J V Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 4, 1929) Mrs. Arthur Krause entertained a party of fifteen girls at her home. The affair was in the nature of an Easter party and decorations in keeping with the season were used. The many friends of Mrs. Jenflie Oxtoby of Spring Grove will be sorry to hear that on Easter Sunday while attending the services she was taKeffwith another stroke. / Pt-ank Green's /truck from Wodstock iwas in/the Ostend neighborhood several times last week delivering stock to different farmers. Joseph J. Frett is the possessor of an invitation which was received by him on Oct. 20, 1892 to attend the Worlds Fair, which took placc in Chicago the following year. The invitation is a most interesting one of considerable size, measuring about nine by twelve inches and is in manuscript form, consisting of four pages. It was issued to "Joseph J. Frett and Lady" and was sent through a friend of Mr. Frett. At the time of the World's Fair Mr. Frett was connected with the Omaha Packing company in Chicago being affiliated with them for forty-two years. Alex Justen, who has been attending school at Fort Wayne, Ind., is quite ill with typhoid fever at St. Joseph's hospital in that city. ___ Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Mc- Cracken are moving this week from the home of Mrs. Agnes Wentworth on Waukegan street to the Richard Thompson home on the same street. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 6, 1944) The Joe Miller family has moved from Ringwood to the Meyer house on Washington street. Her many friends in McHenry weire sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Mary" Frisby O'Flaherty, 86, who passed away at St. Ann's home in Techny, 111., March 31. A member of a pioneer Mc Henry county family, she passed away after a lengthy illness. Friends have received announcements of the marriage of Mr. Robert Martin and Miss Thelma Grace Gundy of Los SPECIMEN DEMOCRATIC SPECIAL PRIMARY BALLOT To be voted May 6th, 1969 for the nominantion of candidate for Representative in the General Assembly to fill vacancy, in the Thirty-third Representative District, (comprised of the Townships of Riley, Marengo, Dunham. Chemung, Alden, Hartland, Seneca, Coral, Greenwood, Hebron. Richmond, Burton and McHenry) in the County of McHenrv. in the State of Illinois. T County Clerk DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY BALLOT FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT. (To Fill Vacancy) (Vote for one) • JOHN L. WINELAND Angeles. The ceremony was solemnized in LosAngeles March 30. A graduate of McHenry high school, the groom was employed at McGee's clothing store until the past year and one half, during which time he has been residing in Los- Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Col= lins and family attended a family gathering in the home of Mrs. Frank Lumber on Sunday, the get-together honoring Mrs. Collins' brother, Ernest, who is home on furlough after serving for many months in Italy. Honoring Harry Mueller, son •of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mueller, a delicious one o'clock dinner was enjoyed at Eva's restaurant last Sunday. Harry was one of three confirmed at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church on that day. A fire of unkown origin destroyed a great portion of the old Hale farm near Griswold Lake early last Sunday morning. The Irvin Hell family resided there. A lovely nuptial ceremony was performed in the rectory of St. Mary's church, McHenry, April 1, by Msgr. Nix. The marriage united Miss Helen Buch of this city and Mr. Robert W. Hahn, now stationed at Fort Sheridan. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 26, 1959) A summer resident of Pistakee Bay, Alice E. Arkema,' 17, daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Edward L.S. Arkema, was killed in an auto accident which occurred at Gilmer road and Illinois Rt. 83 near Prairie View. Mr. and Mrs. August Uttich were elected co-presidents of the McHenry community P.T.A. at a meeting held March 19, in the high school. The McHenry telephone business office will open its doors Monday, March 30, at 111 North Court street. The Kiwanis club of McHenry has formed a car pool to furnish transportation to voters in need of a ride to the polls in the coming elections. Mrs. Louisa Anderson, 68, of Lakemoor died in McHenry hospital March 23 where she had -been a patient for only a few hours. Your FORD dealer gives you two ways to save on your second car- 1 Maverick for $1995 First car of the 70 s ... at '60 prices! Gives you 9" more front shoulder room than VW ... a big 10.4 cu. ft. trunk . . . 105 hp . . . gas economy like an import! 2. A n-^ used Ford lor less Right now is the time to get a real buy on our latemodel, low-mileage "cream-puffs". Big choice of recent best-sellers... many loaded with most popular options! Get more car per dollar at •Manufacturer's suggested retail price for the car Price does not .ncluric optional white s.riewall tires 53? HO; dealer preparation charges if any. transportation charges, state and local taxes. Buss Ford Sales 3936 W. Main Street, McHenry, I I I . Slay Young -- You Can! Wed. April 23, 1969 - Plaindealer - Sec. 2, Pg. 3 Wine ... Maketh Glad the Heart of Men ... (from Brooklyn Veterans Administration Hospital) A breakfast of fruit, lean meat and tea laced with sherry, yvould be ideal for patients with angina; the painful heart disorder. Wine is also beneficial to pbst-operative ; patients ... when they find bland hospital diets or low-salt diets unattractive. Unlike many of the newer agents used in treating anxiety, a-Lcohol rarely causes a depression. How good are the new diet margarines? According to studies done here, they are apparently quite good, containing half the fat and half the calories of standard margarines. UP, not DOWN from Psychosomatics) ly pointed out that the habit of "putting down" others as a method of business of social behavior is 6xtremely dangerbus. "Putting up" with the actions of others is much healthier; it will enlarge the personality -- and reduce the stresses of life. Many self-made men could have used a lot of outside help. Shop In McHenry The Caverns of the Mind ... (from Dream and Sleep Laboratory) ^/Extrasensory perception 'fESP) is improved through hypnosis, according to recent reports from the University of Virginia, where valid scientific studies are currently being conducted. Although ESP is still "regarded as an unconscious process not subject to willful control, many people can be trained in it by using hypnotic techniques. Better Half ... (from the Washington) University of Miss Margo G. Colberg of Lilymoor and Mr. Robert Leone of Lakeland Park exchanged nuptial vows on March 17 in Woodstock. The McHenry V.F.W. Post 4600 and its auxiliary are proud of all it has done for local youth. They have three baseball fields, play grounds and picnic grounds. They support Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops also Cub Scouts take care of needy vetereans' families and award annual nurse scholarships. The V.F.W. post and auxiliary visit Downey hospital once every month, entertaining the boys, donating televisions, wheel chairs and many other items such as cigarettes, candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, fruit and many other gifts. SPECIMEN REPUBLICAN SPECIAL PRIMARY BALLOT To be voted May 6th. 1969-for thr nominantion of candidate for Representative in the General Assembly to fill vacancy, in the Thirty-third Representative District, (comprised of the Townships of Riley. Marengo. Dunham. Chemung. Alden, Hartlancl, Seneca. . Coral. Greenwood. Hebron. Richmond, Burton and McHenry) in the County of McHenry. in the State of Illinois. County Clerk REPUBLICAN PRIMARY BALLOT FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT. (To Fill Vacancy) (Vote for one) • CHARLES F. WHITFIELD • FREDERIC E. 90E9ERLEIN • R. BRUCE WADDELL a THOMAS R. "TOM" DAVIS . CARPETS & RUGS 1 .Kitchen"^ *f > NORTHERN ILLINOIS LARGEST STOCK 4% ft. wide 9 ft. wide 12 ft. wide "Knout# ^icutcOl 15 wide LEES TREND MOHAWK BARWICK ALEXANDER SMITH PHILADELPHIA MONARCH BIGEL0W OZITE WORLD ALD0N VIKING Come In and See Our Low Prices on Cash & Carry or Delivered or Installed by Our Factory Trained Carpet Mechanics FULL ROLLS COST LESS BUT FULL ROLLS LEAVE US WITH REMNANTS fTi No. 505 11'3" x 12' Brown Comm. Wool $225.00 NOW $99.95 No. 502 12' x 15' Beige 2-Tone Herculon $160.00 NOW $99.95 No. 519 12' x 14'9" Pearl Beige Polyester Sculpt. $159.95 NOW $129.95 No. 509 12' x 13'6" Soft Gold Nylon Tip Shear $126.00 NOW $90.00 No. 514 12' x 18'2" Frosted Olive Nylon Shag $192.00 NOW $120.00 No. 404 12' x 15' Comm. Wool Candy Stripe $290.00 NOW $100.00 No. 843 15'x 15'6" Antique Bronze Nylon $200.00 NOW $129.95 No. 840 15'x 15'4" Honey Gold Wool Tip-shear $189.95 NOW $149.95 No. 753 9'x 12' Green Antron Nylon Kitchen Carpet $132.00 NOW $99.50 No. 758 10' x 12' Tropic Sea Nylon Shag $89.95 NOW$79.95 No. 814 15'x 19'3" Lt. Rose rfeige Olefin Sculpt. $320.00 NOW $199.50 No. 820 7' x 12' Olive Rust Nylon Shag $59.95 NOW $39.95 No. 811 15' x 18'9" Oyster Beige Acrylic Sculpt. $279.00 NOW $179.95 No. 812 15' x 17' Persimmon Nylon Scroll $225.00 NOW $129.95 AND WE HAVE USED (TRADE-IN) RUGS TIDY CARPETS & RUGS HOURS: 8 A. to 9 P.M. Mon, Thurs. & Fri. -- 8 A.M.^o 5 P.M. Tues., Wed. & Sat. Closed Sundays. Inner City 14 & Hwy. 120 Woodstock Phone 338-1000 * ]