Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1969, p. 6

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PG. 6 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. APRIL 11, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEI1 Business Services FOR SALE OOFY DEADLINE Office Hours Dally 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CiftMlfled Display -- , Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads •-- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 9:3© a.m. Friday Paper Thursday 9:30 a.m. No Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent must be >paid In Advance. The Plalndealer Is not responsible for errors In classified ads after the first Insertion. Check your ad the first week and call our attention to any mistakes. This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELPWANTED ADS that indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGB DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division; USDL, Room 732, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. 60604. AUTOS 1966 YAMAHA, absolutely like new. 305 cc, low mileage, turn signals, $400. Call 385- 4292. 2-12-69TF1-2 Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ROUTE 120 1 Blk East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-67TF1 19671 STARCRAFT camper constellation, sleeps 8, stove and sink, ice box. Excellent condition, $1400. Call 385-3663 after 6 p.m. 4-2/4-11-69 1966 BRIDGESTONE, 175 cc., low mileage, excellent condition! Call 385-3292. 4-9/4-11-69 1965 FAIRLANE 500, Black beauty with 289 engine,automatic transmission, $750. Call 385-0170, ask for Gene. 4-9/4-11-69 1966 SUZUKI trail 80. Good condition. Low mileage, $200. Call 385-1025. 4-9/4-11-69 1965 G.M.C. handy van, 6 cylinder, 240 engine, $695. Call 459-9585. 4-9/4-11-69 1964 PONTIAC Grand Prix. Power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission and new tires, $625. Call 385-0145 after 6 p.m. 4-9/4-11-69 1967 xk. ton G.M.C., low mileage, 1965 1 ton dual wheels, 4 speed, grain box. Sell one or both. Heavy duty boat trailer, $75. Call 815-648-2075 4-11-69 AUTOS 1965 HONDA 305 Supfr Hawk. 7,000 actual miles. Excellent condition, $375. Call 385-3215 after 5 p.m: 4-9/4-11-69 ,1963 CHEVROLET Bel-Air, 4 door, 6 cylinder standard. Low mileage. One owner. Call 385-1019. 4-9/4-11-69 1961 CORVAIR WAGON. A-l condition, $250. Call 653-3961 4-9/4-11-69 1964 FUTURA Falcon convertible. Good condition. Going into service. Call 385-5536. 4-11-69 1964 PONTIAC convertible, power steering, power brakes, power windows. Good condition. Low mileage, $1,000. Call 459-6068. * 4-11-69 1967 HONDA Scrambler, 305 c.c., 2100 mileage, $400. Call 385-1124. 4-11-69 1965 VOLKSWAGEN convertible. Fine condition. New muffler, $1095. Call 385-3527 4-11/4-16-69 CLEAN 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, "6 Cylinder standard, 2 door hardtop. Nice buy. Call 385-5112 or 385-2533 4-11-69 1963 RAMBLER Ambassador, V-8. Excellent condition. CalJ 338-0433. 4-11-69 1964 CADILLAC Coupe De- Ville hardtop. Green & white, 2 door, full power, air conditioned, $1200. Call 338-5248 4-11-69 1967 YAMAHA Big Bear Scrambler with helmet, $475. Call 385-1329 after 5 p.m. 4-11/4-18-69 1969 FORD truck, 8 cylinder, white. 3,000 miles, $2400. Call 385-1329 after 5 p.m. 4-11/4-18-69 AUTOS 1954 CHEVROLET engine, 6 cylinder. Can hear it" run. $55. Call 385-6293 after 5:30 p.m. 4-11-69 1959 FORD Y2 ton pick up with 1963 motor. 420 N. Lake View Dr., Lakemoor, McHenry, in. 4-11/4-16-69 1967 PLYMOUTH Belvidere, 6 cylinder, stick. Excellent condition. 18,000 miles. Call 385- 5076. 4-11-69 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES McHENRY MUSIC CENTER MM WMt Elm Street McHenry. nilnoii 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available. 4r2-69TFl-2 INCOME TAX SERVICE PROMPT, ; ACCURATE HANDLING OF XOUR INDIVIDUAL TAX SITUATION McHENRY ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICE , 4410 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-4410 9 - 5 D a i l y 1966 SUPER Honda 90. Like new. 1,200 miles. $190. Call 385-6506. • 4-11-69 BUSXHESS SERVICES LILY LAKE L a n d s c a p i n g . Tractor work, seeding and sodding. Call 815-385-0161. 4-4-69TF1-2 RUG AND UPHOLSTERY Cleaners. Duraclean, world's safest process. Call 338-5109 or 338-4233 Woodstock. 4-2-69TF1-2 SEWING * MACHINE tune up. clean, adjust & lubricate in your home. $7.50 plus parts. Call 385-1561 for appointment. 4-2/4-16TF1-2 SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and recalibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St, McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282. 4-2-69TF1-2 G. C BLACKTOP SERVICE. Driveways and parking lots. We specialize in sealing and patching. For a small investment, sealer will make old driveways look like new. Free estimates. Call Fox Lake 312- 587-2053. 3-21/4-16-69 FREE ESTIMATES ROOFING - SIDING FURNACE Expert Installations" Call FRANK GANS Montgomery Ward Co. 385 1878 McHenry Days or Evenings 4-2/4-30-69 THINK ahead! Planning to have your home painted this summer? DON'T wait until June. Estimates never get lower during peak seasons. NOW is the time to let COLLEGE PAINTERS schedule your home for spring or summer. • Insured quality work For free estimates call 338-0769 4-2/4-30-69 CONCRETE WORK Sidewalks, driveways and patios (our specialty) work guaranteed. FREE ESTIMATES MDN CONCRETE CONTRACTORS 385-8197 after 6 p.m. 4-9/4-11-69 HORSES BOARDED. $30 per month. Nice riding area. Good care. 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood Rd. 385- 1298. 4-2-69TF1-2 HIGH prices paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., Call 385-6236 all day Saturday. 4-2/4-25-69TF1-2 WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE v 312-BA3-5634 4-2-S9TF1-2 ATTENTIONI McHENBY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why miss those important calls. WESTERN UNION SERVICE McHtnry Ttlcphon# Answering S©:?v!e# 385-0258 4-4-69TF2 UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, 111. ART'S •^RECOVERING • RESTYLING All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 4-4-69TF2 WETTELAND PAINTING 8c DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING -- Free estimates -- For the best in decorating CALL 385-3973 4-4-69TF2 USED LUMBER for sale. Ix6's. Phone 385-5839. 3-21-69TF FURNITURE of 11 model homes. Must sacrifice. Will separate. Terms. Mundelein. Call 312-566-6550. 3^26/4-30-69 8 PIECE walnut dining room set, $700 original, 2 months old, $350. Living room sofa, 1 chair, 3 tables. 3 lamps, $195. Terms. Mundelein. Call 312-566-6550. 3-26/4-30-69 EARLY AMERICAN maple furniture. Living room, bedroom and dining room. Builders samples. Up to 50% off. Terms. Mundelein, Call 312- 566-6550 3-26/4-30-69 2 blonde limed oak end tables and 1 coffee table, formica tops. Ideal for family room. Excellent condition. $10 each or all three for $25. 20" bike with new tires, $10. Call 815*653- 5866 after 5:30 p.m. 4-9/4-11-69 FURNITURE • Repairing • Stripping • Refinishing BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main Street McHenry after 5 p.m. CALL 385-0159 1-17-69TF2 HIDE-A-BED, $35; dinette set, S15; console TV $25; Call 385- 3279. 4-11-69 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE NATIONALLY * STATE ACCREDITED Lincoln Rd. £ Charles St. 38S-IU0 Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS. TUES-, WED., and FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 4-4-69TF2 NEW FLOOR for only •28811 *(A NEW BATHROOM FLOOR COSTS ONLY $16.30) cftdxofux Sales & Service JAMES VAN FLEET 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry Call after 4 pan. 385-6027 4-4-69TF2 "GET ATTENTION BOATS & MOTORS 24 FT. CRUISER and Trailer, ,$2,000. Sleeps 4. Galley, head, full canvas, pilot and co-pilot seats. Motor optional, $350. Call 385-3279. 4-11-69 'INBOARD 17 y2 ft. Correct Craft. 125 h.p. Gray, Marine and trailer, $600. Call 385-7167 4-9/4-11-69 16 FT. Garwood inboard. Good condition. Best offer. Call 385- 2562 4-11-69 1967 CENTURY RESORTER inboard; 17 Vz ft. long; 235 V8 engine; convertible top; completely refinished; less than 50 hours; trailer included. $4,800. Stored on Fox River. Call 312-386-9183. 4-9/4-11-69 LOST AND FOUND I LOST my full blonde wig in the vicinity of Pistakee Highlands near Route 12. Finder please call 497-3854 after 6 p.m. Reward. 4-9/4-11-69 FREE DEMONSTRATION (&FLEkTO seamless «*»'* FLOORING A Permanent Floor . . . PAINT IT ON! Fl.cto S«»mle*s,M is a new permanent flooring system that paints on right over any floorl No expensive installation costs . . . Ftecto Seamless™ is a colorful combination of random-shaped flakes laminated between layers of plastic . . . and any housewife can do it without closing down the room! • Flecto Seamless'" can be applied over almost any surface inside or outside, including linoleum, wood, concrete and resilient tile. You can quickly and easily add lasting beauty that n*Ver needs waxing to your kitchen, bathroom, hallways, patio, terrace -- any floor or table topi See a free demonstration of thlr new flooring system at: Ace Hardware 3729 W- Elm St. Mi-Henry, III. 385-0722 8-16-68TF2 REAL ESTATE WANTED For our many many prospects who come to us j [ for homes anywhere in McHenry county. WE OFFER THESE SERVICES •FREE PROFESSIONAL APPRAISING ^GUARANTEED ADVERTISING •THE BEST FINANCING Gitf us for • fret mark* tppra»(.and dbcu« our pten to nil your property B 401 Rollins RoacL Round Lake. Illinois Kimball 6-3100 Evenings - JUstice 7-8663 FOR SALE OAK FIREPLACE wood. Split and delivered. $25 per ton. Call McHenry Fence A Supply Co. 385-1469. 4-2-69TF1-2 DAVENPORT AND CHAIR. Good condition. $10 each. Call 385-2718 after 5 p.m. 4-9/4-11-69 8' x 4' POOL TABLE, boat lift, 1500 lb. capacity, 3000 lb. capacity, maple bunk beds, sofa hide-a-bed, dehumidifier. Various other household items. Call 385-7354 after 6 p.m. 4-9/4-11-69 WAGON WHEEL chair with maple finish wood and upholstered cushions. Good condition, $35. Call 385-1327. 4-9/4-11-69 18 AND 26 room martin and wren houses. Call 385-6319. 4-9/4-18-69 FOR SALE Used Comb. Alum. Doors All remaining combination windows, $8.00 also Used Interior Flush Doors and Casement Windows CHUCK'S G3 & MIRROl 385-3560 4-4-69TF2 Business Opportunity DU STY'S Pizzeria and restaurant established 8 years. Good financial income. By owner, $11,000. Call 385-4853 or 653-6310. 4-2-69TF1-2 Small Construction Company. Good year around business. Truck and equipment. $3500 cash. Write to box 213 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 4-9/4-11-69 EVERGREEN TREES Scotch, White and Red Pine. DIG YOUR OWN $5 and up CALL 385-1079 4-11/4-23-69 DRAIN OPENER FOR LADIES! FIREWATER the Liquid Drain Opener helps you with a messy job. easily. No fumes, convenient to use. Get your bottle of FIREWATER today at: Ace Hardware, 3729 W. Elm, McHenry, 385-0722 4-11-69 FOR SALE FOR SALE NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . . SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" - PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 385-0170 McHenry. IU. FOR better cleaning, to keep colors gleaming, use Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin. 4-11-69 FROM wall to wall, no soil at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Nye Drug 4-11-69 30 IN. Vista Stove and Westinghouse dryer. Good condition. Call 385-4595. 4-11-69 WENDA air conditioner, 8500 B.T.U., $75; paint srayer, $50, new. Call 385-0266 4-11/4-16-69 SAVE Big! Do your own rug and upholstery cleaning with Blue Lustre. Rent electric ;hampooer $1. Vycital's 4-11-69 MATCHING couch and chair, $25; single bed complete, $15; •ecliner chair, $40; drop leaf kitchen table, $10; antique dough table, $50. Call 385- 6537. 4-11-69 DINETTE with chairs, 4 room gas space heater, gas dryer, beds and dressers, lawn mower, end tables, ladies winter clothing, size 14; boy's size 6. 3903 E. Wonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake, 111. 4-11-69 HIDE-A-BED, very good condition. Early American settee. Refrigerator. Call 385-4208. 4-11/4-16-69 PIANO KEY BOARD organ. Cost $150 will sell for $50. 6.50 x 13 tire, picnic chest, misc. items. Call 385-1877 4-11-69 EVERGREENS, 2% to 3 feet. $2.50. You dig. Call 385-1019. 4-11:40 VICTORIAN antique round oak table with claw feet, refinished, $125. Automatic gas stove, like new, $65. Call 385-7268. 4-11-69 5% h.p. Johnson motor with 6 <?al. tank. Perfect condition, $60. Call 385-0310. 4-11-69 MAPLE bunk beds complete, excellent condition, $55. Call 385-0233 4-11-69 "HURRY OUR BUYERS WANT your farm, vacant acreage or rural property. call oar Rural Property Department T. P. MATHEWS 385-6341 or _ 653-2061 A> 4-2-69TF1-2 LAND WOODED AND VACANT 1 & 2 acre parcels between Crystal Lake and McHenry. Reasonable price and termys . RALPH BRUNS 459-2239 j. Box 186 Crystal Lake, 111. 4-2/4-11-69 REAL ESTATE T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS WONDER LAKE 5 room home with large family room and full basement. Situated on level lot with roomy area for children to safely roam. Don't be fooled by the low price. This modern home needs decorating, but is priced to sell -, $10,500 A big house that needs a little work. 4 bedrooms, full basement and garage. Living room and entryway, richly panelled. Large level corner location, and with all this low taxes. Call today $13,500 McHENRY 2 bedroom ranch with attached garage on good-sized lot, 1 mile front-' shopping center and train station. 11 x 20 living room, 12x14 kitchen with built-in oven/ range, gas heat. Near private lake and beach. $16,900 3 bedroom brick ranch with full basement, attached 2 Vz car garage on ONE ACRE. Located 5 miles NW of McHenry on paved road. Dog run plus horse shelter and paddock. All in A-l shape. $25,500 Here's one for the large family! 9 room, 2-story home on almost one acre. 16x30 living room, 10x13 dining room, 14x23 family room with stone fireplace, 2 baths, 5 bedrooms with 3rd bath roughed-in plus additional unfinished bedroom area. Attached garage. Gas hot water heat. By appointment only! Price $32,000 OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK TILL DARK T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since I960 Wonder Lak* flllnnlf Phones 88&-6M1 653-2061 4-11-69 FOR SALE by owner. 3 bedroom L shaped ranch home with 20j^4 panelled family room and fireplace. 1% car attached heated garage, " carpeted, cement drive, beautifully landscaped. Many extras. 1 block west of new shopping center. Call 385-3237 after 5 p.m. or weekends. 4-9/4-11-69 WONDER LAKE -- 2 flat lots, lake rights, for sale or trade. Call 312-244-6028. -4-4/4-30-69 McHENRY SHORES. 2 bedroom model home. 2 car garage. Immediate occupancy, $17,900. CaU 385-1322. 4-11-69 3 BEDROOM home. Call 365- 1160. 4-2-69TF1-2 McCULLOM LAKE, BY OWNER. 3 bedroom year round residence. Large lot, cabinet kitchen, partial basement, 1% car garage. Many extras, $14,500. CaU 385-3224. 3-28/4-11-69 SHOP IN McHENBY \

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