8-24-67 2 BEDROOM home on Griswold Lake. Large enclosed porch, fireplace, gas heat and garage. Call 385-3779. 8-24-67 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Second floor. Gas heat. No pets. Call 385-4864. 8-24-67 8 ROOM house in Wonder Lake. Full basement; 2 fireplaces, $140 per month. Also 2 bedroom house in Lakeland Park, $115 per month. Call 385-2864- 8-24-67 5 ROOM apartment. 2 or 3 people. $85 per month. Call 385-3435 or 385-5855. 8-24-67TF 3 BEDROOM ranch with carpeted living room and natural fireplace. Situated on 2 wooded lots. Call 385-5754. 8-24-67 LARGE sleeping room in business district. Prefer gentleman. Write to Box 488 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 8-24-67 2 BEDROOM home on river. 116 ft. f rontage- Fireplace, gas heat, tvfc and shower. Semi furnished. ,1111 Nov. 1, $450- Chuck Coles 815-385- 0312£.t&v,-. . 8-24-6'fc ^^Jfasiness Personate^ NOT RESPONSIBLE for debts other than my own as of July 1, 1967- Bess Novak, Harmony Resort, Pistakee Lake, McHenry, Illinois. * 8-24-67 NOW OPEN Irvin Perkins' Barber Shop Razor Styling $4.00 Regular Crew Cuts Flat Tops and Princetons $2.50 By Appointment Only 314 Railroad Street Woodstock, Illinois CALL 338-1222 8-24*67 IF MERCHANDISE located at 1919 Woodlawn Parte is not claimed in 30 days it will be sold for charges. 8-24-67 FOR "a job well done feeling" clean carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 8-24-67 NOT RESPONSIBLE for debts contacted by anyone but myself as of August 24, 1967. James Lobas 8-24-67 Sitoalioa Wanted WILL DO baby sitting, ideal location Call 385-7485. 8-24-67 WILL DO baby sitting for working mother. Call 385-3664 WILL DO baby sitting. Call 3854170. 8-24-67 WILL DO baby sitting. McCullom Lake area. Experienced. Call 385-4863. 8-24-67 NOT RESPONSIBLE f o r debts other than my own as of July 1, 1967. Ed Novak, K & N Tavern, Pistakee Lake, McHenry, Illinois. 8-24-67 For Sale Or Trade 2 VERY gentle ponies. Good for any age child. Call Hinckley 312-286-3243 Art Eastabrook, Box 114, Hinckley, 111. 8-24-67 CARD ©F THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our friends, neighbors, and relatives for the cards, visits, flowers, gifts and the many kind deeds shown us during the long illness and the death of our beloved father and husband. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses at Sherman Hospital, the nurses at McHenry Hospital, Dr. Wilt, Pastor Neal and Pastor Wick. The Family of Edward J. Dotmin 8-24-67 WE WISH to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings received during the Illness and ing of our loved one. William Staines Family 8-24-67 WAMTEDTOHEMT NEW TEACHER building home desires 2 bedroom home or apartment for approximately 2 months. Call 385-7651. 8-24-67 ROOFING Built Ud Hot Roofing Shingles B McHenry HOME IN THE COUNTRY. Write to William Evan At, 2807 Raffle Rd., Woodstor 111- 8-24/8-31-/ 1 BEDROOM apartment or house in town. Reliable widow. References furnished Call 385-4169. 8-24-67 CLEAN 3 bedroom house in vicinity of McHenry. Up to $125.00. Call 815-385-7710. 8-24-67 AUTOS AUTOS LOST & FOTOD LOST: Black Male Cat. Wooded Shores area Wonder Lake. Reward Call 653-5856. 8-24-67 LOST: Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Vicinity of River Rd. and Route 120. Reward. Call 385-0289. 8-24-67 Flip one simple lever for the extra safety of 'Jeep' 4-wheel drive. You know the feeling. A rainy, miserable day. Wet, slick" roads. Traffic slipping and sliding around you. But you re in control . . . because you re driving the "extra safety car: 'Jeep' Wagoneer. Just shift into 'Jeep 4-wheel drive at any speed . . . you ve got the safest of all driving features going for you! You hug the road with twice the traction, even on slippery curves. You re less likely to slam on the brakes. Less likely to skid. Plus, you ve got the extra reassurance of knowing your Wagoneer s built rugged the 'Jeep way. All the options you expect m a fine wagon: V-8 engine or Hi- Torque 6, Turbo Hydra-Matic' automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, even air conditioning. Wide choice of colors. For your family's safety . . . and for the sheer adventure of it . . . take a test drive, today! -- ... Y ou've got to drive it to believe it! See us for a test drive. McHiNiY GARAGE 326 Front St. "JKKP SALKS" & SERVICE" McHenry, III. Colds* Hay Fever. Sinus Hoars of relief In every SINA-TIME Capsules Oaly $1.49 BOLGER'S DRUG 8-10/8-31-67 Tel. Area 315-3H5-0403 COPY DEMSHJNE Classified Dicptoy -- Tuesday, Noon Regular Classified -- Tuesday, 4 p.m. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. ®3Q iPBaBiadealer Is no@ P^eidIdIq for errors Is ©feslsds offfesi? tbe first In* essoin. Cfoesfe your ad the jarof w©8& call our at" tention to any mistakes. THE Open 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. nmmm 3»17 W. Main St. McHenry Phone 3H5-1530 AUTOS AUTOS CRYSTAL LAKE IMPOITS, INC MOW On Our Showroom Floor BRAND NEW '67 VOLKSWAGEN GT "RALLY EQUIPPED" • Porsche Offset Wheels • Porsche-Type Shifter • Radial Wide Oval Tires • Porsche-Type Headrests e Walnut Rally Steering Wheel • Tachometer • Walnut Shift and Dash Knobs • Performance Enfaaust Extractor System J A Fine Selection of Used Can--- Fully Reconditioned. 100% Guaranteed. Rte. 14 West of SI jfa Crystal Lake Open Eves, 'til »:N VOr 815 -451-71M " " " ' 'AUTHORIZED < VOLKSWAGEN' SALES fr S1HVICE ASK ABOUT OUR VOLKSWAGEN INSURANCE PLAN ,\r. i i i e£ 1 IT'S CLOSE OUT TIME ON 1967's Chargers, Polaras, Darts, Coronets and Trucks. Most body styles and colors ready for immediale delivery. Instant credit check. Low monthly payments. Bring in your title and Drive home in a New Dodge. • 1966 DODGE -- Monaco 500 • 1965 FORD -- 2 door -- nice! • 1965 DODGE -- Dart 4 dr. • 1965 FORD -- Galaxie • 1965 CHEVROLET -- Coupe • 1964 PONTIAC -- 4 dr. hardtop • 1964 DODGE -- 4 door • 1964 DODGE -- Coupe • 1964 RAMBLER -- 2 door • 1964 RAMBLER -- 4 door • 1964 DODGE -- Dart 4 door • 1963 OLDSMOBILE -- 4 door sedan • 1962 CHEVROLET -- Cor. 4 door • 1962 CHEVROLET -- Station Wagon • 1961 MERCEDES BENZ -- Sharp! • 1961 CADILLAC -- Convertible • 1961 THUNDERBIRD • 1957 CADILLAC -- Come make offer! • 1963 CHEVROLET -- »/2 ton pickup Many More From $50 Up - MeHEKMY 48ii w. at. m m°m YISS Wi'iS OPEN SUNDAYS 9 A.M.-4 P.M. d . • lO -cH oi: uh KX?

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