» V . - . Community Lends Hand To Fire Victims «*•* fi y as 8»P^ i % I laindealer hotos The Art Sagel family of ten, including parents and eight children, were driven from their blazing home at 2611 Orchard Beach drive, McHenry, last Saturday noon, taking with them only the clothing they were wearing. ^ Within a short time the two-story building was ablaze. When firemen left three and a half .hours later, the interior was entirely gutted and only the framework stood. A flooded oil stove was blamed by Assistant District Fire Chief, Glenn Peterson, for the fire. - The Sagels have found another home in the Spring Grove area, where they are moving this week. In the five days since the fire, generous residents of the community have opened their hearts to the stricken family. Huge quantities of wearing apparel, food and household goods have been streaming into the Plaindealer office and money has been put into a special account at the McHenry State Bank. J FH3Hi3 LINCOLN CLOVERLEAF CLUB The Lincoln Clover leaf 4-11 club met at the Val-Mar Recreation house. Newly elected officers were installed in a candlelight ceremony. They are president, Laurie Stavotolg; vice-president, Cindy Bye; secretary, Natalie Ester; treasurer, Jeff Boyer; reporter, Bonnie VanBuren; recreation loader, Marge Boyer. A demonstration on " My Saddle and its Parts" was given by Laurie Staveteig. The next meeting will be Feb. 4. There are openings for club membership. Anyone interested should call 385-6255. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS HEADS BANK Arnold J. Rauen of McHenry has recently assumed the office of president of the Bank for Savings and Loan associations, 10^ S. LaSalle, Chicago. WORSHIP UP OR DOVm^1, Bogota, Columbia, has one chifrch, (The Catherdral of Sail:) 800 feet under ground, and another ( The Shrine of Moiiserrate) at 10,000 feet altitude. Selective Service Set out below arc questions frequently asked of the Selective Service System along with appiMiprlHlo answers, Your cooperation IniirlutliiHoi' announcing lliuhu will lie In lliu public I nter ONI, (hi Will ,vmm quote that Neclltiii i " Selective Sei'vlt tt i\\s .it mhw rultttlim to (Mimu'U'iHlnun irti|Mi'lor«',' A,i SiM'lItiM tl (,|) i»l the Military Selective Nervlru Act of I0fl7 Is reproduced below: "CD (onNclentlouN objectors. --Nothing contained In this title shall be construod to require any person to bo subject to combatant training and service in the armed forces of the United States who, by reason of religious training and belief, is conscientiously opposed toparticii> ation in war in any form. As used in this subsection, the term 'religious training and beliefs' does not include essentially political, sociological, or philosophical views,.or a merely personal moral code. Any person claiming exemption from combatant training and service because of suoh conscientious objections whose claim is sustained by the Kc&l board shall, if he is inducted into the armed forces under this title, be assigned to noncombatant service as defined by the President, or shall, if he is found to be conscientiously opposed to participation in such noncombatant service, in lieu of such induction, be ordered by his local board, subject to such regulations as the President may prescribe, to perform for a period equal to the period prescribed in section 4 (b) ('... twenty-four consecutive months, unless sooner released, or discharged....' - Ed.) such civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest as the local board pursuant to Presidential regulations may deem appropriate and any such person who knowingly fails or neglects to obey any such order from his local board shall be deemed, for the purposes of section 12 ('Penalties.' - Ed.) of this title, to have knowingly failed or neglected to perform ft duty required of him under this title." SUPERINTENDENT LEAVES Dr. Harold M. Visotsky, dir rector o£ the Illinois Department of Mental Health, announced the retirement of Bert Rednour, superintendent of Illinois Security hospital at Chester. Illinois Security hospital, opened in 1892, provides care and treatment for adult male patients requiring maximum security facilities. It is the.smallest state hospital in Illinois, serving a patient population of 300. Rednour, the hospital's eleventh superintendent, has been the chief administrator for 12 years. He was first appointed by Gov. Adlai Stevenson, serving from 1949 to 1953. A lifelong resident of Illinois, Rednour completed 25 years employment with the state at his retirement. Time To Spare By GERALD ANDREWS - Retirement Adviser Beginning a New Business Recently a friend came to me with a problem. Seems he's been having second thoughts about a small retail business he set up for himself after retiring because he wanted to be independent. His problem: Would he have been wiser to have looked around for a partner to join him in the business? He thinks the answer might be "yes" because, between expenses and labor, the enterprise has turned out to be a bigger undertaking than lie had anticipated. Well, I never give advice in a case like this. Only a lawyer can speak with real authority, and then he needs to take a long look at all the factors involved. That's because every business has its own unique aspects. However, I did mention a few abstractions that have general validity, the idea being to give my friend some preliminary facts from which to form his verdict. The question here is the ownership of a small business, something that should be decided at the start, instead of waiting for difficulties that might force a change in midstream. Personal ownership has the virtue of making you the boss. On the other hand, a partner can be of critical assistance if there's any doubt about your capacity to handle the enterprise. He can add both funds and experience, not to mention hard work. Then there's corporate organization. Stockholders are a source of money for big projects. And corporations have limited liability with regard to debts, unlike individual owners and partners, who have to make good the deficit themselves if the business runs into financial difficulties. One drawback with a corporation is that it is susceptible to regulations set by the g o v e r n m e n t . A p a r t n e r s h i p also requires certain basic legalities, while individual ownership permits the greatest degree of freedom to decide aSd to act. JANUARY 23 Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs--Mid-winter District Meeting--Sherman House- Chicago--9:15 a.m. McHenry Garden Club--Regular Meeting--At Mrs. Robert Thompson home--l p.m. JANUARY 27 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting--7:30p.m.--East Campus Cafeteria--Installation of Officers--Movie-" High Roads of Illinois." JANUARY 28 Ord,er of Eastern Star--Stated Meeting--8 p.m.--Acacia Hall„ FEBRUARY 12 i Annual Library Benefit Card Party--Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club-V.F.W. Hall-- 12:30 p.m. \ FEBRUARY 14 j McHenry Woman's Club-- I Zion Lutheran Church--1 p.m. FRI. JAN. 17, 1969 - PLAINDEALER- PG. 5 Shop In McHenry Why be satisfied with a little when you can have a lot. Get the best buys new or used from the Dodge Boys at, Sunnyside Dodge 4810 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111. WELL ' WOULP VOU LOOK AT THAT/ (Sr Chipper 7 GET OFF AWr ( ACORN...YOU STUFIP TREEi JUST THREE VEAK6 AGO, I HIP AN) ACORN IN THAT VERY SPOT " Wouldn't this be a good time to review your home insurance protection? Maybe you've added on to your house. Or purchased new furnishings. Well then . . take stock of things. And see; to it that you're fully covered. Call me now for the full story about State Farm's safe-sensible home insurance. (Comprehensive protection that can provide coverage in case of lawsuits.) It's another good deal from State Farm. Granville Sornson 1212 N. Green St. McHenry, 111. Phone 385 - 1627 STATt Itl STArTE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS P-6529 "A