I PG. 6 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. MARCH 28, 1969 )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCC*>aOOOOOOOOOOOUOC tj COMING E VENTS APRIL 2 Citizen's Advisory Council Meeting -- West Campus High School Auditorium -- School Board Candidates Will Appear. APRIL 7 McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting -- 9:30 a.m. -- First United Methodist Church. Pi Alpha Meeting -- Adele Sabel's Home -- Crystal Lake- Program - How Is Your Conversation? -- Presented By Sharon MacManaway and Mary Ann Schutt. . APRIL 8 O.E.S. Advance Night -- 8 p.m.-- Acacia Hall. APRIL 9 V.F.W. Auxiliary Card Party -- V.F.W. Hall -- 7:30 p.m. APRIL 11 McHenry Woman's Club Meeting -- 1 p.m. -- Zion Lutheran Church. APRIL 13 Pancake Day -- Sponsored By Kiwanis Club -- 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. -- American Legion Home. APRIL 16 Lakeland Park Women's Club Salad Luncheon -- American Legion Hall -- 2505 N. Ringwood Road -- Serving Starts At 11:30 a.m. APRIL 18 Rummage Sale -- Sj^nsbred by Zion LutheranTadies Aid-- Rt. 120 West -- 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. APRIL 19 McHenry Woman's ClubBake Sale -- Benefit Mentally Retarded of McHenry County -- 9:30 a.m. -- Justen Furniture Store. V APRIL 21 Pi Alpha Meeting -- Maria Fisher's Home -- McHenry - Program -- Express Yourself - Presented By Barbara. Studley And Adele Sabel. APRIL 22 O.E.S. Stated Meeting -- 8 -p.m. -- Acacia Hall APRIL 30 Founder's Day Banquet Beta Sigma Phi. For GUESS WHAT'S THE MOST POPULAR SHOPPER 'EXTRA' OF ALL TIME? , .vin o«lr MOI?E FOR New York -- Everybody likes to get a-little something extra for his money. Merchants learned" that thousands of years ago, and in all the time since, those who most often succeeded were those who provided a greater added value for their customers. But in the centuries long gone some of the added attractions were peculiar, indeed, to say the least. At one time in Xne dim, dark past, Roman cosmetic manufacturers gave a tooth of a special kind of wolf (named Hyrcanian) as a premium to women who purchased their beauty aids. According to the explanation which has come down to us, the wolf's tooth was be lieved to have a mapc property. When handled correctly, it would enable the woman to keep the love of the man she had selected. The ancient Greek merchants also had a peculiar practice. In peddling images of the, Athenian gods, they offered special packets of incense as an extra for purchasers. The merchants claimed that the incense had ani aroma that met with the particular deity's approval. This m e r c h a n d i s i n g proved so popular that the merchants soon also established a market for repeat orders of the incense. . At a somewhat later time in history, some long-forgotten baker found out he could beat his competition by adding an extra. 13th roll or bun to the standard dozen. Before long the competition was doing it. too, and gave rise to the expression "baker's dozen." (lenerations ago in New Orleans the merchandising practice called "lagnjappe" the Cajun expression meaning a little something extra -. became a standard retailing tradition. Since the founding of this country the most successful merchants have always fea tured an extra of some kind or other with purchases. Many of today's elders remember such things as peppermint sticks for the kids, or the cracker or pickle barrel for pop- not to mention the pot-bellied stove around which many a discussion of public affairs took place. Still later came the free piece of cheese on the hunk of apple pie. the mustard for1 the hotdog and the two-forone special, such as the double-header baseball game. Today's merchants offer many more extras:.,tree parking or delivery, weekly specials, "loss leaders," credit, local newspaper advertising to advise the housewife of bargains, convenient store loc a t i o n s , a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g , a t tractive decor; and so on. But guess what has proved to be the most successful single idea of all time? It's nothing more than a little square piece of gummed paper. You know it as the trading stamp. It has become bv far the most popular merchandising promotion device in all history. both with customers and merchants. The trading stamp idea won quick acceptance with the public when it was first introduced in this country 72 years ago. and ever since has continued to grow in consumer favor. A national survey com pleted a few months ago showed that more than 8 out of 10 U.S. households are stamp savers. This is a record figure. Stamp popularity is attributable to a number of things. The chief ones are that the customer gets the stamps, redeemable for high quality merchandise, at no raise in store prices, and that all customers get the benefits equally on the basis of the amount spent. Individuals or groups wish ing to know more details of how trading stamps benefit consumers may obtain an in formative booklet, entitled "What You Should Know About Trading Stamps." bv writing the Trading Stamp Institute of America, Inc., at 11 Broadwav. New York, N. Y. 10004. ' < WINNERS . . . Fran Gar t e n , 1 7 , l e f t , of G r e a t Neck, New York, winner of Miss America Tecn-Ager Contest at Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey, chats with Pamela Anicich, right, Queen of the 1969 T o u r n a m e n t of R o s e s in Pasadena, California. Fran is touring the United States on behalf of the American Cancer Society. THE McHENRY AREAS REAL ESTATE MARKET ^Fxclusive Buying A Home . . . . Selling A Home .... r--. ^ Cooperating Brokers • Northern Illinois Really Serv., Inc. • Earl Walsh Real Estate • Wieser And Associates • Alias Realty • Glenn Draper Real Estate • Essex & CosteUo • John Fnhler Real Estate • Kent Corporation • McHenry Realty • Heinen-Amandes, Inc. • Pollock-Phillips Really Serv. • Ted Curry Realty • Twin Oaks Realty • Joe Nischan Real Estate ISTING ERVICE aoooPQOOOOOPuuoQorjaQooocipTaonoooooooooooooooqpooooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooop _ < JiTiiTiriiTiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiinirtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriijiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHifi REALTY Ted Curry R ea Itor 815-385-7190 Welcome Home Modern 3 bedroom ranch with siding for easy maintenance. Large, work-saving kitchen with good-sized dining area. Includes refrigerator, stove and dryer. Located on heavily wooded double lot with excellent landscaping. Completely air conditioned, attached garage and water rights $23,500 IB Modern, all brick 3 bedroom 'ranch located on wooded corner lot. Living room with fireplace and dining area, abundant cupboards m kitchen including all appliance^ and new fireez6r-refrigera3tor combination. Full base* ment with family roona^und bar, oversized 2 car garage and large yard with swimming pool. Low $3Cs. Modern, 3 bedroom aluminum sided ranch located close to town. Good sized living room with parquet floors, bright, cheery kitchen and dining area overlooking lovely landscaped lot. Attached garage. $15,500. WHEN ITS YOUR MOVE, WE'LL HELP YOU! Ted Curry Realtor { 3106 W. Route 120, McHenry, Illinois & 3-28-69 Route 12 - McHenry bounty - starts at Nipperaink Ireek runs North to Pis'.akee Highlands Channel - Zoned B-l Price: /fl - V • - n. ,!>00 ,,OOC ite: 1st Parcel - 16.09 Acres, is across channel - completely surrounded by water. / Level land - $50,000 2nd Parcel - ^.93 Acres with 1135 Ft. frontage on Route 12 - Approximately 300' deep - $100,Ooo or will divide at Si10 foot frontage. VFRY DESIRABLE LAH) - ZONED B-l. SUITABLE FOR MA? Y '.'SES. sxemFrr location or h~wly ro"te 12 - in heart OF VACATION MFD - SUTTAPLE FOR M<5*T At Y TYPE PfJSFKS% resort, yrrrL, powtp'g a!u:v or oth-r. n * t/t ttc. We need listings of homes, farms, acreage, in all sizes and price brackets. We have many buyers waiting. Property placed in our hands is in good hands. ^1 n 111 n !i 1 ft 111111111IIITI n 1 ri 1 u n iniTi 1T1T1 iTiTTiTm ill mTi m 1 m IN iTiTTm mTTin in n 111 ill n 1TT (TiTTL POLLOCK-PHILLIPS Offer • j WATERFRONT Now is the time to look, and buy, if you want on the water by summer. This lovely year-round home features 3 carpeted bedrooms, "family-relaxing" living room with fireplace with beautiful view of the Fox river, 1% baths, 1188 square feet of living area, and the most storage space you ever saw. We can give prompt possession. $26,900.00 is the price. BEACH RIGHTS PEACEFUL AND QUIET Neighborhood, with just a short walk to the Lake for the fisherman, and large yard (120 by 150) for the flower and garden advocate. Cozy bungalow with fireplace, full basement, and 2 car garage. Taxes just $308.48. A good buy at $22,900.00. $16,900.00 will purchase this 3 bedroom bungalow in Pistakee Highlands. Living room is carpeted and bath is finished in ceramic. $274.32 covers real estate taxes. $600.00 down for person who can qualify forFHA. ' AMOVING TO ROSELLE AREA? Have 3 bedroom, brick ranch with fireplace. Priced at $31,500.00. LAKELAND PARK? We have a 2 bedroom at $15,500.00 and a 3 bedroom at $18,900.00. WOODSTOCK? Neat 5 room not far from downtown at $21,750.00. ACREAGE? 3 acres, beatuiful California ranch between Crystal Lake and Woodstock. PHONE US FOR FULL DETAILS 3412 W. Rt. 120 Fhone IBS-2800 Eves. -- Phone S8S-1IS8 or 497*8042 3-28-69 sflHiiiiiinniiiniiHiiiiHiiininiiniiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinHiHUiuiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHr. WHY RENT? SEE KENT (Wonder Lake Retirement Special) Very clean 2 bedroom home near lake, completely furnished, part basement. Asking $15,900. Make offer. (Country Club Sub.) Ideal for handyman this 2 bedroom home. Has family room with fireplace, garage and a 1 room guest house. Lot 60x253. River rights. Only $16,900. (Ideal To Fix Up For Income) 2 bedroom home only 10 years old. Needs some work. River rights. Asking $9,900. Make offer. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR hath! OR FOR RENT motB McHENRY REALTY EASTER BUNNY SPECIAL!! 2 B.R. frame w/wood panelled L.R., nice kitchen, well insulated, stove, refrig. & free standing metal cabinets incl. Also power lawn mower, carport and storage shed. Top of the hill! Beautiful view: $6,200.00. HERE'S YOUR GEM!! 3 B.R., 1% ceramic baths, full bsmt, 2-car att. gar., family room off beautiful cab. kitchen w/ceramic counter-divider, blt-in oven/range. Carpet & drapes incl. Blacktop driveway, cool, dry painted bsmt, all hardwood floors, excellent landscaping and a 20x16 cement patio .... All for $23*500.00 WITH FOX RIVER PRIVILEGES!! 2 B.R. brick ranch on beautifully landscaped lot, fruit trees and a wishing well in back yard. Beautiful fireplace in L.R., nice sized dining rooom, 4 thermopane windows, carpeting and drapes, included. 1-car att gar., awnings, utility shed on rear of brick patio. A real buy at $18,500.00. 7 ACTIVE SALES PEOPLE TO SERVE YOUR EVERY NEED! WE NEED MORE LISTINGS AND GUARANTEE FAST SERVICE! McHENRY REALTY Active member of EJLS. of McHenry (Exclusive Listing Service) PHONE 385-5922 or 885-0288 8918 West Main Street McHenry, Illinois, UAA. 3-28-69 "DONT JUST WISH -- HAVE THIS" OUT IN THE COUNTRY, but definitely not roughing it. We have been entrusted with the sale of this charming ranch, only a hop, skip and a jump to major . shopping. 1 This 2 B.R. ranch has about 3 acres with fruit trees and lost of evergreens. 2 car attached garage. Listed at only $30,000.. A WHALE OF A BUY -- On a quiet residential street and clean as a whistle, this 2 B.R. home is close to all shopping. Full basement, hardwood floors, 1 car attached garage. Cement drive-way. Lovely lawn and shade trees. PRICED AT ONLY $21,500.00 LISTINGS NEEDED AT ONCE. PLEASE CALL US TODAY FOR FREE APPRAISAL WHEN LISTING YOUR JBE WISER -SEE WIESER 8 BEDROOM - FULL BASEMENT v, •V. iW.S'Jfchi IPffPI 3 bedroom frame ranch w/full basement and 2 car detached garage. On large lot w/oak trees, rear yard fenced-in. Blacktop driveway. Extras include water softener, draperies, 220 wiring, storms & screens, etc. The home for you for ONLY $22,500. MAKE AN OFFER ! 2-3 bedroom home on the river, within 2 blocks of Riverside Drive shopping district. Large living room, separate dining area, large kitchen, natural stone fireplace. Extras include electric oven/range, refrigerator, carpeting, draperies, AIR CONDITIONED. Large 50' x 219' lot w/steel seawall and 1 car detached garage. Buy now before the river season starts and prices go up. LOOK THESE OVER ANp ^ CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION 2 BEDROOM, 5 room frame ranch -- $12,500. 2 BEDROOM, 5 room frame ranch w/basement, 1% baths -- $15,900. 3 BEDROOM, 7 room frame ranch, 1V6 baths, large lot --$21,500. 4 BEDROOMS, 1% story, Cooney Heights -- $23,500. INCOME PROPERTY on Riverside Drive -- $31,500. BRAND NEW 4 bedroom Traditional Colonial, 2% baths, on the waterfront -- $34,500. 9 ROOM older house in excellent shape, recently iremodeled, on the Fox River -- $40,000. 7 ROOM brick & frame ranch, like new, on secluded private lake -- $40,000. 10 ROOM stone ranch, Edgebrook Heights, loaded with extras -- $43,500. 7 ROOM brick ranch on the Fox River, hear town -- $48,500. 9 ROOM Executive brick ranch on 1% acres, near town -- $65,000. 5 ACRES -- JUST REDUCED This fine 3 bedroom home is situated on 5 acres w/640' of road frontage, has just been reduced to ONLY $33,900. Must be seen to be appreciated. JUST LISTED 3 bedroom brick ranch with full basement, 1 car attached garage, concrete driveway and on a large 100x170' lot. Near church and schools. Priced to sell at only $24,900. OPEN SUNDAYS Noon to 5:00 pan. WIESER AND ASSOCIATES LET US SELL YOUR HOME 1828 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 885-4880 3-28-69 p00PX-roBtipUo mil fiatatf rn. "Where Service Comes First" CHECK THIS ONE! 3 B.R. Brick & Frame Ranch, large kit. w/built-in oven & range, carpeted thru-out, on corner lot. Quick occupancy. $16,500.00 FULL BASEMENT, FIREPLACE, ATTACHED GARAGE 3 BRs, kit. w/built-in oven & range plus refrig. & freezer! Homey LR, screened-in porch, plenty of ° storage room. Call EARLY for appointment to see this one! $20,200.00 NOW IS THE TIME TO SEE THIS 3 BR, 2\'i bath, 2 story home near all schools and shopping. Carpeted LR and stairway. Fam. room with wood-burning fireplace. Large kit. w/many cabinets, built-in oven & range & dishwasher. Many, many extras in this PERFECT FAMILY HOME. Immediate occupancy. $34,500.00 GEARED FOR BUSINESS? Over 23,000 sq. ft. of business property for sale right on Highway 120! Build on or live-in and remodel!! Priced in high teens! IF YOU'RE GOING TO BUILD A HOME, DON'T FORGET TO BUY A LOT Lovely 80 x 200 plus lot - backs up to wooded area with beautiful view - cleared and ready for building. $2,600.00 Nice corner lot, 73x133 in city limits $2,390.00 Have you seen beautiful Worthmore Estates? See this 71% x 141' lot. Subdivision has fine private beach & playground & docking facilities. Sail your boat thru the entire Chain-O-Lakes! Only $3,850.00 HAVE YOU SEEN THE LATEST AT COVERED BRIDGE TRAILS? pB0px-rostpllo rral patatp rn. Cooperating Member of Associated Listing Service HOURS DAILY 9 to 5 Sunday 12 - 5 pan. _ S85-7050 El 8717 W. Elm McHenry (Across from Jewel Tea) 866 Virginia St., Crystal Lake 3-28-69 fSTlt* JOHN FUHLER HEAL ESTATE Has a better buy for you! wta ' rn.i, !•> .w-"- NO NEED TO LOOK FURTHER for that quality brick home in close to town. Large carpeted living room with fireplace. Two bedrooms. Spacious kitchen with eating area iand pantry. Utility room, enclosed porch with jalousie windows and iVz car garage. Extras too numerous to list. Asking -- $24,000.00 JUST LISTED Two-story older home in town. 3 or 4 bedrooms. Knotty pine panelled den. Carpeted living room. Separate dining room. iy2 baths. Stainless steel sink and oven in kitchen, plus walk-irr pantry. 2-Car garage. Walking distance to town. Asking -- $21,000.00 IF PRICE IS A FACTOR And quality a must, see this 3-bedroom ranch in Hunterville Park. Carpeted living room and good size kitchen. Sliding glass doors to concrete patio from dining area. Fibreglass and aluminum awnings. Beach rights. Asking -- $15,000.00 WHISPERING HILLS Retirement home. 2 bedrooms. Ranch, like new. All rooms large size. New wall to wall carpeting ih living room and 2 bedrooms. Utility room 9* x 21*. Rear patio 12' x 12', covered by overhanging awnings. Gas heat. 2 car garage. $19,250. FOX RIVER 3 bedroom Cape Cod. Near Johnsburg. Master bedroom up. 18' x 30' carpeted. Gas heat. 1 car garage. Lot 66' x 175' on water. $17,500. McHENRY SHORES 3 bedroom ranch. Like new. On channel, 150' from channel. All rooms large size. Wall to wall carpeting in living room and dining room. 2 baths. Gas heat.- 3 car garage. Cement seawall with built-in cement boat slip and boat. Reduced to sell. $35,500. LONG LAKE 3 bedroom, 2 story. Living, dining, kitchen. All rooms extra large size. Front of home on Long Lake. Rear garage has built-in boat slip on channel leading to Long Lake. Gas heat. Priced for fast sale. $19,500. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg 2801 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, Illinois PHONE 885-0087 !i$- 3-28-69 BE THE FIRST LADY You'll feel like a first lady when you move into this beautiful 2 bedroom brick home located in Jakana Heights. Lovely corner lot is located for privacy and landscaped for beauty. Large family room, built-in kitchen. Many extras. $24,500 THE PRICE IS RIGHT. So call for an appointment to see a small but well-kept home in Mc- Cullom Lake. 3 bedrooms and family room. $15,000 5 BEDROOMS in a very attractive 2 story home with carpeted living room and dining room and 50' of lakefront. If your family needs breathing room -- try this on for size. $24,500 EARL R. WALSH REAL ESTATE 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Dlinois Phone: 385-3300 or 385-4434 3-28-69 Start Your Spring Garden With A New Home FRI. MARCH 28, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 7 Easter Egg Hang-Ups To brighten yoirr Easter season, hang-up these colorfu "egg-plaques" to decorate the walls in your Kitchen or pla> room. Children love to dye eggs a custom brought to thi country by the Pennsylvania Dutch to help celebrate Paas, th Dutch word for Easter so let them, help you with these easy-to-make decorations. To blow eggs for the plaques, use sharp-pointed skewer, ice pick or manicure scissors to make hole the size of a small pea in each end of the egg. Be sure to puncture, the inner mertibrane. Blow through one end until contents are emptied. Rinse well and dye eggshells with cold-water fizz tablets. To make the wall plaques, select pastel-colored paper plates. Or try something a little different. Aluminum pie p l a t e s m a k e u n u s u a l backgrounds ... or cut a heavy piece of cardboard and cover with construction paper or gaily-colored felt or cotton. Make hangers from pipe stem cleaners inserted through plate. To make butterfly plaques, cut butterfly wings from construction paper: to make design, glue other shades and shapes of construction paper to wings; glue assembled wings to plate. Eor feelers, glue "V" shaped pipe stem cleaner int6 hole at largest end of egg. Glue egg to butterfly wings. To make Jhnver plaque bend one end of green pipt stem cleaner into small circli and bend circle to 90-degrei angle; insert other end o cleaner into pointed .end o egg and pull through hole a largest end of egg. Glui cleaner into place coverinj holes in eggshell. Glut eggshell to plate; being surt to let glue dry thoroughly Cut leaves from greei construction paper; creast i leaves lengthwise. Glue leave; 1 over end of cleaner to plate j For a more elaborate I flower plaque, why not makt. I a small bouquet of flowers' | Or make an "Egg-head" lad\ j to . decorate your plaque' j Paas-dye a blown eggshel j light pink. Mlike hair fron I yarn or crepe paper curlec J with scissors. Jewels, sequins | tape or felt make the eye: j and mouth or use i I fabric-tipped pen to draw tht facial features. So. do your own thing thi: Easter and hang-up a colorfu egg plaque. For furthei information on dyeing anc d e c o r a t i n g e g g s , w r i t i to; Special Assignment: Director, Paas Company, Bo> 377, Memphis, Tenn. 38101. Tax Tips In addition to, medical expenses, contributions, and taxes that can be deducted on form 1040, interest expense can be a big item for many of you who have home mortgages or installment loans. To be' deductible, interest must iSii for a debt for which you are legally liable. Interest on your home mortgage should be substantiated by statements from the mortgage holder and should show the interest you paid during the year 1968 as opposed to the amounts you paid for principal or escrow payments for taxes and insurance. Lenders' charges made in connection with home loans (sometimes called "points") are not interest nor are they considered a part of the cost of property. However, payments made for the privilege of prepaying the mortgage (often known as penalties) are deductible as interest. According to the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants, if you rent out a part of your residence, the interest attributable to that portion would be deducted on part 2 of schedule B or, in the case of a business, on schedule C. Interest on business loans should be deducted on schedule C even though the loan itself may be secured by your personal assets. Perhaps all this confuses you., and you feel you need personal advice. Your interest on installment payments may be an amount called a carrying charge. In this case you may deduct, as interest, either 6 percent of the average unpaid balance of your installment contract or that portion of the total carrying charge allocable to the year 1968, whichever is less. Interest which was subtracted from the face amount of a note and you received only the balince, can be deducted as the repayments are made. No interest deduction is allowed for a loan obtained to purchase tax exempt securities. Many loan payments are under an agreement to repay the principal first, so no interest deductions would be allowed until after the amount actually borrowed has been paid. In no case can more interest be deducted than the amount of the total payments made during 1968. That is, if you only paid $25 on a $500 loan, you could not deduct more interest than the $25 paid on the loan. Income should be reported in the year in which it is "constructively" received. You must report it when the money is credited to your account even though you don't have actual possession of the cash. An example would be interest earned on your saving account at the end of December but which you did not withdraw until later. Income you receive in advance for rents or for future services also should be r ported in the year receive Tips received by employe should be recorded daily a a written report must be giv your employer before the 1C day of the following month they amounted to $20 or mor Form 407A is available frc the IRS as a handy way to r part tips to your employe Your, share of service charg added to a restaurant patror bill, which are distributed mong several employees woi be reported by your employ on ^our W2 form. If the cu tomer adds an amount to I bill which is given to you 1 ter by your employer, it ? of course, a cash tip and shot be included in the tips rep< discussed above. You shot be sure to use form 1040 wh~ you have an additional tax d for tips you received duri the year. Life insurance premiur paid by your employer are co sidered income to the employ ' unless the right to permant insurance or benefits is fo feited if you leave your jc Also, if your company provid you with group life insuran in excess of $50,000, you mi include as income the porti of the premium applying that excess. Group hospita; zation premiums paid by t employer are not included income; but athletic club mer ber ships, visits to resort are or other such health-resorti amounts paid by your employ are considered income to yc Benefits received from uni unemployment benefit fun would be partially included income to the extent that mounts you received exce your payments into the fur Severance pay from your fc mer employer is income to y and fully taxable. While courtesy discounts r ceived from an employer purchases would not be taxab if they are of relatively srm value, rewards and bonuses a prizes for attainment of sal' goals are included as incom Christmas gifts of nomin value do not have to be ri ported unless they were in ca; or gift certificates, in whi. case they must be reported ; income regardless of thevalu Meals and lodging furnish* by your employer are not coi sidered income if they me« the following requirements: ai on the business premises the employer, are furnished f< his convenience, and you ai required (in the case of lod ing) to accept the lodging ? a condition of employment. eooooooooooooooeooi IT PAYS TO SHOP IN McHENRY