• rv,:--. • '"V;$ , •""" *5 * ' * ' ' • *";• "* 1 H i " . ' ' ' T f f r i ^ V THE McHENBT PLAUVDEALEB ti£BNr Suy Slge; TtiS AUTOS 1963 CHEVROLET wagon, exceptionally. clean. Power steering. . 6 cylinder, automatic transmission. 1959 Chevrolet wagon, transportation car. Call 385-5479. 9-7-67 1966 CHEVELLE SS-396, 4- speed, tach. gauge. Sharp. Call 815-385-6571 after 6:00 p.m. 9-7-67 1960 RAMBLER station wagon, 6 cylinder, straight shift. Good condition. New tires. Can be seen at Little Joe's Citgo, E. Route 120 or call 385-2228. 9-7-67 1964 CORVAIR Spyder convertible. Clean, 4 speed, positraction. Call 385-7834 after 6 p.m. $850.00. 8-31/9-7-67 1963 FORD Country Sedan. 4 door station wagon. 6 Cylinder. stick, clean. $650. Call after 7:30 p.m. 385-1326. 8-31-67TF Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-65TF BUSINESS SERVICES PAINTING & DECORATING Interior and exterior FREE ESTIMATES No job to small. Call 815-653-3424 8-3-67TF Sales -- Service We service most maktw of foreign can EUROPA SS18 W. Pearl, McHenry Ph@a© 385-0700 McHENRY FENCE CO. SPECIALISTS IN FENCE BUILDING OF ALL TYPES Post hole digging of all sizes. 1007 N. River Road JOE FLICEK Call 385-1469 8-24-67TF AUTOS 1950 OLDSMOBILE, 2 door hardtop. Call after 5:00 p.m. 385-3653. 9-7-67 1965 V.W., good condition. Call 385-0965. 9-7-67 1954 CHEVROLET. Best offer. 1961 Chevrolet 2 door, less engine and trans. 1961 Chevrolet 301 engine complete. 1957 Chevrolet 283 engine. Chevrolet 4 speed. Call 385- 3165. 9-7/9-14-67 1965 HONDA 250 c.c., red, luggage carrier and seat back, electric starter. $450. Call 385-4292. 9-7-67 1962 4 DOOR Ford Galaxie. Standard shift. $500. Call 385- 6213. 9-7-67 1961 V.W. Convertible. 1 owner. 40,000. Radio, A-l mechanical condition. Brand new muffler and heater boxes. Good top. Very clean interior. $375. Call 385-6054. 9-7-67 AUTOS AUTOS SIPT 14(1 A Date to dtnembw a the All New 1968's Will Go On Display at SUNNYSIDE DODGE in McHenry DON'T MISS OUR 1968 SHOWING in the mean time Save a Bundle on a New 1967. Several in Stock and Ready to go. Our I'sfd Car Dept. is Full of Bargains Fords, Chevrolets, Pontiaes, and Dodges Most Body Style* from 60'8 to 66's "The Dodge Boys" SUNNYSIDE DOD6E Open Sunday 4810 West Rt. 120, McHenry Ph. 385-7220 BUSINESS SERVICES A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY AT L .INC. Featur A FINE SELECTION OF USED CARS FULLY RECONDITIONED 100% GUARANTEED AUTHORIZED swagen SALES & SERVICE ROUTE M, WEST of HWY. 11 OPEN EVES 'TIL 9:00 CRYSTAL LAKE * 815 - 459 - 7100 McHENRY BEAUTY SCHOOL Nationally & State Accredited Lincoln Rd. & Charles St. 385-2290 Shaping, Permanents, Set, Style, Coloring with New Color Machine. Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. Work done exclusively by students, under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED. and FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 8-3-67TF REPAIR REFINISH OLD FURNITURE * ANTIQUES BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main St. Call 385-0159 After 5:00 p.m. 7-20-67TF JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center • Wheel Alignment • Brakes / • Mufflers • Shocks • Accessories • Gas for Less • Complete Tire Line Passenger & Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 1-20-68TF AUCTION BUSINESS SERVICES LAWN SERVICE, landscaping. C. R. Foote. Call 385- 0401. _ 8-3-67TF ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin I 3-8491. 1 2-4-65TF WAYNE' MEYERS mowing and roto-tilling service. Call 385-4140. , 8-3-67TF • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES Phone 885-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (Vi mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 5-6-65-TF DOHERTY Sand & Gravel •BLACK DIRT AND FILL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS Phone 815-385-3704 8-3-67TF AUCTION FARM SERVICE WAY INSURED AUCTION LOCATION: 6 miles South of Hebron, 111., or 7 miles North of Woodstock, 111., or % mile North of Greenwood to Gait Airport .then West % mile. WATCH FOR ARROWS. REASON: Discontinuing Dairying. SALE TO START AT 1:00 PJU. Monday, September 11 GLINN DYGERT 9920 Allendale Rd., Woodstock, 111. Phone 815-648-3735 57 HEAD OF HI-GRADE HOLSTEINS -- 45 Milk Cows, 10 large Heifers, due to freshen in Dec. & Jan. bred to Angus. 1 Angus Bull 15 months; 1 Reg. Holstein Bull, 28 mos. Very gentle, from the James Cornue Herd. Many cows fresh and springing, artificial breeding and pure bred bulls have been used for many years. 5 of these cattle are registered, purchased at the Ben Winn dispersal. This herd averages close to one ton of milk per day throughout the year. Average butterfat test 3.9'U, ave. milk sold per cow in 1966 was 12,110 lbs. Cattle are T.B. and Bangs tubetested for Interstate shipment. MILKING EQUIPMENT 3 DeLaval units, new style 1966 model. LIBERAL TERMS: v Auctioneers, CiQRDON. STADE, Grayslake, Illinois, 312-223-5155 WILLIAM RUSSELL, Woodstock, 111. Phone 815-338-2268 Cashier, WALLY VAX EGMON'D, Clinton, Wisconsin Clerk, RONALD LIPINSKY, Union, 111. Farm Auction Service, Inc. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin AUCTION BOATS AND MOTORS 17- FT. CHRIS CRAFT, 165 hp., convertible; top, radio, cigarette lighter^ spot lite and running lights, complete ski equipment, dozen .preservers, boarding , ladder, gator trailer. Must sell, $1500. Call 385- 3552. 8-3-67TF BUSINESS SERVICES BOATS & MOTORS 14 FOOT FIBERGLASS boat, motor and trailer. 30 H.P. Evinrude motor with electric starter. Call 653-7200 after 6. 5-18-67 FOR RENT OFFICE, 1212 N. Green St., main floor. Air conditioned, $52.50 (across from McHenry Savings & Loan, new building) Call 385-1327. 8-3-67TF WINTER'S COMING -- Get your concrete work done reasonable. Driveways, basements, walks, patios. Call 385- 3596. 9-7-67TF WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimate GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 8-3-67TF ATTENTION! McHENRY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why miss those important calls. McHenry Telephone Answering Service 385-9253 2-9-67TF tfctCUotuX Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry. Ill 15 FT. FIBERGLASS boat, 55 h.p. Chrysler electric with alt. trailer and many accessories. Call 815-385-6571 after 6:00 p.m. 9-7-67 18* THOMPSON Cabin Cruiser, 75 h.p. Johnson motor, extras. Will demonstrate at 2811 N. Wooded Lane, McHenry, 111. on Saturday or Sunday. 9-7/9-14-67 18 FT. FIBERGLASS Canoe, $45.00. 11' Cadet Sail boat with sail and trailer, $3T5..00, has fiberglass deck. Also 19' Lightning sail boat. Call 312- 587-7144. . 9-7-67 17 FT. FIBERGLASS Boat. 75 h.p. Evinrude elec. start. All ski equipment. Soft top with snap on curtains. Also full cover. 2-6 gallon tanks. $800. Call 385-4733. 9-7-67 MARINA Established on water front. Protected 500 foot boat channel. $126,000. a year gross with present business activity. CALL Fox Lake, 111. 312-587-7144 for further information. 9-7-67 m o A FAIR DEAL • WITH QUALITY • IMTKORITY • unmiNCT AND SERVICE CHRYSLER Marine Products 385-6027 2-4-65-TF • BLACK DIRT • sfONE • GRAVEL • SEEDING & SODDING J. JOHNSON CALL 385-6441 9-7/9-14-67 «r Triton Marine 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 385-1076- reroCrrft McHENRY MUSIC CENTER ' 3334 West Elpi Street McHenry, Illinois -365-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available 1-6-66TF Having decided to discontinue business, the undersigned will sell the following, located 2 miles North of Wauconda on Rt. 12 or 3 miles South of Rt. 120 on, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 at 12 Noon TRUCKS and TRAILERS: 1967 CMC V2 ton pickup; 1966 Chev. V2 ton pickup w/.srrrall camper box; 1964 GMC 1 ton w/combination rack; 2 like new 2 horse trailers. ! FARM EQUIP. MF 65 Diesel tractor w/#74 3x14 mtd. plow ! and 3 pt. 10 ft. disc; McC H tractor; NH #68 baler; MH | Clipper combine; MC rotary sythe; McC 9 ft. disc; McC 2x14 ! plow; Killbros gravity box and gear; RT wagon and rack; j MH 10 ft. grain drill; MF rear hitch 4 row cult; new 3 pt. j post hole auger; 3 pt. Lone Star 8 ft. grader blade; JD 40 1 ft. elevator; hay rake; stalk chopper; fencing and miscel-lj laneous items. HORSES, PONIES and EQUIP: 6 head of well broke horses; team of ponies ,broke to ride or drive; 20 head of ponies broke' for riding ring; 10 pony saddles; 1 set of double pony harness; 2 pony sweeps; 2 pony wagons; 1 pony cart; FEED: 2400 bales 1st cutting hay; 650 bales second; 650 wheat straw; 200 bu. corn; 75 bu. oats. WINDOW WASHING Spring House Cleaning Wash and Put Up Storms Scrub Wax and Buff Floors Wall Washing Weekly or Monthly Services Janitorial Services Free Estimates INSURED Phone 385-7710 day or night McHenry, 111. 8-3-67TF K AND D PONY RIDES Auctioneers: Gordon Stade and Wm. Stade McHenry State Bank Clerking Lhual Bank Terms jvot Responsible for Accidents Built Up Hoi Roofing Shingles w-- all types FREE ESTIMATES Call 385-7670 or 385-7462 McHenry, 111. MODERN OFFICE space available. A i r conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385-0184. \ 8-3-o7TF 5 ROOM apartment. 2 or 3 people. $85 per month. Call 385-3435 or 385-5855. 8-24-67TF COP¥ DEADLINES Classified Display -- Tuesday, Noon Regular Classified -- Tuesday, 4 pjm. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors In classified ads after the first.Insertion. Check yonr ad the first week and call oar attention to any mistakes. HOUSE FOR RENT. 2622 Fair Oaks, Fair Oaks Subdivision, McHenry. Call (312) Town Hall 3-1798, after 5:00 p.m. 8-31/9-21-67 2 BEDROOM Aparatment in Richmond. See or Call Space Developers, Inc., Richmond Illinois. 815-678-2861. 8-31-67TF Tower Apts. Available Sept. 1st 2 bedroom townhouse apartments. Adults. References. No cats or dogs. Rent includes all utilities. $160. Call Lee Cooney 385-4345. 8-31-67TF 2 BEDROOM apartment with Jieat and water furnished Adults only. Call 385-0773. 9-T-67 2 ROOM apartment, furnished, and all utilities. Call 385-6566 9-7-67 FOR BBHT_ 3 ROOM apartment furnished and all utilities. 2012 Orchard Beach. 9-7-67 2nd floor, 5 room apartment, unfurnished. Newly decorated, on river, within city limits. Not more than 2 people, adults preferred. Available immediately. Call 385-0439. 9-7-67TF TOHNSBURG AREA: 4 room apartment, heated garage, stove, refrigerator, heat, light and water included. Call 385- 5927. 9-7-67TF 2 BEDROOM home on Griswold Lake. Large living room with fireplace. Enclosed porch. Gas heat and garage. Call 312-SP4-5334. 9-7-67 CLEAN 4 room 2 bedroom nicely furnished house with screened porch, on the West Shore of Pistakee Lake. Nice grounds, lawn mowed, wall to wall carpeting. Utilities furnished. 3 adults, no pets. $160 month. Call 385-1080. 9-7-67 WINTER STORAGE for boats, also room for 1 school bus or large truck. Call 385-1140. 9-7/9-14-67 3 BEDROOM house in Wonder Lake, gas heat, basement, immediate occupancy. Call 815-385-3868. 9-7-67 2 BEDROOM apartment, tinfurnished. Call 385-0252 or 385-0726. 9-7-67 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Located above Bressler's Ice Cream Shop. Call 385-1493 after 6 p.m. 9-7-67 2 BEDROOM, lake front home. Gas heat, range, refrigerator and garage. McCullom Lake. $125 per month. No pets. Available October 1st. Call 385- 1213. 9-7-67 1 BEDROOM stone house, 1 bedroom bungalow. Near Tohnsburg bridge. Call 312- 574-7354. 9-7-67TF FOR RENT OR OPTION TO BUY 3 bedroom house, 2% baths, family room, recreation room, 2 fireplaces, built-in kitchen, carpeting and drapes. 1 year lease. |200 per month. CALL DES PLAINES 312-824-8952. 8-31/9-7-67 Empl©ym©a£ Agencies md I FREE | EMPLOYMENT | OPPORTUNITIES I I I 1 0 B I I I Induitrial Eng... $ 9,6CtU Free | Production Eng.. $10,000 Free m Project Eng $12,500 Free | 1401 Programmer $ 8,700 Free • Int. Auditor $ 9,600 Free I Q.C.Chemist ... $11,000Free • Assy. Foreman ., $ 8,700 Freo • Production Cntrl. $ 8,400 Froe • L/O Draftsmen. .i 8,OOOF reo • Testing T«ch.«. • $ 7,500 F reo I Chemical Tech. . $ 7,800Free ® Jr. Accountcrrt .. $ 7,200 Free | WI"K f HONI> 1 4flOp* "s "••"<*>| Personnel, Ine ] .V teenton .St. » Woodstock, III. • Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. I Thurs. & Frl. 'til 7 _ Saturday 0 12 I FOR SALE BRAND NEW electric guitar $125. CaU 385-1463. 5-25-67TF GAS RANGE 36 inch, $40; refrigerator, double door, $55; book case room divider with desk, $20; Beautiful men's Chesterfield coat, 1 year old, worn once, $25. Call 385-0233 9-7-67 196S SNOW-MOBILE "Super Olympique sqi-doo". 14.5 h.p. -- small tractor with snow blade and mower attachment" -- Dark room equipment, enlarger, chemicals and some paper -- 3-20 gal. tropical fish tanks pump and accessories. Call 385-4402 after 6 p.m. 9-7-67 DIAMONDS are a girl's best friend -- until she finds Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin. 9-7-67 SHOES FACTORY TO YOU Famous ORTHO - VENT SPRING STEP All Sizes Men, Women, Children Casual - Dress - Work CaU Me ©ays 88S-02S8 Evenings 385-116® Robert C. Andtoon 1712 N- Riverside Be. McHenry, 111. 8-24-67TF COMBINATION W1MDOWS BRAND NEW ALSO USED Combination DOORS *10 CHUCK'S GLASS * MIRROlR 4304 W. South Street Cooney H/dgifoto PHONE 385-S&3© Pulverized BLACK DIRT GRAVEL Light Excavating and Landscaping FRANK: S. MAY Call 385-1786 ' 8-3-67TF P F icture rames M o<l«*rn Contemporary Spanish Any Finish Ileg. & Non<»lare (.lass In Stock -- Also -- We repair Storm Windows Lakeland I'AINT SPOT 4til H W. Rt. 120 .McHenry JW5-7100 K i S