/ \ -J PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. MARCH 21. 1969 Alpha Theta Presents Lively Panel Program The learning center of new Coventry Elementary school, Crystal Lake, provided a stimulating environment for the March 10 evening meeting of Alpha Theta chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma society. Preceding the meeting, Edith Newcomer, chairman, and her hospitality committee served refreshments. Marcia Wright, first vicepresident, presided at the business meeting. Forty-two members, representing seven Mc- Henry county communities, responded to roll call. A two-phase program, planned by Alice Clark, included a panel discussion of values inherent in the Delta Kappa Gamma society and a showing of the colored film strip featuring international headquarters in Austin, Texas. Panelists, led by YerdaDiersen, included Marge Adams and Ruth Balch. Their request- for comments by the members drew lively discussion of the pros and cons of teachers' strikes; legislative lobbying and general political activity on local, state, and national levels; social problems, such as integration, minorities and poverty programs. The consensus was that each member take a long hard look at local situation^ first, because many responsibilities for improvement in these areas lie close to home, and the potential for effective leadership in finding solutions is in the membership. C OR I WE FRETT PLAN WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Frett of -919 W. Victorig street. McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, C'orinne Marie, to Robert A. Pisha of Woodstock, the son of Mrs. Veronica Pisha and the late Adolph Pisha of Woodstock. Corinne, a 1965 graduate of McHenry liigh school, is assistant service manager for a locul food store. Her tiance is employed as a journeyman butcher for the same firm in Mundelein. A Sept. 6 wedding is planned. of Mc Henry county is a voluntary eftort. they ha\ e no funds for music or travel. Therefore, a tree will offering will be taken. The members of the Congregational - I'niversalist church welcome everyone to attend this unusual and inspirational service. County Youth Orchestra To Perform Sunday The close relationship between music and worship will be emphasized next Sunday at the Congregational-Universalist church of Woodstock. Taking a featured role in the morning service on March 23 will be the recently formed McHenry county youth orchestra. This group was organized in September. 19^8. under the direction of Vernon Hajeck. orchestra director, District 47. Crystal Lake. It provides the youth of Mc Henry county an opportunity to participate in an orchestra and to learn to play string instruments. At the Congregational-l'niversalist church the orchestra will present a full concert program. Among their selections will be Handel's •• Water Music" and '• Music for Orchestra" by Vaelau Nellybel. They will also play an unpublished composition. ••Concert for Trombones," by Norman Ley den. This piece was first presented in 1959 by the youth orchestra of Rochester. New York. Because the youth orchestra UNDERGOES SURGERY Mrs. l.ouis Block of Wonder i.ake'was scheduled to undergo bone surgery Thursday at Skokie \ alley Community hospital. Skokie. A watch, manufactured in S6. Has recently dug fromthe :he earthquake-ruined cit> of Fori Royal. Jamaica -- whic:- was destroyed on June 7. 1 rui The ONLY G U A R A N T E E D AFRICAN VIOLET BLOSSOMER NU-BUD $1.00 Available at BEN* FRANKLIN RUCK'S HARDWARE LOCKER'S FLOWERS BUSSES ooooooooooooooooooi BOOKS OFF | c E sup/lies O F F I C E FURNITURE Riverside Books & Stationery 1325 N. R:versice Dr. Ph.3S5-~l4C McHenr\ £)W>! SAI.I.Y HAR 1'F.R SET JUNE WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. carl J. Harper of Wild Rose valley, St. Charles, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sally, to Philip He 1 wig. son of Mr. and Mrs. William He 1 wig of Greenfield, Wis. Miss Harper received her Bachelor of Music degree from Drury college, Springfield. Mo., and is taking graduate work at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. She is presently employed.in the accounting division of the American Dairy association in Chicago. Mr. Helwig received his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Milton college, Milton, W is., and is taking graduate work at Northern Illinois university at DeKalb. He is now teaching music in the public schools in McHenry. A June wedding is planned. Junior High YMCA Dance The Lake Region YMCA has scheduled its March Junior high dance for March 21 at the Lakewood Village hall, 2500 Lake avenue, Crystal Lake. Interested seventh and eighth grade residents from Algonquin, Cary, Crystal Lake, Fox River Grove, Huntley, Island Lake, Lake in the Hills, Lakemoor. Lakewood, McHenry, Oakwood Hills, Ridgefield, Wonder Lake and Woodstock are invited to attend this popular event. The doors will open at 7 p.m. and the dancing begins at 7:30 and continues until 10p.m. No youth will be admitted after S p.m. and participant's are required to stay until 10 p.m. unless an adult requests permission for them to leave. When the dance is dismissed, the YMCA requests that all participants be picked up by a responsible adult and not allowed to wander alone in the area. The YMCA provides adequate adult supervision during the dancing. The feature of the activity, which has most appealed to the youth, is the live music which is presented at each dance. The fee for the dance is minimal for non-members of the "Y" and the dance is free to YMCA members. Refreshments are served free of charge at the dance. Additional information is available at the Lake Region YMCA, 65 N. Williams street, Crystal Lake. FRIENDSHIP CLUB MEETS FOR POT-LUCK The Friendship club of the First United Methodist church met Saturday night for the regular pot-luck dinner and meeting in the church dining room. The business session was presided over by President Elmer Stange. After the short business session. Clara Swanson led the devotional service. The entertainment was in charge of Esther and Walter Sims, consisting of various games. Old Fashioned Pitcher Glass Chicken COMP! Potatoes Sloppy mon 6:00 P. M. to 11:00 P.M Al's While House | 2028 Rte. 120 Phone 385-9892 McHenry Youth Groups Of Area Enjoy Swim Party The youth group of St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry, was host on Sunday, March 16, to the youth of St. Mary's Episcopal church, Crystal Lake, St. Anne's, Woodstock and Christ church, Harvard, at a mid-Lent swim party in the new pool of McHenry high school. Fr. Jones of Crystal Lake, Fr. Brown of Woodstock and Er. McKay of McHenry, with several lay advisors, were chaperones. Mrs. Lloyd Wagner, Mrs. ANNUAL DINNER -- American Legion Auxiliary Unit 491 enjoyed its second annual unit dinner held March 16 at the Legion home, with thirty-two present, of whom sixteen were past presidents. Husbands were guests, along with Unit President Reba Owen, Commander Francis Pickett and his wife. The unit at present has thiry-two past president member- Shirley Strach, Mrs. George Boehlke and Mrs. Joseph Chudek served a barbeque supper at St. Paul's after the service. ships. Attending the dinner, pictured in first row, were Lydia Fenner, Evelyn Ficek, Paulline Pickett and Eleanor Reid; second row, Pearl Pietsch, Elizabet Schoewer, Ann Thennes and Pearl Saunders; third row, Eva Sparks, Edie Myers, Minnie Meyer, Marie Howe, Lauretta Homo, Henrietta Vycital, Frances Matchen and Frances White. M SHOW FILM AT HOLY NAME MEET St. Patrick's Holy Name society will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 24, at 8 o'clock in the church hall. ^ John Rogers will have an interesting film on fishing in Canada. Refreshments will be served. y SHERRY ZAWTSLAK ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED -- Mr. and Mrs. William Zawislak of 1413 Bay view lane. McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sherry, to Harold Caley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caley of Sunnyside. A June wedding is planned. Mi mm BARBARA MICHELS BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED - Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Michels of 1121 W. Goodview, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to John- P. Plutshack of Evanston. His parents are Robert Plutshack and Phyllis Sorenson, both of Menomonie, Wis. Miss Michels is presently attending Mulleins School of Beauty Culture in Waukegaru She is a 1968 graduate of McHenry high school. Her fiance is employed by an hosptial supply firm in Evanston as a computer programmer. He is a 1961 graduate of Menomonie high school. No definite date has been set. SHARON GERRIE ENGAGEMENT TOLD -- Kenneth Gnadt of 3220 Bong street, Wonder Lake, announces the engagement of his step-daughter, Sharon Lee Gerxie, to James Richard Perryman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perryman of Wauconda. Sharon is a 1968 graduate of McHenry high school and presently is attending Mueller School of Beauty Culture in Waukegaru Her fiance, who attended Wauconda high, has just been discharged from the Army, where he spent two and a half years in Germany. He will start college this fall, working toward a major in business administration. Sept. 6 has been set for their wedding INTERNATIONAL CABARET An evening filled with entertainment by some of the community's most talented performers is promised at the Woodstock AFS International Cabaret on Saturday, March 22, at the YEW hall in that city. Music for dancing by a group that plays for both young and mature tastes, folk songs by Darlene Fiske, a '-Roaring Twenties" act by one of Director Paul Beringer's singingdancing groups from the Cry stal Lake high school, characteristic guitar and vocal selections by Jeff Biel assisted by Allen Fyfe, and songs by- Woodstock's own Preston Mattix are planned. The International Cabaret will be open from 8 to midnight, and tickets will be available at the door. President Hayes was the first occupant of the White House to use the telephone -- he had one installed in the hallin 1880. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS -ley... mew mow! ION MOTS m 9Be5 Bayon-acetates in solids and menswear checks. Durable Press Avnl8 rayon and cotton in stripes. In Sizes 8-1 8 $4 99 BEN^FRANKLIN McHenry, III. 9 P.M. •I 12 6 5 N. GREEN ST. MCH ENRY, III.