RINGWOOD News DOLORES BRENT NAN Welcome New Area Residents Welcome to Diane and Donald Ruffln and son who recently purchased the Harrison house on the corner of Barnard Mill and Ringwood Roads. The Ruffins come to Ringwood from Cooney Heights in McHenry. Mr. Ruffln is employ-" ed as a die caster in Wood-: stock. ANNOUNCE DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE-, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low of Ringwood are proud to announce the marriage of their daughter, Donna, to Mr?Gerald T. Meyer. The wedding took place on Saturday, Aug. 19th in California, and they are now at home at 4292 Crystal Circle in Cypress, Calif. 90630. In October they will honeymoon in Hawaii. 653-9049 Sincere congratulations the newlyweds. to BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Harry Hogan, Ralph Ackerman and Leonard Ackerman, Jr., who share Sept. 19 for their natal day -- and to Mike Etten on the ninth, a belated happy birthday -- and to Don Etten on the seventeenth, a happy birthday. CARD CLUB ^ Mrs. Flora Carr was hostess to the Card Club which et on Wednesday. ,*Miss Mae Wiedrich took high or the afternoon with Mrs. Bertha Peet taking low. fo VISITS GRANDPA Miss Barbara Simon of Chicago visited with her grandfather, Frank Kempfcr, onFriday evening. HOME FOR FUNERAL Due to the death of their Grandfather, Edwin Benoy of Woodstock, Jay and Jan Walkington of Milledgcville, Georgia, were visitors in the home of his parents, the Paul Walkingtons. Tom Walkington, stationed at Great Lakes, was also on a 24 hour pas s to attend his grandfather's funeral. Ida Mae Walkington, in nursing training in Madison, also was home for the weekend. AROUND TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger of McHenry were callers in the homo of Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Friday evening. Mrs. Walt Low took Linda back to College in Iowa on Tuesday of last week. Bud Oxtoby , Harold Blake and Don Butler along with Howard Fellows attended the double header ball game |n,Chi - held in the Leonard Nel son home in McHenry. Doris and Walt Low, and children, Pam, Ray and Tom, spent the Labor Day weekend in Spicer, Minn., on Nest Lake. Paul and Althea Walkington and Lee visited Tom at Great Lakes on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Raemaker of Iowa called on the Walt Lows on Friday night. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich of Burlington called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., on Tuesday. [SEPT. 14, 1967 - PLAINDEALER - SEC. 2, PG. 31 cago last Sunday. c I: INEZ YOUNG Harold Nelson and family of Sterling spent the weekend of the first in the Bud and June Oxtoby home. They all attended a farewell party for their neice, Judy Nelson, who is leaving for nurse's training. The party was DAIRY INNOVATION The most important development in the dairy industry since the Federal milk market order program was launched 34 years ago has been inaugurated by Associated Dairymen, Inc., with the establishment of a standby pool, effective Sept". 1. Avery A. Vose, president of Associated Dairymen, said the standby pool will provide a daily market for about 1/2 million pounds of Minnesota and Wisconsin Grade A milk from dairy plants which ha vertot been participating in any Federal milk market order pool. B and LIQUORS, Inc. Cam Not Be Beat on Liquor Prices PH. 459 4050 305 VIRGINIA STREET {Adjoining A&P Store Crystal Lake, HL Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday, Saturday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday 12 to 9 WE'LL MEET ALL CHICAGO PRICES SCRIBE URGES READERS TO SUBMIT NEWS This has been one of those weeks when news is scarce. In fact, I don't really have ^enough news to make a column. Now that the children are back in school, and you have a 'little' time, how about calling me with news about what you have been doing, where you have been going, what the local organizations are up to, and anything else you have of interest to our readers. APOLOGIES In last week's column, the names of the two people, who probably put the most work into our annual picnic, were inadvertently omitted. Marge and Ralph Smith worked for weeks before the picnic and were responsible for most of the excellent new ideas which made our picnic the success that it was. Orchids to the Smiths. WEDDING BELLS Ray Strossner, Jr., took the big step recently, and made Piaula Kratler his bride in a lovely ceremony which took place at St. Joseph's church In Richmond on Saturday, Aug. 26. The newlyweds are 'at home* in their own home in Genoa City. Our congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Neubauer T I I E "P* World 1 Of -1 Pharmacy i DonraM Doheirty R.Ph. Robert Schultz, R»Ph. who took the big step on Saturday, Sept. 3. Mrs. Neubauer is the daughter of Ed and Grace Karlic and Mr. Neubauer is me of the new teachers in the art department of McHenry high school. GOOD NEWS Pm happy to report that Bill Abbink is home from Highland Park hospital and feeling much better. Not moving too fast yet, but, progressing. VACATIONERS RETURN Our Gail and her friend, Jenine Foster, of Denver, Colo., returned to McHenry last week from a vacation that took them thru Pennsylvania, New York, Boston, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Jersey visiting friends and to Montreal, Canada, to see Expo '67. GREETINGS Happy birthday to Leslie Jende who celebrates her seventh birthday today, Sept. 14, to John Connell who will be fifteen on the sixteenth and to Diane Weiss and Virginia Lundelius on the eighteenth. Anniversary greetings to Marge and Jack Connell on the fifteenth and to Helen and Bill Boettcher on the seventeenth. Only Young Once Every day our children are growing up and away from us. Away from Little League, the playpen, the tricycle. They're only young once. Why not save these wonderful memories in movies. Now there are new palm-size . . . instant-loading . . . easytocarry, easy-to-use movie cameras--the new compact KODAK INSTAMATIC" Movie Cameras Stop in now-and start saving those precious memories! Bolger's Dreg 1259 No Green St, McHenry, Case 24 SCHLITZ 12-oz. bottles MILLERS $319 HAMMS plus deposit OLD STYLE i MILWAUKEE PABST, BLATZ DREWRY S 24-12 oz. btls. plus deposit s269 CIGARETTES £ '2 @9 C&n. BARCLAY'S STRAIGHT B@tJRB@W Specially Priced *059 full qt. Park & Tifcrd & VODKA Full Quart '3 19 USC^(E^°f Bottled In Scotland filth OLD H1C1CQRY Old Forester 1/2 $069 gal. 8 EARLY TIMES $«H2 9 Vi Gal. Straight Bourbon Whiskey <1 /r> 3 $ 5th lor 30 incinerator sole. Get a gas incinerator for your home now. They're clean, convenient, automatic, and they cause no air pollution. And if you buy now, you can save as much as $56. Special terms, too: No money down. Up to 48 months to pay. 60-day home trial. Prices include normal installation. Caretaker sheds available for outside installations. But act now --limited time offer. full quart '32 . . .LETS TALK ; ABOUT TEETH. . . ; A n often neglected health procedure Is the care of the teeth. Most of us are blessed with a full set and because we have ho visable problem in the mouth we never go near the dentist. As a result we see many young adults with bad teeth or full dentures at a very early age. ; Peridontal disease or what Was once called Pyorrhea is very insidious in its progress. -The teeth slowly loosen in their dockets and begin to fall out. .The cause is neglect. A good ;dentist can catch it early and initiate treatment. Dentistry -has come a long way since the *ime of the barber-surgeon. Today's techniques and dental knowledge can practically guarantee the average individual a full and carefree set of teeth for a lifetime. There is one hitch. . «y°u MUST see your DENTIST at least once a year. If you do there is no reason why your teeth should not last as long as you do. To help you with your dental needs bring your dentists' prescriptions to BOLGER'S DRUG STORE for expert compounding. Here you will find everything necessary for dental hygiene and a complete stock of sick room supplies. Fillingprescriptions is our specialty. Come see us. . .We're at 1259 Green. . .or dial 385-4500. optional copy Coty. . .English Leather. . . Norcross Greeting Cards. . . Fannie May. . .Whitman Candy . . .O.T.C. . . .Trusses. . . Warm Morning. Capacity, 2.0 bushels Regular price, $220.95 Sale price, $164.95 Martin. Capacity, 1.5 bushels Regular price, $213.95 Sale price, $157.95 Calcinator. Capacity, 1.5 bushels Regular price, $213.95 Sale-price, $158.95 House of Stuart SCOTCH ,/2 $€S79 al O Embassy Club 6 yr. old 86.8 proof fifth *2-- Popular Brand Full Qt. OLD SMUGGLER Imported from Scotland Fifth $*39 4 OLD TZ 6-Pak Throw-away Btls. 79c CHRISTIAN BROS. BRANDY $« Vz GaL " DIET PEPSI 6 pak 16 oz. htls. in - puis dep. - FUSE WE HAVE FREE ICE CUBES WTTH T.TQT OR PURCHASE PEBBLE - F< ) Straight Whiskey $1179 Fifth IACAI Vz gal. f%~ Imported R fifth WU= CARSTAIRS Blended Whiskey $*5127 qt Barton's Reserve Kentucky Blend VigaL ^B79 F ll BRANDY $2®7 fifth full qt. Southern C©e sth$3M FIVE STAR Haig & Hal® 4££ fifth COCA COLA PEPSI COLA 24 Bottles 10-oz. *J59 plus deposit COCA COLA WINK 8 pak. 16 oz. plus deposit 6 • 12 oz. btls. 69 c 39c FRESCA pl„,dep. 59c Heineken Beer -- $1.97 pack POMES $4= er $795 Majestic. Capacity, 1.5 bushels . Regular price, $206.95 Sale price, $151.95 Beer -- $1.59 6 pack Hamms -- 99c 6 pack cans Blatz $1.09 6 pack 16 oz. cans 6 Pack Throwaway Bottles SCHLITZ - MILLERS BOD - OLD STYLE Wdldech 6 pack $1.39 1 USE OF GLASSS1 and For more information, call or visit our nearest-store or office, or see your appliance dealer. Northern Illinois Gas Company For Weddings and Parties with the purchase of Liquor at the Cardinal tab 6 c HALF GALLONS Excellent Kentucky Whiskey BURKE & BARRY Blend ! 97 Vz Gal. "11= Kentucky Gentlemen Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1/2 Gal. $7= Straight Kentucky or Blend Old Thompson -- $6.97 Bourbon Supreme -- $8.39 Coronet Brandy -- $8.97 Hiram Walker's GIN or VODKA Slenmore or VODKA I