/- PG. 14 - PLAI NDEAER - WED. MARCH 12, 1969 Food Stamp McHENRY JUNIOR HIGHPRESENTS MARCH CONCERT (continued from page 1) is the annual spring music fesr tival for the bands of District 15 and the Junior high school chorus. Mrs. Shirley Watkins is chorus director and Carl Kohrt is band director. Mrs. Watkins said some of the chorus will appear in the title song from "Oklahoma" when the McHenry Choral club presents its spring program April 26-27. CITY LIBRARY RECEIVES GIFT (continued from page 1) t o b e used f o r t h e f u t u r e e n largement of the library. That, I believe, would be a more fitting thank-you to all of you who have done so much". ' DRIVER BECOMES ILL; STRIKES SIGNS; TREES (continued from page 1) 120 and River road. Charged with failure to yield the right of way, she was taken to Mc- Henry hospital for treatment of injuries. The other car was driven by Mrs. Helen Limbaugh of Woodstock, who was accompanied by her three children. Mrs. Limbaugh was driving east across the bridge when the other auto pulled in front of her. County Pageant Is Announced ^continued from page 1) rodeo. It will continue throuc'i Sunday, Aug. 3. The ne v M;:ss McHenry County will receive many lovely gifts as well as the right to vie as our county's representative in the statewide competition for Miss Illinois County Fair. Letters will be sent to sponsors which presented local contests last year, sine? they will have first choice as a local sponsor. ) Only one candidate may be chosen to represent a commijiiity, village, town, or city-- and cities must coordinate their contest under one sponsoring organization as usual. Deadline for entries in the 1939 Mis.i MoVe.iry Comty contest will be 4 p.m. Sunday, June 29. That deadline will enable the Fair Association to give local sponsors and candidates adequate recognition. Girls must be belw^n 1*5-*21 by Aug. 1 and not over 22 by Jan. 20, 1970, when the state meet is held. Candidates must be single, never ma- -i<>J and a resident of McHenry coanty. Detailed rales are available from Don Peasley, public relations director for the contest, Woodstock, and will-be available from sponsors as soon as they acknowledge pla.is to hold a 1969 local contest. HURT IN CRASH Franklin Paul Rogers of Terrace lane, Spring Grove, was treated at McHenry hospital Saturday morning for a hip injury following a one-car accident on Rollins road in Lake county. He told authorities he was forced off the road. COLLEGE BOARD MEETS The McHenry County college board will hold its next meeting at the interim offices, 6200 Northwest highway (I.I.T. building) in Crystal Lake on Thursday, March 13, at 7:30 p.m. FIRE IN HOME Firemen of Company 1 were called to the John Lenard home, 709 Lillian street, McHenry, at 7:13 Tuesday morning to extinguish a fire in a furnace blower motor. There was damage only to the motor. NATURE STUDY PROGRAM SET UP AT SCHOOL In order to build up a nature study area at Valley View school, residents of the community are asked to donate trees for this project. Arbor Day is April 25, when plans are made to plant all donated trees. School officials hope there will be a sufficient number to plant so that each room will have its special tree for which class members would be responsible. The nature study area, while located at Valley View school,' will be available for the entire school district, so trees will be accepted from anyone who would like to help promote this project. Musin9 and Meanderin (continued from page 1) cause he was unhappy! Sounds like a good idea for wealthy animals." That Spring is in the offing is certain, in spite of the fact that an occasional snowflake makes its way into the community. It was at least a week ago that RoVena Marshall saw a large flock of geese flying low in a northwesterly direction, Christine Adams reports a fat robin and others have heard the cheery song of the tfieadowlark. By the time this is read, these arid many more varieties may be noted in flarge numbers. _ _ _ Tiere were oniy glowing reports on the excellent musical program presented by East camp'is voei'ists and instrumentalists, under the direction . of William Tailson, last Tii .?'3- d-v evening. The only negative note was aimed at the audience, particularly the young folks but also some adults, who interfered w'th the complete enjoyment of rh? program by loud whispering. Only one who has participated in suc 'i a.nxjindertaking can realize the seem'.ngly endless hours and weeks in preparation. When the result is as pleasing as last Tnursday, certainly it deserves an attentive audience. Above all, performers should realize the compliment to others on stage in maintaining silence. K.A.F, PRISON TERMS ORDERED FOR EMBEZZLEME NT (continued from page 1) sociation in the amount of $463,- 161 made out to an area foundry. He said the money was placed in Steinbrecher's personal checking account and he later gave it to Laures. Silver Star To R.A. Fowler (continued from page 1) engaged in military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnamg Specialist Four Fowler distinguishedhimselfby exceptionally valorous action while serving as a radio-telephone operator with Co. A, 5th battalion, 7th cavalry, during a search and destroy mission near Phv Vans. When his unit became hostilely engaged with a large enemy force and sustained several casualties, Specialist Fowler, although seriously wounded, exposed himself to the situation by means of his radio until he lost consciousness. His action contributed greatly to the successful completion of his unit's mission. Specialist Fowler's gallant action is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit Upon himself, his unit and the United States Army." Program Begins On March 19 (continued from page 1) The income eligibility scale for non-assistance and Medical Assistance only household ranges from a maximum net income of $139 per month for one person to a maximum of $490 per month for a family of 10. Intermediate net income standards are: $182 for two persons: $212 for three; $259 for four; $299 for five; $337 for six; $375 for seven; $414 for eight; and $451 for nine persons. Net income is defined as income after standard withholdings such as income tax, Social Security, and the like. Liquid assets such as cash, savings, or negotiable stocks cannot exceed $400 for an individual or $600 for a family group. A family having an income over its stated figure may still be eligible if there is a hardship situation caused by some unusual expense, such as excessive rent, -high medical expense, child care expense, or expense caused by a disaster. Those interested in making application for the Food Stamp Program should contact the McHenry County Department of Public Aid as soon as possible. SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL PLANS PUBLIC PROGRAM The monthly meeting of the Citizen's Advisory council, will be held on Thursday, March 13, at 8 p.m in the West campus McHenry high school auditorium. The program for the evening will feature "A Panel Of American Women." The panel includes a Catholic, a Protestant, a Negro and a Jewish woman, as well as a moderator. Each will speak about her own background, personal and family experiences. A discussion period will follow, in which the audience will be given an opportunity to ask questions and express their views. The women on the panel are not "experts," have no " stock" answers or statistical information. It is a group of people attempting to talk about, and communicate with others concerning their own particular problems. Everyone in the community who may be interested in the program, is cordially invited to attend. PLAN STUDY TO SET LOCATION FOR EXPRESSWAY (continued from page 1) from a point northwest of the city to a point northeast of Lockport. A meeting is scheduled in the district conference room at 9 o'clock Wednesday, March 12, to introduce the consultant for this project, who will be coordinating his work with the planning of local governmental and community agencies within the highway study corridor. Ceramic Wall Tile sq. ft. 1 " X 1 " CERAMIC sq. ft. 57$ Asbestos Floor Tile l^x 12- sq. ft. 19$ SPECIAL Solid Vinyl Tile sq. ft. 24$ Tile A Supply 5002 W. Rt. 120, McHenry 385-7310 Y' all Come GOODYEAR Is Having fflRm Fnmuv PBRTV In The McHenry Market Place Bob & Bobbie Thomas Current Stars of WGN*s "BarnDance" will be at Good Year - to provide entertainment for the ^Farm Family Party. from 7:00 'til 10:00 Friday, March 14th 4 Complete Shows 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 c° QO< fee r°^( 4// A winner every hour from 7:00 to 10:00 after every performance k GRRI1D PRIZE §. C Partake, lach and ^H^/t Jel evision • Register for Gifts • Soda Pop * Coffee • Dortuts te[ SPECIAL TRIPLE RIB FRONT TRACTOR TIRE Your best buy in the economy price class! S SO X 16. 4 PR plus I 85 Fed • Di't'p v. idr ( enter rib for easier steering - slays right in the grume on straight aways - far less slip in the turns • Fxrlusiv e t r i p l e - t empered n>lon cord for longer durability more stamina - gives more acres of life EASY TERMS! FREE MOUNTING /a Step Stool 29" Aluminum Ladder Reg. $5.99 NOW ®3" TOT BAGS All Plastic Reg. $1.95 94* Charcoal Carrier Reg. $1.50 99* Cool Cushions Reg. $1.99 99* Check wirsiztL.niakemiirdcal! BUY NOW on our Easy Pay Plant ANY whitewall blackwall SIZE or l i s t e d . . . • plus 27C to 46C fit Fed E*. Tji recover? per (dependmj on sue) an<] 4 'pleadable t./n off your car 7 75*14 6 95*14 7.35ilS , ' 7 !>0il4) .6 50*14; ;6 50*15) LARGER 7 35*14 7 75«15 6 40*15 '7 00*14, i6 70*15; 6 00*13 7 00*13 6 50*13 SIZES s5449' 4 for GOODYEAR NEW TREADS SI". NO MONEY DOWN on our Easy Pay Plan! FARM SERVICE TIRE 6.70 x 15, 4 PR plus $.89 Fed. Ex. Tax • Triple-tempered nylon cord body "makes it strong and durable • Long-wearing rib tread design ideally suited to road and field in and visit with National Brand representatives. They will be there to answer any questions you may have. Goodyear Automotive and Applianee Center 4400 W. Rt. 120, McHenry McHenry Market Place Hrs. 8:30-5:00 *ri. till 9:00 Sat. till 4:30 38J-730C