-p ERSONALS Fri. March 7, 1969 - Plaindealer - Sec. 2 - PgL 3 Pictured above at a monthly planning meeting of the McHenry section of the Illinois Education association are (seated): Henry Kenyon, McHenry Junior high, legislation; Mrs. Carrie Hage. Harvard, teacher education and professional standards; Miss Marie Patton, Crystal Lake elementary, teacher welfare and ethics; Donald Seaton, McHenry, Northeastern division member- Educators Plan March Assembly at-large; Dave Boger, Marengo, section chairman. Standing are William Schuette, Greenwood, chairman-elect; DuYVayne Sheldon, Cary-Grove, public relations; William Larson, Northwood, citizenship, and Robert Bender, membership and finance. Missing for picture: Betty Lou Maitland, Marengo, secretary. Plans for the McHenry county section governing board meeting at 4 p.m. on March 17 at Northwood school, Woodstock, were recently made. This board consists of local education association president and committee chairman. Election of section officers will take place. The meeting will also serve as a briefing session for the Northeastern Division, IEA, representative assembly on Tuesday, March 25, at West senior high, Aurora. Two county members are candidates; Dave Boger, Marengo, formerly McHenry, for division presidentelect, and Henry Kenyon, McHenry, for member-at-large. Recent activities of the section include welfare and ethics meetings on Feb. 3 and March 3, arranged by Marie Patton. Donald Seaton arranged meetings on Feb. 12 and 26 for committee on Pension Education (COPE). Additional meetings are planned for local districts to acquaint them more fully on the status of the teachers' retirement system. It's Crystal In thfe 1400's the Venetians made lime glass which was colorless and transparent. It was called "cristallo", from which our word "crystal" is derived. This man has everything Widespread The 3,000 islands, caves and rocks that make up the Bahama Islands are scattered' over an ocean area slightly larger than Great Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff returned last week from a two weeks vacation in the home of the latter's son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wiater, in Long Beach, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eisele and children, Mike and Jenifer, of Saline, Mich., were weekend guests of her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence have returned from a three weeks vacation in Hollywood, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen returned Saturday from a two weeks trip to Florida where they motored with their daughter, Mrs. James Kline, husband and little son of Woodstock to visit friends at St. James City, Pine Island. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Kins^y of Hazelcrest and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rapp of Rockford were Sunday visitors in the Fred . Bienapfl home. Mrs. Frances Smalfelt and grandchildren, Koby, Colleen and Renee Penz of Kenosha, Wis., visited McHenry relatives* Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Spindler and son, Mark, of LaGrange spent a recent day with his mother, Mrs. Pat Spindler, where Mark's twenty-first birthday was celebrated. Other guests were Mr. andMrs.Merritt Kirkpatrick and Naomi of Round Lake. Pat Conway, R.N., of Chicago, a former classmate at St. Therese School of Nursing, spent several days last week with Miss Joyce Adams. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith were their son, Rich a student at North Central college, Naperville, and Miss Sue Mahaney of Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Freund flew to Dayton, Ohio, recently to spend a few days with her brother, Allan Miller, a student at the university. William Peterson, who is .making his home with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller, while employed in Chicago, motored to Hastings, Minn., to spend the weekend with his parents. He was accompanied, there by his grandmother, Mrs„ Miller, and her sister, Miss Elsie Anderson, of Chicago. They report a heavy snow fall there with banks of snow several feet high and roads just like tunnels. Mr. and Mrs. Neal McDonald and children of Franklin Park were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Adams. ITEM: If aluminum measuring cups and spoons turn dark with wear, here's a quick way to brighten them again. Just place them in a pan of boiling water with a slice of lemon. After a few moments, take them out, wash and dry. l'icturc of ^priii}! in fashion i> til (;o>lunic - for in-lanrr. this ilonshift and holilly-Mriprtl oat. I5> David "<x\«tal. slioun with Kodak Inslamativ cumrra rvparalr We Never MILLIE'S Close Coffee Shop and Restaurant 1218 Green St. - McHenry Ph. 385-9788 ecision. Need auto insurance? He's got it. Want to insure your home? Your life? Your health? Your car? He's the man to see for low cost State Farm insurance. See him soon. ioe Podpora 1212 Green St. 385-4080 PALS . ... First Lt William Ervin protects a company mascot named Phu Cong II from dirt arid debris. The duck replaced as mascot a goose that met with a fatal accident on top of Nui Den Mountain, Republic of Vietnam. STATE FARM INSURANCI State Farm is all you need to know about STATE f A R M INSURANCE COMPANIES HOMf OfMCfS BIOOMINCTON U l l N O I S Did You Soy Passbook Savings Compounded quarterly yields 4.84% 4*X Savings Certificate $1,000 minimum with multiples of $100.00 over that. Six month maturity Automatically renewed, compounded quarterly yields 5.09%. 5 7, Savings Certificate $10,000 minimum in multiples of $100.00 over thbt. 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