.M ' Y:'. • :f ,,/ 'ft' PG* 8- PUINDEALER- OCTOBER 13, 1967 THE McHENRY PLAINDEAILER COPT DEAOUNE BUSINESS SERVICES BOATS & MOTORS FOR SALE FOB SALE real estate Office Hoars Daily 8:S0 ajn. to S:®3) p.m. Chwlfbd Display -- Wefeesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. Friday faper Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads ™ Wecfeesjlay Paper Uteeeioy 9:80 aJti. . FWdtay Paper TtaFeday 9:S0 ajn. "No Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. Til® Pialmlealer is not responsible for errors in classified eds after the first Insertion. Check your ad the first veek and call our attsHtSoEB to any mistaken. AUTOS 1964 FORD Thunderbird convertible. Must sell. Call 385- 2718. 9-21-67 1955 FORD Vt ton pick-up 6 cyL Excellent shape. $450. 385-2511. 9-21-67TF WINTER'S tOMING -- Get your concrete work done reasonable. ( Driveways, basements, widks, patios. Call 385- 3596.X ] 10-5-67TF-1-2 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St, Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65TF S. F. & SONS BUILDERS • REMODELING • ROOM ADDITIONS • CEMENT WORK • ALUMINUM SIDING • HEATING • GARAGES • ROOFING, ETC. CALL 815-653-6081 10-4-67TF 1-2 1957 CADDIE air conditioned. Cheap or will trade for cycle. Call 385-5411. 10-6/10-13-67 1962 CHEVROLET automatic, 6 cylinder. Top condition. Must see to appreciate. Best offer. Call 385-0194. - 10-11/10-13-67 1962 BEL AIR Station wagon. Very good condition. Low mileage. $650. Call after 5 pjn. 385-7694. 10-11/10-13-67 1959 Lincoln Mark 4, excellent condition. No rust on body. $595 or best offer. Call 385-4307. 10-11/10-13-67 1965 PLYMOUTH Barracuda V-8, automatic, new tires, 15,- 000 mile warrantee left Call 385-0297. 10-11/10-13-67 19S7 I.H. Stake Truck, steel box bed, 3% ton, engine replaced. 1966. Good condition. Call 385-7249. 10-11/10-13-67 1959 DODGE 4 door hardtop. Motor runs good. $100. Call 385-2790. 10-11/10-13-67 1966 8 cylinder International dump truck, less than 30,000 miles. Call 312-L06-7521. 10-13-67 1963 CHEVROLET V-8 station wagon. Power brakes, power steering, new tires. Motor completely rebuilt. Very good condition. Call 815-385- 3232. 10-13/10-18-67 1964 PONTIAC Bonneville convertible. Power brakes, power steering, radio, heater. Very sharp. Cadi 385-2818. 10-13-67 UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, 111. ART'S • RECOVERING • RESTYLING All Kinds of Furniture Phone 3854725 10-13-67TF 2 tfaJxotux Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry III 385-6027 2-4-fifvTK ATTENTION! McHENRY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why miss those important calls. McHenry Telephone Answering Service 385-0258 10-3-67TF-1-2 Sales -- Service We service moat mattes of foreign can EUROPA SS18 W. Pearl, McHenry TOYOTA Phone 385-0700 BUSINESS SEE FRED WYSE PAINTING AS YOU WANT IT Interior & Exterior Call 815-648-5591 P. O. Box 108 Hebron, I1L -- INSURED -- 10-13/10-20-67 McHENRY BEAUTY SCHOOL Nationally & State Accredited liacoln Rd. A Charles St 885-2290 Shaping, Permanent*, Set, Style, Coloring with New Color Machine. Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. Work done exclusively by students, under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED. and FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 10-5-67TF2 REPAIR REFINISH OLD FUHMTURE ANTIQUES BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main St. Call 385-0159 After 5:00 p.m. 2-4-67TF-1 BUSINESS SERVICES ""SINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL WINDOW CLEANING, INC. 17 FT. CHRIS CRAFT, 165 hp., convertible top, radio, cigarette lighter, spot lite and running lights, complete ski equipment, dozen preservers, boarding ladder, gator trailer. Must sell $1,150. Call 385-3552. 10-3-67TF-1-2 14 FOOT runabout with 35 h.p. Johnson motor; $200. Call 815-653-4038. 10-11/10-13-67 14 FOOT FIBERGLASS boat, motor and trailer. 30 H.P. Evinrude motor with electric starter. Call 653-7200 aftar 6. 5-18-67 ICE BOAT. Class E. Skeeter type with extra equipment. $585. Also canoe, $65. Call 312-587-7144. 10-11/10-13-67 FOR SALE 5pccial Floor Treatment Rug Shampooinp House Cleaning Wall Washing Wash and Put Up Storms Weekly or Monthly Services Janitorial Services Free Estimates -- INSURED -- PliOne 385-7710 day or nighi McHenry, 111. 10-13-67TF 2 EKO BASS GUITAR won in guitar marathon. Brand new, never used. $250.00 including case. Original cost $325. Cal) 385-2650. 9-21-67TF GERMAN SHEPHERD dog. 1% years did. Excellent with children. 560. Call 385-5789 10-6/10-13-67 PURE BRED Siamese kittens. Completely boxed trained. Male and female. $15 each. Call 385-4218. 10-6/10-13-67 COMBINATION WIIDOWS BRAND NEW Combination CHUCK'S GLASS A MIRROto 4304 W. South Street .Cooney Heights VHQB&-J8S-SSB0 '(A NEW BATHROOM FLOOR COSTS ONLY $16.30) wmz-. FREE DEMONSTRATION ( • . -jfcT ipamle «« FLOORING «»" A Permanent Floor . . . PAINT IT ONI Flecto SeamlMS™ is a n«w permanent flooring system that paints on right over any flood No •aponah/o installation costs . . . Flocto Soomlcao™ is a colorful combinotion of random-shaped flakes laminated botocon loyors of plastic . . . and ony bouocroif* Can do it crlthout clooino <2o»n Ut» room I @ Flecto Soom!ooo,M eon be oppiicd over oiwrapt ang em/- faco inside or oulottjo. enduing linoioum. wood, concroto and resilient tilo. You con quichly and easily add lasting boouty that never needs waxing to your hitch, an, bathroom, hsllcoyo, patio, terrace -- any floor or toblo topi Sm a free dwiMnttratltn of this new flaortag system at: ROSENTHAL'S Building Sarvioe Center 95 E, Crystal Lake Aye 459-2700 Crystal Lake, Illinois i Open Sundays 9 to 1 10-6-6 7TK2 MOTOROLA stereo, $73.00. Silverton# black and white T.V. $125. Both excellent condition. Call 385-5789. 10-6/10-13-67 GAS DRYER. Call 385-5610. 10-13-67 REGISTERED quarter horse. If interested call 385-3132. 10-11/10-13-67 MAHOGANY drop leaf table. 3 leaves and pads. 4 matching chairs. Excellent condition. Call 385-3579 10-11/10-13-67 LIKE NEW 4, 4 ply, WW. Allstate Supertred tires, size 8:45x15 replaces 7-60-15 $80. Call 385-3441 evenings. 10-11/10-13-67 SCREENS, storm windows and doors. Various sizes. All in good condition. Replaced by aluminum combinations. Call 385-1004. 10-11/10-13-67 RUGS a mess? Clean for less with -- Blue Lustre, Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin. 10-13-67 HERB IE MY DRAINS ARE CLOGGED AGAIN! Bring home a bottle of FIREWATER the Liquid Drain Opener. Mary. But it at: Ace Hardware, 3729 W. Elm, McHenry. Call 385-0722. 10-13-67 MIXED Terrier and beagle puppies. $10 each. Call 385- 6507 after 4 p.m.. 1013-67 PICNIC TABLE with 2 separate benches, $12; 12 ft. bar, $20; collapsible baby buggy, $25. Call 385-2418. 10-11/10-13-67 BEAUTIFUL Walnut bedroom set, 3 months old, $125. 2 square end tables, $45. Matching pair of Lavender occassional chairs, $35. 12' long and low Walnut bookcase, $30. Refrigerator, $50. Call 385-0233. 10-11/10-13-67 UHF converter for Channels 26 and 32. $15.00. Call 815- 653-4038. 10-11/10-13-67 70,000 B.T.U. floor furnace. All controls and some smoke pipe. Reasonable. Call Sunday's ONLY 815-653-9063. 10-13/10-20-67 1 000 BU. GRAIN storage bin. Call 312-L06-7521, 10-13-67 MAC 90 GO CART engine. Complete with clutch and muffler. Just overhauled. Has gone 80 m.p.h. $40. Call 385-5243 after 6 p.m. 10-13/10-20-67 1 BATHROOM SINK, like new, white. 1 5 ft. bathtub, 1 27 drawer small filing cabinet. 1 4 drawer filing cabinet*- 1- safe. 1 Contour chair, like; new. Call 312-L06-7521. v 10-13-67 COMPLETE paint store service. Now save % off on 1967 Wallpapers in stock. On the square in Woodstock. Bohn's Ace Hardware. 10-13-67 ELECTRIC STOVE. Good condition. Call 385-2192. 10-13-67 5 FT. work bench, $10. Crown gas stove, $40. Speed Queen wringer wash machine, Eureka tank type vacuum, sled. Reasonable. Call 653-7000. 10-13-67 FUR COAT, cleaned and glazed, size 18. Excellent condition, $40. Breakfast set, $20 or make offers. Call 385-4931 10-13-67 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, registered, wormed and house broken. Both sexes. Champion sired. Best offer over $50. Call 385-5572. 10-13-67 MAYTAG Wringer Washer. Excellent condition. Best offer. Baby bathinette, $7. Call 385- 5035. 10-13/10-18-67 FOR RENT Furnished and private suite of rooms with private bath and private entrance in a large country home on Pistakee Bay, for middle aged woman - might be school teacher or widow. Modest rental. Call evenings 815-385-0967. 1011/10-13-67 WINTER Boat storage. $35 and up. Triton Marine Service, 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, HI. 60050. 10-11/11-17-67 STORE located at 1218 N. Green St., approximately 28' •by 30'. Available November 1st. Call 385-0748. 10-11-67TF OFFICE, 1212 N. Green St., main floor. Air conditioned, $52.50 (across from McHenry Savings & Loan, new building) Call 385-1327. 10-5-67TF-1-2 WINTER storage for boats, also room for 1 school bus or large truck. Call 385-1140. 10-5-67TF-1-2 FALL RUMMAGE SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 9 a.m. to 12 noon RING WOOD METHODIST CHURCH "Coffee And" Served 10-13/10-18-67 • BIG PORCH SALE • Go East on # 134 and pass Pistakee Golf Course, left at 2905 Bay View Lane Road. October 18, 14 & 15 9 a-m. to 6:30 pan. DeLuxe full 7 ft. Aluminum Christmas tree with stand and 69 Red Balls. Noma indoor lights and decorations, lamps, ice skates, toys, games, books, clothing an<f misc. items. All in good condition. CALL 385-1886 10-13-67 TQM SALE FOB SALE CLOTHING SALE • Girl's winter coat, size 14, -- $6.00 • Fur trimmed black coat, size 12 -- $25 • Ladies winter coat, size 12 -- $10 • Sport Jacket, size 40 regular -- $2.00 • Human hair piece originally $60 -- now $20 • Sports wear to dress wear, sizes 7 - 14. All under $5.00 -- Too many to list"* Hats, bags, shoes, sweaters. Everything in excellent condition. Many items never worn. All bargains can be seen at: 3208 W. FAIRWAY DRIVE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES McHENRY, ILL. anytime between 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. on Friday, October 13 or 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, October 14. 10-11/10-13-67 TOWER APTS. Cooney Heights. 2 and 3 bedroom town house apartments. Adults. No pets. Rent includes utilities. Call Lee Cooney 385- 4345. 10-3-67TF-1-2 : ROOM FURNISHED Residence facing FOX RIVER Elegance throughout. Very exnensive furniture. Suitable for amily or two couples. 2012 V. Orchard Beach Dr. a mile north of bridge on west side >f river. 10-11/10-20-67 BASEMENT storage space, •pproximately 30'x24\ Good for storage or work shop. \ vail able November 1st. Call 385-0748. 10-11-67TF1 2 SPACIOUS 5 room, 2 bedroom home. Available by October 15. No pets. $115 per month. S175 security deposit. References. Call 385-0233. 10-11/10-13-67 WITH pledge to buy. 3 bedroom ranch with utility room. Lake and river rights. $100 r>er month and $25 per month toward $500 down payment. Must have good credit. Call 815-385-4253. 10-11/10-13-67 5 ROOM upstairs apartment. Close to town. Adults only. $85 plus utilities. Call 385- 7399. 10-11/10-13-67 IN FOX LAKE. Grand Ave. 4 room unfurnished apartment. 2nd floor. Adults, not pets, /ery quiet. Gas heat. $125 per month includes alf utilities. Also stove and refrigerator. Call 815-385-3896. 10-13-67 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment. $87 per month. Down town area. Call 385-1493. 10-13/10-20-67 ROOM FOR RENT, working gentleman preferred. Call 385- 0053. 10-13-6T CLEAN, nicely furnished 4 room, 2 bedroom house. Screened porch, wall to wall carpeting,' beach, pier. Adults. No pets. Utilities furnished. Call 385-1080. " 10-13-67 Wonder Lake APPROVED for Good HOUSEKEEPING. This immaculate 6 rm. ranch home has a built-in, cabineted kitchen; pleasant bedrms. with double closets; carpeted liv ing rm., 1% baths, & 2 car garage. A park like yard adds to the ease of maintenance. A PRICED CLEAN $1,900 dn., $117 mo. LAKE SHORE DRIVE, near beach. This 5 room home has a lovely lake view. Large family room and Sun Deck over garage for gracious entertaining. Lovely landscaped lawn, part basement, one car garage, gas heat. $2,000 dn., $77 mo., $12,500.00 A Home with Flair, 6 nice rooms, large carpeted living room and bedrms. with good closet space. Built-in kitchen. 12x20 family rm. and enclosed heated porch; attached garage with asphalt drive, Alum, siding, storms & screens. Gas heat. City water. $2,400 dn., $88 mo., $14,900 McHenry IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Lovely 3 bedrm. home with split foyer. Built in wifesaver kitchen, Large bedrms, Rec. rm., attached garage, gas heat, city water. Alum, siding-storms & screens. Many extras. $1,950 dn., $135 mo., $19,500 T.P.MJITTEWS Wonder Lake, HL Ph: 385-6841 OPEN 7 DATS WEEK TIL DARK 10-13-67 For The Growing Family Neat like new 3 BR raised ranch, 25'xl4' fans, rm., din. and liv. rm. comb., one car att. gar., 85'xl40' city lot, extras incl. carpeting, mirrored foyer, alum, sidblg. Asking $19,500 Worthmors Estates Custom brick ranch, 3 Ige. BRs, carpeted liv. rm. with fireplace, formal din. nn., extra lge. kit., with bullt-lns, over sized 2 car att. gar., 2 full baths, finished rec. rm. with bar, fruit trees and well landscaped, priced in the high thirties. For The Horse Owner Shed near pasture area, partly wooded. Brick family home with 3 BRs, den, 21'x 26' liv. and din. rm. comb., 1% baths, 2 car. att. gar. 36'x24' storage bldg. Many extras. Asking $37,500 Prestige - Privacy - Pool Exquisite 2 story home with spacious carpeted liv. rm. with fireplace, 4 BRs, 2% bath, formal din. rm., den, dressing rm. for pool, kit. with dinette, 2 car gar. Many extras. Mid Forties. McHl WRY X.TY . 8913 W. Main St. McHenry, ill. Phone 385-5922 or 885-0268 10-13-67 Whispering Hills Ranch 2 large B.R's., 12x13; 12x20 L.R.; 11x11 built-in gas kitchen, 11x8 utility; 152x131 corner lot.. Blacktop driveway. Illness makes selling mandatory. $16X100 ' Pistakee Highlands 3 large B.R. ranch. 25 ft. L.R. with fireplace; 15x12 D.R. Built-in kitchen. All rooms beautifully carpeted. Full basement, plastered walls. 27x39 patio. 2 car garage with blacktop driveway. Must be seen to appreciate. $26,500 or best offer Call Mr. Helnen After 6:00 p.m. call 885-2527 BJLfBD & WAIMER 414 Virginia St, Crystal iMke 815-459-1855 10-13-67 (2 HANDY MAN'S SPECIALS) On 3 wooded lots, walking distance to McHenry and river rights. This potential 4 bedroom home with basement and 2 car garage. Very attractive building. Owner must sell now to settle estate. Will consider any reasonable offer. See Now. (ARE YOU HANDY?) 4 bedroom, 2 story house with basement, gas heat. Would make ideal home for large family or for income. Priced to sell quick $9,700. (RETIREMENT SPECIAL IN McHENRY) Very clean 2 bedroom home, full basement and attached garage. Plastered walls. This home is exceptionally well kept both inside and outside, Priced at only $16,900 (FALL CLOSE OUT SPECIALS ON FOX RIVER) 2 bedroom home completely furnished Only $11,750 3 bedroom home completely furnished with 2 car garage. Make Offer (FOR RENT) 2 bedroom brick home. Completely furnished with garage. Walking distance to McHenry, References required. Adults only. $140 per month. List Your Property For Sale or Rent Here. Buyers Waiting THE KENT CORPORATION 3322 W. Elm St. - New Location Phone 385-3800 Since 1923 10-13-67 GLENN DIAPER REAL ESTATE 4410 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, 111. Phone 385-5661 HOMES FROM $10,000 UP We Cooperate with all brokers. 10-13-67 Excellent Location In Town % block to schools. Cloee to ~ shopping. 1% story colonial frame home. 3-4 bedrooms. 1% baths. Finished recreation room. Built in range. Excellent condition. /< BY OWNER $20*500 Call 385-5035 10-13/10-18-6? Listings Wanted Homes In McHenry City Limits One Of McHenrys Finest Overlooks country club, eonv. to schools & shopping. Built of the finest materials, etx. is done in lannon stone & face brick. This is an 8-rm. home with 3 levels, which afford privacy & variety in _ living. No steep stairs. 17x19 LR, 12x12 formal DR, 3 lge. BR's, 15x15 wood panelled study, 15x18 fam. rm. fireplace in bsmt. 3 full baths, two ceramic-tiled, one partial. Att kit. with matched bit-ins. Plaster walls & birch trim & cabs. A house with charm - we think it's perfect Asking1 $43,000 Edgebroob, Heights Beautiful all lannon stone 4- Br. home bit. on high elevation on 214x274 lot, with 2 car attached garage and spa- . clous brick patio with one panelled wall & many windows. $3200 gas-fired H.W. radiant heating system pro- . vides even heat & warm floors thru-out, inc. full basement. Plaster walls. Lge. foyer & 25x27 LR-DR comb, are wood panelled. 10x15 Idt with bit-ins & birch cabs. 3 ' good-sized BRs on first fir. 2 brick fireplaces, LR (k" rec. rm. 3 baths. Huge basmt nearly all finished contains lge. panelled rec. rm. with well-equipped wet bar. Extras inc. carpeting In 5 rms. drapes, refrig. & softener. Ashing $42£00 On Hie River with lovely view, in good ineighborhood. 5-rm. 2-story home with excellently-landscaped grounds, sea wall A boat house. Ext. of hse. & 1-c gar. alum, sided. Also . colored alum, trim & shutters. 13x20 LR sep. Dr., kit. 2 BR's, 2 screened porches, 1 up & down. Taxes $165. Asking $17,10® $875 Down Payment 3-BR ranch on wooded turner lot, 70x125, oversize 2 c. att. gar. Cone, driveway. Fenced area in back with conc. patio. Entry with guest closet. 14x20 LR with brick fireplace & 1 panelled wall. 11x13 DR with slid drs. to patio. Cathedral ceilings in LR & DR. 3 good-sized BR's. Tiled bath. Kit. has bit-ins. Utility rm. A Bargain for buyer qualified to assume exisiting mort at 6V4%. $17,500 ;/vA jC Eestaumnt Fo? In McHenry, on busy street. $9500 - $5000 down, balance $50 per month at 5%. Full basement for storage, woodpanelled. tile firs, air-cond. 4 booths, 3 tables, 12 counter seats. Nets approx. $13, 000 per yr. Good business opportunity. Lot On River Beautiful view. Adjacent homes of good construction. Asking $6600 Lots For Sale Nice selection lots near river with beach & docking rights. priced from $2195 to $3595 HEAL ESTATE ; REAIL®0>n&S * Cooperati&ig EfleamEtar of t Associates EJoMag Qarvloo * Irene Eddy onasH Lon Ooutfo * - om? 9 to 5 : SUNDAY 12 to 5 385-70SO 8717 W- Elm, EScHanry " Across from Jewel Tea 866 Virginia St., Crystal Lake . 10-13-67 •fr - f>